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Week 2 - Module 2
Investigating Principles Governing Motion
1. True or False: According to Aristotle, objects fall faster if they are heavier.
2. True or False: Galileo's experiments with inclined planes demonstrated that the speed
of a falling object is independent of its mass.
3. True or False: Aristotle believed that objects in free fall naturally tend to move in a
straight line.
4. True or False: Galileo asserted that an object thrown horizontally and an object
dropped vertically will hit the ground simultaneously, neglecting air resistance.
5. True or False: Aristotle argued that the motion of a projectile follows a curved path
due to the influence of the elements.
6. True or False: Galileo's observations and experiments with projectiles led him to
conclude that the shape of the projectile affects its trajectory.
7. True or False: Aristotle's theories on motion were widely accepted and unchallenged
until the time of Galileo.
8. True or False: Galileo's experiments with rolling balls on inclined planes showed that
the horizontal component of motion is independent of the vertical component.
9. True or False: Aristotle believed that the natural state of an object is to be in motion
along a straight path.
10. True or False: Galileo's work laid the foundation for the modern understanding of
kinematics and dynamics.

II- Directions: Summarize your understanding of the Aristotelian and Galilean motion
concepts by completing the table below.


Horizontal Motion

Vertical Motion

Projectile Motion


Horizontal Motion

Vertical Motion

Projectile Motion

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