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Warm-Up Questions
Ask your teacher and classmates the following questions.

1. What is freedom of speech?

2. Is complete freedom of speech a good thing?

3. Are there things that you think should be restricted?

Match the words on the left with the meanings on the right.

1 mind-boggling (adj) A a pile of objects usually one on top of the other

2 surge (n) B a person who causes an unfavorable opinion of

3 moderation (n) C to gain, assume, or exercise the ability or authority to
manage, direct, or influence something
4 stack (n) D to do something for someone because you care

5 endanger (v) E the quality of doing something within reasonable limits

6 critic (n) F cause someone to have a wrong idea or impression

7 censor (v) G extremely surprising and difficult to understand or

8 impose (v) H to remove parts of something for moral or political
9 out of concern for (phr) I to put someone or something at risk or in danger of
being harmed
10 mislead (v) J claim that someone has done something wrong

11 accuse (v) K to establish something, as a rule, to be obeyed

12 take control of [something] (phr) L a sudden and great increase

Watch the video and answer the questions.

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Missing Words Part 1

Watch the video again and complete the sentences. Up until the 2:39 mark.

Jesse: Hey Phil, what are you up to?

Philip: Oh, I’m just tweeting about how awesome the customer service was at the restaurant I just had
lunch at.

Jesse: Oh, I see. Speaking of tweeting and Twitter… I can’t believe Elon Musk actually bought Twitter!

Philip: Absolutely insane, isn't it?! He paid $44 billion. That is ……………………………………….. 1
I read this morning that if you stack $44 billion in $100 bills, it would be 30 miles high and weigh over 400
metric tons.

Jesse: That’s crazy right? I had no idea Twitter was ……………………….2 that much.

Philip: Well, I’m not sure it’s actually really worth that much, but that’s another conversation altogether.
I’m a little worried about Elon Musk taking control of Twitter though. I think he may try to censor people
who disagree with his ……………………..3 He has been known to block his …………………………….4
from his current personal accounts.

Jesse: Hopefully not. I read one of the reasons he wanted to buy Twitter in the first place, was for that
very reason. He doesn’t want anyone or anything to be ……………………………5 He did it out of concern
that the company had imposed overly aggressive content moderation practices, which he said
endangered free speech. He’s also talking about making the …………………………..6 open for everyone
to see in order to increase trust.

Philip: Remember a few years ago, Musk got into trouble for tweeting that he was considering taking
Tesla private. His tweet sent Tesla stock ………………………….7 at the time, but he was accused of
misleading investors. Ever since then he’s been quite vocal about free speech.

Jesse: Why would he get in trouble for saying that? People lie or say stupid things on social media all the

Philip: Yeah. Well in that situation, he was charged with fraud. And the judge made him promise that he
would get …………………..……..8 from other Tesla executives prior to tweeting anything about the

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Missing Words Part 2

Watch the video again and complete the sentences. This is from the 2:39 mark.

Jesse: So strange how the country is built on ……………………………………1, but we can’t tweet or post
our opinions freely if they are business or politically based.

Philip: Well Musk also mentioned that he prefers ……………………………2 account closures versus
permanent bans. That would open the door for Donald Trump to rejoin Twitter.

Jesse: Yeah, I remember that. Trump’s Twitter account was permanently banned due to the string of
tweets that were suspected of ……………………………………………3 at the U.S. Capitol building.

Philip: Yes, exactly. I’m not going to get into a debate about whether or not he was responsible for what
happened. Whether that was grounds to be permanently …………………………..4 … I don’t know really.
To be honest, I don’t have enough information to say either way.
But Musk believes that Twitter should be a platform for free speech. And that you should be able to say
whatever you want, whenever you want. I am a hundred percent behind free speech, but I sincerely hope
there are ……………………………..5 for things that incite hate or violence.

Jesse: Well, Twitter has released statements regarding the accusations of censorship of speech. They
have denied silencing people purely based on their …………………………...6 They said they do however
enforce their stated community guidelines and have to block content that goes against their community
standards. Those standards include that you cannot violate or encourage behavior that violates Twitter
rules, violence, and ……………………………..7 And there are other things that are discouraged to ensure
that people can converse freely and safely.

Philip: I can see how there can be confusion on what is considered violent speech or harassment. Social
media platforms must make the choice of censoring free speech and …………………………………8 of
what is or isn’t allowed.

Jesse: Well, it’s going to be interesting to see which direction Twitter goes and how it will affect the
discussion of free speech and politics going forward.

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Speaking Activity

Use the illustrations to talk about freedom of speech, community standards, and social media.

In Your Own Words

Write a sentence using each of the expressions below.

1. Keep under wraps

Meaning: to keep something secret

Example: We need to keep the merger under wraps until everything is finalized.

2. Sit on the fence

Meaning: to remain neutral; to refuse to take sides in a dispute

Example: You can’t sit on the fence – you must choose a side.

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