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Chose the best answer by crossing (x) a, b, c, d, or e!

My sister... (1) to cook. ... (2) always has brilliant ideas for my lunch every day. ... (3) cooks oxtail
soup today. I invite my friends to our house to taste the soup. ... (4) love it so much and tell ... (5)
sister to open a restaurant because they think many people will like the soup and she can make
much money from ...(6).

a. Love
b. love
c. loving
d. loves
e. loved

a. He
b. She
c. They
d. I
e. We

a. We
b. her
c. Us
d. She
e. hers

a. He
b. She
c. Them
d. They
e. It

a. his
b. their
c. hers
d. my
e. mine

a. it
b. its
c. them
d. it’s
e. her
The following text is for number 7-11

Holiday in Jakarta

Last holiday, I went to my brother’s house in Jakarta. I went to Jakarta with my father. We went to
Jakarta city by the train. Jakarta it was very interesting, but the atmosphere was too hot for me.

A few days later, my brother and I went to the zoo in Jakarta. We went to be zoo by taxi. The zoo
was very crowded. There were many traders. After we bought the ticket, we went to see the animals
in the zoo.

First, I saw many pelican birds. They were very hungry, so the zoo keeper fed the bird. Then I saw
many deer eaten many hays. In the same cage, I saw ostrich. It was very big. It couldn’t fly but could
run very fast. The stomach was very big too. After that, we went to take the boat which was pictured
with the image of goose.

Before we went back home, we bought some drink and food. We rested in a restroom. I was very
happy with the holiday. I hope the next holiday would be good too.

7. What did the writer see in the zoo?

a. plants
b. Animals
c. Vehicles
d. Surakarta
e. Jakarta

8. How did the writer feel on the vacation?

a. He felt very happy
b. He was feeling sad
c. He is feeling goofy
d. He is smiling
e. He was cool

9. Did the writer go to the zoo?

a. By a chance
b. Sometimes
c. Yes, he did
d. By taxi
e. By motorcycle

10. Where did the writer go Last holiday?

a. He Slept in the zoo
b. Argued with his father
c. He Bought food and drink
d. He went to his Brother’s house
e. He Watched the movie

11. What kind of the text is that?

a. Recount text
b. Narrative text
c. Discussion text
d. Hortatory exposition
e. Analytical exposition
The following text is for number 12-16.

Traveling by Plane

I really hate flying. When I was on board. It seemed that everything was all right. But suddenly I saw
smoke coming from the plane engine when it took off. The engine was on fire and the plane started
to rattle. Suddenly the captain said to us in a very calm voice. “Ladies and gentleman, we are having
a little problem with one of the engines. There is no need to panic. Keep your seat belts fastened.
We are going to return the airport.”

You can imagine how frightened I was, but the crew was fantastic. The flight attendants were really
calm and told us not to worry. One of them told me to relax and said that everything would be all

A few minutes later, the pilot made a smooth landing on the runway. It was over, and we were safe.

I took a taxi and went home. From that day on, I decided not to fly anymore.

12. What makes the writer frightened?

a. Flying
b. Walking
c. one of the plane’s engines was on fire and started to rattle
d. Sleeping
e. Studying

13. What happened to the engine before it took off?

a. Smoking
b. Off
c. Landed
d. Flew
e. Fine

14. What didn’t the writer feel about the experience based on the text?
a. Happy
b. Frightened
c. Afraid
d. Sad
e. Shocked

15. What does the writer hate?

a. Taxi
b. Flying
c. Boat
d. Car
e. Train

16. Did the writer go home by Taxi?

a. Yes, he does
b. No, he is not
c. No, he was not
d. Yes, he didn’t
e. Yes, he did

The following text is for number 17-19.

One day I went to Bandung with my friend for a vacation. We went there on night bus. When arrived
in Cianjur, the bus stopped for a rest. I got off the bus to get a cup of coffee, but my friend didn’t. He
went to a mosque to pray. It took only a few minutes to pray, but went I came out again the bus was
not there. It had gone! Shocked and confused. I asked the shopkeeper about the bus. She said that
the bus had departed about five minutes ago.

I tried to call my friend on my cell phone, but the battery was running low. I couldn’t do anything but
hope and pray. After several minutes, my wish came true. The bus came back! Got on the bus and
walked to my seat. I was so ashamed when everybody on the looked at me. I could feel my face
turned red.

I asked my friend why she didn’t tell the driver that I was still outside. “I did, I told him several times
that you were outside, but he said that you were in the bus toilet because he saw a man going into
the toilet,” my friend replied, laughing. The other passengers smiled at me. I was so embarrassed.

17. Did the writer drink coffee and prayed when the bus stop for a rest in Cianjur?
a. Drink a cup of coffee and prayed
b. Bought souvenir and went to the toilet
c. Yes, he did
d. Yes, he drunk a cup of milk and bought souvenir
e. No, he drunk a cup of coffee and went to the toilet

18. Why couldn’t the writer call his friend?

a. He didn’t bring his cell phone
b. The battery wasn’t running low
c. The writer’s cell phone was stolen
d. Because his phone was low of battery
e. There was not any signal in his cell phone

19. How did the writer feel?

a. He felt happy
b. He feels awful
c. He had felt awful
d. He has felt awful
e. He felt awful

This dialog is for questions no. 20-23.

Shinta : “I heard you won the first prize for your short stroy. .... (20)”
Wulan : “ ... (21).”
Shinta : “As your freind I’m ... (22).”
Wulan : “Thank you.”
Shinta : “You deserve it because it’s a very good story.”
Wulan : “... (23)”


a. Congratulations!
b. Thank you
c. Very produd of you
d. Really!
e. What are you doing?


a. Very proud of you

b. Congratulations
c. Thank you so much
d. That’s a pity
e. I’m very proud of you


a. very proud of you

b. thanks
c. thank you very much
d. really
e. sure


a. Really?
b. Of course
c. Thank you
d. Sure
e. No problem

24. The following sentences are expression of congratulation, except....

a. please accept my warm congratulation
b. I congratulate you on your success
c. I’m sorry to hear that
d. congratulations!
e. well done, congratulations for you

25. Which statement is true?

a. Congratulation is the act of expressing joy or acknowledgement, as for achievement
b. Congratulation is the feeling of being grateful
c. Congratulation is something that you say or do to greet people
d. Congratulation is the feeling of being sorry for somebody
e. Congratulation is an arragement, a promise

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