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Suppliers play an important role in the line of business chain. In the business chain this suppliers are vital not just for supplying raw, half-prodused materials and machineries but also for financing , informing as in a word helping the whole chain through exclusive prospects. Though Bangladesh is a growing country it lacks financers and suppliers. As a result it is falling behind and behind. Thanks to some local and multinational companies whose efforts has made a bit shine in this sectors. As concerning to Medical Sector, the supply and investment are better than those of others. In Medicine Side most of the ingredients like chemicals, solutions, water and other pediments are imported from foreign countries. Mostly South-East Asian countries like Japan, Chaina, Korea, and USA and some European countries are supplying these medicines and equipments to Bangladesh. If we see the prospects of social responsibility of BEXIMCO & GLAXO, we will find some sectors of their CSR towards their suppliers:
Using materials Utilizing equipments to the best Payments Intimative relationships

Using materials Equipments Payments Intimacy

When it comes in terms of USING MATERIALS these Medicine Companies has served it well. Beximco is the largest in the sector of medicine. They are using about raw materials of about 38 billion taka every year as their report suggests. They are importing these materials from several companies of USA and Chaina.This companies are supplying the materials as the local sector has survived. Also the equipments & machineries worth of 55 billion taka are imported each year by Beximco from Japan. In the other hand GSK is also effective. Like they are also using the materials of UK, Chaina and Germany worth of about 27 billion taka and instruments of about 36 billions taka per year. They are using these materials just not to support their productions but also responding the social responsibilities of their suppliers. Their importing is helping the suppliers economically and socially.

Utilizing the materials and machineries in a certain way helps both producer and suppliers in fundamented ways. Their conservative and efficient use has made it good for these companies. Like Beximco has cut their cost of materials and machineries at about 16%. Their efficient management has made it possible for them. As GSK has also made it good of 7.39% as their annual report. But Jason was inefficient in this way. Like they failed to reduce their cost but their cost has raised to24% and falled in loss of 32 millions in the year 2006. This consumption has helped not financially but also environmentally and socially. Their savings has made it right to spent more money to the social welfare. As they are profiting and making it go, their work for sociality is moving on. Payments are major fact in the concern of organizations. Importers like Beximco, Incepta, Gsk are paying all the money at regular intervals and going on. Their supplies and payments are helping both the consumers and suppliers. Beximco has paid about 98 billion taka to their suppliers over the year 2007. Gsk and Incepta also have made it possible to their suppliers to support as they pay their debts in a spontaneous manner. Intimative relationships are most important fact. No business may run without a proper relationship. The whole business runs relying upon people. As we know that the suppliers are foreigners and their support and relines is too much necessary for our local producers. Its a great news that all the Bangladeshi producers like Baximco, Incepta, Gsk and others have made a great relationship with foreign govt. and suppliers. Recently Incepta has received an Award for their service in Ghanas illumination of diseases and supply of medicines. Business Weak of June 2007 has a chart of responsible producers all over the world where Beximco stood 45th and GSK 72nd.

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