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The cell was first discovered by

Robert Hooke in 1665, which can be

found to be described in his book

In this book, he gave 60

'observations' in detail of various
objects under a coarse, compound
microscope. One observation was
from very thin slices of bottle cork
Hans and Zacharias
Janssen were known
for inventing t he
com pound op tical
m icroscope. This
contributed to the cell
theory by making it
easier and more
practical to observe
cells. 3)Hans and
Zacharias Janssen Cell
Theory was first
discovered after they
developed the
Electron microscopy (EM) has long been used in the
discovery and description of viruses. Organisms smaller
than bacteria have been known to exist since the late
19th century (11), but the first EM visualization of a virus
came only after the electron microscope was developed.
Cells are the basic building blocks of
living things.
Both plants and animal have cells with
their own specialized function.
Cells are of two types:

Eukaryotic, which contain a nucleus,

and prokaryotic, which do not.

Prokaryotes are single-celled

organisms, while eukaryotes can be
either single-celled or multicellular.
1. Nucleus
Nucleus (plural nuclei) is a highly
specialized cell organelle, which stores
the genetic component
(chromosomes) of the particular cell.

It serves as the main administrative

center of the cell, by coordinating the
metabolic processes like cell growth,
cell division and protein synthesis.

DNA/ Protein
s the
Forms into
GENES Chromo-
Important facts about the nucleus
in animals;

are lost in mature red blood

cells (mature RBC has no

Site for hereditary factors

Source of rRNA, mRNA and tRNA


The colorless
consisting of the
living part of a
cell, including
the cytoplasm,
nucleus and
other organelles.

Cell organelles in both plants and animals

are more or less similar, except that the
animal cells lacks chloroplast organelles,
that are responsible for photosynthesis.
are oblong shaped

- The powerhouse of the

- responsible for
breaking down complex
carbohydrate and
sugar molecules to
DNA simpler forms.
-mitochondria are crucial
for cell signaling, cycle,
division, growth and

6/ 20- 02
an organelle near the nucleus of a cell
that contains the centrioles (in animal
cells) and from which the spindle fibers
develop in cell division.
A minute cylindrical organelle near
the nucleus in animal cells,
occurring in pairs and involved in
the development of spindle fibers
in cell division.
2.4 Lysosomes

An organelle in
the cytoplasm
of eukaryotic
cells containing
enclosed in a
2.5 Golgi Apparatus

Golgi apparatus also known as golgi complex and

golgi body. It is an organelle responsible for
processing of macromolecules (like carbohydrates,
proteins and fats) and packaging them into
membrane-bound vesicles for transportation
purposes. Golgi bodies are present near to the
nucleus of the plant cell.
A cell organelle that comprise proteins (40
percent) and ribonucleic acid or RNA (60 percent).
They are important organelles responsible for the
synthesis of proteins. Each ribosome consists of
two parts, a larger subunit and a smaller subunit.
The jelly-like fluid that fills a cell . It is made up of
mostly water and salt. Cytoplasm is present within
the cell membrane of all cell types and contains all
organelles and cell parts.
Cell Membrane

Cell membrane, also called plasma membrane,

surrounds the cytoplasm.

It connects the intracellular components (organelles

and cytoplasm) with the extracellular environment,
and helps in protection and transportation.

The cell membrane is permeable to specific

substances only.
About the cell membrane;

There are two models:

1. Classical model ( Davson & Danielli)-

Phospholipid bilayers sandwiched by

2. Fluid mosaic (Singer and Nicholson)-

this include proteins,cholesterol and
other molecules.

Glycocalyx (glycoproteins & polysaccharides )

coats the outside of the cell membrane.
Also called plasma
membrane, surrounds the
Connects the intracellular
components (organelles
and cytoplasm) with the
extracellular environment,
and helps in protection and

The cell membrane is

permeable to specific
substances only.
Biomolecules are
produced by the living

Proteins are large molecules that our cells

need to function properly.

They consist of amino acids. The structure

and function of our bodies depend on
proteins. ...

Muscles, skin, bones, and other parts of

the human body contain significant
amounts of protein, including enzymes,
hormones, and antibodies.
Biological processes
mediated by Proteins

Biological processes mediated by Proteins

Nucleic acids
Nucleic acids are the main
information-carrying molecules of the
cell, and, by directing the process of
protein synthesis, they determine the
inherited characteristics of every
living thing.

The two main classes of nucleic

acids are
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and
ribonucleic acid (RNA)
Cell Division and Inheritance
The state of cell & its activity during cell reproduction
QUIESCENT/ Gap 0 GO Cells resting, left the cycle
SENESCENT and stopped dividing
INTERPHASE Gap 1 G1 Cell increase in size;
ensures that cells are ready
for DNA synthesis
Synthesis S DNA replication occurs
Gap 2 G2 Cells continue to grow;
ensures cells are ready to
enter M phase and divide
CELL DIVISION Mitosis M Cell growth stops, all
energy is focused on
orderly cell division into 2
daughter cells; ensures that
cells are ready to complete
cell division
Stem Cells

Animals and plants maintain small pools

of stem cells that continuously provide
the precursors of more-specialized cells
to sustain growth or to replace tissues. In
both types of organism, stem cells are
maintained by intercellular signals that
are available only in defined regions
(niches) in the tissues.
Animal stem cell
a. embryonic stem cell
b. adult stem cell
d. induced pluripotent stem
Anim al stem cells can be found in some
locations in the adult body, such as the
lower layers of the skin and small
intestine, still contain populations of
stem cells. These cells can divide to
produce a limited range of specialized
cell types to replace cells that have been

Stem cell markers are genes and their protein products

used by scientists to isolate and identify stem cells. Stem
cells can also be identified by functional assays which are
considered the gold standard for the identification and
therapeutic purposes.
Embryonic stem cells
(ESCs) are stem cells
derived from the
undifferentiated inner
mass cells of a human
embryo. Embryonic stem
cells are pluripotent,
meaning they are able to
grow (i.e. differentiate)
into all derivatives of the
three primary germ layers:
ectoderm, endoderm and
Adult stem cell

-are undifferentiated cells found

throughout the body that divide to
replenish dying cells and regenerate
damaged tissues.

Also known as somatic stem cells, they

can be found in children, as well as
Stem cell in the skin
Pluripotent stem cells are master cells. They’re able
to make cells from all three basic body layers, so
they can potentially produce any cell or tissue the
body needs to repair itself. This “master” property
is called pluripotency.
Like all stem cells, pluripotent
stem cells are also able
to self-renew, meaning
they can perpetually
create more copies
of themselves.
Induced pluripotent stem cells
iPSC are derived from skin or blood cells that have been
reprogrammed back into an embryonic-like pluripotent state
that enables the development of an unlimited source of
any type of human cell
needed for therapeutic
purposes. For example,
iPSC can be prodded
into becoming beta islet
cells to treat diabetes,
blood cells to create new
blood free of cancer
cells for a leukemia
patient, or neurons to
treat neurological

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