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Name: ________________________________________ Score: ____________________
Grade and Section: ______________________________ Date: ____________________
GENERAL INSTRUCTION: Read and analyze the instructions before answering.
Erasures will be considered wrong.
You are required to answer the test using black and blue ink only.
Review your answers before submitting.

TEST I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Read each statement and select the response that best answers the question or
the statement. Write your answer on the space provided before the number. Use CAPITAL letters only.
________1. Which of the following statement is TRUE about “biotic”?
A. A non-living component of an ecosystem
B. A living component of an ecosystem
C. A type of symbiosis
D. A group of organisms
________2. Which of the following is an example of competition?
A. A lion eating a zebra
B. A species going extinct
C. An ecosystem growing back, after being destroyed by human activity
D. A tree trying to get more nutrients than the other trees, because there isn’t
enough for all of them
________3. The clean-up crew are the decomposers. Decomposers and scavengers get rid
of the garbage and waste in an ecosystem. Decomposers differ from scavengers
because they __________________.
A. only eat dead organisms
B. do not eat dead organisms
C. break down larger organisms
D. only feed on dead plants and animals
________4. Predators such as wolves, bears and coyotes are moving closer and closer to
highly populated areas. This is posing an increased danger to people, so predator
populations are being culled (reduced in number). This can have a devastating
effect on the ecosystem, because without this natural control _____________.
A. prey will also be reduced
B. prey will become overpopulated
C. Prey will be kept in check
D. vegetation will be overgrown
________5. One way of changing our impact on the environment we live in is to __________.
A. use a car instead of a bus to get to work or school
B. pack our garbage in smaller bags
C. take a bath everyday instead of showering
D. become aware of all the resources you use
________6. Pollution can cause problems within any ecosystem. The pollutants can enter this
ecosystem by combining with the water vapour in the air. Their effect is felt when
they become ________________.
A. basic and cannot be decomposed
B. acidic and cannot be decomposed
C. basic and increase plant growth
D. acidic and destroy the ecosystem
________7. Adapting to change is easier for some species than for others. A bushy-grassland
area was cleared to make room for a new housing development, in a city suburb.
The original area was home to many species that thrived. The species likely to
adapt most easily to the new habitat was ____________.
A. rabbit
B. coyote
C. fox
D. wolf
________8. A salamander hides under the bark, fungi grows on a rotting log and other forest
dwelling organisms use the hollow core as a home. This rotting decaying log is an
A. environment
B. ecological subsystem
C. ecosystem
D. ecotrust
________9. Living beyond our means can have a devastating effect on our environment. So
how much of an impact we make determines our ____________.
A. sustainability
B. ecosystem balance
C. ecological footprint
D. consumer bias
________10. To determine an organism’s niche, all of the following must be determined,
EXCEPT _______________.
A. how it is classified
B. what it eats
C. where it lives
D. what relationships it has with other organisms
________11. An ecosystem thrives with biotic and abiotic component parts. An example of
an abiotic part of an ecosystem is ____________.
A. micro-bacteria
B. fungus
C. water
D. decaying plants
________12. Food chains and food webs are models in Science which visually show us the
different relationships within an ecosystem. The primary difference between the
food chain and the food web is ________________.
A. a food chain shows how energy is stored
B. a food web shows how energy is used
C. a food web is complex system of food chains
D. a food chain is a combination of different food webs
________13. Tapeworms live inside organisms and feed on the nutrients of the food they eat.
A tapeworm is an example of _____________.
A. mutualism
B. parasitism
C. commensalism
D. cannibalism
________14. Organisms in an ecosystem can be classified as producers or consumers. The
producers provide food for the consumers. An organism that consumes both
producers and other consumers is called a _____________.
A. herbivore
B. omnivore
C. carnivore
D. Prey
________15. Which of the following best describes “ecology”?
A. It is the study of biotic and abiotic components of a ecosystem.
B. It is a study of community of a different species of organisms.
C. It is the study of how living and nonliving parts of the environment interact and
depend on each other.
D. It is the study of environment and ecosystems.
TEST II. IDENTIFICATION. Identify what is being asked. Choose your answer from the box and write your
answers on the space provided.

Organ System Organism Cell Atom Community Population

Internal Fertilization Budding External Fertilization Fetus Fragmentation
Vegetative Reproduction Parthenogenesis Zygote Binary Fission Biosphere

_______________________1. It is a level of biological organization that has its own distinct

existence as a complex, self-reproducing unit.
_______________________2. It is the smallest unit of matter that have the chemical properties of
a particular chemical element.
_______________________3. It is a region on, below, and above the Earth’s surface where life
_______________________4. It is a group of organs that function together to carry out broad
sets of functions.
_______________________5. It is the basic unit of life.
_______________________6. It is a group of distinct and similar cells that carry out a specific set
of functions.
_______________________7. It is a group of tissues organized together to carry out a particular
set of functions.
_______________________8. It is described as population of different species living and
interacting together in a distinct area.
_______________________9. This type of asexual reproduction involves small projection or bud
forming on the side of the parent.
_______________________10. It is another form of asexual reproduction where the eggs
develop into a complete individual without fertilization.
_______________________11. It is the process of breaking the body into two parts.
_______________________12. It is a type of asexual reproduction where a part of the plant is
able to reproduce as a new plant.
_______________________13. It is another type of asexual reproduction in which a single-celled
organism divides into two new cells or organisms.
_______________________14. The fertilized egg cell is called the ____________.
_______________________15. It is a type of fertilization where a hen and human exhibits.
TEST III. TRUE OR FALSE. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and write FALSE if the statement is
wrong. Use CAPITAL letters only.
_______________1. Oil immersion objective is a long tube that is usually marked 45X or 60X.
_______________2. A mirror collects and reflects light from an external light source up into the
_______________3. The stage is the platform where the slide is placed.
_______________4. The base is the part that supports the upper parts of the microscope.
_______________5. The ocular or eyepiece is a lens attached to the lower end of the
_______________6. Lower power objective locates the specimen and shows the general form
and structure of the specimen.
_______________7. Hold the arm of the microscope with one hand and the other hand under
the base is the proper way of handling the microscope.
_______________8. Revolving eyepiece is where the objectives are attached and enables
them to be positioned at the desired place.
_______________9. It is right to place the microscope about an inch from the edge of the
_______________10. When you start to focus the microscope, use your right eye to view the
specimen on the eyepiece.
_______________11. The pillar allows the upper part of the microscope to be bent.
_______________12. The parts and functions of a compound microscope is divided into three
parts; which are the magnifying, illuminating, and mechanical parts.
_______________13. Eukaryotes are organisms with membrane-bound organelles.
_______________14. Monerans are one-celled eukaryotic cell.
_______________15. Examples of a fungi are mushroom and yeast.
_______________16. Microorganisms may be beneficial or harmful.
_______________17. Protozoans have many different kinds of complex organelles bounded by
a membrane that separates them from the cytoplasm.

TEST IV. ESSAY. Answer the question to the best of your knowledge. Write your answer on the space
1. What is the importance of sexual reproduction? (5 points)

TEST V. GRAPHIC ORGANIZER. Compare and contrast the animal and plant cell by writing the organelles
present in each cell and the organelles that present in both cells using the Venn diagram. (8 points)

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