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- Aerobic: “With oxygen” - Involve working your muscles against

- Breathing controls resistance to improve strength, endurance,
- Cardiovascular exercise that involves and tone.
continuous ad rhythmic activities to elevate - Your muscles become stronger
the heart rate and improve the efficiency of - Kinds of activities, which includes resistance
the cardiovascular system. training and lifting weights, causes the
- Examples: Running, jogging, swimming, body’s muscles to work or hold against an
cycling, dancing, and aerobic classes applied force or weight.
- Benefits:
- Help improve cardiovascular health, BARRIERS TO PHYSICAL ACTIVITY
endurance, and respiratory function. - Lack of time: Busy schedules, work
- Aids in weight management, reduces the commitments, and family responsibilities
risk of chronic diseases such as heart can make it difficult for individuals to fins
disease, and enhances mood through the time for regular exercise.
release of endorphins. - Lack of Motivation: Finding the motivation
- GUIDELINES: to exercise, especially when faced with
- Always consider the number of aerobic competing priorities, can be challenging.
exercise sessions per week. - Physical Health Conditions: certain medical
- Start cardio exercises for at least 3 days a conditions, injuries, or chroming illnesses
week for the first few weeks, with not more can limit a person’s ability to engage in
than 2 days’ rest between sessions. certain types of physical activities.
- Afterwards, we can gradually increase the - Perceived Lack of Skill: Some individuals
frequency of exercise to 5 days a week. may fell that they lack the necessary skills or
knowledge to participate in specific sports
BONE STRENGHTENING or exercises, leading to lack of confidence.
- Weight-bearing or weight-loading exercises. - Environmental Factors: Factors such as
- Activities that force your body to work weathers, access to safe and suitable
against gravity, thereby promoting bone exercise environments, and availability of
density and strength. parks or gyms can impact a person’s ability
- EXAMPLES: Weightlifting, playing basketball, to engage in physical activities.
resistance training, hiking, jogging, and - Cost: Gym memberships, sports equipment,
activities that involve impact or jumping. and fitness classes can be expensive,
- BENEFITS: preventing some individuals from
- Build and maintaining bone density participating in physical activities.
- Reducing the risk of osteoporosis and - Fear of Injury: Concerns about getting
fractures. during exercise can deter individuals,
especially if they experienced previous
Bone growth- stimulated by physical stress brought injuries.
about thy physical activity. - Age and Physical Condition: Older adults or
- A skeletal muscles contact, they pull their those with physical limitations might feel
attachment on bones causing physical that exercise is not suitable for their age
stress. group or condition.
- This consequently stimulates tissues, - Mental Health Challenges: Issues such as
making it stronger and thicker. depression, anxiety, or low self-esteem can
impact a person’s motivation and ability t
Bone Hypertrophy- Bone strengthening activities engage in physical activity.
can increase density throughout our skeletal
- Work-related factors: Demanding jobs with
long hours, sedentary work environments, Lack of resources
and excessive travel can make it difficult to - Select activities that require facilities or
find time for exercise. equipment, such as walking, jogging,
- Transportation Issues: Lack of jumping rope, of calisthenics.
transportation or inconvenient public - Identify inexpensive, convenient resources
transportation options can make it available in your community (Community
challenging to reach exercise facilities or education programs, park and recreation
outdoor activity areas. programs, worksite programs, etc.)
- Lack of Awareness: Some individuals may Weather conditions
not be aware of the benefits of regular - Develop a set of regular activities that are
physical activity or how to incorporate it always available regardless of weather.
into their daily lives. Travel
- Put a jump rope in your suitcase
OVERCOMING BARRIERS - Walk the halls and climb the stairs in hotels
Lack of time - Stay in places with swimming pools or
- Identify your available time slots: Monitor exercise facilities
your daily activities for one week. Identify at - Bring your mp3 player your favorite aerobic
least three 30-minutes time slots you could exercise music.
use for physical activity. Family obligations (FOR PARENTS)
Lack of Motivation - Exercise with the kids: go for a walk
- Plan ahead: make physical activity a regular together, play tag or other running games,
part of your daily or weekly schedule and get an aerobic dance or exercise video for
write it on your calendar. kids and exercise together.
- Invite a friend to exercise with you on a Retirement years
regular basis - Look upon your retirement as an
Lack of Energy opportunity to become more active instead
- Schedule physical activity for times in the of less.
day or week when you feel energetic - Spend more time gardening, walking the
- Convince yourself that if you give it a dog, and playing with your grandchildren
chance, physical activity will increase your - Learn a new skill you’ve always been
energy level interested in, such as ballroom dancing,
Social influence square dancing, or swimming.
- Explain your interest in physical activity to - Now that you have the time, make regular
your friends and family or invite them to physical activity a part of your everyday
exercise with you. routine.
- Develop new friendships with physically
active people.
Fear of Injury
- Learn how to warm up and cool down to
prevent injury.
- Learn how to exercise appropriately
considering your age, fitness level, skill
level, and health status.
- Choose activities involving minimum risk.
Lack of Skills
- Selecting activities requiring no new skills,
such as walking, climbing stairs, or jogging.
- Take a class to develop new skills

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