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Lesson 2: Mass and Energy Balances

Learning Outcomes: At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:
1. Understand the importance of mass and energy balances in food processing systems.
2. Use the mass and energy balances for a given food process or food processing operations.

Time Frame: 10 hrs


Direction: Answer each task or question written below.

1. What is the difference between mass balance and energy balance? Why are they both important in the
design of food process or food processing operations?
2. Discuss the principle of conservation of mass and conservation of energy. How are they related to mass
and energy balance?
3. Define the following:
a. Solvent h. dilute
b. Solute i. Inflow
c. Solution j. Outflow
d. Solute concentration k. accumulation
e. Saturation concentration l. Heat and specific heat
f. concentrated solution m. enthalpy
g. saturated

Material balance calculations are employed in tracing the inflow and outflow of material in a process and
thus establish quantities of components or the whole process stream. The procedures are useful in formulating
products to specified compositions from available raw materials, evaluating final compositions after blending,
evaluating processing yields, and evaluating separation efficiencies in mechanical separation systems.
On the other hand, energy balance calculations can be used to account for the various forms of energy
involved in a system. Energy audits are essential in identifying effectiveness of energy conservation measures and in
identifying areas where energy conservation can be done. The technique is also useful in the design of processing
systems involving heating or cooling to ensure that fluids used for heat exchange are adequately provided and that
the equipment is sized adequately to achieve the processing objective at the desired capacity. When energy exchange
involves a change in mass due to evaporation or condensation, energy balances can be used during formulation such
that after processing, the product will have the desired also
This lesson provides an overview of the importance of mass and energy balances and how they will be used
for a given food process or food processing operations. on how a process chart or diagrams are design and


Basic Principles: Law of Conservation of Mass

Material balances are based on the principle that matter is neither created nor destroyed. Thus, in any process,
a mass balance can be made as follows:

Inflow = Outflow + Accumulation

 Inflow may include formation of material by chemical reaction or microbial growth processes
 Outflow may include material depletion by chemical or biological reactions.
 If accumulation is 0, then the process is at steady state where:
inflow = outflow

 If the accumulation term is not 0, then the quantity and concentration of components in the system
could change with time and the process is an unsteady state.

Process flow Diagrams

Before formulating a material balance equation, visualize the process and determine the boundary of the
system for which the material balance is to be made. For example, consider a problem in crystallization of sugar. The
problem may be simply stated as follows:

 Determine the amount of sugar (water-free basis) that can be produced from 100 kg of sugar solution
that contains 20% by weight of sugar and 1% of a water-soluble un-crystallizable impurity. The solution
is concentrated to 75% sugar, cooled to 20◦C, centrifuged, and the crystals dried.

The problem statement is adequate to draw a process flow diagram as illustrated in Figure 1. But this flow
diagram does not give a complete picture of where various streams separate and leave the system. Figure 2 is a flow
diagram of the same process, but after taking into consideration how components partition in various steps in the
process, additional streams leaving the system are drawn in the diagram.

Figure 1. Process flow diagram for a crystallization problem

Figure 2. Process flow diagram for a crystallization problem showing input and exit streams and boundaries
subsystems for analyzing sections of the process.

As stated in the problem, the 100 kg of sugar solution contains 20% by weight of sugar and 1% of a water-
soluble un-crystallizable impurity. This 20% solution requires the removal of water to concentrate into 75% sugar.
Thus, water leaves the system at the evaporator. The process of cooling does not alter the mass; therefore, the same
process stream enters and leaves the crystallizer. Centrifugation separates most of the liquid phase from the solid
phase, and the crystals, the solid phase containing a small amount of retained solution, enter the drier. A liquid phase
leaves the system at the centrifuge. Water leaves the system at the drier.

Three physical principles involved in the problem are not stated:

1. Crystals will crystallize out of a solution when solute concentration exceeds the saturation concentration.
The solute concentration in the liquid phase is forced toward the saturation concentration as crystals are
formed. Given enough time to reach equilibrium, the liquid phase that leaves the system at the centrifuge is a
saturated sugar solution.
2. The crystals consist of pure solute and the only impurities are those adhering to the crystals from the solution.
3. It is not possible to completely eliminate the liquid from the solid phase by centrifugation. The amount of
impurities that will be retained with the sugar crystals depends on how efficiently the centrifuge separates the
solid from the liquid phase. This principle of solids purity being dependent on the degree of separation of the
solid from the liquid phase applies not only in crystallization but also in solvent extraction

In order to solve the problem, the saturation concentration of sugar in water at 20◦C, and the
water content of the crystals fraction after centrifugation must be known.

System Boundaries

Figure 2 shows how the boundaries of the system can be moved to facilitate solving the problem. If the
boundary completely encloses the whole process, there will be one stream entering and four streams leaving the
system. The boundary can also be set just around the evaporator in which case there is one stream entering and two
leaving. The boundary can also be set around the centrifuge or around the drier. A material balance can be carried out
around any of these subsystems or around the whole system. The material balance equation may be a total mass
balance or a component balance.

Total Mass Balance

 The equation “Law of Conservation of Mass,” represents a total mass balance when used on the total
weight of each stream entering or leaving a system. The following examples illustrate how total mass
balance equations are formulated for systems and subsystems.

Example 1. In an evaporator, dilute material enters and concentrated material leaves the system. Water is
evaporated during the process. If I is the weight of the dilute material entering the system, W is
the weight of water vaporized, and C is the weight of the concentrate, write an equation that
represents the total mass balance for the system. Assume that a steady state exists.

Solution: The problem statement describes a system depicted in Figure 3. The total mass balance is:

Inflow = Outflow + Accumulation

I = W + C (accumulation is 0 in a steady-state system)

Figure 3. Input and exit streams in an evaporation process

Example 2. Construct a diagram and set up a total mass balance for a dehydrator. Air enters at the rate of A
(lb/min), and wet material enters at W (lb/min). Dry material leaves the system at D (lb/min).
Assume steady state.

Solution: The problem statement describes a system (dehydrator) where air and wet material enters and dry
material leaves. Obviously, air must leave the system also, and water must leave the system. A
characteristic of a dehydrator not written into the problem statement is that water removed from
the solids is transferred to air and leaves the system with the air stream. Figure 4 shows the
dehydrator system and its boundaries. Also shown are two separate subsystems—one for the
solids and the other for air—with their corresponding boundaries. Considering the whole
dehydrator system, the total mass balance is:

Figure 4. Diagram of material flow in a dehydration process.

W+ A = wet air + D
Considering the air subsystem:
A + water = wet air
The mass balance for the solid’s subsystem is:
W = water + D

Example 3. Orange juice concentrate is made by concentrating single-strength juice to 65% solids followed
by dilution of the concentrate to 45% solids using single-strength juice. Draw a diagram for the
system and set up mass balances for the whole system and for as many subsystems as possible.

Solution: The problem statement describes a process illustrated in Figure 5. Consider a hypothetical
proportionator that separates the original juice (S) to that which is fed to the evaporator (F) and
that (A) which is used to dilute the 65% concentrate. Also, introduce a blender to indicate that
part of the process where the 65% concentrate (C65) and the single-strength juice are mixed to
produce the 45% concentrate (C45).

Figure 5. Diagram of an orange juice concentrate process involving evaporation and blending of
concentrate with freshly squeezed juice

The material balance equations for the whole system and the various subsystems are:
Overall: S = W + C45
Proportionator: S = F + A
Evaporator: F = W + C65
Blender: C65 + A = C45

Component Mass Balance

 The same principles apply as in the total mass balance except that the components are considered
individually. If there are n components, n independent equations can be formulated; one equation
for total mass balance and n − 1 component balance equations.
 Because the objective of a material balance problem is to identify the weights and composition of
various streams entering and leaving a system, it is often necessary to establish several equations
and simultaneously solve these equations to evaluate the unknowns. It is helpful to include the
known quantities of process streams and concentrations of components in the process diagram in order
that all streams where a component may be present can be easily accounted for.
 In a material balance, use mass units and concentration in mass fraction or mass percentage. If
the quantities are expressed in volume units, convert to mass units using density.
 A form of a component balance equation that is particularly useful in problems involving concentration
or dilution is the expression for the mass fraction or weight percentage.
Mass fraction A = Mass of Component A s
Total Mass of Mixture Containing A
 Rearrange the equation:
Total mass of mixture containing A = Mass of component A
Mass of fraction A

 Thus, if the weight of component A in a mixture is known, and its mass fraction in that
mixture is
known, the mass of the mixture can be easily calculated.

Example 4. Draw a diagram and set up a total mass and component balance equation for a crystallizer where
100 kg of a concentrated sugar solution containing 85% sucrose and 1% inert, water-soluble
impurities enters. Upon cooling, the sugar crystallizes from the solution. A centrifuge then
separates the crystals from a liquid fraction, called the mother liquor. The crystal slurry fraction
has, for 20% of its weight, a liquid having the same composition as the mother liquor. The
mother liquor contains 60% sucrose by weight.

Solution: The diagram for the process is shown in Figure 5. Based on a system boundary enclosing the
process of crystallization and centrifugation, the material balance equations are as follows:

Figure 6. Diagram showing composition and material flow in a crystallization process.

Total mass balance:

S=C+M Equation 1
where: S = 100 kg (mass of the concentrated sugar solution)
C = mass of the crystals
M = mass of the Mother Liquor

Component balance on sucrose:

S(0.85) = M(0.6) + C(0.2) (0.6) + C(0.8) Equation 2
 The term on the left is sucrose in the inlet stream.
 The first term on the right is sucrose in the mother liquor.
 The second term on the right is sucrose in mother liquor carried by crystals.
 The last term on the right is sucrose in the crystals.

Component balance on water:

S(0.14) = M(0.4 − X) + C(0.2) (0.4 − X) Equation 3
where: X = mass fraction (%) of impurity in the mother liquor
 The first term on the left is water in the inlet stream.
 The first term on the right is water in the mother liquor.
 The last term on the right is water in the mother liquor adhering to the crystals.

Component balance on impurity:

S(0.01) = M(X) + C(0.2)(X) Equation 4

Example 5. Refer to Example 4, what is the mass of the crystals (C) and the Mother Liquor (M)?
Determine also the mass fraction of impurity in the mother liquor (X).

Solution: Four equations were formulated but there are only three unknown quantities (C, M, and X). One
the equations is redundant.

Substitute Equation 1 to Equation 2:

From: S = C + M to M = 100 kg - C

S(0.85) = M(0.6) + C(0.2) (0.6) + C(0.8)

100 kg (0.85) = (100 kg – C) (0.6) + 0.12C + 0.8C

85 kg = 60 kg – 0.6C + 0.92C
0.32C = 25 kg
C = 78.125 kg (mass of the wet crystals)

Substitute C = 78.125 kg to equation 1

M = 100 kg – C
M = 100 kg – 78.125 kg
M = 21. 875 kg (mass of the mother liquor)

Substitute C = 78.125 kg and M = 21. 875 kg to equation 3 or 4

Using Equation 3:
S(0.14) = M(0.4 − X) + C(0.2) (0.4 − X)
100 kg (0.14) = 21875kg (0.4.– X) + [78.125 kg (0.2) (0.4 – X)]
14 kg = 8.75 kg − 21.875kg X + 6.25 kg – 15.625X
37.5 kg X = 1 kg
X = 0.0267 x 100%
X = 2.67% or

Using equation 4:
S(0.01) = M(X) + C(0.2)(X)
100 kg (0.01) = 21.875kg (X) + 0.2(78.125 kg) X
1 kg = 37.5 kg X
X = 0.0267 x 100%
X = 2.67% (mass fraction of impurity in the mother liquor)

Example 6. Draw a diagram and set up equations representing total mass balance and component mass
for a system involving the mixing of pork (15% protein, 20% fat, and 63% water) and backfat
(15% water, 80% fat, and 3% protein) to make 100 kg of a mixture containing 25% fat.

Figure 7. Composition and material flow in a blending process

The diagram is shown in Figure 7.

Total mass balance: P + B = 100
Fat balance: 0.2 P + 0.8 B = 0.25(100)

These two equations are solved simultaneously by substituting P = 100 − B into the second
0.2(100 kg − B) + 0.8 B = 25 kg

20 kg – 0.2B + 0.8B = 25 kg
B = (25 – 20) kg
(0.8 − 0.2)
B = 8.33 kg

P = 100 kg − 8.33 kg
P = 91.67 kg

Example 7. A pilot plant model of a falling film evaporator has an evaporation capacity of 10 kg water/h.
The system consists of a heater through which the fluid flows down in a thin film and the heated
fluid discharges into a collecting vessel maintained under a vacuum where flash evaporation
reduces the temperature of the heated fluid to the boiling point. In continuous operation, a
recirculating pump draws part of the concentrate from the reservoir, mixes this concentrate with
feed, and pumps the mixture through the heater. The recirculating pump moves 20 kg of fluid/h.
The fluid in the collecting vessel should be at the desired concentration for withdrawal from the
evaporator at any time. If feed enters at 5.5% solids and a 25% concentrate is desired, calculate:
A. the feed rate and concentrate production rate,
B. the amount of concentrate recycled, and
C. concentration of mixture of feed and recycled concentrate.

Solution: A diagram of the system is shown in Figure 8. Assume 1 hour as basis of operation.

Figure 8. Diagram of material flow in a falling Figure 9. Example of Falling Film Evaporator (Image
film evaporator with product recycle. from:
A. For feed rate and concentrate production rate
A mass and solids balance over the whole system will establish the quantity of feed and
concentrate produced per hour.
Total mass balance:
F=C+V where V = 10 kg (per hour of operation)
F = C + 10 Equation 1
Component Balance for Solids
F(5.5/100) = C(25/100)
F = 0.25 C
F = 4.545 C Equation 2
Substituting Equation 2 to Equation 1

4.545 C = C + 10
C= 10 kg h
C = 2.82 kg (amount of concentrate produced per hour of operation)

F = 4.545 (2.82 kg)

F = 12.82 kg (amount of feed used per hour of operation)
B. For the amount of concentrate recycled (for continuous operation)

Total mass balance around the recirculating pump

R + F = 20 Equation 3
R = 20 kg − 12.82 kg
R = 7.18 kg (amount of recycled concentrate per hour of operation)

C. For the concentration of mixture of feed and recycled concentrate

A material balance can be made around the part of the system where the vapor
separates from the heated fluid as shown in Figure 10.

Figure 10. Material flow in the falling film evaporator for the mixture of feed and recycled concentrate

Component Balance for Solids

20kg (x) = 10 kg(0.25)

x = 2.5 kg
x = 0.125 x 100%
x = 12.5% (mass percentage of solids in the mixture of feed and
recycled concentrate entering the heater)

Example 8. A food mix is to be made that would balance the amount of methionine (MET), a limiting amino
acid in terms of food protein nutritional value, by blending several types of plant proteins. Corn,
which contains 15% protein, has 1.2 g MET/100 g protein; soy flour with 55% protein has 1.7 g
MET/100 g protein; and nonfat dry milk with 36% protein has 3.2 g MET/100 g protein. How much
of these ingredients must be used to produce 100 kg of formula that contains 30% protein and 2.2 g
MET/100 g protein.

Solution: This will be solved by setting up a component balance on protein and methionine. Let C = kg corn,
S = kg soy flour, and M = kg nonfat dry milk. The material balance equations are:

Total mass:
C + S + M = 100

0.15C + 0.55S + 0.36 M = 30

0.18C + 0.935 S + 1.152 M = 66

The matrices representing the three simultaneous equations are:


The denominator matrix is resolved to:

The numerator matrix resolves as follows:


C + S + M = 46.25kg + 19.54kg + 34.2kg = 99.99 kg

First law of thermodynamics (law of conservation of energy) – basis of energy balance around a system

Basic energy balance equation:

Energy in = Energy out + Accumulation

 If the system is in a steady state, the accumulation term is zero.

 An unsteady-state system will have the accumulation term as a differential expression.
 The heat contents are expressed as enthalpy based on increase in enthalpy from a set reference
 Mechanical, electrical, or electromagnetic inputs must all be accounted for if their effects on the
total heat content are significant.
 If the system involves only an exchange of energy between two components, the energy balance
will be:
Energy gain by component 1 = Energy loss by component 2

Energy Terms:

Joule – SI unit of Energy.
Energy/time – rate of energy flow for microwave and radiant energy absorbed by a material.
Gray (Gy) – energy from ionizing radiation expressed as an absorbed dose. The base units are J/kg.
Rad – another accepted form for reporting absorbed ionizing radiation (100 rd = 1 Gy).

Heat (Q) – the energy that crosses a system’s boundaries due to a difference in temperature.
Sensible heat – defined as the energy transferred between two bodies at different temperatures, or the
energy present in a body by virtue of its temperature.
Latent heat – is the energy associated with phase transitions, heat of fusion, from solid to liquid, and
heat of vaporization, from liquid to vapor.

Enthalpy (H) – is an intrinsic thermodynamic variable of which the absolute value cannot be measured directly.
– It is expressed as:
H = E + PV

– The reference temperature (Tref) for determining the enthalpy of water in the steam tables
is 32.018◦F or 0.01◦C.
– The enthalpy of any component of a system that would be equivalent to the enthalpy of water
obtained from the steam tables, at any temperature T is given by:
H = Cp (T – T ref)

where: Cp is the specific heat at constant pressure

Specific Heat (of Solids and Liquids) - is the amount of heat that accompanies a unit change in temperature for a
unit mass.
– The specific heat, which varies with temperature, is more variable for gases compared with
liquids or solids because most solids and liquids have a constant specific heat over a fairly
wide temperature range.
– The enthalpy change of a material with mass m is:

– When average specific heats are given, the enthalpy change is:
q = m Cave (T2 − T1)

– Table 1 shows the average specific heats of various solids and liquids.

Table 1. Specific Heat of Food Products

Source: Adapted from Polley, S. L. Snyder, O. P., and Kotnour,

P. A. Compilation of thermal properties of foods. Food
Technol. 36(1):76, 1980

Specific heat Equations of food products with or without fat

 As observed by Siebel (1918), the specific heat varies with moisture content for fat-free fruits
and vegetables, purees and concentrates of plant origin, thus, it can be determined as the
weighted mean of the specific heat of water and the specific heat of the solids.
 For a fat-free plant material with a mass fraction of water equals to M and mass fraction of non-
fat solids equals to 1 − M, the specific heat of water above freezing is 1 BTU/(lb oF) or 4186.8
J/(kg K), and that of non-fat solids is 0.2 BTU/(lb oF) or 837.36 J/(kg.K). Thus, the weighted
average specific heat for unit mass of material above freezing is:

In BTU / (lb oF)
Cave = 1(M) + 0.2(1 − M)
= 0.8 M + 0.2

In J / (kg K)
Cave = 3349 M + 837.36

 When fat is present, the specific heat above freezing may be estimated from the mass fraction
fat (F), mass fraction solids non-fat (SNF), and mass fraction moisture (M), as follows:

In BTU / (lb oF)

Cave = 0.4 F + 0.2 SNF + M

In J / (kg K)
Cave = 1674.72 F + 837.36 SNF + 4l86.8 M

 Below freezing, it is not suitable to use specific heats for the whole mixture because the amount
of frozen and the unfrozen water vary at different temperatures. It will be necessary to consider
the latent heat of fusion of water, and sensible heats of liquid water and ice should be evaluated

Example 9. Calculate the specific heat of beef roast containing l5% protein, 20% fat, and 65%

In BTU / (lb oF)
Cave = 0.4 F + 0.2 SNF + M
= 0.4 (0.20) + 0.2 (0.15) + 1(0.65)
Cave = 0.76 BTU / (lb oF)

In J / (kg K)
Cave = 1674.72 F + 837.36 SNF + 4l86.8 M
Cave = 1674.72 (0.20) + 837.36 (0.15) + 4l86.8 (0.65)
Cave = 3181.968 J / (kg K)

Example 10. Calculate the specific heat of orange juice concentrate having a solids content of 45%.

Solution: The solids content of the orange juice concentrate is 45%. Considering 0% fat content,
the mass fraction moisture (M) is 55%. Using Siebel’s equation, the average specific heat
of orange juice concentrate is:

In BTU / (lb oF)

Cave = 0.8 M + 0.2
= 0.8 (0.55) + 0.2
Cave = 0.64 BTU / (lb oF)

In J / (kg K)
Cave = 3349 M + 837.36
Cave = 3349 (0.55) + 837.36
Cave = 2679.31 J / (kg K)

Example 11. Calculate the heat required to raise the temperature of a 4.535 kg (10 lb) roast
15% protein, 20% fat, and 65% water from 4.44oC (40 oF) to 65.55oC (150oF). Express
this energy in (a.) BTU, (b) Joules, and (c) Watt-hour (W.h).

Solution: The specific heat of beef roast containing l5% protein, 20% fat, and 65% water as shown

in Example 9 is Cave = 0.76 BTU / (lb. oF). Thus:

a. The energy in BTU is:

q = m Cave (T2 − T1)

q = 836 BTU

b. The energy in Joule is:

q = m Cave (T2 − T1)
3181.968 J
= 4.535 kg (338.55 – 277.44) K
kg. K
q = 881,831.04 J or 881.831 kJ

c. The energy in watt-hour is:

1W 1 hr
q = 881,831.04 J ( J )(
3600 s
q = 244.953 W. h

- Heat balance problems are facilitated by using diagrams that show process streams bringing heat and
taking heat out of a system. They are treated in the same manner as material balances.
- In heat balance, the amount of heat entering a system must equal the amount of heat leaving a system, or:
Heat in = heat out + accumulation (or heat stored)

Figure 11. Heat Balance Diagram of a system

Note: At a Steady State:

accumulation (or heat stored) = zero
heat entering the system = heat leaving the system.

Example 12. Calculate the amount of water that must be supplied to a heat exchanger that cools
100 kg/h of tomato paste from 90oC to 20oC. The tomato paste contains 40% solids.
The increase in water temperature should not exceed 10oC while passing through the
heat exchanger. There is no mixing of water and tomato paste in the heat exchanger.

Figure 12. Diagram of heat exchange during cooling of tomato paste

Solution: This problem may be solved by assuming a datum temperature from which enthalpy
calculations are made. This datum temperature is the lowest of the process stream
Reference (datum) temperature for enthalpy (heat) calculations = 20oC.
Tw1 = inlet water temperature = 20oC or 293K
Tw2 = exit water temperature = 20 + 10 = 30oC or 303K
Ttp1 = temperature of tomato paste entering the system = 90oC or 363K
Ttp2 = temperature of tomato paste leaving the system = 20oC or 293K
Specific heat of water = 4186.8 J/(kg.K) ∼= 4187 J/(kg.K)
W = amount (kg) of water entering the system

The Specific heat of tomato paste can be determined using the Equation of Siebel

In SI unit: J / (kg K)
Cave = 3349 M + 837.36
Cave = 3349 (0.60) + 837.36
Cave = 2846.76 J / (kg K)

Heat content of tomato paste entering the system (q1):

q1 = (100 kg) [2846.76 J/(kg.K)](363 − 293) K
q1 = 19,927,320 J or 19,927.320 kJ

Heat content of tomato paste leaving the system (q2)

q2 = 100 kg [2846.76 J/(kg. K)] (293 − 293) K
q2 = 0

Amount of water entering the system (W)

Heat content of water entering the system (q3)
q3 = W [4187 J/(kg.K)] (293 − 293) K
q3 = 0
Heat content of water leaving the system (q4)
q4 = W [4187 J/(kg. K)] (303 − 293) K
q4 = 41, 870(W) J / kg

Heat Balance equation of the System

q1 + q3 = q2 + q4
19,927,320 J + 0 = 0 + 41,870(W) J / kg
W = 19,927,320 J (
41,870 J
W = 475.93 kg

Alternative Solutions:

Heat content of tomato paste entering the system (q1)

q = m Cave (Ttp1)
q1 = (100 kg) [2846.76 J/(kg.K)] (363 K)
q1 = 103,337,388 J or 103,337.388 kJ

Heat content of tomato paste leaving the system (q2)

q2 = 100 kg [2846.76 J/(kg. K)] (293 K)
q2 = 83,410,068 J

Amount of water entering the system (W)

Heat content of water entering the system (q3)
q3 = W [4187 J/(kg.K)] (293 K)


q3 = 1,226,791 W ( )
Heat content of water leaving the system (q4)
q4 = W [4187 J/(kg. K)] (303 K)

q4 = 1268661W ( )

Heat Balance equation of the System

q1 + q3 = q2 + q4
103,337,388 J + 1,226,791 W ( ) = 83,410,068 J + 1268661W ( )
kg kg
41870 W ( ) = 19,927,320 J
W = 19,927,320 J (
41,870 J
W = 475.93 kg

The heat balance may also be expressed as follows:

Heat gain by water = heat loss by the tomato paste
4187 J 2846.76 J
W( ) [ (T1 + 10) − T1)] K = 100 kg ( ) (90 − 20) K
kg.K kg.K
41870 J
W = 100 (2846.76) (70) J

W = 475.93 kg


Toledo, R.T. (2007). Fundamentals of Food Process Engineering, Third Edition. Springer Science+Business Media, LLC,
233 Spring Street, New York, NY 10013, USA. Library of Congress Control Number: 2005935292


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