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Name: Ruba Sleet 12154800

Assignment 4
Advanced Reinforced Concrete Deadline: 25th, March 2024

Square Reinforced concrete column (400x400 mm) is subjected to ultimate axial

load=1000 kN. Column is reinforced by 14 16
1) Calculate the maximum ultimate moment that could be supported by this column
using concrete compressive strength=28 MPa, steel yielding strength=420 MPa
assuming length of column is 4 m
2) Square Reinforced concrete column (400x400 mm) is subjected to ultimate axial
load=1000 kN, Calculate the maximum ultimate moment that could be supported
by this column using concrete compressive strength=28 MPa, steel yielding
strength=420 MPa assuming length of column is 12m
3) Verify Manual vs Program solutions

Consider column in 1, as part of braced frame
Consider column in 2, as part of unbraced frame
4 bays frame of span length = 6m, all beams and columns are 40x40
Maximum ultimate capacity of the load will be equal 203.4201 KN.m

Note that our point is within the range.

Modeling the frame in ETABS:

Our column is Column-A.
Verifying manual solution using ETABS.
Column P-M-M Interaction Ratios:

CR<1, so the point lies within the interaction volume and the column capacity is
Section of the ETABS Concrete Frame Design Manual (ACI
318-08) describes capacity-ratio formulation in detail.

Check for slenderness for the two cases:

Note that for braced column “case 1” we can neglect slenderness, so in this case
only 1st order analysis required.

But unbraced column “case 2” is slender column.

Solution #1:
Design for slenderness “ Moment magnification method” sway
Slenderness effects at column ends:
In our case, we don’t have any lateral load “horizontal shear”.
For the following equation we magnify M s which is obtained from “lateral load”,
but in our example we don’t have lateral load, so we will not calculate sway

So M1 will equal M1ns “moment resulting from vertical load” and M2 = M2ns.
But we have to take buckling effect:
Slenderness effects along column length:
According to this flow chart, we are here:
Design for buckling:
Another solution:
In this solution:

This is interaction diagram for long column from ETABS.

It’s the same as the interaction diagram for short column, so the maximum moment
capacity = 203.4201
Point P KN M2 KN.m M3 KN.m
1 2560.2 0 0
2 2560.2 0 80.8444
3 2318.0702 0 122.9344
4 1939.1374 0 156.6465
5 1526.1938 0 181.0479
6 1034.2583 0 199.9915
7 846.916 0 218.6708
8 546.6232 0 225.8272
9 29.7413 0 169.313
10 -631.9542 0 73.3408
11 -1064.221 0 0
Max capacity of the load 1000 203.4201

This M = 203.4201 including ϕ = ϕ Mn, so it equals Mu = maximum ultimate

The column cannot withstand the applied load; we need to revise structural system
“to increase the dimensions of the column”.
Verifying manual solution using ETABS.

Moment from first order analysis:

Moment from P-∆ effect:
Moment from buckling effect “Mode 1”:

Moment from buckling effect “Mode 2”:

Moment from buckling effect “Mode 3”:

Moment from buckling effect “Mode 4”:

Note that M2 here < M min
Moment from buckling effect “Mode 5”:

Moment from buckling effect “Mode 6”:

In Mode 4:

𝑀𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 2𝑛𝑑 𝑜𝑟𝑑𝑒𝑟 𝑎𝑛𝑎𝑙𝑦𝑠𝑖𝑠 11.3567

= = 2.03 > 1.4
𝑀𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 1𝑠𝑡 𝑜𝑟𝑑𝑒𝑟 𝑎𝑛𝑎𝑙𝑦𝑠𝑖𝑠 5.5841
According to ACI318-14 we need to revise structural system “increasing

But in our case both 1 st & 2nd order analysis moment < M min.
Load cases used in this example:
Column P-M-M Interaction Ratios:

This column is O/S capacity ratio because of load combination 1 “Vertical load”,
because 1st order analysis, even when there’s no P-∆ effect, not because of
So, the column cannot withstand the applied load.

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