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Dynamic Systems and Control

Linear Control Theory


Phuong-Tung Pham, Ph.D.

Department of Mechatronics
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Ho Chi Minh City

University of Technology 1

Frequency Response

Bode Diagram

System Identification using Bode Diagram

Ho Chi Minh City

University of Technology 2

Ho Chi Minh City

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Frequency Response
The frequency response of a system is defined as the steady-state response of
the system to a sinusoidal input signal.
The sinusoid is a unique input signal, and the resulting output signal for a linear
system is sinusoidal in the steady state;
It differs from the input only in amplitude and phase angle.

Consider the system Y(s) = G(s)X(s) with x(t) = Xsin(ωt)

Laplace transform

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Frequency Response

If the system is stable, then all poles have negative real parts and

In the limit for y(t), it can be shown, for t → ∞ (the steady state),

The steady-state output signal depends only on the magnitude and phase of
G(jω) at a specific frequency ω

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Frequency Response

Input Output

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Frequency Response

An advantage of the frequency-response approach is that frequency-response

tests are, in general, simple and can be made accurately by use of readily
available sinusoidal signal generators and precise measurement equipment.
The design of a system in the frequency domain provides the designer with
control of the bandwidth of a system, as well as some measure of the
response of the system to undesired noise and disturbances.
Often the transfer functions of complicated components can be determined
experimentally by frequency-response tests.
Although the frequency response of a control system presents a qualitative
picture of the transient response, the correlation between frequency and
transient responses is indirect, except for the case of second-order systems.
In designing a closed-loop system, we adjust the frequency-response
characteristic of the open-loop transfer function by using several design
criteria in order to obtain acceptable transient-response characteristics for
the system

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Bode Diagram

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Transfer Function in the Frequency Domain
The transfer function of a system G(s) can be described in the frequency
domain by the relation

The transfer function can be represented by a magnitude |G(jω)| and a phase

φ(jω) as

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Transfer Function in the Frequency Domain
Example: The transfer function of a RC filter is

and the sinusoidal steady-state transfer function is

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Bode Plots
A Bode diagram consists of two graphs: One is a plot of the logarithm of the
magnitude of a sinusoidal transfer function; the other is a plot of the phase
angle; both are plotted against the frequency on a logarithmic scale.

The logarithmic plots are called Bode plots in honor of H. W. Bode, who used
them extensively in his studies of feedback amplifiers.

The transfer function in the frequency domain is

The logarithm of the magnitude is normally expressed in terms of the

logarithm to the base 10, so we use

the units are decibels (dB)

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Bode Plots
Example: Bode plot of an RC filter

The logarithmic gain is

For small frequencies:

For large frequencies:
at ω = 1/τ:

The phase angle is

➢ The frequency ω = 1/τ is often called the break frequency or corner
frequency (tần số gãy).
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Bode Plots
Example: Bode plot of an RC filter

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Bode Plots

The four different kinds of factors that may occur in a transfer

function are as follows

➢ Constant gain Kb
➢ Derivative and Integral factor (jω)
➢ First-order factor (jωτ + 1)
➢ Quadractic factor [1 + (2ζ/ωn)jω + (jω/ ωn)2 ]

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Constant Gain Kb
Khâu tỉ lệ

Transfer function: 𝐺 𝑠 = 𝐾𝑏 , (𝐾𝑏 > 0)

Transfer function in the frequency domain:

𝐺 𝑗ω = 𝐾𝑏

Logarithmic gain:

Phase angle:

If the gain is a negative value, -Kb

The logarithmic gain remains 20 logKb

The negative sign is accounted for by the phase angle, -180°

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Derivative and Integral factor (jω)
Derivative factor (Khâu vi phân lý tưởng)
Transfer function: 𝐺 𝑠 = 𝑠
Transfer function in the frequency domain:𝐺 𝑗ω = 𝑗ω
Logarithmic gain:
Phase angle:

Integral factor (Khâu tích phân lý tưởng)

Transfer function: 𝐺 𝑠 = 1/𝑠
Transfer function in the frequency domain:𝐺 𝑗ω = 1/𝑗ω
Logarithmic gain:

Phase angle:

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Derivative and Integral factor (jω)

Integral factor Derivative factor

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Derivative and Integral factor (jω)

Derivative factor
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First-order factor (jωτ + 1)
Khâu quán tính bậc nhất
Transfer function: 𝐺 𝑠 = 1/(τ𝑠 + 1)
Transfer function in the frequency domain: 𝐺 𝑗ω = 1/(τ𝑗ω + 1)
Logarithmic gain:

Phase angle:

Khâu vi phân bậc nhất

Transfer function: 𝐺 𝑠 = (τ𝑠 + 1)
Transfer function in the frequency domain: 𝐺 𝑗ω = (τ𝑗ω + 1)
Logarithmic gain: 20 log 1 + j = 10 log(1 +  2 2 )

Phase angle:  ( ) = tan −1 ( )

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First-order factor (jωτ + 1)

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Quadractic factor [1 + (2ζ/ωn)jω + (jω/ ωn)2 ]
Khâu dao động bậc hai
Transfer function: 𝐺 𝑠 = 1/[1 + (2ζ/ωn)s + (s/ ωn)2]
TF in the frequency domain:

𝐺 𝑗ω = 1/[1 +2ζju− u2]

Logarithmic gain:

Phase angle:

a curve with a slope

When u << 1: and φ → 0o of - 40 dB/decade
When u >> 1: and φ → -180o

The magnitude asymptotes meet at the 0 dB line when u = 1

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Quadractic factor [1 + (2ζ/ωn)jω + (jω/ ωn)2 ]
Khâu dao động bậc hai

𝐺 𝑗ω = 1/[1 +2ζju− u2]

Difference between the actual
magnitude curve and the asymptotic
approximation is a function of the
damping ratio.
The maximum value Mpω of the
frequency response occurs at the
resonant frequency ωr
When the damping ratio approaches
zero, then ωr approaches ωn, the
natural frequency.

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Transport Lag (Khâu trễ)

Transport lag, which is also called dead time, is of non minimum phase behavior and
has an excessive phase lag with no attenuation at high frequencies. Such transport
lags normally exist in thermal, hydraulic, and pneumatic systems

The magnitude is always equal to unity, since

Therefore, the log magnitude of the

transport lag e-jT is equal to 0 dB. The
phase angle of the transport lag is

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Procedure for Plotting Bode Diagrams
1. Rewrite the sinusoidal transfer function G(j)H(j) as a product of
basic factors.
2. Identify the corner frequencies associated with these basic factors.
3. Draw the asymptotic log-magnitude curves with proper slopes
between the corner frequencies. The exact curve, which lies close to
the asymptotic curve, can be obtained by adding proper corrections.
4. The phase-angle curve of G(j)H(j) can be drawn by adding the
phase-angle curves of individual factors

The use of Bode diagrams employing asymptotic approximations requires much

less time than other methods that may be used for computing the frequency
response of a transfer function.
The ease of plotting the frequency-response curves for a given transfer function
and the ease of modification of the frequency-response curve as compensation is
added are the main reasons why Bode diagrams are very frequently used in

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Example of Bode Diagrams
Sketching a Bode plot

100(0.1s + 1)
G (s) =
s (1 + 0.01s )

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Performance Specifications in The Frequency Domain

• At the resonant frequency ωr a maximum value Mpω of the frequency

response is attained.
• The bandwidth (băng thông) is the frequency ωB at which the frequency response
has declined 3dB from its low-frequency value. This corresponds to
approximately half an octave, or about 1/ 2 of the low-frequency value.

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Identification using
Bode Diagram

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System Identification using Bode Diagram
A sine wave can be used to
measure the open-loop frequency
response of a system. In practice,
a plot of amplitude versus
frequency and phase versus
frequency will be obtained. From
these two plots, the loop transfer
function can be deduced.

A device called a wave analyzer

can be used to measure the
amplitude and phase variations as
the frequency of the input sine
wave is altered.
A device called a transfer function
analyzer can be used to measure
the loop transfer function and
closed-loop transfer functions
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System Identification using Bode Diagram
An example of determining the
transfer function from the Bode plot

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System Identification using Bode Diagram




0.1 1 10 100 1000 Hz


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System Identification using Bode Diagram

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Example of Bode Diagrams

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Example of Bode Diagrams

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Example of Bode Diagrams

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