Love and Relationships Exercise On Phrasal Verbs A 93511

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Rebecca’s story (LOVE and RELATIONSHIPS)

1. Rebecca was born …………….. a small local hospital in 1972. (preposition of place)
2. She grew …………….. on a farm with lots of animals.
3. Her first boyfriend was a boy …………….. her secondary school. (preposition of place)
4. He was very crazy …………….. her.
5. She went …………….. with him for six months, but then they broke ………….., because he had
got acquainted ………….. another girl.
6. She went …………….. university when she left school. (preposition of direction)
7. She fell …………….. love …………….. another student doing medicine.
8. They went steady …………. one another for the whole time of their studies.
9. Then they shacked …………….. with each other for quite a long time.
10. They got married just …………….. the baby was born. (preposition of time)
11. She gave birth …………….. a baby girl.
12. She had a baby when she was …………….. her late twenties. (preposition of time)
13. Her father retired …………….. her early thirties. (preposition of time)
14. Rebecca’s family get …………….. very well with her husband’s family.
15. Rebecca’s family backs her …………….. very much when they help her with baby-sitting.
16. She doesn’t believe that her husband would ever cheat …………….. her, and she hopes that
they never split …………….. .
17. Her husband also fully relies …………….. her wife, and he believes that she doesn’t flirt
…………….. any other man.
18. They are very accustomed …………….. each other, therefore they can’t do …………….. each
19. Rebecca can’t imagine that she would live …………….. her own without her family, but she
knows that all people are not that lucky.
20. Her best friend Gabriela cheated …………….. her husband, and when he found it ……………..,
he broke ……………. their relationship, and they got divorced.
21. Rebecca knows that they are …………….. with each other, because Ted and Gabriela are
never going …………….. to each other to start again.
22. Being unfaithful …………….. your partner does not do any good, but media have a great
influence …………….. people and their lives, that they do not always treat well their partners.
23. It is worth taking care …………….. one’s relationships, whether it’s a friendship , a romantic
relationship, or a kinship.
24. “And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only ………. the heart that one can see
rightly; what is essential is invisible ………… the eye.”
― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince
1 in 2 up 3 at 4 about 5 out, up, with 6 to 7 in, with 8 with 9 up 10 after 11 to 12 in 13 in 14
on 15 up 16 on, up 17 on, with 18 to, without 19 without 20 on, out, off 21 through, back 22
to, on 23 of 24 with, to

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