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Microsoft Excel Beginner Training Program

About this course

Microsoft Excel remains the go-to spreadsheet software for millions of people around the world. If you
have been meaning to learn Excel for years but have not quite got around to it, or if you use Excel every
day but feel lost when you log in, then this course is for you.

Target participants
People who have little or no knowledge of Microsoft Excel and wants to learn beginner-level skills or
more experienced Excel users who want to learn the topics covered in this course.

• Familiarity with using a personal computer, mouse, and keyboard
• Comfortable in using Windows environment
• Ability to launch and close programs
• Navigate to information stored in the computer
• Manage files and folders

Training objective
You will discover practical and efficient Microsoft Excel usage as basic data entry and data processing

Training methodology
You will get an Excel activity workbook which contains all the necessary lessons for this training
program. By doing hands-on exercises, you will gain both knowledge and confidence to replicate the
skills learned into your real work and boost your competency level immediately. Lessons and activities
covered in this training are compatible with most Excel versions including Excel 365.

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Training contents
Module 1: Basic Data Entry
You will learn several data entry methods that will increase your efficiency and accuracy. You will learn:

1. Basic of data types

2. How to enter data and differentiate between data types
3. How to manipulate rows, columns, and cells
4. Working with outlines and hyperlinks
5. Utilizing the Fill Handle

Module 2: Data Formatting

You will discover practical usage of Font, Alignment, and Number ribbons to format data. You will learn:

1. Several strategies to select cells

2. Fonts, Alignments, Borders, and Styles
3. Understanding Themes

Module 3: Basic Formulas

You will learn how to utilize basic mathematical formulas and functions to increase your data processing
capabilities. You will learn:

1. Math operators and the order of operations

2. How to enter formulas
3. Using AutoSum
4. Understanding Cell References
5. Copying and modifying formulas and functions

Module 4: Rows and Columns

You will learn basic cells controls that will enable you to efficiently transform and display your data. In
addition to Module 1 previously described, you will learn:

1. Transposing rows and columns

2. Hide/Unhide rows and columns
3. Freezing panes

Module 5: Editing Worksheets

You will discover several data display and continuity controls to increase your work performance.

1. How to use Find, Replace, Find and Replace functions

2. Using Clear functions
3. Commonly used options in Paste Special function

Module 6: Printing Worksheets

You will learn basic worksheet controls to ensure correct printing setup. You will learn:

1. How to set Page Margin and Orientation

2. Selecting and adding Print Area
3. How to repeat your data headers in every page

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4. Setting up custom Headers and Footers

Module 7: Microsoft Excel New Features

As a bonus, you will be introduced to several new Microsoft Excel new features that can expedite your
work. Bonus contents will be announced and shared in-class session.

Training schedule
Training Contents Day 1 | Date | Time Duration
Icebreaking 9.00 am – 9.15 am 15 minutes
Module 1 9.15 am – 10.00 am 45 minutes
Morning Break 10.00 am – 10.15 am 15 minutes
Module 1 10.15 am – 11.00 am 45 minutes
Module 2 11.00 am – 12.30 pm 90 minutes
Lunch Break 12.30 pm – 2.00 pm 90 minutes
Module 3 2.00 pm – 3.30 pm 90 minutes
Evening Break 3.30 pm – 3.45 pm 15 minutes
Module 4 3.45 pm – 4.30 pm 45 minutes
Q&A 4.30 pm – 5.00 pm 30 minutes

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Training Contents Day 2 | Date | Time Duration
Re-cap 9.00 am – 9.15 am 15 minutes
Module 4 9.15 am – 10.00 am 45 minutes
Morning Break 10.00 am – 10.15 am 15 minutes
Module 5 10.15 am – 11.45 am 45 minutes
Module 6 11.45 am – 12.30 pm 45 minutes
Lunch Break 12.30 pm – 2.00 pm 90 minutes
Module 6 2.00 pm – 2.45 pm 45 minutes
Module 7 2.45 pm – 3.30 pm 45 minutes
Evening Break 3.30 pm – 3.45 pm 15 minutes
Module 7 3.45 pm – 4.30 pm 45 minutes
Q&A 4.30 pm – 5.00 pm 30 minutes

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Microsoft Excel Intermediate Training Program

About this course

In this Microsoft Excel Intermediate training class, you will improve your skill set by learning to work
with advanced formulas, lists and illustrations. You will also work with charts and advanced formatting
techniques including styles.

Target participants
People who have basic knowledge of Microsoft Excel and wants to learn intermediate-level skills or
more experienced Excel users who want to learn the topics covered in this course.

• Familiarity with using a personal computer, mouse, and keyboard
• Comfortable in using Windows environment
• Ability to launch and close programs
• Navigate to information stored in the computer
• Manage files and folders
• Have basic Microsoft Excel skills

Training objective
You will discover practical and efficient Microsoft Excel usage to increase your work performance.

Training methodology
You will get an Excel activity workbook which contains all the necessary lessons for this training
program. By doing hands-on exercises, you will gain both knowledge and confidence to replicate the
skills learned into your real work and boost your competency level immediately. Lessons and activities
covered in this training are compatible with most Excel versions including Excel 365.

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Training contents
Module 1: Advanced Formulas
You will discover advanced formulas and techniques available in Microsoft Excel to improve your
competency. You will learn:

1. How to create and use Named Range

2. Using formulas across multiple worksheets
3. IF functions
4. VLOOKUP function
5. MATCH – INDEX function
6. DATE function

Module 2: Working with List

You will discover the best methods of working with large data given as a list in Microsoft Excel. You will

1. Removing Duplicates from a list

2. Sorting and filtering data in a list
3. Using Subtotals to a list

Module 3: Working with Illustration

You will discover how adding illustrations to a worksheet can improve their look and feel and helps to
highlight your contents. You will learn:

1. Working with Clip Art

2. Working with Shapes
3. Working with SmartArt

Module 4: Data Visualization

You will discover various techniques to visualize your data for better understanding and readability. You
will learn:

1. Inserting charts
2. Charts controls
3. Modifying charts

Module 5: Working with Excel Table

You will discover how to use Excel Table and the benefits of utilizing Excel Table in your daily work. You
will learn:

1. Format a normal list to table

2. Using tables reference in formulas
3. Modifying tables
4. Convert table to data range

Module 6: Advanced Formatting

You will discover various methods of applying conditional formatting and how conditional formatting
can improve your work performance. You will learn:

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1. Using conditional formatting highlight cells
2. Using conditional formatting highlight top/bottom values
3. Using conditional formatting data bars
4. Using conditional formatting color scales
5. Using conditional formatting icon sets

Module 7: Microsoft Excel New Features

As a bonus, you will be introduced to several new Microsoft Excel new features that can expedite your
work. Bonus contents will be announced and shared in-class session.

Training schedule
Training Contents Day 1 | Date | Time Duration
Icebreaking 9.00 am – 9.15 am 15 minutes
Module 1 9.15 am – 10.00 am 45 minutes
Morning Break 10.00 am – 10.15 am 15 minutes
Module 1 10.15 am – 11.00 am 45 minutes
Module 2 11.00 am – 12.30 pm 90 minutes
Lunch Break 12.30 pm – 2.00 pm 90 minutes
Module 3 2.00 pm – 3.30 pm 90 minutes
Evening Break 3.30 pm – 3.45 pm 15 minutes
Module 4 3.45 pm – 4.30 pm 45 minutes
Q&A 4.30 pm – 5.00 pm 30 minutes

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Training Contents Day 2 | Date | Time Duration
Re-cap 9.00 am – 9.15 am 15 minutes
Module 4 9.15 am – 10.00 am 45 minutes
Morning Break 10.00 am – 10.15 am 15 minutes
Module 5 10.15 am – 11.45 am 45 minutes
Module 6 11.45 am – 12.30 pm 45 minutes
Lunch Break 12.30 pm – 2.00 pm 90 minutes
Module 6 2.00 pm – 2.45 pm 45 minutes
Module 7 2.45 pm – 3.30 pm 45 minutes
Evening Break 3.30 pm – 3.45 pm 15 minutes
Module 7 3.45 pm – 4.30 pm 45 minutes
Q&A 4.30 pm – 5.00 pm 30 minutes

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Microsoft Excel Advanced Training Program

About this course

Are you a data analyst looking for better ways to sort and collect data? Or are you simply looking to take
your Microsoft Excel skills to the advanced stage? In this Microsoft Excel Advanced training class, you
will gain the necessary skills to use pivot tables, audit and analyze worksheet data, utilize data tools,
collaborate with others, and create and manage macros.

Target participants
People who have intermediate-level knowledge of Microsoft Excel and wants to learn advanced-level
skills or more experienced Excel users who want to learn the topics covered in this course.

• Familiarity with using a personal computer, mouse, and keyboard
• Comfortable in using Windows environment
• Ability to launch and close programs
• Navigate to information stored in the computer
• Manage files and folders
• Have basic Microsoft Excel skills
• Basic understanding of security concepts such as authentication and authorization

Training objective
You will discover advanced Microsoft Excel usage to improve your working efficiency.

Training methodology
You will get an Excel activity workbook which contains all the necessary lessons for this training
program. By doing hands-on exercises, you will gain both knowledge and confidence to replicate the
skills learned into your real work and boost your competency level immediately. Lessons and activities
covered in this training are compatible with most Excel versions including Excel 365.

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Training contents
Module 1: Pivot Table & Pivot Charts
You will discover how to apply pivot tables and pivot charts to quickly analyze and visualize your data.
You will learn:

1. Creating pivot table

2. Inserting slicer
3. Working with pivot table
4. Inserting pivot charts
5. More pivot table functionality

Module 2: Auditing Formula

You will discover the most practical methods of auditing formulas in your worksheet. You will learn:

1. Tracing precedents
2. Tracing dependents
3. Evaluate formulas
4. Error checking
5. Show formulas

Module 3: Data Tools

You will discover the most used Data Tools which make it easy for you to manipulate data by quickly
extracting, joining, and performing complex calculations. You will learn:

1. Converting text to columns

2. Controlling calculation options
3. Data validation
4. Consolidating data
5. Goal seek

Module 4: Collaborating with Others

You will discover useful methods of preparing your workbooks for future collaboration with others to
ensure proper workbook security. You will learn:

1. Protecting worksheets and workbooks

Module 5: Introduction to Macros

You will discover the basics of recording and using Macros to expedite your mundane and repetitive
tasks in Microsoft Excel.

Module 6: Introduction to Power Query

You will discover the basics of using Power Query to efficiently work with several external data while
performing ETL operations that are Extracting, Transforming, and Loading data. You will learn:

1. Linking to external data

2. Extract data into table
3. Basic transformation operations
4. Creating Data Model and Data Connections

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5. Joining 2 tables

Module 7: Microsoft Excel New Features

As a bonus, you will be introduced to several new Microsoft Excel new features that can expedite your
work. Bonus contents will be announced and shared in-class session.

Training schedule
Training Contents Day 1 | Date | Time Duration
Icebreaking 9.00 am – 9.15 am 15 minutes
Module 1 9.15 am – 10.00 am 45 minutes
Morning Break 10.00 am – 10.15 am 15 minutes
Module 1 10.15 am – 11.00 am 45 minutes
Module 2 11.00 am – 12.30 pm 90 minutes
Lunch Break 12.30 pm – 2.00 pm 90 minutes
Module 3 2.00 pm – 3.30 pm 90 minutes
Evening Break 3.30 pm – 3.45 pm 15 minutes
Module 4 3.45 pm – 4.30 pm 45 minutes
Q&A 4.30 pm – 5.00 pm 30 minutes

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Training Contents Day 2 | Date | Time Duration
Re-cap 9.00 am – 9.15 am 15 minutes
Module 4 9.15 am – 10.00 am 45 minutes
Morning Break 10.00 am – 10.15 am 15 minutes
Module 5 10.15 am – 11.45 am 45 minutes
Module 6 11.45 am – 12.30 pm 45 minutes
Lunch Break 12.30 pm – 2.00 pm 90 minutes
Module 6 2.00 pm – 2.45 pm 45 minutes
Module 7 2.45 pm – 3.30 pm 45 minutes
Evening Break 3.30 pm – 3.45 pm 15 minutes
Module 7 3.45 pm – 4.30 pm 45 minutes
Q&A 4.30 pm – 5.00 pm 30 minutes

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