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The Drawbacks of Social Media

What is social media? Dose social media really affects our ways of communicating in
real life?and if it does how?dose social media have disadvantages on the society ?social
media as we know is a variety of apps that allow us to share our ideas and thoughts
through online networks .However these social media apps can have a lot of
social,psychological and physiological drawbacks

Firstly, social media has a lot of social drawbacks. First of all, it decreases face to face
interaction by replacing in person conversations with online communication. This
transition can lead to reduced opportunities for meaningful connections and genuine
interactions.Second , spending a lot of time on social media can cause us to have fewer
real friends. Studies show that people who heavily rely on online interactions tend to
have a smaller circle of close friends compared to those who prioritize offline
interactions.Moreover, social media can sometimes weaken the bonds and connections
between people. For example,seeing only perfect relationships on social media can make
people feel more insufficient and less connected in real life. In conclusion, social media
decreases face-to-face interaction, results in fewer real friendships, and weakens real-
life connections because of exaggerated posts.

Secondly, Social media can significantly impact our psychological well-being in various
ways. For instance, using social media a lot tend to cause us to feel more depressed.
Studies showed that people who use social media often feel lonelier and sadder than
those who use it less. This means that spending too much time on social media can make
us feel sad and alone.Moreover , social media can make anxiety worse by making us
compare ourselves a lot and worry about missing out on things. Researchers found that
people who check social media a lot every day tend to feel more anxious. This happens
because the pictures and posts we see on social media can make us think our lives are
not as good, which can make us doubt ourselves and feel more anxious.Additionally,
talking to people online on social media can sometimes make us angry and mean. A study
by some researchers found that almost 70% of adults who use social media have seen
others being mean or bullying online. Seeing negative and aggressive stuff online can
make us feel more angry and act aggressively, which shows how social media can make
anger problems media can negatively impact our psychological
health,leading to increased feelings of depression,anxiety,and anger issues

Finally, Spending too much time on digital devices can cause physical problems for our
bodies. For example , looking at screens for long periods can make our eyes feel tired
and dry. After hours of playing video games or watching videos on our phones, our eyes
might start to hurt or feel itchy. Also, sitting in the same position for too long can
make our bodies uncomfortable and achy. For example, if we spend a lot of time bent
over a computer without breaks, our neck and back can start to ache. Additionally,
using screens, especially before bedtime, can make it hard for us to fall asleep, which
cause us to have sleep problems. Bright light from phones or tablets at night can
confuse our brains and make us feel like it is still daytime. Spending too much time on
digital devices can cause physical issues like eye strain and body aches. it is important
to take breaks and avoid screens before bedtime to stay healthy.

In conclusion,while social media offers a platform for sharing ideas, it also comes with
drawbacks like reducing face-to-face interactions, potential psychological impacts like
depression and anxiety, and physical discomfort from excessive screen time. Finding a
balance between online and offline activities is key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

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