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Journal of The Electrochemical


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- An Experimental Study of the Competing
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Developmentand Commercializationof the Monsanto

D. E. Danly*
Monsanto Fibers and Intermediates Company, Pensacola, Florida 32575

Mr. President, I would like to begin this Vittorio de think in terms of an electrochemical approach, and he be-
Nora-Diamond Shamrock Award address by expressing gan to experiment with various electrolyte/electrode sys-
m y sincere appreciation to the m e m b e r s of the Board of
Directors of The Electrochemical Society for naming me
the award recipient. When I learned several months ago
that I had been selected for this honor, I was i m men sel y
pleased, but also surprised; I really consider m y s e l f more
a conventional chemical engineer than an electrochemical
technologist. My assignment with Monsanto over the past
tems. I do not plan to relate the details of this research ef-
fort, although it is a fascinating story in itself. Let me
simply summarize the very significant discovery stem-
ming from Baizer's study - - namely, that electrolysis of
AN in relatively concentrated aqueous solutions of cer-
tain quaternary a m m o n i u m salts gave nearly quantitative
yields of ADN. Cathodes of mercury or lead gave the best
26 years has been to seek cost-effective processes for syn- results.
thetic fiber intermediates, employing whatever type of Once the feasibility of the EHD chemistry had been
technology best gets the job done. Fortunately, as a result demonstrated in Baizer's 500 ml lab cell, the question was
of Manual Baizer's 1960 discovery of an efficient electro- addressed of how to best proceed with the process devel-
chemical method for reductively coupling acrylonitrile to opment. After m u c h discussion and debate at headquar-
form adiponitrile (which is an important nylon intermedi- ters in St. Louis, it was decided (and I firmly believe cor-
ate), I have been able to spend much of the past 20-plus rectly so) that the operating division expected to
years in the area of technology of primary interest to this commercialize the process should carry out the scale-up
Society. studies. Thus, the task fell to the Chemstrand Division
Before I get into the description of the d e v e l o p m en t (now Monsanto Fibers and Intermediates Company),
and commercialization of the Monsanto electrochemical which had in-place at Pensacola, Florida, a chemical pro-
adiponitrile process, I must say that I could not possibly cess development group under Dr. Frank Riordan. I had
accept this award without making it very clear that I had joined this organization three years previously, following
a tremendous amount of able help in this successful ven- completion of m y graduate work in chemical engineering
ture. The team responsible for the laboratory and pilot at the University of Florida. None of the group had any
plant d ev el o p m en t of our electrohydrodimerization pro- real experience in electrochemistry. I was probably the
cess (or, as we called it, EHD) consisted of about 20 chem- only one who had ever been to a national Electrochemical
ists and engineers working in our technical center at Society meeting, that a single event as a result of a part-
Pensacola, Florida. Many others in our Engineering and time job at the University in battery research. Being per-
Manufacturing organization also made significant contri- fectly frank, my background in electrochemistry went lit-
butions as we moved from laboratory to pilot plant to an tle beyond familiarity with the Nernst equation, and I
operating commercial facility. So as I stand before you actually found little opportunity to use it in the following
this afternoon, please consider that, in a very real sense, I days. Since I was eager to be involved in d ev el o p m e nt of
am acting rather as the captain of a ball club representing this unique process, I may have been guilty of overselling
his team. my expertise, but for whatever reason, I found myself ap-
The story of the Monsanto EHD process begins in our pointed project leader for the pilot plant EHD studies.
St. Louis research labs, where D~. Baizer had been asked This was late 1961, and since our forecasts indicated we
to investigate the possibility of converting acrylonitrile needed additional A D N capacity by early 1965, we deter-
(AN) to adiponitrile (ADN). The impetus for this work mined that we only had a little over a year to prove out
stemmed from Monsanto's projections at that time of the process. Thus, I need not have worried about getting
high growth rates for nylon and acrylic fibers, which on the project, since before long the entire research and
translated into a need for additional ADN and AN pro- d ev el o p m en t group was working on one aspect or
duction capability. If adiponitrile could be made from another of the process. The chemists began screening
acrylonitrile, the size of the new AN plant ~ould be in- electrode materials, diaphragms, alternate electrolytes,
creased, improving plant economics, and adipic acid ca- and operating conditions, while the mechanical engineers
pacity formerly required to provide feed for the existing began to consider the cell design. Baizer's lab cell was a
ADN process would be freed up for use in producing ad- glass resin flask containing a platinum wire anode and a
ditional nylon 66 salt. mercury pool as cathode, with an alundum cup serving to
The reductive coupling of AN had been examined by a separate the anolyte and catholyte. Having calculated that
number of prior investigators, but only with modest suc- it would take 350,000 of these cells to give the targeted
cess. The highest selectivity to ADN was about 60% for a plant capacity of 15,000 metric tons per year, we began to
reaction system using potassium amalgam, as reported by appreciate the magnitude of the scale-up challenge facing
Knunyants and Vyanzankin in the USSR. While falling US.
far short of acceptable yields, this work did lead Baizer to Electrode Selection
*Electrochemical Society Active M e m b e r .
The selection of a cathode material was relatively easy.
~Vittorio de N o r a - D i a m o n d S h a m r o c k A w a r d a d d r e s s deliv- Baizer had shown that either lead or mercury was suit-
ered M a y 8, 1984 at t h e Cincinnati, Ohio, M e e t i n g of t h e Society. able, and we were so horrified by the anticipated envi-

436C J. Electrochem. Soc.: R E V I E W S A N D N E W S October 1984
Old Process

9 Oxidation
Cycl ohe~ane Adipic Acid

NC(CHz)4CN I~ HzN(CH2)6NH2 ~r Nylon 66
Adiponitrile Hexamethylenediamine

Desired Process

air, N~3
Propylene Acrylonitrile
Fig. 1. Routesto adiponitrile

ronmental and cell design problems with mercury that we of two low-cost intermediates, triethylamine and diethyl-
quickly settled on lead. We tested a long list of other ma- sulfate.
terials reported to give high hydrogen overvoltages, but In attempting briefly to outline our research and devel-
none was found superior to lead. opment studies, I am greatly oversimplifying the story. I
An o d e selection proved to be considerably more diffi- have made it sound as though we tested cathodes, . . .
cult. We began our studies using platinized titanium, but picked one, . . . tested anodes, . . . picked one, . . . tested
the platinum loss was clearly intolerable. With a switch e l e c t r o l y t e s , . . , picked one, and so forth. It really was not
from Baizer's anolyte of toluene sulfonic acid to dilute that straightforward. For example, we solved the problem
sulfuric acid, the use of lead alloys was made possible. of poor stability of pure lead as an anode by adding a
Tainton's alloy of 1% Ag in lead had been used success- small amount of silver, only to discover the Ag cation in-
fully in aqueous }-I2SO4for the manufacture of electrolytic troduced into the anolyte by corrosion of the anode
zinc, and this was our early choice, although we tested a passed through the membrane, deposited on the cathode,
n u m b e r of other lead alloys reported in the literature to and sharply depressed the ADN selectivity. This particu-
have greater stability. lar problem was ultimately resolved by electrodeposition
The real surprise in anode development came during of the silver ions contained in the recycled quaternary
the first attempts to operate a pilot-scale cell. While an- a m m o n i u m salt on a lead-shot cathode of a packed-bed
ode corrosion rates as low as 3 mm/yr were measured in electrolyzer. We also found that the best anode alloy when
short lab tests, we found that in extended pilot-plant runs using a p-toluene sulfonate anion in the catholyte was not
the corrosion rate would increase by 20-fold over a 24h the best one w h e n we switched to ethylsulfate anion.
operating period. Our analytical folks were able to place Small amounts of these anions migrating from the
the blame on a buildup of nitrates and various chlorine catholyte into the anolyte had a significant impact on an-
containing anions in the anolyte. The nitrate anions were ode stability.
evidently being formed by oxidation of AN diffusing
through the m e m b r a n e into the anolyte compartment, Membrane Development
while the chlorine was entering the system in small The selection of a diaphragm for separation of anolyte
amounts in the sulfuric acid and quaternary a m m o n i u m and catholyte required something more than the cut-and-
salt. The problem was solved by putting tight chloride try approach used with electrodes and supporting electro-
specifications on the raw materials and instituting a con- lyte. We did begin our search by testing samples of all of
tinuous purge and makeup of anoiyte to hold the nitrate the commercial cation-permselective membranes, but the
concentration below a critical level. majority of these failed in less than a day. Unfortunately,
the perfluorinated m e m b r a n e s now proving so success-
Selection of Supporting Electrolyte ful in chloralkali cells were not around in 1962. Of the ma-
Baizer's r e c o m m e n d e d catholyte was a 40% aqueous so- terials available, the most encouraging results were with a
lution of tetraethylammonium p-toluenesulfonate. This m e m b r a n e made by Ionics, Incorporated, composed of
electrolyte possessed two properties which at that time sulfonated polystyrene/divinylbenzene polymer and a
were believed to be necessary for high A D N selectivity: glass fiber reinforcing cloth. With these, benchscale runs
(i) the cation was not reduced at the cathode, and (ii) the of a week or so were possible. Since considerable im-
salt greatly enhanced the solubility of AN in the solution. p r o v e m e n t in durability was needed to achieve the tar-
Other factors considered important for a commercial pro- geted 1000h service life, we entered into a joint m e m b r a n e
cess were the electrolyte cost, electrical conductivity, and d ev el o p m en t program with Ionics. They provided numer-
ease of removal of ADN from the electrolyte. More than ous test samples, varying such parameters as degree of
30 quaternary a m m o n i u m salts were prepared for mea-
surement of these properties. Four of these were selected
Table I. Pilot-plant electrolyte evaluations (50 A/dm2, 50~
for extensive benchscale and pilot plant testing, from
which it was determined that the yield of electrolysis by-
products (propionitrile and high-boiling AN oligomers) Electrolyte Selectivities (%)
Cation Anion EHD by-products ADN'
decreased with increasing size Qf the quaternary ammo-
n i u m cation. Salts with cations larger than tetraethylam-
m o n i u m were not felt to be practical because their aque- Me4N p-Toluenesulfonate 9.0 89.8
MeEt3N p-Toluenesulfonate 7.1 89.2
ous solutions exhibited poor electrical conductivities and Et4N Benzenesulfonate 7.2 90.9
very high AN and A D N solubilities, making extraction of Et4N Ethyl sulfate 4.9 93.4
product difficult. Tetraethylammonium ethylsulfate was
a clear choice, since it not only gave the best A D N selec- ' ADN selectivity corrected for AN recoverable from
tivity, but also could be simply prepared by combination cyanoethylation by-products.
Vol. 131,No. 10 V I T T O R I O de N O R A - D I A M O N D S H A M R O C K AWARD 437C

Table I[. Benchscale membrane screening tests of a plate-and-frame design for the commercial cell from
the outset. This decision was reinforced when, in the
Supplier/Designation Service life (h) early days of process development, we called in the re-
nowned consultant, Dr. Robert B. MacMullin. Bob, as
AMF C-60 76* many of you know, was the second recipient of the Socie-
C-110 5 ty's Electrochemical Engineering and Technology Award.
C-313 2 He was asked to provide a design for a 250A lab cell and
Asahi Glass GSG-10 <24 then to make a preliminary design and cost estimate for
GMG-10 <24 the electrolysis portion of a commercial EHD plant, Al-
CMV-10 <24 though we never constructed the MacMullin cell, his de-
Asahi Chemical DK-1 <24 tailed design calculations were extremely valuable in
Tokuyama CHR-4 190' educating us in the techniques of voltage balances, elec-
Soda CL-2.5T 133" trolysis system heat balances, cellhouse layout, and a
Ionac Chemical MC3142 2 multitude of other electrochemical engineering consider-
Permutit/U.K. C-20 15 ations.
Radiation 320 2 The other distinguished advisor we enlisted was Dr.
Applications 1010 (paired) 115 Vittorio de Nora. Following discussions with us in Pensa-
Ionics AZG 255* cola during one of his frequent trips to the U.S., it was
agreed that the de Nora firm in Milan would design and
build us a prototype cell. I was immediately dispatched to
* Using Ionics AZG membrane for support. Italy to provide the de Nora engineers with what little
process information we had.
polymer cross-linkage, type of reinforcing fabric, and At the time of Dr. de Nora's visit, the d e v e l o p m e n t team
m e m b r a n e thickness. We geared up for performance at Pensacola had already moved well into the design of
testing, setting up six 1 dm 2 flow cells, which we oper- the first pilot-plant cell. We decided early-on that this cell
ated around the clock at typical EHD operating condi- should be the same size as visualized for the full-scale fa-
tions. cility. Surely if we could make a bank of 3-5 cells work in
When we began pilot plant operation with an 80-fold the pilot plant, operation of a plant using several hundred
scale-up in m e m b r a n e area, we found, to our dismay, that identical units should pose no problem. The size of the
the formulation that haa given several hundred hours ser- cell was set by the dimensions of the largest m e m b r a n e
v i c e life in the 1 dm 2 benchscale cells did not even last for then offered by Ionics: roughly 90 x 100 cm. Since we
a day. In pilot operation, the ion-exchange resin was ran- were trying to develop all the required plant design data
domly spalling off, forming small windows for m o v e m e n t in the space of 12 months, we pushed forward simulta-
of anolyte into the catholyte. As an expedient solution, we neously with both the Monsanto and de Nora cell designs.
simply installed dual membranes, banking on the odds The first Monsanto design was a single cell unit with
against the windows' lining up, and this allowed run the electrodes mounted on polyethylene plates, into
lengths of a week or two.
which were machined cavities for electrolyte distribution
This rather brute-force solution was not very elegant, (Fig. 2). Anolyte flow was vertically upward, while
but at least allowed us to stay on line with our pilot plant catholyte was introduced through a central vertical ple-
cell to try to answer other unresolved process and cell de- num, where it split and flowed horizontally to the two
sign questions. S o m e months later, our friends at Ionics sides. Dividing of the catholyte flow was aimed at
developed a m e m b r a n e incorporating two layers of glass
reducing the length of the catholyte flow path in order to
cloth in the same resin matrix. These exhibited operating
minimize the pressure differential across the membrane.
lives of up to 2000h in lab cells and were adopted as the
This cell was used briefly in the initial pilot-plant opera-
tion, but problems in sealing of the m e m b r a n e gaskets
Cell Design and evidence of u n e v e n distribution of electrolyte across
Since the process as we knew it at that time required the cathode led us to install the de Nora cell unit as soon
separation of anolyte and catholyte, we thought in terms as it arrived by air from Italy.

Fig. 2. Monsanto Mark I EHD

438C J. Electrochem. Soc.: R E V I E W S A N D N E W S October 1984

Fig. 3. de Nora cell

The de Nora unit (Fig. 3) contained five bipolar cells. Probably one of the most important electrochemical en-
The electrolyte streams were introduced through tapered, gineering concerns we faced was that of achieving high
external distribution boxes, then passed through a series mass-transfer rates at the cathode surface. The transfer of
of small holes into internal plenum chambers in the cell AN across the diffusion layer from bulk catholyte to the
plates. This design provided greatly improved uniformity cathode turned out to be less critical than neutralization
of electrolyte flow compared to the first Monsanto de- of the hydroxyl ions produced at the cathode (Fig. 5).
sign. This cell was operated for several months to con- Acrylonitrlle reacts very rapidly with water u n d e r alka-
duct studies of spacer design and the effects of catholyte line conditions to form the cyanoethylation by-products
velocity, composition, and temperature. The chief prob- hydroxypropionitrile and bis-cyanoethylether. These side
lems with the cell were the integrity of the hydraulic seals reactions represented a very significant AN-yield loss in
and recurring failures of the external distribution boxes, early experiments at low catholyte flow velocities. Our
which were made by welding together sections of poly- first approach was to employ turbulence promoters, such
propylene sheeting. as plastic webbing or baffles, similar to the types proven
These problems were overcome in the third-generation effective in electrodialysis devices. While several of these
design (Fig. 4), which employed tapered electrolyte distri- significantly lowered losses of AN due to cyanoethyla-
bution cavities machined into polypropylene plates be- tion, buildup of AN polymer on the plastic spacers in
hind the electrodes. The membranes were held between time gave rise to an intolerable pressure drop along the
two mated polypropylene frames for convenience in ham catholyte flow path. Various means of in-place cleaning
dling. The fluid leakage problem was solved by the use were tested, but we finally concluded that only fully
of a beaded gasket, which markedly lowered the required open channels offered any chance for reasonable on-
sealing force. This proved to be a reliable assembly, and stream time. After m a n y aborted efforts, we found the
with minor modifications it was ultimately adopted for most dependable way to form the open channels was to
use in the commercial plant. attach narrow plastic ribs directly to the Pb cathode in

Fig. 4. Mark II Monsanto cell

Vol. 131, No. 10 V I T T O R I O de N O R A - D I A M O N D S H A M R O C K AWARD 439C

CH2=CHCN + H~O b- HOCHzCHzCN 20 i : : : :

acryIonltr{le hydroxypropionltrfle
(AN) (HOPN) ......................... ; ......................... i .............. : ...... :....'._.....
9 9 :: ! ! ! i : !

+AN ~IOH- . .................... ,.............................. i ....... i ........... fi . . . . . . . .

O(CH~CH2CN)z r |9 ................................................
................ i i
..... i .......
i : : !
(BCE) 9 ,, i i ] !
Fig. 5. Cyanoethylotion reactions
9 :
m u c h the same way the chrome strip is fastened to one's 0
automobile fender. We tested different gauges, widths,
and thicknesses of the parallel strips, and most impor- 9 iii. i
tantly, the catholyte velocity needed to control the : i i i i
cyanoethylation side reaction (Fig. 6). A velocity of 2 m/s 4 ......................... :.......... 9 ..................... ::"...... i.....i....i....i...
was selected as giving the o p t im u m balance between AN- 0
yield loss and catholyte p u m p i n g cost.
While definition of the cell design and optimization of C9
the electrolysis conditions were paramount to the success
of the process development, a substantial effort was also
needed to define the product recovery and purification
systems. Processing downstream of the cells (Fig. 7) con-
2 : .... : : : :--
sisted of extraction of ADN from catholyte with AN, 3 2 5 10
stripping of the AN to produce a crude ADN, and final
Catholyte Velocity, m/see
clean up in a four-column distillation train. We felt it was
imperative to demonstrate the process in the pilot plant Fig. 6. Effect of catholyte velocity on cyanoethylation by-products
with all the recycle loops closed. Had we not done this,
the serious consequences of silver ion buildup in tt~e D ev el o p m en t team. Our first pass through the p r o j e c t e d
recycle QAS might never have been recognized. We also process economics was based on operation at a cathode
felt obliged to show that our refined A D N could be satis- current density of 20 A/dm ~, and we discovered the in-
factorily hydrogenated to h e x a m e th y l e n e diamine and vestment in cells would be enormous. We e x a m i n e d
converted into standard-quality nylon polymer. All of higher current densities on paper and found the o p t i m u m
these steps were demonstrated in the pilot plant. balance between electrolysis operating costs and capital
In scaling up a new process, one generally prefers to burden occurred in the current density range 40-60 A/dm =
complete laboratory demonstration and then prepare the (Fig. 8). Fortunately, lab studies showed no measurable
plant-design documents. Our tight timetable for commer- decline in electrolysis performance below 100 AJdm 2, pro-
cialization of the process did not allow us this luxury. A vided the catholyte flow was 2 m/s. This early concep-
very preliminary design of the full-scale facility was de- tualization and evaluation of the proposed commercial
veloped even before the first pilot-plant r u n by a m e m b e r process thus proved to be most valuable in guiding our
of the Engineering D e p a r t m e n t assigned to work with the d ev el o p m en t efforts.

Electrohydrodimerisation section Extractor AN strippmg

- .................................... T ~ ~-oE ..... ~a;~r e~oT~oT ' - -' .................
IPilot AN
r....... _ _ column make
~ Lextraction . _ _ lower layer ist r l p p m l g ~
I i ~ ~L. ~ .co~uron k J
--J~ "L ~ L J kz~/ [ I ~ ~Vent
~_\! ~ - - ~ s o , ! 1 I Hp,,otO, S i J I r
stoANrfr~ r - - - - - - . . . . ~ m ~ I w .... I t i i ....... ~on ~ l
, age It . .. r-~-~/ II1['1 Anolyte.~.L~(pure) I I II c~ iI I I
tank I bamolyte / tank I
L.~l I[ I EHDcellII l ~ {'~ I9 ~ ~ Feed
tankl J Feed [i" 1 ~ " ~ .... agd I
J--_-.J- ~L ~
Catholyte p u m ~ ] ~
A.oJyte pump
I Towater ~l
L evaporator
~ pump I'.~J- I
3ump ~.
t ~l.eOo,ler
,tank[ J
............. - i ~, ' Transfer pump
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . = . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

- - L_JJ~JJ~

J - ~ ~ Pilot ADN refining

Crude ADN columns (4)
Pilot PN p storage ,
tank I Make Fig. 7. Complete pilot plant
Reboiler Tails drums return storage system.
to reduction area tank r

................. .Re~.~c,e.A2............ . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,.,3r,_u .~~ ..... /

Diamine synthesis I Diamine refining Salt strike ~"
Charge tank
, i ~ harg ~aeed C~ I Pilot4~ h~ uP~'lk Ad~pc TOr~oirYnme~
a~ e~io~
L ~ r~ V~ I diarnine} ff . I I~ ,Darco '
9 l~oedl I Z r~ I~ Sep...... refmmg H RHMD ~ L~J~ -q ISa, ...... ge tank

i I ta~ I LJ 'T ~ ~ I s~t~h EY.~oYY ~ - t?~ I%WZi i[~sol A P~"'~ :,

I "Y J/ / ~--~-~---~--"~-~ i k~"'er'C'lhb~ 4"-% il ~ ib~, I U ~

;. . . . . . . . ....................... _1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ .... ~u& ................ j

Transfer pump High boilers to To waste Transfer pump
waste drum disposaP
440C J. Electrochem. Soc.: R E V I E W S A N D N E W S October I984

year of operation by use of improved membranes from

K Ionics, installation of a supplemental QAS cleanup sys-
tem, and a change-over to steel-reinforced hoses.
9-~ 4 Meanwhile, back at the labs in Pensacola, we were busy
.g seeking ways to make a step-change i m p r o v e m e n t in the
8 process. The divided-cell technology we had commercial-
Total Cost /
ized had three serious drawbacks: the electrical power us-
age was high (7-8 kWh/kg), the cells were complicated and
expensive, and m e m b r a n e replacement still remained a
significant operating cost. Clearly, if we could devise a
d 2 workable undivided cell system, we would avoid or re-
duce all of these penalties. In 1965, the same year as our
3 plant startup, some Russian investigators (Tomilov, Var-
shavskii, and Knunyants) reported ADN selectivites as
high as 90% in an undivided cell using an emulsion of AN
in an aqueous electrolyte of 1N sodium hydrogen phos-
~o phate containing about 1 weight percent tetraethylam-
.2 .4 .6 .8
m o n i u m phosphate. Their cell employed a graphite cath-
Current Density, A/em 2
ode and a magnetite anode, and was operated at 18~ to
Fig. 8. Current density optimization minimize cyanoethylation side reactions. While the fragile
nonmetallic electrodes used in this work seemed ill-
Suited to a commercial cell, the high electrical conductiv-
The preliminary plant design was modified repeatedly ity of the aqueous alkali phosphate electrolyte seemed
as we learned more about the process and cell require- most appealing. We initiated studies of alternate cathode
ments, and a final d o c u m e n t was approved almost ex- and anode materials, targeting an all-metal electrode sys-
actly one year from the initial pilot plant run. The first tem capable of operation at higher temperatures, in order
EHD facility (Fig. 9) was constructed at our Decatur, to avoid refrigeration.
Alabama, plantsite and had a design capacity o f 14,500
I will not go through the long laundry list of electrode
MT/Y ADN. The electrolysis system consisted of 16 cell
and electrolyte systems we examined, but will summarize
presses, each housing 24 bipolar cells and operating at
several years of testing by saying that carbon steel proved
about 3000A. Four independent catholyte circulating sys-
to be a very satisfactory anode, provided small amounts
tems were employed to minimize the impact of a major
of Na4EDTA and Na2B407 were added to the phosphate
m e m b r a n e failure on total plant operations.
electrolyte as corrosion inhibitors. These additives re-
I wish I could tell you the plant was built, started up,
duced the anode corrosion rates from about 10 mm/yr in
and ran like a Swiss watch from the outset. However, I
uninhibited electrolyte to a quite acceptable level of 0.5
must confess that initial plant operation was plagued by
short membrane lives, deterioration in A D N selectivity
Of all the solid metals tested as cathodes, cad m i u m was
due to a buildup of previously unidentified impurities in
found to give the best performance with respect to ADN
the recycle QAS, and several small fires stemming from
selectivity and electrode stability. Aided some by seren-
ruptured catholyte hoses supplying feed to the cells.
dipity, we discovered that the Na4EDTA added to en-
These problems were largely resolved during the first
hance anode stability led to mild corrosion at the cad-
m i u m cathode, thus serving to keep it free from
1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3000
~ ~A- -' accumulation of anode corrosion products (Fig. 10). In the

I- absence of EDTA, hydrogen evolution at the cathode in-
creased over a day's operation to the point where it repre-
sented greater than 10% loss in cathodic current
efficiency. We ultimately found it desirable to introduce
sufficient E D T A to chelate all the Cd and Fe cations en-
tering the electrolyte via electrode corrosion.
The other absolutely essential electrolyte co m p o n e nt is

% i"
S- I
the quaternary a m m o n i u m salt. We screened a n u m b e r of
candidates and found the higher molecular weight
analogs to give better results than the tetraethylam-
m o n i u m compounds used in our divided-cell process 9
H ex am et h y l en e bis(ethyldibutylammonium) phosphate


5-] Run conditions;

12~ N a ~ O 4
Z n~ Bu,~
Cd cathode/CS anode
2~ A / d i n R



With 0.3Y~wt.

ADN Production Rote 14,500 MT/Y 0 I I I

Current Density 45 A/drn= 0 50 100 150 2OO
Total Celts 384 Run time, hr.
Fig. 9. Original EHD plant layout Fig. 10. Effect of EDTA as cathode stabilizer
Vol. 131, No. 10 V I T T O R I O de N O R A - D I A M O N D S H A M R O C K A W A R D 441C

Table III. Quaternary ammonium salt evaluation, undivided cell Table IV. Comparison of EHD cell voltages

10% Na~HPO4 Divided cell Undivided cell

Cd cathode
0.002M QAS
Current density (A/din2) 45 20
QAS cation ADN selectivity (%) Voltage drops
Reaction EMF 2.50 2.50
Et4N§ 85 Overpotential 1.22 0.87
EtPr2N* 87 Catholyte IR drop 5.47 0.47
MeBu3N + 88 Anolyte IR drop 0.77 --
EtBu3N* 89 Membrane IR drop 1.69 ~_
EtPe3N + 89 Cell voltage 11.65 3.84
EtHx3N§ 87
PraN(CH~)4NPr3++ 88 Power usage (kWh/kg) 6.6 2.4
EtBu2N(CH~)6NBu2Et§247 89
(Preferred QAS)
u n d i v i d e d - c e l l E H D process, the offgas f r o m the cells is
Me = CH3, Et = C2H5,Pr = C2H7,Bu = C4H~,Pe = CsH,,. Hx = C~H,,. an o x y g e n stream s a t u r a t e d w i t h acrylonitrile v a p o r and
m a y also contain 5%-10% H~. This r e p r e s e n t e d a serious
p e r f o r m e d best in t e r m s of A D N selectivity and ease of e x p l o s i o n hazard. We felt w e w e r e safe w i t h i n the cell it-
e x t r a c t i o n from the organic products. self, since the gas was p r e s e n t as small, discreet bubbles.
E l i m i n a t i o n of the m e m b r a n e vastly simplifies cell de- B u t s o m e w h e r e in the circulating s y s t e m w e had to face
sign (Fig. 11). B i p o l a r e l e c t r o d e s are p r e p a r e d f r o m 1.5 up to h a n d l i n g large v o l u m e s of this e x p l o s i v e gas
m m t h i c k sheets of c a r b o n steel by e l e c t r o p l a t i n g 50-100 mixture.
~ m of Cd on one side. T h e s e are stacked t o g e t h e r using The p r o p o s e d solution (Fig. 12) i n v o l v e s t h e use of a
plastic spacers to set the e l e c t r o d e distance. The total c o n e - c a p p e d e l e c t r o l y t e surge vessel, fitted w i t h a
t h i c k n e s s of an i n d i v i d u a l cell is only a b o u t 3 m m ; thus, a s c r u b b i n g c o l u m n at t h e apex. T h e liquid level is main-
100-cell bipolar stack has a t h i c k n e s s of only 30 cm. The tained several m e t e r s up into the column, and the gas
e l e c t r o d e stack is fitted w i t h a p o l y p r o p y l e n e h o u s i n g b u b b l e s rising t h r o u g h the c o n e and into the c o l u m n cre-
and is c o n t a i n e d in a cylindrical vessel, w h i c h p r o v i d e s a ate an aerated zone, w h i c h acts as a s h o c k - a b s o r b e r in the
leak-free m e a n s o f circulating electrolyte t h r o u g h t h e e v e n t of an e x p l o s i o n in the gas phase above. This small-
stack. Plastic e l e c t r o d e e x t e n s i o n s at t h e inlet a n d outlet d i a m e t e r c o l u m n is d e s i g n e d to w i t h s t a n d a H2-O2 explo-
e n d s of the cell serve to limit c u r r e n t b y p a s s i n g t h r o u g h sion, w h i l e the rest of t h e s y s t e m is not. A N is s c r u b b e d
t h e electrolyte in t h e v e s s e l heads. The cost p e r s q u a r e f r o m the offgas with A D N in the u p p e r section of the col-
m e t e r of c a t h o d e area for the u n d i v i d e d stack a s s e m b l y is u m n , w h i c h is p a c k e d w i t h plastic Pall rings. The c o n c e p t
less t h a n o n e - t e n t h that of the earlier plate-and-frame cell. of p r o t e c t i n g a large, thin-walled vessel f r o m an e x p l o s i o n
Our M e c h a n i c a l E n g i n e e r i n g g r o u p at P e n s a c o l a d e s e r v e s by a c o l u m n of aerated liquid was p r o v e n out in a small-
m o s t of the credit for t h i s a c c o m p l i s h m e n t . scale system, and it works.
A n o t h e r m a j o r a d v a n t a g e of the u n d i v i d e d cell is the The i m p r o v e d E H D p r o c e s s is capable of p r o d u c i n g
m a r k e d l y r e d u c e d cell v o l t a g e and p o w e r usage (Table A D N at a significantly l o w e r cost t h a n t h e adipic-acid-
IV). The v o l t a g e r e d u c t i o n is due to t h e use of a b a s e d r o u t e practiced by m a n y n y l o n m a n u f a c t u r e r s , and
significantly m o r e c o n d u c t i v e catholyte and e l i m i n a t i o n we believe it is fully c o m p e t i t i v e w i t h t h e n e w e r technol-
of the m e m b r a n e - and a n o l y t e - I R drops. I n addition, the ogy i n v o l v i n g direct h y d r o c y a n a t i o n of butadiene. Mon-
l o w cell cost shifts t h e e c o n o m i c o p t i m u m c u r r e n t den- santo currently has installed E H D c a p a c i t y of about
sity to l o w e r values, further r e d u c i n g the total voltage. 180,000 MT/Y A D N , d i v i d e d r o u g h l y e q u a l l y b e t w e e n t h e
Cell power usage is cut by almost two-thirds. plant at Decatur, A l a b a m a , and a n e w e r facility at Seal
However, we were not yet "home free," even though we Sands, England, b r o u g h t on-stream in 1978. This is
had a workable electrolyte system and cell design. In the d e a r l y the world's largest e x a m p l e of electro-organic pro-
In conclusion, I w o u l d like to try to s u m m a r i z e w h a t I
believe to be the key to t h e success of the E H D process
ER d e v e l o p m e n t . Certainly, d e d i c a t i o n and i n n o v a t i o n w e r e




Fig. 11. Undivided EHD cell Fig. 12. EHD offgas system
442C J. Electrochem. Soc.: R E V I E W S A N D N E W S October 1984

r e q u i r e d on the part of the entire technical team, but the m a k e it w o r k and, as electricity and capital costs rose, w e
r e s o u r c e s surely w o u l d h a v e b e e n cut off at an early stage had to m a k e the p r o c e s s better. One s e l d o m can see all
h a d w e not c o m m i t t e d capital to that first c o m m e r c i a l in- the potential i m p r o v e m e n t s a t the outset, b u t as the ex-
staIlation. It really was a g a m b l e on u n p r o v e n technology, p e r i e n c e - c u r v e p h i l o s o p h y tells us, w i t h w o r k t h e y will
and there were t i m e s in t h o s e early years w h e n e v e n I had come.
s o m e doubts. But w i t h the plant sitting there, we had to T h a n k you.

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