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T24 Testing ( SIT and UAT ) Vendor Tender

Request for proposal


The information contained herein is confidential. No part of this document may be reproduced, copied, distributed or made
available in any form whatsoever to any person without express prior written permission of CIB.
T24 Testing Tender

Table of Contents
1 Commercial International Bank Overview............................................................................................... 3
2 Confidentiality .............................................................................................................................................. 3
3 Project Overview ......................................................................................................................................... 4
3.1 RFP Expectation and deliverables for SIT Testing ............................................................................... 6
3.2 RFP Expectation and deliverables for UAT ............................................................................................ 6
3.3 General Deliverables and expectation .................................................................................................... 7
4 Testing Approach........................................................................................................................................ 7
4.1 Project management and quality assurance methodology .................................................................. 7
4.2 Project Organization Chart ........................................................................................................................ 8
4.3 References, Key Persons and Resumes review ................................................................................... 8
4.4 Task Schedule ............................................................................................................................................ 9
4.5 Level of effort ............................................................................................................................................... 9
4.6 Tender Information ..................................................................................................................................... 9
5 Tender Contacts ......................................................................................................................................... 9
6 Tender Execution...................................................................................................................................... 10
6.1 RFP reception acknowledge step .......................................................................................................... 10
6.2 Questions and Clarification Session (IF NEEDED) ............................................................................. 10
6.3 RFP response step................................................................................................................................... 10
6.4 RFP Presentation and Demo .................................................................................................................. 10
6.5 Proposals Evaluation ............................................................................................................................... 10
6.6 Solution Award .......................................................................................................................................... 10
7 Vendor Response ..................................................................................................................................... 11
8 Compliance table ...................................................................................................................................... 11
8.1 Functional requirement ............................................................................................................................ 11
9 General Requirements ............................................................................................................................. 64
9.1 General Requirements (SIT Testing)..................................................................................................... 64
9.2 General Requirements (UAT Testing) ................................................................................................... 65
9.3 Applications testing requirements .......................................................................................................... 65
9.4 Data mapping testing requirements section ......................................................................................... 66
9.5 Data Migration testing Requirements Section ...................................................................................... 66
9.6 Non Functional requirements.................................................................................................................. 66
9.7 Level of expertise requirements ............................................................................................................. 67
Work Experience Requirements .................................................................................................................... 67
10 RFP Guidelines ......................................................................................................................................... 67

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11 Reference .................................................................................................................................................. 67
12 General Terms & Conditions: ................................................................................................................. 68
12.1 Personal experience ................................................................................................................................ 68
13 Payment Scheme for whole project: ...................................................................................................... 68
15 Other Terms: ............................................................................................................................................. 69
16 Pricing table ............................................................................................................................................... 69
17 Technical Requirements .......................................................................................................................... 70
18 Commercial Offer...................................................................................................................................... 70
19 RFP Amendments .................................................................................................................................... 70
20 Evaluation Criteria .................................................................................................................................... 70
21 Penalties .................................................................................................................................................... 71
22 Termination condition............................................................................................................................... 71
23 Technical

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T24 Testing Tender
1 Commercial International Bank Overview
Commercial International Bank was established in 1975 as a joint venture between the National Bank of Egypt
(51%) and the Chase Manhattan Bank (49%) under the name "Chase National Bank of Egypt”. Following Chase's
decision to divest its equity stake in 1987, National Bank of Egypt (NBE) increased its shareholding to 99.9%, and
the Bank changed its name to Commercial International Bank (Egypt) S.A.E. NBE’s stake gradually decreased
through several public offerings till it reached 18.7%. In 2006, a Consortium led by Ripple-wood Holdings acquired
the NBE stake. In July 2009, ACTIS a leading emerging markets private equity firm, invested US$ 244 million to
acquire shares in CIB. Hence, ACTIS acquired 50% of the stake held by the Consortium led by Ripple-wood
Holdings. Five months later, Ripple-wood sold its remaining position of 4.7% in CIB through the open market. This
move marked the successful transition of strategic partnership to be with ACTIS, who then became the largest
shareholder in CIB with a 9.1% stake. In March 2014, ACTIS sold a portion of its holding in CIB, representing 2.6%
of the Bank’s total outstanding shares, in the open market to a group of international investors. Later in the year,
ACTIS, has successfully realized its investment in Commercial International Bank (CIB) and has sold its remaining
6.5% to Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd (“Fairfax”) in May 2014.
Having the strongest brand equity rightfully places CIB as the bank of choice for over 500 of Egypt’s largest
corporations. Moreover, CIB shows tremendous upside potential within the bourgeoning Retail and SME Banking

2 Confidentiality
The information contained in this RFP constitutes information that is strictly confidential and privileged to CIB.
The ownership of all confidential information remains with CIB, no matter in what media it resides.

It is furnished to the Vendor in confidence with the under-standing that the information related to this
RFP and evaluation of proposals will not be disclosed or duplicated, used, in Whole or in part – for
any other purpose without specific written permission of CIB.

Any information regarding the business of CIB and any of its operations supporting the business is
strictly confidential

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T24 Testing Tender
3 Project Overview

The T24 upgrade project will be implemented in three stages as mentioned below:
1. The main scope in Stage 1 is to :
a. Upgrade the core banking T24 system to the latest relies R17 with existing customization and
integration points in addition to implementing the DLM module.
b. Installation and implementation for T24 ATM Framework and T24 Swift interface instead of
current customized solutions
c. DLM Standard Modules implementation.
d. Customer Signature
e. Process Enhancement
2. The main scope in stage 2 is to
a. Interaction and Integration framework implementation
b. Back to Core implementation
c. AA – (Arrangement Architecture) analysis
d. Process Enhancement for 10 process
3. The main scope in Stage 3 is to
1. Target Architecture on TAFJ
2. AA – (Arrangement Architecture) :complete what started in stage 2
3. Back to Core implementation : complete what started in stage 2
4. Process Enhancement : implementation of 20 business processes
5. Technical upgrade to latest core banking T24 release

There is overlap in the implementation where analysis of stage 2 will start during late stage 1, similarly for stage
3 analysis phase will start during late execution of stage 2.

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STAGE Objective T24 Release

1 4. Upgrade core banking T24 system to the latest published relies (R17) with R17 on TAFC
existing customization and integration points.
a. The above upgrade will include all interfaces conversion for technical
compatibility with R17 covering re-reference any modified data
elements to keep these integrations running correctly
b. Implement recommended and required architecture and
infrastructure after mutual agreement between CIB and Temenos
reaching leading practice and high availability based on the detailed
analysis phase
c. Implementation will be on LINUX Platform.
5. Installation and implementation for T24 ATM Framework and T24 Swift
interface instead of current customized solutions
6. DLM Standard Modules implementation,
a. Maintain easy access to data and increase enquiry and COB
7. Customer Signature
a. Signature migration to database instead of current unsecured
solution, currently customer signatures are now stored as images on
network file share.
8. Process Enhancement
a. Implement two business processes with Temenos recommendation
in order to deliver business benefit.

2 1. Interaction and Integration framework R17 on TAFC

a. Temenos to take all CIB interfaces and retrofit across interaction
framework or integration framework except ATM and swift interface
as it has its own framework.
2. Back to Core implementation
a. Move CIB customizations agreed during B2C assessment phase to
main core application modules to reduce current customization.
b. Implement the Back to Core items and perform its data migration
except items related to AA stage 3 scope
3. AA – (Arrangement Architecture)
a. Analysis, implementation and migration for basic products (to be
defined by CIB after AA analysis )
b. Implementing AA module will Enhance CIB time to market by
utilizing new product builder module in addition to new
functionalities (product simulator and product bundling)
4. Process Enhancement
a. Implementation of 10 business processes to gain the benefits from
R17 (these processes will be identified during stage 2 analysis )

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3 6. Target Architecture on TAFJ latest release
b. Implement and Migrate T24 from TAFC to TAFJ with recommended on TAFJ
infrastructure, target architecture and high availability after mutual
agreement between CIB and Temenos based on the analysis phase
7. AA – (Arrangement Architecture)
a. Continue analysis and implementation for remaining CIB products
on AA including their Data migration
8. Back to Core implementation
a. Implement remaining B2C items which not covered in stage 2 (AA
stage 3 dependent migration).
b. The impact of AA implementation on B2C, DLM and integration
touch points will be analyzed and retrofitted accordingly.
9. Process Enhancement
a. implementation of 20 business processes to gain the benefits from
R17(these processes will be identified during stage 2 analysis )
10. Technical upgrade to latest core banking T24 release

3.1 RFP Expectation and deliverables for SIT Testing

 Purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to test the T24 modules, products. The proposed vendor will ensure
that all scope items is covered within the testing.

 Vendor must have experience in testing T24 core banking solutions

 Provide the committed timing for the testing based on the project duration expected 30 months:
o Project duration is divided into 3 stages , stage1: 14 months , stage 2 : 12 months , stage 3: 10 months
and taking into consideration that the analysis phase ( 3 months ) will be overlapped between each and
every stage
o Vendor is responsible for test cases preparation and SIT, performance and testing scope listed in this
 Vendor will provide / elaborate all possible testing scenarios
 Detailed plans to be elaborated with the testing vendor during the beginning of each stage.

3.2 RFP Expectation and deliverables for UAT

 Purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to test the T24 modules, products. The proposed vendor will
ensure that all scope items is covered within the testing

 UAT testing Scope cover same Modules and functions illustrated in the SIT section but covering all
possible business scenario and as divided across the three stages of the project.
 The testing vendor to supply testing teams and resources matching CIB business organization structure
work in full alignment with all CIB testing teams.
 The testing vendor shall conduct the testing with complete alignment with the business departments,
consult them about the expected results and share the testing results with them, share the testing status,
defects and business possible preferences of the resolution (in case of alternatives can be chosen) and
report progress and closure of each testing track.
 The vendor shall provide complete UAT test plan for the three stages, taking into consideration the
following high level timelines:
 Project is 30 month duration, in 3 stages, stage one 14 month, stage two 10 month and
stage three 10 month, Analysis phase (3 month) of stage 2 and stage 3 overlap with the
previous phase.
 UAT testing of stage 1 expected to start November 2018.
 Detailed plans to be elaborated with the testing vendor during the beginning of each stage.

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3.3 General Deliverables and expectation

 The testing vendor to provide two quotations, one for SIT & Performance test and another
separate quotation for UAT testing services and support, each quotation has to have 3 parts for
the different 3 stages of the project.
 The testing contract will have two checkpoints, one after stage 1 and one after stage 2 where CIB
will have the full right to evaluate the testing vendor performance and accordingly choose whether
to continue or exit the contract at the checkpoint.
 Vendor testing team members will work with CIB IT testing team as well as CIB business
resources assigned to the project.
 Testing Vendor team members needs to clearly define the responsibility of each tester, which
should be in line with the CIB business areas (and process areas )
 Baseline for the testing phase will be done during the planning of the testing phase (at the
beginning of the testing phase).
 Testing vendor needs to work within the project baseline schedule as will be approved as part of
the planning for stage 1 (stage 2&3 will come later)
 Resources will be onsite for the engagement. However, they could work from offshore
based on the work agreed with business manager

4 Testing Approach

Responses should include a testing and methodology plan that defines a proposed approach at a high level for
testing the proposed T24 .

You are required to take into consideration the fact that CIB IT does not have a specific projects organization that
allows for the full-time availability of IT resources. Typically, IT resources are available to projects on need basis

Similar constraints are with CIB business departments and you are to include these constraints within your plan.
The provided plan must include the following:

4.1 Project management and quality assurance methodology

Include mix of consultant/client resources you envision for this project as well as the resource breakdown, by roles,
skill level, status (employee vs. contractor), and experience with the project.

a description of the Project Management process that would be performed to produce the Project Management
deliverables defined in the statement of work.

Include a description of the Project Management Monitoring and Control process and reporting, including
milestone and performance reviews.

Define the Testing and Acceptance methodology to ensure that the project outputs are integrated and accurate

No Requirements Category Response

1. Provide a detailed project testing plan for testing the solution.
In this detailed plan major and minor releases maintaining the
same project start-to-finish elapsed dates.
CIB has the right to review the proposed plan and change it
before the start of the project; the final Testing plan will be
defined and agreed upon by CIB and the selected Bidder as one
of the first tasks of the project.

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2. The selected Bidder is expected to establish a formal Project
Management structure and office (referred to here-in as Project
3. The Bidder must provide, at the beginning of the project, a
Project Manager in charge of managing the interaction between
the Bidder resources and CIB.
During the project, the Project Management team must
guarantee at least the following:
• Continuous update to the testing plan.
• Risk and issues management in a timely fashion.
• Daily testing activity status update to all key people
involved. In addition, to a weekly and monthly status update to
the steering committee.
During this project, CIB will assign key people to be the single
point of contact for all testing requests; who will be responsible
to manage all communication between the project team and all
other departments/other vendors (if applicable) involved in the
4. CIB will audit, or allow an independent organization to do so,
the process of testing deliverables, including internal quality
documentation, in order to check compliance with the
commitment made by the Bidder to assure testing quality as
quoted in the offer.
5. A responsibility matrix, detailing the appropriate responsibility
levels of the Bidder along with CIB’s expected role for each
task (e.g. responsible, accountable, consult, inform,

4.2 Project Organization Chart

The Vendor shall describe the functional responsibilities, interactions and reporting requirements of each
organizational unit at each level.

Project organization chart shall depict the project organization at the team leader level, functional responsibilities,
and key personnel (point of contact at vendor side)

The vendor should reflect the chain of command that demonstrates reporting lines and it should match to the
escalation matrix for vendor

4.3 References, Key Persons and Resumes review

A. Vendor should include reference contact persons from banking industry where vendor tested the T24
products, given that the reference contacts provided will be contacted by CIB for solution and vendor or
subcontractor performance review if needed. CIB expect that the coordination for the reference calls will
be carried out by the vendor based on CIB instructions and reference contact convenience in terms of date
of the call and time of the call.

B. Resumes shall be required for all personnel positions of testing team.

C. CIB will consider the resumes as a key indicator of the supplier's understanding of the skill mixes required
to carry out the requirements of this RFP.

D. If project management or other listed key person responsibilities are assigned to more than one (1)
individual during the project, resumes must be provided for each person proposed. Conversely, if one (1)
individual is going to fill multiple roles only one resume for that individual should be provided.

E. Resumes shall include, at a minimum, academic background and degrees, professional certifications,
previous participation in T24 Testing at least 2 years plus experience.
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T24 Testing Tender

F. CIB has the right to interview and accept or reject every candidate in testing team by taking into
consideration that all testing resources allocated to the project has to have 2 years plus of T24 testing
experience .

4.4 Task Schedule

A. Describe the major steps and up to two (2) levels of subordinate tasks in the testing plan

B. Testing work breakdown structure (WBS).

C. Propose a start date (the earliest date that work could begin (if selected).

4.5 Level of effort

A. Provide a resource breakdown by roles, skill level and level of effort for the required tasks

B. State all assumptions regarding CIB versus vendor responsibilities, involvement and staffing

4.6 Tender Information

A. The vendor will be assigned considering evaluation of all requirements contained in the RFP
document, and on the basis of the best offer under technical and financial aspects.

B. CIB will select the vendor exclusively on the basis of received offers related to this RFP document.

C. Each Bidder is invited to reply to this RFP, under conditions and terms reported later, with a technical
proposal, which adhere as much as possible to all areas described in this RFP document and
specially section 10.

D. CIB can modify deadlines and contents of items included in this RFP phase at any time, after
communicating these changes to vendors.

E. CIB is also authorized to reject any proposal without providing reasons.

5 Tender Contacts

For T24 testing project

Primary contacts:
Mohamed El Amin, Tendering and Contracts Head
Phone: +201004109410,

Secondary contacts
Jack Rady Senior Business Relation Manager
Phone: + 201069154240, E-mail:

Mohamed El-Azzazy, Business Relation Manager Head

Phone: + 201001619158, E-mail: Mohamed El-Azzazy/CIB,

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T24 Testing Tender
6 Tender Execution
The target date for the vendors to submit their proposals within 10 working days from RFP

The tender will be performed following these steps:

1. RFP reception acknowledgment

2. RFP Questions and Clarification Session(s) (If Required)
3. RFP response (Technical and Financial proposals)
4. Technical Proposal Presentation and Demo ( If required )
5. Proposals evaluation
6. Tender Awarding

6.1 RFP reception acknowledge step

This step must be performed by e-mail by the Bidder at “1” Business Day after reception of RFP

6.2 Questions and Clarification Session (IF NEEDED)

If needed there will be Questions and Clarification Session for the vendor to clarify any part of the RFP. The
vendor should request a clarification session. The vendor is welcomed to submit any questions to the contacts
mentioned in Section 6.1 This step, the communication must be performed by e-mail by the bidder within “3” days
from the reception of the RFP document. Any extension for the pre-defined duration “3” days in this section should
be approved by contacts in section 6.1

6.3 RFP response step

The vendor will answer the RFP for T24 Testing into two documents:
 Technical Response
 Financial Response

6.4 RFP Presentation and Demo

After submitting the response, CIB might request to have a presentation and a demo as follows: (If needed)

 The following requirements have to be followed:

1. Presentation length: up to Three-Four hours;
2. Speakers must be vendor’s employee;
3. Documents necessary for the presentation must be realized in PowerPoint format and must be sent
to CIB via e-mail. CIB, Will send the exact agenda to vendors.

The Expected Dates for the presentations will be communicated 3 days before presentation demo due date.

6.5 Proposals Evaluation

CIB will evaluate the RFP internally within a period of 1 month. This may entail extra clarifications and questions.

6.6 Solution Award

CIB will award the selected vendor based on combining the results of both the Technical/Business and Financial

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7 Vendor Response
The vendor response must address each requirement separately with mentioning of the requirements ID as found
in this RFP. It is not enough at all to mention that the requirement is simply “Compliant”. The evaluation will be
based upon the extent on which the vendor explains in greater details the requirements. Where explicitly
requested, the vendor is required to provide the response in a specific format (e.g. sample of T24 test cases ). The
vendor is free in choosing the extent to which the response to the RFP is elaborated with a maximum of 2 pages
per requirement unless stated otherwise (Req.ID in bold), only those responses including their elaborations are
considered in the evaluation that are received through the formal channel of CIB’s procurement department.
The vendor should include in his response general information regarding the vendor, his market position and other
relevant information regarding the vendor but not directly related to the requirements listed in this RFP.
This information is considered as part of the vendor’s response to this RFP and will be part of the evaluation.

8 Compliance table

8.1 Functional requirement

The Bank has a direction for testing T24, below are the requirements that need to be fulfilled by the vendor during
the system Integration Testing for acquired solution for the below modules:

The SIT testing stage covering all the functional scope, integrations interfaces, Backend & IT operations
that will cover all kinds of usages on T24 core banking solution.

 Stage One

1- R9 modules
ID Module name Description Comply Vendor
(Yes/No) Comments
1 R9 Modules
1.1 Module name description
1.2 DC Data Capture
1.3 AC Accounts ( individual / corporate / overseas,
/ Nostro / Vostro )
1.4 Loans and Deposits Loans (Retail / corporate / payroll )
1.5 PD Payment Due
1.6 MG Mortgages
1.7 DD Direct Debits
1.8 DE Delivery
1.9 DX Derivatives
1.10 EB System core GL and customer
1.11 IC Interest , Charges and fees
1.12 IM Image Capture
1.13 LI Limits
1.14 FT Funds Transfer
1.15 MM Treasury Money Market ,TDs and CDs
1.16 RE Reporting & Accounting
1.17 RP Repo
1.18 SC Securities

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T24 Testing Tender
1.19 SL Syndicated Loans
1.20 SW Swaps
1.21 TT Teller
1.22 FX Forex
1.23 PD.capture payment due creation
1.24 sweeping and pooling
1.25 Cheques
1.26 Paremeterization & Core Setup
1.27 AC.LOCKED.EVENTS Hold Amount
1.28 T24 Development Kit
1.29 DM Document Management
1.30 SMS Security Management System
1.31 FT Bulk Payments
1.32 STO Standing Orders
1.33 Multi Company Company Change
1.34 Customer (Detail / Account ) Amendment Screen
1.35 Enquires and reports For All modules in addition to COB reports
and enquires

2- New Module

ID Module name Description Comply Vendor

(Yes/No) Comments
2 R17 Module
2.1 DLM Data life cycle management
2.2 ATM standard T24 ATM frame work with
CIB mandatory requirements
2.3 Swift Standard T24 Swift interface

3-Local customized T24 applications

ID Application Description Comply Vendor

name (Yes/No) Comments
3 Local customized T24 applications
3.1 FATCA ( Retail / Corporate ) Extract required data for
FATCA reports
3.2 Bulk FT post bulk fund transfer
3.3 Safe Box Automate the Fees
collection of safe boxes
on T24
3.4 Business Banking "1- Input system to add
data related to corporate
customers and generates
dump data from

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T24 Testing Tender
application when

2- Categorize the
business banking
customer packages
according to the
available balance"
3.5 Fees Monitoring Charge customer
accounts by fees and
charges with hovering
3.6 Corporate loan monthly settlement a stand alone
application/screen for
adding extra details for
corporate customers to
accommodate CBE
3.7 Stamp duty & unearned calculate and charge
facilities customers with
stamp duty based on
CBE required
3.8 SMS & Fraud To generate SMS to
customers for Online
Transaction executed
through online Channels
defined by Transaction
3.9 STP & bulk holding set bulk holding on
set of accounts and
creating FTs
3.1 Xerox Account statements extract the file to send
to xerox with
customer statement
with specific format
3.11 Loan statements extract loan statement
3.12 Incoming & outgoing trade bills System for incoming
3.13 Pensions It is a AUC staff
pension system ,based
on AUC fund ,which
is a CD in our case ,
we upload the amount
of each of the staff ,
then we calculate his
percentage of the base
fund , the interest is
accordingly as well
3.14 Auto Locked Event - PD Customers To Make Automatic
Hold on Accounts
balance of the
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T24 Testing Tender
customers who have
PD to allow
withdrawing this
amount first
3.15 Loan origination for MG Application Form
used while applying
for MG
3.16 MIS "consumed from 213

Low --> means

selct from direct table
(7 Reports)

medium --> means

selection from tables
with relations (7

medium --> means

selection from tables
with relations (7

complex --> means

selection from tables
with relations and
calculations (13
report) "
3.17 STO Standing order
3.18 debit card issuance depit cards issuance
3.19 easy loans
3.20 Customer Coding Approval process: a mapping tool for the
finance team to
predefine the Industry
& Account Officers
mapping, for data
quality issues since it
can't be entered or
maintained by the
3.21 Document Safekeeping Safe Keeping Dept. is
maintaining the
documents for
corporate customers in
a T24 version called
This is to safe data
about all the document
(received documents,
released date ,etc..)
3.22 Collateral checks
CIB |T24 Testing Tender l RFP 14
T24 Testing Tender
3.23 USAID
3.24 corporate extra details 4-
3.25 Loan Origination for Consumer Loans
3.26 Customer Data Cleansing

3.27 Trade Bills

3.28 Posting Restriction
3.29 Customer Service Charges(fiscal
stamp - account opening –
debit card –PA statement –
balance certificate fees
3.30 Delegation Menu
3.31 TD/CD Break
3.32 Cheque Book
3.33 Checking OFAC and N.L.
Satellite System with Internal Services

Comply Vendor
(Yes/No) Comm
ID Satellite System with Internal Services
Consumer Integration Enquiry financial Contact
layer transactions creations
4.1 FBTI ESB getCurrRatebyMar CreateFT
ket fundTransfer

4.2 FBCC ESB getCHQResult CreateFT createStanding

fundTransfer Order
otfundTransfer MM_CreationR
CreateFT equest

4.3 BPM ESB getloansInfo otfundTransfer MMReservatio

getPdInfo CreateFT n
getAdviceDetails SimulateFTcalcR IssueCheqRq
getCustomerInfoE equest CreateAcCharg
x fundTransfer eRequest
getAllAccounts fundTransfer createUnautho
getCustomerDeleg updateFT rizedLoan
ates releaseHold MM_CreationR
getCustomerPositi holdAccount equest
onSummary AuthorizeMMR
getAcSignature equest
getCHQResult creatMT202Re
getlimits quest
getCustomerInfoE executePastdu
x eRequest
getCurrRatebyMar AuthorisePDRe
ket quest
CIB |T24 Testing Tender l RFP 15
T24 Testing Tender
4.4 CRM ESB getQuickStmt addPostingRestr MMReservatio
getPdInfo iction n
getHoldList accountClosure createAccount
getHoldRefDetails applyDRInterest reactivateAcco
getCustomerInfoE fundTransfer unt
x releaseHold createCustome
getAllAccounts holdAccount r
getCustomerPositi addFatcaInfo
onSummary addExtFatcaInf
getAcSignature o
getLOInfo addFatcaPOA
getLDSchedule issueDebitCard
getFatcaInfo (Primary)
getExtFatcaInfo issueDebitCard
getFatcaPOA (Supplementry)
getCustomerInfoE editDebitCard
x createUnautho
getCurrRatebyMar 4.5rizedLoan
ket createLimit
4.5 IVR ESB getQuickStmt CreateFT
getCustomerInfoE fundTransfer
4.6 payroll MQ Open new
Account, Debit
Card and
4.7 ACH MQ Funds Transafer
4.8 DirectDeb MQ Funds Transafer
it "DD" Transactions
4.9 DirectDeb MQ Funds Transafer
it Transactions
4.10 LoanOrigi MQ Get customer data Push LO
nation application
4.11 EDMS MQ Get customer data Create
WorkFlow Cheques
4.12 Custody MQ FT transaction

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T24 Testing Tender
4.13 E- MQ FT Transaction
Business posting
4.14 Internet TCP/IP Customer log "Get Funds Transfer
Banking customer data" Same Currency
"CR2" Account Funds Transfer
Movements Cross Currency
Enquiry Own Credit Card
Fund Transfer
Fund Transfer
Fund Transfer
Transfer to
Another CIB
Credit Card
Charity Payment
4.15 Collection MQ Balance Check Login
"COL" Messages/Colle
4.16 Kondor+ MQ Bond Deals
"KOND" insert
Bond deal
Forward Deals
FX Swap deals
FX Swap deals
Iam Deals insert
SpotDeals Insert
4.17 Cheques TCP/IP Funds Transafer
4.18 Tuition's MQ
4.19 Business Web Get Customer
Banking service Info & Get all
Workflow accounts

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T24 Testing Tender
4.20 Mutual Web .net applications
Funds services get the required
information to
perform the
subscription or
reedemtion of the
functions using
the following


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T24 Testing Tender
4.21 CCY TOOL Web Currency Update ,
services Enquiries authorize
rates and get
4.22 Risk Webservice
4.23 TRANSRat
4.24 STPFinanc Web CIB.STP.FT.HEADE FT Transaction Create FTs
ialTransac services R.AUTH posting using Services
CIB.STP.FT.HEADE and posting on
R.AUTH.1 queue :
4.25 Reefy MQ Post FT

CIB |T24 Testing Tender l RFP 19

T24 Testing Tender
4.26 ATM TCP/IP Balance Cash
Enquiry\offline Withdrawel\offli
Balance ne
enquiry\online Cash
MINI Withdrawel\onli
Statement\offline ne
MINI Cr_Card
Statement\online payment\offline
Deposit \ offline
Purchase \
Transfer \
Transfer \ online
4.27 CD_Print SFTP / a .NET application
Webservice reads a text file on
T24 in a certain
path then uploads
the data on a
crystal report
format to be
ready for printing
4.28 End of SFTP / User uploads a
month Webservice text file onto T24
File using /EOM tool
Transfer then calls a
service routine
M to upload the
details in the file
4.29 Payroll Windows Gets data from NA dot net web
Company Services/M T24 through MQ admin Portal
Notificati Q and upon finish
on the batch
payment an auto
Notification mail is
sent to the

CIB |T24 Testing Tender l RFP 20

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4.30 Capital

5-Batch jobs:

ID Number of batches Comply Vendor

(Yes/No) Comments
Bulk data extractions and Data financial data reports
operational jobs extraction update
5.1 Daily 21 3 16
5.2 Monthly 8 2 8
5.3 Quarterly 7 3 3
5.4 CBE 31
Total 67 3 5 27

6- Testing New Business processes after re-engineering:

ID Module name Description/ Narrative Comply (Yes/No) Vendor

8 Business processes re- Two business processes to be
engineering reengineered will be specified during
the analysis phase in stage 1 these
processes should not by related to
any modules planned to be
implemented in stage 2 and 3

7-Data migration

ID Module Description Comply Vendor Comply Vendor

name (Yes/No) Comments (Yes/No) Comments
7 Data migration
7.1 Customer Signature
Signature migration to
database instead
of current
solution, currently
signatures are now
stored as images on
network file share.

7.2 Data Conversion After R9 to R17

verification conversion, data
converted require
verification to
ensure complete,
and correct

CIB |T24 Testing Tender l RFP 21

T24 Testing Tender
reports and tools
to count number
of records before
and after as well
total financial

 Stage Two

 R18 module : Regression testing for ( converted in stage 1) all modules as

ID Module name Description CIB Comply Vendor
Comments (Yes/No) Comments
1 R18 Module
1.1 DC Data Capture
1.2 AC Accounts (CASA) can be dropped in
case implement of
AA and its scope as
per analysis results
1.3 Loans and Deposits Loans can be dropped in
case implement of
AA and its scope as
per analysis results
1.4 PD Payment Due can be dropped in
case implement of
AA and its scope as
per analysis results
1.5 MG Mortgages can be dropped in
case implement of
AA and its scope as
per analysis results
1.6 DD Direct Debits
1.7 DE Delivery
1.8 DX Derivatives
1.9 EB System core GL and
1.10 IC Interest , Charges and
1.11 IM Image Capture
1.12 LI Limits
1.13 FT Funds Transfer
1.14 MM Treasury Money
Market ,TDs and CDs
1.15 RE Reporting &
1.16 RP Repo
1.17 SC Securities
1.18 SL Syndicated Loans

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T24 Testing Tender
1.19 SW Swaps
1.20 TT Teller
1.21 FX Forex
1.22 PD.capture payment due creation can be dropped in
case implement of
AA and its scope as
per analysis results
1.23 Swift
1.24 ATM framework
1.25 DLM
1.26 sweeping and pooling
1.27 cheques
1.28 Paremeterization &
Core Setup
1.29 AC.LOCKED.EVENTS Hold Amount
1.30 T24 Development Kit
1.31 DM Document
1.32 SMS Security Management
1.33 FT Bulk Payments
1.34 STO Standing Orders
1.35 Multi Company Company Change

2- New Modules
The below modules are newly implemented as well back to core items
ID Module name Description CIB Comply Vendor
Comments (Yes/No) Comments
2 New Modules related to Back to Core
2.1 AA Safe Deposit Box
2.2 Product Simulations
2.3 AA Product bundling depend on
phase 2
2.4 Relationship Pricing
2.5 AA Fixed deposits depend on
phase 2
2.6 AA Retail lending depend on
phase 2
2.7 Nostro reconciliations
2.8 FATCA withholding Tax
2.9 FATCA reporting
2.10 FATCA Client identification
2.11 Know Customer Plus (KC+)
2.12 Reporting Model
2.13 collateral management
2.14 IFRS

CIB |T24 Testing Tender l RFP 23

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2.15 document management

3- Local Customized Applications on T24 screens

ID Module name Description CIB Comply Vendor

Comments (Yes/No) Comments
3 New Modules related to Back to Core
3.1 Business Banking 1- Input
system to add data
related to corporate
customers and
generates dump data
from application
when requested
2- Categorize the
business banking
customer packages
according to the
available balance
3.2 Fees Monitoring Charge customer
accounts by fees and
charges with
hovering mechanism
3.3 Stamp duty & unearned calculate and charge
facilities customers
with stamp duty
based on CBE required
3.4 Xerox Account statements extract the file to send
to xerox with
customer statement
with specific format
3.5 Pensions It is a AUC staff
pension system ,based
on AUC fund ,which is
a CD in our case , we
upload the amount of
each of the staff , then
we calculate his
percentage of the
base fund , the
interest is distributed
accordingly as well
3.6 MIS consumed from 213
Low --> means
selct from direct table
(7 Reports)
medium --> means
selection from tables
with relations (7

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complex --> means
selection from tables
with relations and
calculations (13
3.7 STO Standing order
3.8 debit card issuance debit cards issuance
3.9 Customer Coding Approval a mapping tool for the
process: finance team to
predefine the Industry
& Account Officers
mapping, for data
quality issues since it
can't be entered or
maintained by the
3.10 Document Safekeeping Safe Keeping Dept. is
maintaining the
documents for
corporate customers
in a T24 version called
This is to safe data
about all the
document (received
documents, released
date ,etc..)
3.11 Collateral checks
3.12 USAID
3.13 corporate extra details
3.14 Loan Origination for
Consumer Loans
3.15 Customer Data Cleansing
3.16 Trade Bills

4- Back To Core Item

(Implementation of These below items will be divided between stage 2 and
Please make sure not to double size items related to mentioned modules in new
modules related to B2C.

the module column reflects the equivalent module to cover the back to core item, these
implicitly covered in the modules list above in point number 2, the items that has no
module name beside require specific testing beside the regression testing listed in
point number 1.
ID Module name Description/ CIB R17 Comply Vendor
Narrative Comments Module (Yes/No) Comments
CIB |T24 Testing Tender l RFP 25
T24 Testing Tender

4 Back to Core Item

4.1 Safe Box CIB has developed a T24 Safe Deposit AA safe
local application Box (BX) product line box
CIB.SAFE.BOX to can be considered by
handle the Safe Boxes. CIB to replace the
This application registers local development for
account number of safe boxes.
customers who have
SDB, Box Size and Box
Based on size of the Following are the key
box, fees are functionality of T24
determined, and Fees SDB module:
are calculated on yearly
Fees are collected from - Creation of new
Customer on yearly Safe Deposit Box
basis and first parked in arrangement
a central internal
account. Another T24
service, distributes the
funds from this internal
account to each of the
branch PL.
- Collection of
Caution / Key
- Collection of Rent
for Boxes with flexible
frequency options. ·
Collection of Rent in
Advance and pro-
rated Rent
- Recording
Customer Visits. ·
Unlimited charge
- Refund of Caution
Deposit on closure.
4.2 FATCA & CIB has the local T24 FATCA solution FATCA
FATCA application to handle can be considered by
Report FATCA requirements - CIB in place of the
Module CIB.CUST.ADD.INFO & local FATCA module.
In Customer application FATCA solution in
if the value for the field T24 comprises of the
“FATCA Status” is following
selected as US Account, components, based
then T24 will ask the on the 3 phases of
user to input the implementation:
customer address
details as mandatory
- FATCA Client
Identification & Due
Withholding Tax

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4.3 MM CIB has made a local The Local Field can

Validation development to ensure be attached to all
(ODR-2009- that MM contracts are needed applications,
09-0217) amended during and common routine
unauthorized stage attached at
using the same version VERSION.CONTROL
which was used for level, to update the
Input. input version in this
CIB has added a new field.
field for capturing the
version name at input
time, and is validating at
the time of authorisation
if the same version is
being used. This routine
is written for MM
4.4 Validation to CIB has local template If product structure is AA
have end to capture details of implemented in AA
date greater various CD types and module, it is possible
than start validation in that to define an end date
date (ODR- template to ensure that until when the
2009-09- the end date of the product will be
0214) product is greater than available.
start date.
The functionality is This is part of AA
related to capturing the functionality, using
features of different the field Expiry Date
types of products under in the Product Proof
LD/MM deposits. & Publish screen.
Once the expiry date
of the product is
reached, system will
not allow input of new
arrangements under
this product.
4.5 Preventing CIB has local fields and If product structure is AA
partial or full validations to stop full or implemented in AA
redemption a partial redemption on module, it is possible
on a deposit deposits, if there are to achieve this using
having pending principal combination of
pending decrease or an increase. Activity Restriction
principal This is handled at the and Eligibility Rules.
decrease or version level and related The AA framework
increase to redemption of allows the users to
(ODR-2009- deposits using Money define rules and
10-0036) Market (MM) application place restrictions on
specific activities on
the deposits like
Also, AA allows
simulation activity for
such deposit
redemption activities.
CIB to note that, if
they wish to consider
this recommendation
for implementation, it
may require migration
of legacy to AA (to be
reviewed further in
Migration sessions)

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and AA Deposits
product set up.

Also, CIB would be

required to procure
the license code for
AA deposits (AD)
product line.
4.6 Prevent CIB has locally This is a standard AA
usage of developed version level functionality in AA
input validations (in MM module.
versions for application) to ensure Each action on the
subsequent that same version used arrangement is
amendment for input should not be achieved by
s (ODR- used for subsequent triggering a different
2009-10- amendments after activity, and different
0034) authorisation. screens can be linked
to the activity.
For example, creation
of new deposit is
triggered through
activity, which in turn
is linked to different
versions for each
property under the
Amendment of term
is achieved through
activity DEPOSITS-
which only displays
the fields related to
property, and version
used is
4.7 Validation to CIB has added a new The Local Field can
ensure that field for capturing the be attached to all
MM version name at input needed applications,
contracts time, and is validating at and a common
are the time of authorisation routine should be
authorized if the same version is attached at
using the being used. This routine VERSION.CONTROL
same is attached to various level, to update the
version versions of MM input version in this
which was application field.
used for
Input (ODR-
4.8 Defaulting of Local routine has been Under the AA AA
settlement developed to update the framework, the undue
account PD record, when and overdue
from LD to settlement account is balances are
related PD, changed in the maintained under the
whenever underlying LD record. same loan reference
the and share common

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settlement settlement
account is instructions.
changed in
LD (ODR- Hence any changes
2010-04- to settlement account
0098) will be applied for
settlement of both
regular instalments
and overdue
This can be changed
by the user at the
time of repayment as
well, if needed.
4.9 New rates CIB has local templates Defining the product AA
for fresh to maintain the rules and structure using AA
deposits rates for different types Deposits functionality
sold after a of CD products and this will allow CIB to
given date is linked to MM contract define different
as per via local field for CD product groups and
Central type. products under each
Bank group as per the
Regulations requirement.
4.10 Local CIB has locally This local AA
template for developed an application functionality can be
CD types to define different types achieved in AA
and related of deposit products and framework by
fields (ODR- set the rules for the defining suitable
2011- products such as term, products with
010085) interest rate etc., and predefined values for
default the same to the term, interest rate etc
contract at the booking
4.11 Change of CIB has a locally This is standard AA
Interest developed functionality functionality in AA
Type from to simulate change in Lending (AL), and it
Fixed to interest type from Fixed is possible to reset
Floating or to Floating or Vice the interest rules from
Vice Versa Versa, through the Fixed to Floating.
(ODR-2010- contract life cycle, as
08-0232) this functionality is not
supported in LD.
4.12 No overdraw CIB has a local routine This can be AA
to be to prevent overdrawing configured as a rule
allowed in of Savings accounts for savings account
Savings (AC). products in AA
Accounts Framework using the
(ODR-2009- feature of
4.13 Cash CIB has a local enquiry The requirement can
Denominatio to provide the cash be achieved through
n Position position by teller/ core enquiry
Report currency, with the CASH.DENOM.
(ODR-2009- denominations.
4.14 Posting CIB has added local This is available as AA
Restriction reference fields to standard functionality
(ODR-2009- Account (AC) screen to as part of AA
05-0034) capture remarks related Accounts functionality
in the amendment

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to posting restriction on screen for doing
the account. static changes.

4.15 Product List CIB has a local field to This is available as AA

in Account distinguish the type of standard functionality
(ODR-2009- account product in as part of AA
05-0035) Account screen and has Accounts functionality
included this field in the through configuration
definition of of product groups
CONDITION.PRIORITY and products suitably
to facilitate grouping of as per bank
accounts based on value requirement.
in this local field.
4.16 Product List CIB has added a local This is available as AA
in Account reference field in LD standard functionality
(ODR-2009- versions to distinguish as part of AA Loans
05-0150) the type of lending functionality through
product. configuration of
T24 product groups and
products suitably as
per bank
4.17 Change the CIB has lot of rejected CIB can consider to
Uploading incoming cheques and use T24 ENQUIRY’s
Process of all these FTs are in FASTPATH attribute
Incoming IHLD. functionality to handle
Checks the delete of such
IHLD INAU / IHLD records.
Since the business User will be able to
users are finding it select all or individual
difficult to delete these contracts for
FTs one by one, CIB is processing
currently doing analysis (authorise, Delete,
to find a solution to update etc.).
either stop creating such
FTs in IHLD for rejected
cheques or delete them
by using a local routine /
4.18 Preferential CIB has a local CIB can consider to
Charges for development for use FT GEN and FT
Remittances charging preferentially GROUP conditions
(ODR-2010- based on transaction that supports
08-0156) type, customer and handling of
service types. preferential charges
based on customer
However, it is to be
noted that Customer
wise charging facility
is not supported in
4.19 Multiple CIB has developed Teller Financial
Teller TELLER related screens Services introduced
Transaction to achieve deposit to in higher release of
in Single multiple accounts in a T24 will allow CIB to
Screen single screen and achieve the
(ODR-2010- withdrawal requirement as per
04-0343) the local
4.20 Outstanding CIB has developed a The standard model
deals as on new enquiry to see the bank has an online
today FX enquiry to show all

CIB |T24 Testing Tender l RFP 30

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(ODR-2010- outstanding deals as on the O/s deal of FX as
06-0125) today for FX contracts. on today.
4.21 Outstanding CIB has developed a The standard model
deals value new enquiry to see the bank has an online
date & outstanding FX deals by enquiry to show all
counterparty value date and the O/s deal based
(ODR-2010- counterparty. on the user selection
060144) like value date,
4.22 FCY Draft CIB has a local CIB can consider to
Managemen development to handle replace the local
t (ODR- the FCY draft lifecycle development with the
2010-07- including issuance, core solution to
0249) cancellation, stop handle the Draft
payment etc. Management.
New table
introduced in higher
releases of T24
would allow to track
the draft statuses. As
per the new
functionality, the bank
can issue FCY and
LCY draft and track it.
Similarly, the MT110
will be generated
based on the setup.
4.23 Extra details CIB has a local The local
in statement development to show development can be
(ODR-2010- the extra details like bulk potentially replaced
07-0297) FT reference and value with the core
date in Account functionality of
AT usage.
4.24 Outstanding CIB has locally The standard T24
REPO deals developed an enquiry to enquiry to list the
(ODR-2010- list the outstanding outstanding repo
07-0199) REPO deals. deals client wise can
be used instead of
the locally developed
4.25 IBAN CIB has locally Higher releases of
Number developed a validation to T24 has the
validation of check the authenticity capability to verify the
Beneficiary and the correctness of IBAN in the core T24
(ODR-2010- IBAN number for the itself, using IN
07-0304) EURO payments made module. T24 has
using introduced
application. E table.
4.26 Treasury CIB has locally If there is a currency
Rate field developed a screen conversion in a FT
open in FT where if there is a cross transaction and if the
Versions currency transaction user wants to give a
(ODR-2010- involved in a FT preferred rate to the
09-0072) transaction, the user can client the
input the recommended
TREASURY.RATE field. approach is to use
the core
CIB |T24 Testing Tender l RFP 31
T24 Testing Tender
field rather than
giving the preferred
rate in
field directly.
4.27 Outward FT CIB has a local In the higher release
(ODR-2011- development to default of T24, the system
09-0119) the customer details in will automatically
TAG 50 of Funds populate the details
Transfer MT103 of the customer in the
message. Field 50F of the
MT103 message.
4.28 Updating PD CIB has developed a This functionality is
when LD is local API to update the available as part of
updated rates in PD whenever T24 AA Loans.
(ODR-2012- rates in LD is updated. In AA Loans, the AA
11-0006) interest can be
defined for both the
principal amount and
the overdue amount.
The review of rates
can be defined same
for both and the
system will update
the rate on the
overdue also
whenever the rate
change happens.
4.29 OFS CIB is having a local T24 now allows the
Duplicate customization to perform bank to define
Check the duplicate check for duplicate check
OFS requests coming conditions using the
from channels. EB.DUPLICATE.TYP
E application for T24
4.30 High CIB is using sub As transaction
Volume accounts for ATM and volume increases the
Accounts collection interfaces in T24 high-volume
(Sub order to avoid locks in account (HVT)
Accounts – internal suspense solution provides
HVT) accounts during high standard account
volume transactions functionality in a
seamless manner to
the end user without
additional accounts
and avoiding
operational issues
experienced whilst
using sub-accounts.
Individual accounts
are now flagged as
high volume
accounts, setting this
flag will activate the
new processing to
avoid concurrency
High volume
accounts should be
used where there are
likely to be significant
volumes of

CIB |T24 Testing Tender l RFP 32

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generated across the
account that need to
be completed in as
short a time frame as
4.31 ATM CIB makes use of Temenos ATM
Interface ISO8583 messages for framework has got
processing ATM the capability to
messages. parse ISO8583
standard messages
and convert them to
OFS messages. After
processing OFS
messages in T24
core, T24 has got the
functionality to send
back the response in
ISO format.
CIB uses old T24 ATM Temenos ATM
pack which parses ISO framework supports
messages coming from all standard ATM
ATM switch and transactions like
converts them into OFS Cash withdrawal,
messages. Point of sale, Balance
enquiry, Mini
statement, Statement
request, Account
transfer, Cash
deposit and Cheque
book request.
4.32 E Payroll / CIB is using a file upload T24 bulk payment
DD Parser / interface to process the processing can be
Direct company payroll used to replace the
Debits requirement. existing payroll
(Company interface. Bulk
Payroll Payment is a Product
Interface) for handling mass
Payments from and
Receipts into T24
where a Corporate
Customer will instruct
its bank to process its
monthly payrolls,
debiting its payroll
account and crediting
the account of its
Since, CIB is not
going to use TCIB
Corporate, only FT
Bulk processing
suggested in the B2C
report is applicable
for CIB.
4.33 Debit & Notify customers T24 Business events
Credit immediately through an (BE) module can be
Notification alternative automated used to generate
(Alerts channel (such as SMS alerts to
Interface) messages sent to mobile subscribed
phones & E-mail customers at
accounts of customers) account level/
for credit and debit portfolio level.

CIB |T24 Testing Tender l RFP 33

T24 Testing Tender
transactions over the With this, we shall
threshold amount configure various
according to transaction events to notify the
type for corporate and clients in their
business banking language of choice.
clients. Alerts to be sent Event generation
for FT, TT, LD, MM and & XML transformation
TF transactions and are fully
whenever these listed parameterized. We
transactions happen in shall use EFS
T24, T24 sends (AutoForms) to
notification to Debit & connect to the SMS
Credit notification gateway & Exchange
system. Alert server. EFS is
subscription, SMS & capable of sending
email details and emails with
threshold values are set attachments.
in Debit & Credit
notification system which
validates the
notifications received
from T24, constructs
SMS / email messages
4.34 Integration In CIB, near real time CIB could consider to
Framework event notifications from engage Temenos
T24, file extracts from Expert services for
T24 and file uploads to “IF Discovery
T24 are being used as assessment” service
interface mechanisms which aims to review
with 3rd party systems. interfaces and will
enable CIB to
understand the
opportunities to
extend and optimize
the use of IF in order
to reduce pain points
relate to integration
4.35 Stop CIB has made local T24 Accounts (AC)
Payment customization to place and Customer
posting restriction in the applications allow the
T24 customer or T24 user to capture
account based on the multiple posting
received CBE instruction restrictions at both
and also send customer and
information to CARD400 account level.
system to block the
credit cards. In some
cases, CIB wants to set
the posting restriction
with expiry dates.
4.36 Step Up IB has a local T24 Arrangement AA
Instalment development on loan Architecture (AA
for MG repayment schedules, Lending) supports the
wherein the repayment step up and Step
amount down repayments.
should be increased by
a predefined % at a
predefined frequency

CIB |T24 Testing Tender l RFP 34

T24 Testing Tender
4.37 T24 Cosign CIB is in the process of T24 Mandate
integration building a local Management
with the application to cater to functionality can be
LDAP their corporate banking considered by CIB in
requirement, in order to place of this local
provide different development. This
privileges on corporate functionality works
accounts for security seamlessly with
reasons and to be sure Temenos Connect
that corporate Internet Banking
employees with (TCIB) and online
privileges don't over- TCIB transactions
user their privileges can also use the
mandate / signatory
setting in T24.
4.38 Overdraft CIB has made a local T24 AA Accounts AA
Commission development to calculate (AR) supports the
(Highest the fees based on functionality through
Debit) account's Highest Debit the highest debit
balance for the month. CHARGE product
condition attached to
property for account
product. CIB can
attach the local
charge routine in to
charge product
condition to calculate
the highest debit fees
based on the
4.39 TD TDs and CDs are CIB can consider to collateral
Reservation booked in CIB using MM use T24 Collateral
(ODR-2009- application. module to handle the
06-0097) CIB has developed a reservation
local functionality to functionality.
handle reservations on
TDs and CDs.
Reservation is similar to
collaterals, where the
deposit amount is used
to secure the loan
4.40 Wrapping CIB has made a local T24 Funds Transfer
T24 development to modify automatically formats
Customer the customer address (moves) the extra
address in read from T24 to update chars in Address line
outgoing TAG 50 correctly in to 2nd line, in case
Swift MT103 outgoing MT103 SWIFT the length of the
to fix return issues address is more than
resulting from the field 33 characters.
length limitation.
4.41 Collateral CIB is using a local We recommend CIB collateral
Cheques application to consider using T24
COLLAT.CHEQUES.RE Collateral application,
G to record the details of to handle this
Cheques given by the functionality.
customer, to secure his The details of
loans (LD). The ID for Cheque can be
this local table is LD captured in the
reference number. Collateral record, by

CIB |T24 Testing Tender l RFP 35

T24 Testing Tender
creating local
reference fields.
The collateral created
can be linked to the
LD using LIMIT
application and can
be used to secure the
limit amount.
4.42 FT / CIB has a local T24 CHEQUE.TYPE
TELLER development to create application can be
Drafts draft stock and handle used to define the
(ODR-2011- draft issuance / draft types. The field
09-0117) management. “Allow Fcy Acct” is
used to specify
whether or not the
drafts of this type
could be issued to
foreign currency
accounts. However,
there is no inbuilt
functionality in T24 to
maintain and control
the stock based on
each foreign
4.43 Time CIB has a local T24 AA Deposits can AA
Deposits development to default be used and CIB can
(TDs) & the tenor, interest, consider to replace
Certificate of interest frequency, start this local functionality
Deposits date, end date etc. in the using standard AA
(CDs) TDs and CDs. Product
defaults CIB has a local table configuration.
06-0007 & define the default values
ODR-2009- and are defaulted in the
06-0098) deposit booking screen.
4.44 Incoming Local application T24 Bills (BL) module
and CIB.BILL.REGISTER can be considered by
Outgoing and CIB to handle the
Trade Bills CIB.TRADE.BILL.MAIN trade bills
applications are used by functionality and BL
CIB to handle Trade module supports the
Bills. following types of
CIB currently has only - Trade Bills
incoming TRADE Bills.
Outgoing trade bills
functionality is not used
by CIB.
- Direct Bills
- Usance Bills
4.45 Global CIB is using SunGard T24 Nostro nostro
Reconciliatio “Global Reconciliation” Reconciliation (NR) reconsilat
n / GR System to perform module can be ion
(Category & Nostro and Internal considered by CIB in
Spec) Account reconciliation. place of the local
Nostro Reconciliation is system to perform
performed between the Nostro Reconciliation
received SWIFT only.
statements and the data
extracted from T24
4.46 Documents CIB has a local T24 Document T24
Safekeeping application management (DM) Documen

CIB |T24 Testing Tender l RFP 36

T24 Testing Tender
DOCUMENTS.CUSTOM product can be used t
ER, to capture details of to potentially replace managem
the document produced this local functionality ent (DM)
by corporate customers. in CIB.
This development is DM application
applicable only for CUST.DOCUMENT
corporate customers. can be used, with
This procedure is not additional local
followed by CIB for references to meet
Retail customers. CIB specific
ID for the
application is
customer ID +
Document type.
4.47 IFRS CIB has a separate CIB can consider T24 IFRS
system to handle IFRS IFRS module to
reporting. IFRS system potentially replace
is not yet complaint with this local
IFRS9. functionality.
T24 IFRS9 is fully
integrated with T24
Model Bank and
Contractual cash
flows automatically in
case of Amortized
Method using EIR.
4.48 STP CIB is having a local T24 Funds Transfer
Financial parameter table to parameter tables like
Transaction control the STP FT.TXN.TYPE.COND
s & Inward processing of the FT ITION and other core
Remittance transactions. parameter tables like
restrictions T,
can be potentially
used to achieve the
functionality handled
by CIB using the local
4.49 Risk CIB has developed a T24 provides basic
Profiling .NET application that will risk profiling
extract T24 customer functionality using
details and capture Sales Administration
additional details from (SA) module.
the customer to be used In T24 Model Bank,
for scoring (risk profiling) the facility of Risk
purposes. Profiling for
customers is
provided to calculate
the score and decide
the Investment
Program suitable for
the customer.
4.50 Automation CIB is planning to make CIB can consider to
of Placing a local development to use the T24
Posting update the posting CUSTOMER.MASS.
Restriction restriction code BLOCK application to
on (POSTING.RESTRICT) set up the posting
Customer & posting restriction restriction in the
Accounts comment customer or related
(PO.REST.COMM). This accounts.

CIB |T24 Testing Tender l RFP 37

T24 Testing Tender
is currently input CUSTOMER.MASS.
manually by the user in BLOCK also allows
the T24 Customer the user to exclude
screen in to the related selected accounts
customer accounts. and apply the
restriction on other
available customer
4.51 Corporate CIB’s corporate team Instead of having
Extra Details wants to update some new local
extra information about applications, CIB
the corporate customers could consider to
and LIMIT details. CIB move these details in
has created two local to T24 CUSTOMER
application to cater to and LIMIT
this requirement - applications itself, by
CIB.CORP.EXTRA.DET creating new local
AILS & fields.
4.52 MG Loan CIB has built a local T24 Please refer to the
Origination / screen/version with section “Loan
Loan multiple tabs to handle Application from
Origination the MG loan origination. Customer Search” in
System Customer details are B2C report, where
(ODR-2009- defaulted once the details of T24 ARC
040135) customer ID is input. Origination are
User captures the details provided.
of MG loan amount, term
and Income details of
customer along with the
source of the income.
4.53 Offshore CIB is using a locally T24 Securities (SC)
Mutual developed solution to module could be
Funds & CIB handle Mutual Funds used to handle the
Mutual (MF). functionalities
Funds handled by in-house
Mutual funds system.
4.54 Customer CIB has a local CIB can consider to
Information development to allow the use T24
– business teams to EB.FILE.UPLOAD
Automated directly upload the option to upload the
Changes Customer file containing customer file.
the new changes EB.FILE.UPLOAD is
required on T24 used to upload
CUSTOMER record. information from
outside T24 (on a
company file server,
for example) into T24
and therefore, to
move a .csv file from
a browsed location to
a folder within the
T24 database.
4.55 End of CIB has a local web CIB to consider using
Month File Application that will FTP DFE for other
Transfer the text files to T24. extracts and uploads
that are being
currently executed
using main line
routines or local
upload processes.

CIB |T24 Testing Tender l RFP 38

T24 Testing Tender
These files will be CIB to note that, DFE
processed by local EOM does not produce log
services written by CIB or report of
in T24 that will update successfully
some local applications, processed or failed
and return the log of the transactions.
processing (successful / However, local APIs
rejected transactions) in can be written and
specific path. attached to DFE
parameter / DFE
mapping that can be
used to write required
log files for reporting
the successful /
rejected transactions.
Temenos will work
with CIB team to
configure one file
upload set up using
DFE module. CIB
team would be able
to configure further
file uploads using the
assistance from
Implementation team.
4.56 MCDR / CIB is using local CIB to consider using
Cards – developments to handle DFE for extracts and
Direct Debit the following upload and uploads that are
extracts from T24: being currently
executed using main
line routines or local
upload processes.
- Loading MCDR Please refer to the
customer and section “End of
charging/payment files · Month File Transfer”
Create Cards on for details on DFE in
IST/Switch using the report.
Customer Data
- Charging MCDR Cards CIB to note that, DFE
on IST/Switch with does not produce log
Payment Files (Financial or report of
papers COBONs) successfully
processed or failed
However, local APIs
can be written and
attached to DFE
parameter / DFE
mapping that can be
used to write required
log files for reporting
the successful /
rejected transactions.
Also, CIB generates a Temenos will work
file from CARD400 with CIB team to
system with details of configure one file
direct debit payments. upload and extraction
This file is uploaded to set up using DFE
T24 using locally module. CIB team
developed DD module would be able to
that generates FT configure further file
transactions in T24. The extracts and file
status of the uploads using the
transactions are updated

CIB |T24 Testing Tender l RFP 39

T24 Testing Tender
back to CARD400 assistance from
system. Implementation team.

5-Satellite Systems
Need full test as all interfaces will be implemented using integration and
interaction frameworks
ID Module name Description CIB Com Vendor
/ Narrative Comments ply Comments
5 Consumer Integrati Enquiry financial Contact
on layer transactions creations

6- Batch jobs
Number of batches Comply Vendor
(Yes/No) Comments
ID Bulk data extractions and Data financial data reports
operational jobs extraction update
6.1 Daily 21 3 16
6.2 Monthly 8 2 8
6.3 Quarterly 7 3 3
6.4 CBE 31
Total 67 3 5 27

7- Data Migration
ID Module name Description/ Narrative Comply Vendor
(Yes/No) Comments
7 Data Migration details
7.1 All AA modules data migration based on the analysis results
during Stage 2
7.2 collateral module Based on the analysis
7.3 FATCA FATCA Client identification
7.4 Safe Box Safe deposit box can be migrated as part of AA
7.5 Posting Restriction (ODR) customer posting restriction can be migrated
7.6 FCY Draft Management Migration is possible. It can be migrated to
7.7 E-Payroll / DD Parser / migration is possible. Pending bulk FT during
Direct Debits (Company cutover can be migrated to FT.BULK.PROCESS
Payroll Interface)
7.8 Stop Payment migration is possible based on the
recommendation for CUSTOMER MASS
7.9 T24 Cosign integration Migration is possible. Core mandates can be
with the LDAP migrated to EB.MANDATE

CIB |T24 Testing Tender l RFP 40

T24 Testing Tender
7.10 TD Reservation (ODR) migration is possible. Collaterals can be
7.11 Collateral Cheques migration is possible. Collaterals can be
7.12 Provisioning based on PV.PROFILE can be migration
customer level
7.13 Incoming and Outgoing Migration is possible. Based on the
Trade Bills recommendation T24 BILL modules can be
7.14 Global Reconciliation / Migration is possible for NR module based on
GR the recommendation
7.15 Documents Safekeeping Migration is possible, based on
recommendation T24 document management
modules can be migrated
7.16 STP Financial Data loading is possible for parameter table like
Transactions & Inward FT.TXN.TYPE.CONDITION and another core
Remittance posting parameter. Tables like POSTING.RESTRICT,
restrictions EB.STP.CONDITION
7.17 Risk Profiling SA module
7.18 Automation of Placing Customer mass blocking
Posting Restriction on
Customer Accounts
7.19 Corporate Extra Details based on the recommendation the same can be
migrated to T24 CUSTOMER and LIMIT modules
7.20 Intellect Custody migration is possible for securities module
7.21 Mutual Funds & CIB Migration is possible for securities module
Mutual Funds based on the recommendation

8- Testing New Business processes after re-engineering

ID Module name Description/ Narrative Comply (Yes/No) Vendor
8 Business processes re- business will identify 10 business
engineering processes to be reengineered
will be specified during the analysis
phase in stage 2

 Stage 3:
1- R18 Module
Testing end to end testing for all modules as we will migrate from TAFC to
ID Module name description Comments Comply Vendor
(Yes/No) Comments
1 R18 Module
1.1 DC Data Capture

CIB |T24 Testing Tender l RFP 41

T24 Testing Tender
1.2 AC Accounts (CASA) can be dropped in case
implement of AA and its
scope as per analysis
1.3 Loans and Deposits Loans can be dropped in case
implement of AA and its
scope as per analysis
1.4 PD Payment Due can be dropped in case
implement of AA and its
scope as per analysis
1.5 MG Mortgages can be dropped in case
implement of AA and its
scope as per analysis
1.6 DD Direct Debits
1.7 DE Delivery
1.8 DX Derivatives
1.9 EB System core GL and
1.10 IC Interest , Charges and
1.11 IM Image Capture
1.12 LI Limits
1.13 FT Funds Transfer
1.14 MM Money Market ,TDs and
1.15 RE Reporting
1.16 RP Repo
1.17 SC Securities
1.18 SL Syndicated Loans
1.19 SW Swaps
1.20 TT Teller
1.21 FX Forex
1.22 PD.capture payment due creation can be dropped in case
implement of AA and its
scope as per analysis
1.23 sweeping and pooling
1.24 checks
1.25 AA Safe Deposit Box
1.26 Product Simulations
1.27 AA Product bundling depend on phase 2
1.28 Relationship Pricing
1.29 AA Fixed deposits depend on phase 2
1.30 AA Retail lending depend on phase 2
1.31 Nostro reconciliations

CIB |T24 Testing Tender l RFP 42

T24 Testing Tender
1.32 FATCA withholding Tax
1.33 FATCA reporting
1.34 FATCA Client identification
1.35 Know Customer Plus (KC+)
1.36 Reporting Model
1.37 collateral management
1.38 IFRS
1.39 document management
1.40 DLM
1.41 Swift
1.42 ATM framework
1.43 sweeping and pooling
1.44 cheques
1.45 Paremeterization &
Core Setup
1.46 AC.LOCKED.EVENTS Hold Amount
1.47 T24 Development Kit
1.48 Document
DM Management
1.49 Security Management
SMS System
1.50 FT Bulk Payments
1.51 STO Standing Orders
1.52 Multi Company Company Change

2-Satellite System
Need full test as all interfaces will be implemented using integration and
interaction frameworks
ID Module name Description CIB Comply Vend
/ Narrative Comments (Yes/No) or
2 Consumer Integrati Enquiry financial Contact
on layer transactions creations
2.1 FBTI ESB getCurrRatebyMark CreateFT
et fundTransfer

2.2 FBCC ESB getCHQResult CreateFT createStanding

fundTransfer Order
otfundTransf MM_CreationR
er equest

CIB |T24 Testing Tender l RFP 43

T24 Testing Tender
2.3 BPM ESB getloansInfo otfundTransf MMReservatio
getPdInfo er n
getAdviceDetails CreateFT IssueCheqRq
getCustomerInfoEx SimulateFTca CreateAcCharg
getAllAccounts lcRequest eRequest
getCustomerDelegat fundTransfer createUnautho
es fundTransfer rizedLoan
getCustomerPositio updateFT MM_CreationR
nSummary releaseHold equest
getAcSignature holdAccount AuthorizeMMR
getCHQResult equest
getlimits creatMT202Re
getCustomerInfoEx quest
getCurrRatebyMark executePastdu
et eRequest

2.4 CRM ESB getQuickStmt addPostingR MMReservatio

getPdInfo estriction n
getHoldList accountClosu createAccount
getHoldRefDetails re reactivateAcco
getCustomerInfoEx applyDRInter unt
getAllAccounts est createCustome
getCustomerPositio fundTransfer r
nSummary releaseHold addFatcaInfo
getAcSignature holdAccount addExtFatcaInf
getLOInfo o
getLDSchedule addFatcaPOA
getFatcaInfo issueDebitCard
getExtFatcaInfo (Primary)
getFatcaPOA issueDebitCard
getCustomerInfoEx (Supplementry)
getCurrRatebyMark editDebitCard
et createUnautho
2.5 IVR ESB getQuickStmt CreateFT
getCustomerInfoEx fundTransfer

2.6 payroll MQ Open new

Account, Debit

CIB |T24 Testing Tender l RFP 44

T24 Testing Tender
Card and
2.7 ACH MQ Funds
2.8 DirectDebit MQ Funds
"DD" Transafer
2.9 DirectDebit MQ Funds
Cheques Transafer
"DD_CHQ" Transactions
2.10 LoanOrigination MQ Get customer data Push LO
"LO" application
2.11 EDMS MQ Get customer data Create
WorkFlow Cheques
2.12 Custody MQ FT
2.13 E-Business Suite MQ FT
"EBS" Transaction
2.14 Internet TCP/IP Customer log "Get Funds
Banking "CR2" customer data" Transfer
Account Same
Movements Enquiry Currency
Own Credit
Transfer to
Another CIB
Credit Card
2.15 Collection MQ Balance Check Login
"COL" Messages/Co

CIB |T24 Testing Tender l RFP 45

T24 Testing Tender
2.16 Kondor+ MQ Bond Deals
"KOND" insert
Bond deal
Deals Amend
FX Swap
deals Insert
FX Swap
deals Amend
Iam Deals
2.17 Cheques TCP/IP Funds
2.18 Tuition's Fees MQ
2.19 Business Web Get Customer Info
Banking service & Get all accounts
2.20 Mutual Funds Web .net applications get
services the required
information to
perform the
subscription or
reedemtion of the
functions using the
following services:

CIB |T24 Testing Tender l RFP 46
T24 Testing Tender
2.21 CCY TOOL Web Currency Enquiries Update ,
services authorize
rates and get
2.22 Risk Profiling Webservi
2.23 TRANSRate
2.24 STPFinancialTra Web CIB.STP.FT.HEADER. FT Create FTs
nsactions services AUTH Transaction using Services
CIB.STP.FT.HEADER. and posting on
AUTH.1 queue :
CIB |T24 Testing Tender l RFP 47
T24 Testing Tender

2.25 Reefy MQ Post FT

2.26 ATM TCP/IP Balance Cash
Enquiry\offline Withdrawel\
Balance offline
enquiry\online Cash
MINI Withdrawel\
Statement\offline online
MINI Cr_Card
Statement\online payment\offl
Deposit \
Purchase \
Transfer \
Transfer \
2.27 CD_Print SFTP / a .NET application
Webservi reads a text file on
ce T24 in a certain path
then uploads the
data on a crystal
report format to be
ready for printing

CIB |T24 Testing Tender l RFP 48

T24 Testing Tender
2.28 End of month SFTP / User uploads a text
File Transfer Webservi file onto T24 using
ce /EOM tool then calls
a service routine
to upload the details
in the file onto
2.29 Payroll Windows Gets data from T24 NA dot net web
Company Services/ through MQ and admin Portal
Notification MQ upon finish the
batch payment an
auto Notification
mail is sent to the
2.30 Capital Market

3- Batch jobs
ID Number of batches Comply Vendor
(Yes/No) Comments
3.1 Bulk data extractions and Data financial data reports
operational jobs extraction update
3.2 Daily 21 3 16
3.3 Monthly 8 2 8
3.4 Quarterly 7 3 3
3.5 CBE 31
Total 67 3 5 27

4- Back to Core items

(Implementation of These below items will be divided between stage 2 and
Stage3, the table below same as the table listed on stage 2) Please make sure not
to double size items related to mentioned modules in new modules related to B2C
ID Module name Description/ CIB Comply Vendor
Narrative Comments (Yes/No) Comments

4 Back to Core Item

4.1 Safe Box CIB has developed a T24 Safe Deposit AA safe
local application Box (BX) product line box
CIB.SAFE.BOX to can be considered by
handle the Safe Boxes. CIB to replace the
This application local development for
registers account safe boxes.
number of customers
who have SDB, Box
Size and Box number.
Based on size of the Following are the key
box, fees are functionality of T24
determined, and Fees SDB module:
are calculated on yearly

CIB |T24 Testing Tender l RFP 49

T24 Testing Tender
Fees are collected from - Creation of new
Customer on yearly Safe Deposit Box
basis and first parked in arrangement
a central internal
account. Another T24
service, distributes the
funds from this internal
account to each of the
branch PL.
- Collection of
Caution / Key
- Collection of Rent
for Boxes with flexible
frequency options. ·
Collection of Rent in
Advance and pro-
rated Rent
- Recording
Customer Visits. ·
Unlimited charge
- Refund of Caution
Deposit on closure.
4.2 FATCA & CIB has the local T24 FATCA solution FATCA
FATCA application to handle can be considered by
Report FATCA requirements - CIB in place of the
Module CIB.CUST.ADD.INFO local FATCA module.
In Customer application FATCA solution in
if the value for the field T24 comprises of the
“FATCA Status” is following
selected as US components, based
Account, then T24 will on the 3 phases of
ask the user to input implementation:
the customer address
details as mandatory
- FATCA Client
Identification & Due
Withholding Tax
4.3 MM CIB has made a local The Local Field can
Validation development to ensure be attached to all
(ODR-2009- that MM contracts are needed applications,
09-0217) amended during and common routine
unauthorized stage attached at
using the same version VERSION.CONTROL
which was used for level, to update the
Input. input version in this
CIB has added a new field.
field for capturing the
version name at input
time, and is validating
at the time of
authorisation if the
same version is being

CIB |T24 Testing Tender l RFP 50

T24 Testing Tender
used. This routine is
written for MM

4.4 Validation to CIB has local template If product structure is AA

have end to capture details of implemented in AA
date greater various CD types and module, it is possible
than start validation in that to define an end date
date (ODR- template to ensure that until when the
2009-09- the end date of the product will be
0214) product is greater than available.
start date.
The functionality is This is part of AA
related to capturing the functionality, using
features of different the field Expiry Date
types of products under in the Product Proof
LD/MM deposits. & Publish screen.
Once the expiry date
of the product is
reached, system will
not allow input of new
arrangements under
this product.
4.5 Preventing CIB has local fields and If product structure is AA
partial or full validations to stop full implemented in AA
redemption or a partial redemption module, it is possible
on a deposit on deposits, if there are to achieve this using
having pending principal combination of
pending decrease or an Activity Restriction
principal increase. This is and Eligibility Rules.
decrease or handled at the version The AA framework
increase level and related to allows the users to
(ODR-2009- redemption of deposits define rules and
10-0036) using Money Market place restrictions on
(MM) application specific activities on
the deposits like
Also, AA allows
simulation activity for
such deposit
redemption activities.
CIB to note that, if
they wish to consider
this recommendation
for implementation, it
may require migration
of legacy to AA (to be
reviewed further in
Migration sessions)
and AA Deposits
product set up.
Also, CIB would be
required to procure
the license code for
AA deposits (AD)
product line.
4.6 Prevent CIB has locally This is a standard AA
usage of developed version level functionality in AA
input validations (in MM module.
versions for application) to ensure Each action on the
subsequent that same version used arrangement is
amendments for input should not be achieved by
used for subsequent triggering a different

CIB |T24 Testing Tender l RFP 51

T24 Testing Tender
(ODR-2009- amendments after activity, and different
10-0034) authorisation. screens can be linked
to the activity.
For example, creation
of new deposit is
triggered through
activity, which in turn
is linked to different
versions for each
property under the
Amendment of term
is achieved through
activity DEPOSITS-
which only displays
the fields related to
property, and version
used is
4.7 Validation to CIB has added a new The Local Field can
ensure that field for capturing the be attached to all
MM contracts version name at input needed applications,
are time, and is validating and a common
authorized at the time of routine should be
using the authorisation if the attached at
same version same version is being VERSION.CONTROL
which was used. This routine is level, to update the
used for Input attached to various input version in this
(ODR-2009- versions of MM field.
09-0216) application
4.8 Defaulting of Local routine has been Under the AA AA
settlement developed to update framework, the undue
account from the PD record, when and overdue
LD to related settlement account is balances are
PD, changed in the maintained under the
whenever the underlying LD record. same loan reference
settlement and share common
account is settlement
changed in instructions.
LD (ODR- Hence any changes
2010-04- to settlement account
0098) will be applied for
settlement of both
regular instalments
and overdue
This can be changed
by the user at the
time of repayment as
well, if needed.
4.9 New rates for CIB has local templates Defining the product AA
fresh to maintain the rules structure using AA
deposits sold and rates for different Deposits functionality
after a given types of CD products will allow CIB to
date as per and this is linked to MM define different
Central Bank contract via local field product groups and
Regulations for CD type. products under each
CIB |T24 Testing Tender l RFP 52
T24 Testing Tender
(ODR-2010- group as per the
06-0189) requirement.

4.10 Local CIB has locally This local AA

template for developed an functionality can be
CD types and application to define achieved in AA
related fields different types of framework by
(ODR-2011- deposit products and defining suitable
010085) set the rules for the products with
products such as term, predefined values for
interest rate etc., and term, interest rate etc
default the same to the
contract at the booking
4.11 Change of CIB has a locally This is standard AA
Interest Type developed functionality functionality in AA
from Fixed to to simulate change in Lending (AL), and it
Floating or interest type from Fixed is possible to reset
Vice Versa to Floating or Vice the interest rules from
(ODR-2010- Versa, through the Fixed to Floating.
08-0232) contract life cycle, as
this functionality is not
supported in LD.
4.12 No overdraw CIB has a local routine This can be AA
to be allowed to prevent overdrawing configured as a rule
in Savings of Savings accounts for savings account
Accounts (AC). products in AA
(ODR-2009- Framework using the
05-0023) feature of
4.13 Cash CIB has a local enquiry The requirement can
Denominatio to provide the cash be achieved through
n Position position by teller/ core enquiry
Report currency, with the CASH.DENOM.
(ODR-2009- denominations.
4.14 Posting CIB has added local This is available as AA
Restriction reference fields to standard functionality
(ODR-2009- Account (AC) screen to as part of AA
05-0034) capture remarks related Accounts functionality
to posting restriction on in the amendment
the account. screen for doing
static changes.
4.15 Product List CIB has a local field to This is available as AA
in Account distinguish the type of standard functionality
(ODR-2009- account product in as part of AA
05-0035) Account screen and Accounts functionality
has included this field in through configuration
the definition of of product groups
CONDITION.PRIORITY and products suitably
to facilitate grouping of as per bank
accounts based on requirement.
value in this local field.
4.16 Product List CIB has added a local This is available as AA
in Account reference field in LD standard functionality
(ODR-2009- versions to distinguish as part of AA Loans
05-0150) the type of lending functionality through
product. configuration of
T24 product groups and
products suitably as
per bank

CIB |T24 Testing Tender l RFP 53

T24 Testing Tender
4.17 Change the CIB has lot of rejected CIB can consider to
Uploading incoming cheques and use T24 ENQUIRY’s
Process of all these FTs are in FASTPATH attribute
Incoming IHLD. functionality to handle
Checks IHLD the delete of such
INAU / IHLD records.
Since the business User will be able to
users are finding it select all or individual
difficult to delete these contracts for
FTs one by one, CIB is processing
currently doing analysis (authorise, Delete,
to find a solution to update etc.).
either stop creating
such FTs in IHLD for
rejected cheques or
delete them by using a
local routine / service
4.18 Preferential CIB has a local CIB can consider to
Charges for development for use FT GEN and FT
Remittances charging preferentially GROUP conditions
(ODR-2010- based on transaction that supports
08-0156) type, customer and handling of
service types. preferential charges
based on customer
However, it is to be
noted that Customer
wise charging facility
is not supported in
4.19 Multiple CIB has developed Teller Financial
Teller TELLER related Services introduced
Transaction screens to achieve in higher release of
in Single deposit to multiple T24 will allow CIB to
Screen accounts in a single achieve the
(ODR-2010- screen and withdrawal requirement as per
04-0343) the local
4.20 Outstanding CIB has developed a The standard model
deals as on new enquiry to see the bank has an online
today FX outstanding deals as on enquiry to show all
(ODR-2010- today for FX contracts. the O/s deal of FX as
06-0125) on today.
4.21 Outstanding CIB has developed a The standard model
deals value new enquiry to see the bank has an online
date & outstanding FX deals enquiry to show all
counterparty by value date and the O/s deal based
(ODR-2010- counterparty. on the user selection
060144) like value date,
4.22 FCY Draft CIB has a local CIB can consider to
Management development to handle replace the local
(ODR-2010- the FCY draft lifecycle development with the
07-0249) including issuance, core solution to
cancellation, stop handle the Draft
payment etc. Management.
New table
introduced in higher
releases of T24
would allow to track
the draft statuses. As
per the new

CIB |T24 Testing Tender l RFP 54

T24 Testing Tender
functionality, the bank
can issue FCY and
LCY draft and track it.
Similarly, the MT110
will be generated
based on the setup.
4.23 Extra details CIB has a local The local
in statement development to show development can be
(ODR-2010- the extra details like potentially replaced
07-0297) bulk FT reference and with the core
value date in Account functionality of
AT usage.
4.24 Outstanding CIB has locally The standard T24
REPO deals developed an enquiry enquiry to list the
(ODR-2010- to list the outstanding outstanding repo
07-0199) REPO deals. deals client wise can
be used instead of
the locally developed
4.25 IBAN CIB has locally Higher releases of
Number developed a validation T24 has the
validation of to check the capability to verify the
Beneficiary authenticity and the IBAN in the core T24
(ODR-2010- correctness of IBAN itself, using IN
07-0304) number for the EURO module. T24 has
payments made using introduced
application. E table.
4.26 Treasury CIB has locally If there is a currency
Rate field developed a screen conversion in a FT
open in FT where if there is a cross transaction and if the
Versions currency transaction user wants to give a
(ODR-2010- involved in a FT preferred rate to the
09-0072) transaction, the user client the
can input the recommended
TREASURY.RATE approach is to use
field. the core
field rather than
giving the preferred
rate in
field directly.
4.27 Outward FT CIB has a local In the higher release
(ODR-2011- development to default of T24, the system
09-0119) the customer details in will automatically
TAG 50 of Funds populate the details
Transfer MT103 of the customer in the
message. Field 50F of the
MT103 message.
4.28 Updating PD CIB has developed a This functionality is
when LD is local API to update the available as part of
updated rates in PD whenever T24 AA Loans.
(ODR-2012- rates in LD is updated. In AA Loans, the AA
11-0006) interest can be
defined for both the
principal amount and
the overdue amount.
The review of rates
can be defined same
for both and the

CIB |T24 Testing Tender l RFP 55

T24 Testing Tender
system will update
the rate on the
overdue also
whenever the rate
change happens.
4.29 OFS CIB is having a local T24 now allows the
Duplicate customization to bank to define
Check perform the duplicate duplicate check
check for OFS requests conditions using the
coming from channels. EB.DUPLICATE.TYP
E application for T24
4.30 High Volume CIB is using sub As transaction
Accounts accounts for ATM and volume increases the
(Sub collection interfaces in T24 high-volume
Accounts – order to avoid locks in account (HVT)
HVT) internal suspense solution provides
accounts during high standard account
volume transactions functionality in a
seamless manner to
the end user without
additional accounts
and avoiding
operational issues
experienced whilst
using sub-accounts.
Individual accounts
are now flagged as
high volume
accounts, setting this
flag will activate the
new processing to
avoid concurrency
High volume
accounts should be
used where there are
likely to be significant
volumes of
generated across the
account that need to
be completed in as
short a time frame as
4.31 ATM CIB makes use of Temenos ATM
Interface ISO8583 messages for framework has got
processing ATM the capability to
messages. parse ISO8583
standard messages
and convert them to
OFS messages. After
processing OFS
messages in T24
core, T24 has got the
functionality to send
back the response in
ISO format.
CIB uses old T24 ATM Temenos ATM
pack which parses ISO framework supports
messages coming from all standard ATM
ATM switch and transactions like

CIB |T24 Testing Tender l RFP 56

T24 Testing Tender
converts them into OFS Cash withdrawal,
messages. Point of sale, Balance
enquiry, Mini
statement, Statement
request, Account
transfer, Cash
deposit and Cheque
book request.
4.32 E Payroll / CIB is using a file T24 bulk payment
DD Parser / upload interface to processing can be
Direct Debits process the company used to replace the
(Company payroll requirement. existing payroll
Payroll interface. Bulk
Interface) Payment is a Product
for handling mass
Payments from and
Receipts into T24
where a Corporate
Customer will instruct
its bank to process its
monthly payrolls,
debiting its payroll
account and crediting
the account of its
Since, CIB is not
going to use TCIB
Corporate, only FT
Bulk processing
suggested in the B2C
report is applicable
for CIB.
4.33 Debit & Notify customers T24 Business events
Credit immediately through an (BE) module can be
Notification alternative automated used to generate
(Alerts channel (such as SMS alerts to
Interface) messages sent to subscribed
mobile phones & E-mail customers at
accounts of customers) account level/
for credit and debit portfolio level.
transactions over the With this, we shall
threshold amount configure various
according to transaction events to notify the
type for corporate and clients in their
business banking language of choice.
clients. Alerts to be sent Event generation
for FT, TT, LD, MM and & XML transformation
TF transactions and are fully
whenever these listed parameterized. We
transactions happen in shall use EFS
T24, T24 sends (AutoForms) to
notification to Debit & connect to the SMS
Credit notification gateway & Exchange
system. Alert server. EFS is
subscription, SMS & capable of sending
email details and emails with
threshold values are set attachments.
in Debit & Credit
notification system
which validates the
notifications received
from T24, constructs
SMS / email messages

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4.34 Integration In CIB, near real time CIB could consider to
Framework event notifications from engage Temenos
T24, file extracts from Expert services for
T24 and file uploads to “IF Discovery
T24 are being used as assessment” service
interface mechanisms which aims to review
with 3rd party systems. interfaces and will
enable CIB to
understand the
opportunities to
extend and optimize
the use of IF in order
to reduce pain points
relate to integration
4.35 Stop CIB has made local T24 Accounts (AC)
Payment customization to place and Customer
posting restriction in the applications allow the
T24 customer or T24 user to capture
account based on the multiple posting
received CBE restrictions at both
instruction and also customer and
send information to account level.
CARD400 system to
block the credit cards.
In some cases, CIB
wants to set the posting
restriction with expiry
4.36 Step Up IB has a local T24 Arrangement AA
Instalment for development on loan Architecture (AA
MG repayment schedules, Lending) supports the
wherein the step up and Step
repayment amount down repayments.
should be increased by
a predefined % at a
predefined frequency
4.37 T24 Cosign CIB is in the process of T24 Mandate
integration building a local Management
with the application to cater to functionality can be
LDAP their corporate banking considered by CIB in
requirement, in order to place of this local
provide different development. This
privileges on corporate functionality works
accounts for security seamlessly with
reasons and to be sure Temenos Connect
that corporate Internet Banking
employees with (TCIB) and online
privileges don't over- TCIB transactions
user their privileges can also use the
mandate / signatory
setting in T24.
4.38 Overdraft CIB has made a local T24 AA Accounts AA
Commission development to (AR) supports the
(Highest calculate the fees functionality through
Debit) based on account's the highest debit
Highest Debit balance CHARGE product
for the month. condition attached to
property for account
product. CIB can
attach the local
charge routine in to
CIB |T24 Testing Tender l RFP 58
T24 Testing Tender
charge product
condition to calculate
the highest debit fees
based on the
4.39 TD TDs and CDs are CIB can consider to collateral
Reservation booked in CIB using use T24 Collateral
(ODR-2009- MM application. module to handle the
06-0097) CIB has developed a reservation
local functionality to functionality.
handle reservations on
TDs and CDs.
Reservation is similar to
collaterals, where the
deposit amount is used
to secure the loan
4.40 Wrapping CIB has made a local T24 Funds Transfer
T24 development to modify automatically formats
Customer the customer address (moves) the extra
address in read from T24 to chars in Address line
outgoing update TAG 50 to 2nd line, in case
Swift MT103 correctly in outgoing the length of the
MT103 SWIFT to fix address is more than
return issues resulting 33 characters.
from the field length
4.41 Collateral CIB is using a local We recommend CIB collateral
Cheques application to consider using T24
COLLAT.CHEQUES.R Collateral application,
EG to record the details to handle this
of Cheques given by functionality.
the customer, to secure The details of
his loans (LD). The ID Cheque can be
for this local table is LD captured in the
reference number. Collateral record, by
creating local
reference fields.
The collateral created
can be linked to the
LD using LIMIT
application and can
be used to secure the
limit amount.
4.42 FT / TELLER CIB has a local T24 CHEQUE.TYPE
Drafts (ODR- development to create application can be
2011-09- draft stock and handle used to define the
0117) draft issuance / draft types. The field
management. “Allow Fcy Acct” is
used to specify
whether or not the
drafts of this type
could be issued to
foreign currency
accounts. However,
there is no inbuilt
functionality in T24 to
maintain and control
the stock based on
each foreign

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T24 Testing Tender
4.43 Time CIB has a local T24 AA Deposits can AA
Deposits development to default be used and CIB can
(TDs) & the tenor, interest, consider to replace
Certificate of interest frequency, start this local functionality
Deposits date, end date etc. in using standard AA
(CDs) the TDs and CDs. Product
defaults CIB has a local table configuration.
06-0007 & define the default
ODR-2009- values and are
06-0098) defaulted in the deposit
booking screen.
4.44 Incoming and Local application T24 Bills (BL) module
Outgoing CIB.BILL.REGISTER can be considered by
Trade Bills and CIB to handle the
applications are used functionality and BL
by CIB to handle Trade module supports the
Bills. following types of
CIB currently has only - Trade Bills
incoming TRADE Bills.
Outgoing trade bills
functionality is not used
by CIB.
- Direct Bills
- Usance Bills
4.45 Global CIB is using SunGard T24 Nostro nostro
Reconciliatio “Global Reconciliation” Reconciliation (NR) reconsilati
n / GR System to perform module can be on
(Category & Nostro and Internal considered by CIB in
Spec) Account reconciliation. place of the local
Nostro Reconciliation is system to perform
performed between the Nostro Reconciliation
received SWIFT only.
statements and the
data extracted from T24
4.46 Documents CIB has a local T24 Document T24
Safekeeping application management (DM) Document
DOCUMENTS.CUSTO product can be used managem
MER, to capture details to potentially replace ent (DM)
of the document this local functionality
produced by corporate in CIB.
customers. This DM application
development is CUST.DOCUMENT
applicable only for can be used, with
corporate customers. additional local
This procedure is not references to meet
followed by CIB for CIB specific
Retail customers. requirements.
ID for the
application is
customer ID +
Document type.
4.47 IFRS CIB has a separate CIB can consider T24 IFRS
system to handle IFRS IFRS module to
reporting. IFRS system potentially replace
is not yet complaint with this local
IFRS9. functionality.
T24 IFRS9 is fully
integrated with T24
Model Bank and

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T24 Testing Tender
Contractual cash
flows automatically in
case of Amortized
Method using EIR.
4.48 STP CIB is having a local T24 Funds Transfer
Financial parameter table to parameter tables like
Transactions control the STP FT.TXN.TYPE.COND
& Inward processing of the FT ITION and other core
Remittance transactions. parameter tables like
restrictions T,
can be potentially
used to achieve the
functionality handled
by CIB using the local
4.49 Risk Profiling CIB has developed a T24 provides basic
.NET application that risk profiling
will extract T24 functionality using
customer details and Sales Administration
capture additional (SA) module.
details from the In T24 Model Bank,
customer to be used for the facility of Risk
scoring (risk profiling) Profiling for
purposes. customers is
provided to calculate
the score and decide
the Investment
Program suitable for
the customer.
4.50 Automation CIB is planning to make CIB can consider to
of Placing a local development to use the T24
Posting update the posting CUSTOMER.MASS.
Restriction on restriction code BLOCK application to
Customer (POSTING.RESTRICT) set up the posting
Accounts & posting restriction restriction in the
comment customer or related
(PO.REST.COMM). accounts.
This is currently input CUSTOMER.MASS.
manually by the user in BLOCK also allows
the T24 Customer the user to exclude
screen in to the related selected accounts
customer accounts. and apply the
restriction on other
available customer
4.51 Corporate CIB’s corporate team Instead of having
Extra Details wants to update some new local
extra information about applications, CIB
the corporate could consider to
customers and LIMIT move these details in
details. CIB has created to T24 CUSTOMER
two local application to and LIMIT
cater to this applications itself, by
requirement - creating new local

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T24 Testing Tender
4.52 MG Loan CIB has built a local Please refer to the
Origination / T24 screen/version with section “Loan
Loan multiple tabs to handle Application from
Origination the MG loan origination. Customer Search” in
System Customer details are B2C report, where
(ODR-2009- defaulted once the details of T24 ARC
040135) customer ID is input. Origination are
User captures the provided.
details of MG loan
amount, term and
Income details of
customer along with the
source of the income.
4.53 Offshore CIB is using a locally T24 Securities (SC)
Mutual Funds developed solution to module could be
& CIB Mutual handle Mutual Funds used to handle the
Funds (MF). functionalities
handled by in-house
Mutual funds system.
4.54 Customer CIB has a local CIB can consider to
Information – development to allow use T24
Automated the business teams to EB.FILE.UPLOAD
Changes directly upload the option to upload the
Customer file customer file.
containing the new EB.FILE.UPLOAD is
changes required on used to upload
T24 CUSTOMER information from
record. outside T24 (on a
company file server,
for example) into T24
and therefore, to
move a .csv file from
a browsed location to
a folder within the
T24 database.
4.55 End of Month CIB has a local web CIB to consider using
File Transfer Application that will DFE for other
FTP the text files to extracts and uploads
T24. that are being
currently executed
using main line
routines or local
upload processes.
These files will be CIB to note that, DFE
processed by local does not produce log
EOM services written or report of
by CIB in T24 that will successfully
update some local processed or failed
applications, and return transactions.
the log of the However, local APIs
processing (successful can be written and
/ rejected transactions) attached to DFE
in specific path. parameter / DFE
mapping that can be
used to write required
log files for reporting
the successful /
rejected transactions.
Temenos will work
with CIB team to
configure one file
upload set up using
DFE module. CIB
team would be able

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T24 Testing Tender
to configure further
file uploads using the
assistance from
Implementation team.
4.56 MCDR / CIB is using local CIB to consider using
Cards – developments to handle DFE for extracts and
Direct Debit the following upload uploads that are
and extracts from T24: being currently
executed using main
line routines or local
upload processes.
- Loading MCDR Please refer to the
customer and section “End of
charging/payment files Month File Transfer”
· Create Cards on for details on DFE in
IST/Switch using the report.
Customer Data
- Charging MCDR CIB to note that, DFE
Cards on IST/Switch does not produce log
with Payment Files or report of
(Financial papers successfully
COBONs) processed or failed
However, local APIs
can be written and
attached to DFE
parameter / DFE
mapping that can be
used to write required
log files for reporting
the successful /
rejected transactions.
Also, CIB generates a Temenos will work
file from CARD400 with CIB team to
system with details of configure one file
direct debit payments. upload and extraction
This file is uploaded to set up using DFE
T24 using locally module. CIB team
developed DD module would be able to
that generates FT configure further file
transactions in T24. extracts and file
The status of the uploads using the
transactions are assistance from
updated back to Implementation team.
CARD400 system.

5- Data Migration
(All AA modules implementation will be divided between stage 2 and stage3)

ID Module name Description/ Narrative CIB Comply Vendor

Comments (Yes/No) Comments

5 Data Migration details

5.1 All AA modules data migration based on the
analysis results during Stage 3

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6- Testing New Business processes after re-engineering

ID Module name Description/ Narrative Comply (Yes/No) Vendor
6.1 Business processes re- business will identify 20 business
engineering processes to be reengineered
will be specified during the analysis
phase in stage 3

9 General Requirements

9.1 General Requirements (SIT Testing)

General Requirements comments
ID / Partial
1. Proposed vendor must conduct System Integration `
Testing for acquired solution
2. Proposed vendor must conduct Regression Testing for
acquired solution
3. Managing testing engagements for User Acceptance
Testing, Migrated data Testing and BAU testing.
4. Proposed vendor must Support UAT activities along with
CIB team
5. Proposed vendor must conduct Performance testing and
provide inclusive and comprehensive results with
needed recommendations ( if any )
6. Proposed vendor must Design and develop the testing
strategy and plan documents
7. Proposed vendor must Design the functional test
scenarios and map them to the business requirements.
Proposed vendor ensure Test Data preparation
9. Proposed vendor must execute test scenarios and
provide detailed report reflecting success or failure of
each scenario
10. Proposed vendor must be experienced in the Defect
lifecycle management on HP QC
Verify the fixed defects and retest the failed test cases.
Review the test results with CIB testing team
Test the new releases
14. Testing activities coordination, management and
reporting throughout the project testing phases
15. Insure all application setup Fatcas to be correctly
16. Beside running all SIT scenarios, a selective 30% of the
UAT scenarios will be executed during SIT
17. Testing vendor scope should include checking
integration with other systems while testing the T24.

CIB |T24 Testing Tender l RFP 64

T24 Testing Tender
9.2 General Requirements (UAT Testing)
ID General Requirements comments
/ Partial
18. Managing testing engagements for User Acceptance
Testing, Migrated data Testing and BAU testing.
19. Proposed vendor must Support UAT activities along with
CIB team
20. Proposed vendor must Design and develop the testing
strategy and plan documents
21. Proposed vendor must Design the functional test
scenarios and map them to the business requirements.
Proposed vendor ensure Test Data preparation
23. Proposed vendor must execute test scenarios and
provide detailed report reflecting success or failure of
each scenario
24. Proposed vendor must be experienced in the Defect
lifecycle management on HP QC
Verify the fixed defects and retest the failed test cases.
26. Review the test results with CIB testing and business
Test the new releases for T24
28. Testing activities coordination, management and
reporting throughout the project testing phases ( UAT )
29. Insure all application setup parameters to be correctly
30. UAT testing Scope cover same Modules and functions
illustrated in the SIT section and as divided across the
three stages of the project.

31. The testing vendor shall conduct the testing with

complete alignment with the business departments,
consult them about the expected results and share the
testing results with them, share the testing status,
defects and business possible preferences of the
resolution (in case of alternatives can be chosen) and
report progress and closure of each testing track and
making sure that all business scenarios are covered
32. The vendor shall provide complete UAT test plan for the
three stages, taking into consideration the following high
level timelines:
33. Testing vendor scope should include checking
integration with other systems while testing the T24.

9.3 Applications testing requirements

Applications testing requirements
34. Testing GUI like Forms, Presentation, Graphs, Menus, All
Certifications , and Reports, text boxes, select
dropdowns, calendars and buttons, navigation from one
page to another, display of images as well as look and
feel of the overall application, etc.,.
35. Prepare all the required test cases to fully test the forward
business and negative cases of the whole scope items
listed in this document as well as integration and
interfaces and Perform Decision based testing to cover all
CIB |T24 Testing Tender l RFP 65
T24 Testing Tender
the possible outcomes of the system when a particular
condition is met,
36. Perform Equivalence testing to all business rules and
37. Alternate flow testing covering all other than the main
flow to accomplish business functionality

9.4 Data mapping testing requirements section

Data Mapping Testing Requirements
38. Confirm that the data from source to pre-defined target in
different data bases is correctly mapped for internal
process and storage like Assembly, DBMS like Oracle
39. Perform structural testing covering schema, database
tables, columns ,
keys and indexes, stored procedures, triggers ,database
server validations,
validating data duplication,
40. Confirm that the data from source to pre-defined target in
different data bases is correctly mapped for internal
process and storage like Assembly, DBMS like Oracle,
Preform count and content testing

9.5 Data Migration testing Requirements Section

Data Migration Testing requirements
42. Pre-Data Migration Testing
(source to target high-level mappings - Verify destination
system data requirements - Using the source to destination
mappings, test the source data against the requirements of the
destination system )
Post-Data Migration Testing
Data Migration User Acceptance Testing

9.6 Non Functional requirements

Non Functional Testing requirements
45. Automation T24 testing tool to be provided from vendor (
if available )
46. Performance testing ( Stress- load testing-endurance )
by using CIB HP load runner
47. Vendor performance testing is 3 rounds per stage
aiming to match the performance test objectives (to be
defined by CIB), each round for almost 200 scenarios.
48. Automation testing (40% of the total number of test
cases). Within the SIT for Stage 1, scripting the high
priority test cases to be used for regression and
successive stages. Same to be followed on all stages by
using CIB HP UFT or T24 testing tool that will be
provided by vendor

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T24 Testing Tender
Installation, Compatibility and recovery testing
Testing strategy document.
Testing plan document for each testing phase.
Test case documentation on HP QC
Requirements to Test cases Traceability matrix.
54. Daily, Weekly Testing status reports during test
execution phases.
Defects status reporting during the testing.
Testing closure reports.
57. Vendor to provide the Ramp up and Ramp down plan for

9.7 Level of expertise requirements

Work Experience Requirements

58. Testing resources must have previous experience of

minimum 2-3 years in T24 testing.
59. Have prior hands on experience on using HP Quality
Center [Testing management tool], and HP load runner
in case performance testing will be required.
60. History of successfully deployment for a similar systems
with indication of the T24 system
61. Experience in providing onsite & offsite support during
the testing
62. Availability of technical expertise with reference for the
quality skills to be provided through CV’s of resources
63. Company size and number of T24 banking business
skilled resources in case the company has business
lines other than testing
Similar projects reference checks through calls & emails
Technical expertise in transaction-processing systems
Testing tools availability

10 RFP Guidelines
The vendor should submit their offers in two sealed envelopes, the Technical Offer and the Financial Offer. Both
the offers must be submitted at the same time but in two separate sealed covers.
The bidder is required to provide a soft copy from the technical offer via e-mail to the CIB

11 Reference

ID Requirements Comply (Yes/No) Comments

CIB |T24 Testing Tender l RFP 67

T24 Testing Tender

The bidders should provide references with

all the provided testing services with similar
scope and similar testing services as listed in
section 8

12 Reference calls will be performed after the

proposals submission date by One week.

Vendors should provide the list of references

which includes contact names, numbers, the
available times for having the call.

12 General Terms & Conditions:

12.1 Bank Guarantee

 Any advance payment must be against unconditional & irrevocable Letter of Guarantee for all
payments throughout the project duration

12.2 Personal experience

 Candidates should have successfully completed similar projects and has the qualifications
necessary to undertake this project, and the Bank has the right to accept\reject accordingly. Also,
the bank has the right to request replacement for any of these personnel, throughout the project
testing duration, according to their efficiency and dedication, and the CONTRACTOR will be
expected to comply within 48 hours.

Commercial offer should be quoted in Egyptian Pounds (EGP) OR United States Dollars (USD), and given the
following conditions;

Payment will be linked to deliverables as per CIB standard. CIB do not accept any time and material based

14 Payment Scheme for whole project:

SIT testing:
The below payment milestones for each stage (stage 1, stage 2 and stage 3)

Percentage Milestone Deliverable

10% 1 Sign off test schedule, plan and strategy
30% 2 Signed off test scenarios and test cases
40% 3 SIT and performance Sign off
20% 4 Last payment (Per stage) will be released after the bank user sign off
the User testing to ensure the success of SIT test for each stage

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T24 Testing Tender

UAT testing
The below payment milestones for each stage (stage 1, stage 2 and stage 3)

Percentage Milestone Deliverable

10% 1 Sign off test schedule, plan and strategy
30% 2 Signed off test scenarios and test cases
40% 3 UAT Sign off
20% 4 Last payment (Per stage) will be released after go live to ensure the
success of UAT test for each stage

15 Other Terms:
 The contract will have checkpoint after completion of stage 1 and after stage 2 to evaluate the
quality of the testing service provided by the vendor.
 After the checkpoint, CIB has the full right to end the vendor engagement at this stage and exit the
 The vendor has to provide his pricing proposal with segregated three financial price for each stage.

16 Pricing table

This table reflects the testing services and the testing tool license and implementation (If available) by the
vendor and must be included in RFP response by reflecting the breakdown of each testing service in terms
of quantity, unit price, warranty for purchased product ( License ), Cost of Service renewal such as support
service, Value added service and/or professional services.

Testing services / Testing tool license Quantity Unit price

This table to be filled by vendor for each stage with available breakdown

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T24 Testing Tender
17 Technical Offer

17.1 As mentioned before, the Technical offer is a separate document other than the
commercial offer. The Technical Offer shall contain the following:
1. Company Profile and References for previous T24 testing.
2. Project milestones and plan per each stage
3. Functional testing requirements for T24 compliances
4. Technical testing requirements for T24 compliances
5. If the testing of work to be performed by your company requires the hiring of sub-contractors you must
clearly state that in your proposal. Sub-contractors must be identified and the work they will perform
must be defined. In your proposal please provide the name; address .CIB will not refuse a proposal
based upon the use of sub-contractors; however, we retain the right to refuse the sub-contractors you
have selected. (If applicable).
6. A detailed presentation for the previous experience (CV’s) for all testing involved personnel, subject to
Bank acceptance. Also, Bank has the right to request replacement for any of these personnel throughout
the project implementation/ testing duration, whenever proven inefficient or non-cooperative.
7. A detailed presentation for any requirements that should be prepared and acquired, before or within
project implementation duration (such as Hardware items).
8. An identical copy of the commercial offer “Un-priced” is to be enclosed in the technical offer.
9. Letter of acceptance including all tender’s terms and conditions without any alteration or reservation.
10. An Unconditioned and irrevocable Bid Bond (Letter of Guarantee) for the amount of USD 20K or the
equivalent, is required to be enclosed in your technical proposal envelope. (Unsuccessful bidders will
be able to reclaim and redeem, once the tender process is over). While the awarded bidder will replace
the bid bond, by another unconditioned and irrevocable 5% of the project value, as performance bond,
to be at CIB custody till project completion, within 10 working days from receiving the PO/ Awarding
Letter. (Mandatory)
11. Your offer should be valid for 90 days from deadline date for receiving offers.

Commercial Offer
As mentioned before, the Commercial offer is a separate document other than the Technical offer.

The price you quote should be inclusive. If your price excludes certain fees or charges, you must provide a
detailed list of excluded fees with a complete explanation of the nature of those fees. (Mandatory).

The commercial offer shouldn’t include any alteration or reservation otherwise your offer should be disregarded.

19 RFP Amendments
The bank might send to the vendors amendments / clarifications as attached to this RFP document, these might be
based on the vendors clarification sessions results or due to new requirements raised during the RFP response

20 Evaluation Criteria
The evaluation criteria will be split between
70% Technical (Functional + Technical)
30% Commercial

CIB |T24 Testing Tender l RFP 70

T24 Testing Tender

Technical Evaluation Criteria

Item Evaluation Criteria

Functional testing for acquired solution

SIT testing for acquired solution (Integration with ATM’s - POS – FAWRY – IVR –
Internet banking – Card 400)
Performance testing ( Stress- load testing )
Test Methodology

General testing Automation Testing by using UFT ( HP tool)

Testing strategy document.
Testing plan document for each testing phase.
Test case documentation on HP QC
Requirements to Test cases Traceability matrix.
Daily, Weekly Testing status reports during test execution and UAT phases.
Defects status reporting during the testing.
Testing closure reports.
Experience in core banking system testing
Previous engagements with CIB
Vendor capability Testing methdolgy
Milestones / Deliverables Clarity
Vendor team ( CVs)experience in core banking ( testing team profile and skills )
Reference tetsing in T24 system with minimum one year solution stability
Testing consultants in testing T24 System
T24 experience and
references Ready test cases set for T24 modules ( Basic sets )
Vendor will allocate all testing team with T24 Experience with two or more years of

21 Penalties
In case of delay against the agreed upon project milestone per each module, bank has the right to apply a penalty
equal to % 1 per each day of delay with maximum 15 days from each milestone cost and duration. In case of
CONTRACTOR failure to provide the services in satisfactory manner due to his personnel negligence or
unqualified staff, bank has the right to apply a penalty equal to 5 % per incident with maximum 15% from each
milestone cost.

In case of CONTRACTOR failure to comply with Bank request for replacing any of the assigned personnel, bank
has the right to apply a penalty equal to 5 % per each day of delay with maximum 15 days, after which Bank has
the right to Terminate the Contract (see, ‘TERMINATION CONDITION’). In case of repeated failure, bank has the
right to terminate the agreement and confiscate the bond in hand without any legal action.

22 Termination condition
In case CONTRACTOR repetitive failure, CIB may terminate the contract at any time. Termination shall not affect
the obligation of CIB to refund full Initial payments fees and to refund other fees then due.

CIB |T24 Testing Tender l RFP 71

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