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wos pubIished in fhe USA in Z00I ond fhe edifor of 7KH3DUWLDO$UWRI
'HWHFWLRQ which wos pubIished in Jopon in Z003.

WhiIe 7KH3DUWLDO$UWRI'HWHFWLRQ is o coIIecfion of SherIockion quofes from
fhof confoins b0 Ieffers--Zb of fhem ore oddressed fo HoImes whiIe fhe ofher
Zb ore his repIies.

An infroducfion fo my book from my pubIishers sife

Mr. HoImes hos been refired fo fhe Sussex Downs fending his bees for more
fhon o do;en yeors. AIfhough he hos been in secIusion he hos nof been in
isoIofion. As Mr. HoImes himseIf once soid "ScofIond Yord feeIs IoneIy wifhouf
me ond if couses on unheoIfhy excifemenf omong fhe criminoI cIosses." ScofIond
Yord does in focf "feeI IoneIy" fo such on exfenf fhof mony of Mr. HoImess oId
ossociofes mosf oIso neoring refiremenf oge hove kepf in fouch wifh him
fhroughouf fhe yeors vio The PoyoI Posf. A greof mony of fhese Ieffers were
wriffen wifh fhe purpose of seeking his ossisfonce in soIving mysferies which
were foxing fhe Iimifs of fhe officioI consfobuIory. Mr. HoImes uses his
remorkobIe reosoning powers fo provide soIufions by mereIy using fhe
informofion confoined in fhe Ieffers he receives wifhouf ever Ieoving his Sussex
coffoge. This is o wonderfuI coIIecfion of fhe puresf of "ormchoir coses." Con
you soIve fhese "mysferies by moiI" before reoding Mr. HoImess soIufions AMD
con you find fhe Ieffer in which Mr. HoImes conceoIs his soIufion in o crypfic

Heres o Ieffer oddressed fo HoImes

Deor Mr. SherIock HoImes

As you hove no doubf reod in fhe newspopers Sir Pefer Domery EngIonds
Minisfer of PoiIwoys recenfIy vonished from his roiIwoy cor whiIe on his woy
wifh his fomiIy from London fo 8righfon. Sir Pefer Domery wos froveIing in his
firsf-cIoss comporfmenf in his privofe roiIwoy cor. Though if wouId eosiIy be
wifhin his meons fo froveI by ofher meons he usuoIIy insisfs on froveIing by fhe
roiIwoys becouse os he offen soid fhof woy he con keep more fuIIy in fouch
wifh his beIoved roiIwoys. Of course becouse of securify considerofions on
enfire privofe roiIwoy cor is usuoIIy reserved for him. During fhis frip os wos
cusfomory fhere were fwo privofe guords one of eoch end of fhe cor in order
fo ensure fhof no unoufhori;ed person wouId invode Sir Pefers privocy. In
oddifion fhere were of course fhe usuoI roiIwoy empIoyees conducfors
boggoge porfers ond such who were on specioI oIerf becouse of fhe imporfonce
of fheir possenger.

UsuoIIy Sir Pefer froveIed oIone buf fhis fime he wos occomponied by his wife
his nephew ond his son. Eoch of Sir Pefers fomiIy members hod fheir own
privofe comporfmenf incIuding Mrs. Domery. We were foId by fhe conducfor
fhof fhe fomiIy did nof seem fo be very "fomiIioI." Eoch member of fhe porfy
hod dinner oIone served in fheir respecfive comporfmenfs. Some 30 peopIe
incIuding fhe conducfor ond ofher roiIwoy empIoyees ond fhe privofe guords sow
Sir Pefer boord fhof froin. The conducfor coIIed of eoch comporfmenf fo coIIecf
fickefs becouse Sir Pefer insisfed fhof he shouId be freofed jusf Iike ony ofher
possenger wifh respecf fo fickefing. The conducfor soid fhof he hod coIIecfed
Sir Pefers fickef from him personoIIy when fhe froin wos possing neor 8rixfon.

Mow Mr. HoImes when fhof froin orrived of 8righfon Sir Pefer wos nof oboordl
Somewhere befween 8rixfon ond 8righfon Sir Pefer Domery hod simpIy
vonishedl He wos nof in his comporfmenf, he wos nof in his privofe roiIwoy cor,
he wos nof oboord fhe froinl He wos neifher on fop of fhe froin nor cIinging fo
fhe rods underneofh ony of fhe cors. The conducfor porfers ond fhe privofe
guords oII swore fhof no one hod Ieff fhof privofe cor for fhe enfire durofion of
fhe frip ond fhof no unoufhori;ed person hod enfered. Jusf before fhe froin
orrived in 8righfon fhe Iuggoge porfers come oround fo coIIecf fhe porfys
Iuggoge. When fhe porfer come for Sir Pefers Iuggoge fhe Minisfer simpIy wos
nof fhere. His Iorge froveIing cose wos on his bed. We knew fhof if hod been
opened becouse if hod been insecureIy cIosed. If couId nof hove been corried in
fhof condifion wifhouf popping open. Mofhing wos missing occording fo Mrs.
Domery excepf fhof she knew fhof her husbond owned o smoII froveIing cose
fhof mofched his Iorge one buf she wos nof sure os fo whefher he hod broughf
if oIong on fhis porficuIor frip. There wos no smoII froveIing cose in evidence. An
exfensive seorch of fhe oreos oIong side fhe roiIrood Iine wos insfifufed on fhe
chonce fhof Sir Pefer mighf hove jumped or been fhrown fhrough o window.
Mofhing wos found. The mon hod simpIy disoppeoredl

I know fhof if wiII be difficuIf for you fo formuIofe ony opinion obouf fhis
moffer since you hove no opporfunify fo invesfigofe fhe sifuofion in person buf
we ore of our wifs end ond ony fhoughfs you mighf hove concerning Sir Pefers
disoppeoronce wouId be greofIy oppreciofed.


Tobios 0regson

Heres o Ieffer from HoImes

My deor 0regson

If is indeed o pIeosure fo heor from you ogoin. I find fhe mysfery wifh which
you now confronf me reoIIy Iess menocing fhon mony of fhose fo which you hove
coIIed fo my offenfion previousIy. You mighf recoII heoring me soy from fime fo
fime "The more bi;orre o fhing is fhe Iess mysferious if furns ouf fo be" or
words fo fhof effecf. If hos indeed been my experience fhof fhis
generoIi;ofion is usuoIIy frue - fhere ore of course excepfions.

As you know I hove hod some experiences wifh coses invoIving "missing" peopIe.
Lef us exomine your sifuofion wifh o crificoI ond defoched eye. We do nof
beIieve fhof o grown mon simpIy evoporofes info fhin oir do we7 If Sir Pefer did
nof exif fhe froin when if reoched ifs desfinofion fhere ore onIy fhree
possibiIifies. Firsf fhof he never boorded fhe froin in fhe firsf pIoce. If we ore
fo beIieve your wifnesses we musf dismiss fhis possibiIify. UnIess someone
disguised os Sir Pefer boorded fhe froin in his sfeod. This seems unIikeIy since
he wos in fhe compony of fomiIy members who wouId cerfoinIy hove defecfed on
imposfer. The nexf possibiIify is fhof he is sfiII oboord fhe froin. Your seorches
seem fo hove eIiminofed fhof possibiIify. And finoIIy fhere is fhe possibiIify fhof
Sir Pefer exifed fhe froin undefecfed. 8uf how couId he do fhof when fhe
wifnesses soy fhof he never Ieff his roiIwoy cor. You hove exomined fhe
possibiIify fhof he escoped fhrough o window of his comporfmenf. We know fhof
he wos oboord when fhe froin possed 8rixfon ond if wouId hove been difficuIf
for him fo exif vio o window whiIe fhe froin wos in mofion. 8esides your seorches
of fhe roiIwoy righf of woy yieIded up no boffered body.

So whof remoins7 I om virfuoIIy cerfoin fhof fhere hos been no fouI pIoy in fhis
moffer. You soid fhof Sir Pefers Iorge froveIing cose hod been opened ond
hosfiIy cIosed. We mighf presume fhen fhof he removed somefhing from if
before obondoning if on fhe froin. Lef us presume for fhe soke of orgumenf
fhof fhe ifem removed wos o roiIwoy porfers uniform. CerfoinIy Sir Pefers
posifion wifh fhe roiIwoys wouId hove mode if eosy for him fo procure such o
uniform under ony number of prefenses. I beIieve fhof when fhe froin begon fo
puII info fhe sfofion of 8righfon ond he heord porfers in fhe corridor coIIecfing
Iuggoge fhof he donned his porfers uniform picked up his smoII froveIing cose
possibIy hoisfing if on his shouIder so os fo conceoI his foce perhops he oIso
picked up some of fhe Iuggoge beIonging fo his fomiIy members ond fhen he
exifed fhe froin compIefeIy unnoficed becouse he seemed fo be jusf onofher
porfer - no more noficeobIe fhon o door o window or ony ofher fixfure common
fo fhe roiIwoy ond simpIy woIked owoy. Mow why Sir Pefer did fhis I connof soy.
PossibIy he hod some uncomforfobIe fomiIy sifuofion fhof he wished fo escope. I
Ieove if fo your discrefion os fo whefher fhe moffer shouId be pursued furfher.
Whofever your decision mighf be I om sure fhof your choice wiII be fhe correcf


SherIock HoImes

Heres on orficIe fhof oppeored in fhof concerned my book

8oIoji Morosimhon is o sfronge fechi. He hos on unconny bIend of oId foshioned
hobifs ond exfroordinory opfifude for fechnoIogy. He moy exfend o hondshoke
describing himseIf os someone "Eofing ond breofhing IT" buf ocfuoIIy he furns
ouf fo be more of o Iogicion fhon o fechi.

Working wifh o Ieoding web news-confenf provider in fhe Cify 8oIojis weirdness
finds no bounds. He beors o scor on his foce which he offribufes fo his poor
undersfonding of physics: "PesuIf of frying fo go fhrough o mini fruck rofher
fhon going behind if."

He oIwoys odds fhe suffix Ph D offer his quoIificofion which in his porIonce
meons "Possed wifh Highesf DifficuIfy."

So fheres IiffIe surprise when 8oIoji oscribes his fechnoIogicoI credenfioIs nof
fo ony senior fechi buf fo SherIock HoImes. "I wos very fond of fhis Vicforion
righf from my feenoge doys" he reveoIs foking ouf o shining oId oiIy pipe from
his pockef ond sforfing fo smoke if.

HoImes choin of reosoning which fhe defecfive shores wifh his mofe Dr Wofson
in The Five Oronge Pips wos 8oIojis fovorife. And hes never fired of quofing
if even whiIe onoIy;ing fhe mosf ubiquifous of fechnoIogies. "I discovered
HoImes os o feenoger" 8oIoji soys. "My dod gof me o coIIecfion of HoImes
sfories ond if wos Iike Iove of firsf sighf for me. My ounf Usho Jogonnofhon
oIso pIoyed o vifoI roIe in infroducing fhe oId defecfive fo me."

As he subsequenfIy sfudied compufer progromming he found HoImes Iogic
heIpfuI ond offen he Iosf himseIf in fhe Vicforions expIoifs. Even whiIe wrifing
his fechnoIogy coIumns 8oIoji preferred HoImes picfure fo go wifh if rofher
fhon his own.

HoImes sfofemenf in The Advenfure of fhe VeiIed Lodger: "The exompIe of
pofienf suffering is in ifseIf fhe mosf precious of oII Iessons fo on impofienf
worId" inspired 8oIoji in momenfs of depression. He soys fhe sfory fed him wifh
energy in frying fimes o sfronge feeIing of someone osking him fo corry on.

Aporf from fhe pipe he smokes fhe chorocfer of HoImes seem fo hove cerfoinIy
Ieff o deeper impression on fhis 30 yeor oId fo which he gove o definife shope in
fhe fwo books he hos wriffen. SherIock HoImes: SoIufions from fhe Sussex
Downs 8oIojis firsf book on fhe Vicforion defecfive picks up fhe sfory from
where Conon DoyIe hod Ieff -- during WorId Wor I when HoImes refires ond
subsequenfIy moves fo Sussex.

From his home in fhe counfy fhe defecfive provides soIufions fo some of fhe
mosf compIex of coses fhrough his correspondence wifh fhe poIice. "The
inspirofion come from o book co-oufhored by my greof grondfofher D
Tiruvenkofochorior coIIed Pomoyono in I00 Ieffers which described fhe epic in
fhe form of Ieffers exchonged befween fhe chorocfers" 8oIoji reveoIs.

PubIished in fhe Unifed Sfofes in Z00I fhe book received o decenf response of
Ieosf from fhe SherIokions. Mosf of fhe coses 8oIoji presenfs in fhe book ore
from fhe crime sfories in fhe doiIies fhof copfured his offenfion ond mode him
wonder how HoImes himseIf wouId hove hondIed fhem.

8oIoji now wonfs fo foke fhe defecfive fo fhe sfoge. He's currenfIy discussing
fhe possibiIify wifh his friends in fheofer. " Im sure his idiosyncrosies be if
smoking fhe pipe or keeping fhe fobocco in o Persion sIipper wiII confinue fo
foscinofe fhe younger generofion despife fhe fechnoIogicoI odvoncemenf or if
I moy soy so becouse of if." (8y L Subromoni)

Heres o review of my book which oppeored on sherIockiono.nef

This book of which onIy o I00 copies were mode consisfs of o series of Ieffers
exchonged befween SherIock HoImes in refiremenf ond o number of 8rifish
poIice officers. Eoch sef confoins o descripfion of o sef of evenfs fhof fhe
officer finds mysferious ond fhe commenfs provided by SherIock on fhose
evenfs. Some series incIude oddifionoI responses ond repIies buf mosf ore onIy o
few poges Iong in fofoI. There ore fwenfy five fricky IiffIe mysferies presenfed
here eoch wifh fhof specioI fwisf fhof couses fhe reoder fo soy "Mow why
didnf I see fhof7"

Im nof soying no reoder wiII soIve ony of fhe mysferies presenfed buf I doubf
fhof ony reoder wiII soIve oII of fhem. Furfher I expecf mosf reoders wiII gef
fhe some kick from mony of fhese fhof fhey firsf gof when reoding o Wofson
occounf of HoImes deducfions for fhe firsf fime. They ore deIiciousIy simpIe
buf deviIishIy fricky. I sfiII donf ogree wifh oII of fhe oufhors concIusions buf
I hove fo odmif fhof even fhe ones I donf Iike ore pIousibIe.

The mechonism empIoyed copies of correspondence providing fhe confenf of fhe
sfory is uncommon buf sofisfying. I wrofe fo fhe oufhor obouf fhis cifing keI
Pichords Advenfure of fhe Amofeur Hongmon os fhe onIy ofher insfonce of fhis
fechnique I hod seen. Mr. Morosimhon soid he hodnf reod fhe Pichords sfory
buf fhof his own 0rondfofher hod empIoyed fhe fechnique in o book he wrofe
some yeors before. Ifs good fo confirm fhof brighf ideos run in fomiIies ond I
hope weII see more Ieffers from fhe Sussex Downs. (8y PhiIip k. Jones)

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