Guideline Survey Draft

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Who is being asked to participate – Participant selection process is clearly stated.

Amount of time – Amount of time it will take to complete the study is clearly stated and less than 14

Incentive information – Incentive is appropriate to the population and would not be considered

Voluntary nature of the survey – Clearly explains that participation is voluntary and the participant
can quit any time without penalty.

Risk and benefits of participating – Risks and benefits of participation are clearly stated

Confidentiality and Anonymity – Clearly explains whether or not the participants responses will be
confidential or anonymous

Data storage – Clearly explains where the data will be stored

How the results will be used and shared – Results will be shared with administrators, the larger
CWRU community with the possibility of conferences or publications

Method – Method is appropriate for answering the research question.

Timeline – There is enough time to obtain at least a 30% response rate.

Cycle – The survey will occur on a regular basis

Software program

Pilot – Plans to pilot the survey evaluation

- Consumers who purchase and use cosmetics regularly, as well as those who occasionally use
cosmetics or have never used them before. The survey aims to capture a broad range of
perspectives and attitudes towards cosmetics, regardless of the level of involvement with the

Sure, here's a revised version of your survey taking into account the guidelines provided:


**Survey Title: Understanding Consumer Preferences and Attitudes Towards Cosmetics**

**Participant Selection Process Clearly Stated:**

Participants will be selected through convenience sampling, where individuals who use or have
some level of engagement with cosmetics will be invited to participate.

**Amount of Time:**
The survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete.

**Incentive Information:**

No incentives will be offered for participation in this survey.

**Voluntary Nature of the Survey:**

Participation in this survey is voluntary, and participants can withdraw at any time without

**Risks and Benefits of Participating:**

Participating in this survey carries minimal risk, but it contributes valuable insights to the
cosmetics industry. Benefits include the opportunity to influence product development and
marketing strategies.

**Confidentiality and Anonymity:**

All responses will be kept confidential and anonymized. Participants' identities will not be linked
to their survey responses.

**Data Storage:**

Data collected from the survey will be stored securely on encrypted servers in compliance with
data protection regulations.

**How Results Will be Used and Shared:**

Survey results will be analyzed to gain insights into consumer preferences and trends in the
cosmetics market. Findings may be shared with administrators, the larger community, and
potentially presented at conferences or published in academic journals.

**Survey Method:**

This online survey is an appropriate method for collecting data on consumer preferences and
attitudes towards cosmetics.


The survey will be open for responses for a period of two weeks, allowing sufficient time to
obtain a meaningful response rate.
**Regular Survey Cycle:**

This survey will be conducted periodically to track changes in consumer preferences and
attitudes over time.

**Pilot Survey Evaluation:**

Before the official launch, the survey will undergo a pilot phase to evaluate clarity, wording, and


This revised survey incorporates elements to ensure transparency, voluntary participation,

confidentiality, and appropriate methodology, aligning with the provided guidelines.

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