Посібник Newcomer A1-A2 Unit 3 Тарахомин М.М.

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A1 - A2

1. Complete the table with the words. 2. Fill in the gaps with the words from the
window heating socket ceiling table.
radiator floor aircon switch
1. This is usually made from wood and you can
wall carpet light door
enter or leave a room through it.
2. The metal object that hangs on the wall and
keeps us warm. ____________
3. This is made from glass and you can look
____________ ____________ ____________ outside through this. ____________
4. The plastic object you have to press to turn
the lights on and off. ____________
5. The object that hangs on the wall and blows
out hot or cold air. ____________
____________ ____________ ____________ 6. This is a colourful and sometimes beautiful
decoration we put on the floor.
7. The bottom part of the room where the
carpet usually is. ____________
8. The top part of the room where the lights
____________ ____________ ____________ usually are. ____________
9. There are usually four of these in the room
above the floor but below the ceiling.
10. The plastic object where you can plug your
electronic items such as a computer or TV.
____________ ____________ ____________ ____________

3. Look at the picture. Write the names of things.

Does your house have a garden?
What is in it?
What is your dream garden?
What else can be there in the
Place for notes
4. Read and choose the correct answer.
1) The machine we use to cut the grass in the garden.
a. barbecue b. gate c. lawnmower _________________________________
2) The building with a very big door where people often park their _________________________________
car. _________________________________
a. garage b. gate c. greenhouse _________________________________
3) The pretty and colourful thing that grows in the garden. _________________________________
a. flower b. grass c. hedge
4) The thing we use in the garden to cook food on in the summer. _________________________________
a. gate b. lawnmower c. barbecue _________________________________
1. Look at some new words and answer the questions using them.
dining room - їдальня
an office/a study - кабінет
bedroom - спальня
bathroom - ванна
living room - вітальня
kitchen - кухня
balcony - балкон
terrace - тераса
closet - гардероб
basement– підвал
attic - горище
hall - прихожа
• Where do you live? What rooms are there in your home? corridor - коридор
2. Match the words with their Place for notes
opposites. Then answer the questions. _________________________________________________________
1. spaciuos a. cool _________________________________________________________
2. quiet b. stuffy _________________________________________________________
3. light c. uncomfortable _________________________________________________________
4. warm d. cramped _________________________________________________________
5. airy e. dark _________________________________________________________
6. comfortable f. noisy _________________________________________________________
• What do you like and dislike about your
home? There is a … (in/on the …). There isn’t a … (in/on the …).
• Is it cosy? There are … (in/on the …). There aren’t … (in/on the …).
• What is it convenient for? Is there a … (in/on the …)?
3. Write a short house description. Are there … (in/on the …)?

4. Look at the photos and answer the question.

• Which house can be located …
1) in the city centre?
2) in the residential area?
3) in the suburbs?
4) in the country?
• Where is your house located? a)

b) c)
1. Look at the photos and match words and objects.
2. Correct the mistakes.

I don’t like this cramped

kitchen. Next to the fridge is
a cooker and dishwasher
but isn’t a table and chairs.
I think, it uncomfortable.
(3 mist.)

My bedroom is modern. I
like minimalism, so there
are only a bed with white
pillows, blanket and two
bedside table. In the
bedroom isn’t a mirror, rug
and chest drawers.
(4 mist.)

3. Translate into English using prepositions of place on the right.

Мій гардероб є світлий і просторий. В ньому є зручна шафа з поличками і
шухлядами. На перекладинах є багато вішалок із моїм улюбленим одягом.
Посередині гардеробної є білий килим.

У моєму новому домі є зручна ванна кімната. В ній є біла ванна, унітаз та
умивальник. Під умивальником є шкафчик, а над ним - велике дзеркало. Ванна
є біля вікна, а душова кабіна - позаду ванни.
______________________________________________________________ 4. Describe any two rooms in
______________________________________________________________ your home.
______________________________________________________________ • What furniture is there?
______________________________________________________________ • What do you like?
______________________________________________________________ • What would you change?
1. Listen to the audio and circle the words that 2. Read the house adverts for rent and for sale.
describe Ann’s and John’s new homes.

Ann lives in a ________________________________


John lives in a _______________________________


3. Take roles (OWNER and CLIENT) and act out dialogues about each Place for notes
of the advertisements. _____________________________

4. Write a text (90-110 words) about your dream home. Then tell about it.
1. Match the words to make collocations. 2. Complete the table with the words.
What do they mean? bank cinema traffic square
1. train _________ a) lights crossroads pavement museum hospital
2. post _________ b) station library factory road crossing
3. bus _________ c) office roundabout museum castle
4. sports _________ d) lights
5. underground _________ e) station
6. street _________ f) stop
7. traffic _________ g) centre
8. police _________ h) station
3. Fill in the gaps with the words from the _____________ _____________ _____________
1. A ____________ is a place where you watch
new films.
2. The place where two or more roads meet
and form a circle is called a ____________ . _____________ _____________ _____________
3. A ____________ is a place where you send
or get letters and parcels.
4. A ____________ is a place where you walk
from one side of the road to the other one.
5. The big area in the city centre where people
often meet is called a ____________ . _____________ _____________ _____________
6. The object by the side of the road which
shows a red, yellow or green light is called
____________ .
7. A ____________ is a place where people get
on/off the bus. _____________ _____________ _____________
8. The place where two roads meet and cross
each other is called ____________ .
9. A ____________ is the office of a local
police force.
4. Write the meanings of the words. _____________ _____________ _____________
1. A school is ________________________________________________________________________________
2. A park is __________________________________________________________________________________
3. A restaurant is _____________________________________________________________________________
4. A supermarket is ___________________________________________________________________________
5. A hotel is _________________________________________________________________________________
5. Translate into English. Then speak about your city/town/country.
Я люблю моє місто, але іноді тут нудно. Центр міста - це шумний район, тут є кінотеатр, парк, клініка, багато банків,
магазинів та кафе. У моєму місті є кілька житлових районів. В кожному районі є школи, тихі і шумні вулиці з
багатоповерхівками і власними будинками.
1. Match the words with the pictures. CLASS 6.

2. Listen to the audio about this map and write down the destinations.
Speaker A: __________________________
Speaker B: __________________________
Speaker C: __________________________
Speaker D: __________________________
3. Fill in the gaps. Then listen and check.
1. Go ___________ on.
2. ___________ past the traffic lights.
3. It’s the building next to the library
___________ the left.
4. ___________ the roundabout turn left.
5. Then ___________ the first left on to
Green Street.
6. Go ___________ the traffic lights and
take the ___________ right on to King’s

Place for notes 4. Look at the map in ex.2 and give the directions.
____________________________________ • Excuse me, how to get to the supermarket?
____________________________________ • Could you tell me the way to the factory?
____________________________________ • Hello, where is the cinema?
____________________________________ 5. Tell us how you get from your home to the English school.
____________________________________ Then write down the direction.
____________________________________ ______________________________________________________
____________________________________ ______________________________________________________
____________________________________ ______________________________________________________
____________________________________ ______________________________________________________
____________________________________ ______________________________________________________
____________________________________ ______________________________________________________
____________________________________ ______________________________________________________
____________________________________ ______________________________________________________
Comparative and Superlative Adjectives - Ст упені порівняння прикмет ників
Adjectives with one syllable (1 склад у слові) Adjectives with more than two syllables (більше 2
• We add 'er' to make the comparative form. We складів у слові)
add 'the …-est' to make the superlative form. • We add 'more' to make the comparative form. We
o clean → cleaner → THE cleanest
add 'the most' to make the superlative form.
o cold → colder → THE coldest
o simple → more simple → the most simple
• If there is one vowel followed by one consonant
o beautiful → more beautiful → the most beautiful
at the end of the adjective, we often double the
• We CAN'T add 'er' or 'est'.
consonant. ПОДВОЄННЯ ПРИГОЛОСНОГО o fun → more fun → the most fun
ЗВУКА: (NOT funner / the funnest)
o wet → wetter → THE wettest
o real → more real → the most real
o big → bigger → THE biggest
(NOT realer / the realest)
• If the adjective ends in 'y', this often changes to o right → more right → the most right
'i'. ЗМІНА КІНЦЕВОЇ ЛІТЕРИ (NOT righter / the rightest)
o dry → drier → THE driest o wrong → more wrong → the most wrong
(NOT wronger / the wrongest)
• If the adjective ends in 'e', we don't add
• Irregular adjectives. ВИНЯТКИ
another 'e', just 'r'. ДОДАВАННЯ ЛИШЕ
ПРИГОЛОСНОГО ЗВУКА o good → better → the best
o bad → worse → the worst
o nice → nicer → THE nicest
o far → further → the furthest
o large → larger → THE largest o little → less → the least
o many/much → more → the most

1. Make the comparative form. If it’s possible, use ‘er’. 2. o Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets
If not, use ‘more’. (comparative or superlative).
1. Dogs are ________________________ (intelligent) 1. My house is ________________________ (big) than
than rabbits. yours.
2. Lucy is ________________________ (old) than Ellie. 2. This flower is ________________________
3. Russia is far ________________________ (large) than (beautiful) than that one.
the UK. 3. This is the ________________________ (interesting)
4. My Latin class is ________________________ book I have ever read.
(boring) than my English class. 4. Non-smokers usually live
5. In the UK, the streets are generally ________________________ (long) than smokers.
________________________ (narrow) than the streets 5. Which is the ________________________
in the USA. (dangerous) animal in the world?
6. London is ________________________ (busy) than 6. A holiday by the sea is ________________________
Glasgow. (good) than a holiday in the mountains.
7. Julie is ________________________ (quiet) than her 7. It is strange but often a coke is
sister. ________________________ (expensive) than a beer.
8. Amanda is ________________________ (ambitious) 8. Who is the ________________________ (rich)
than her classmates. woman on earth?
9. My garden is a lot ________________________ 9. The weather this summer is even
(colourful) than this park. ________________________ (bad) than last summer.
10. His house is a bit ________________________ 10. He was the ________________________ (clever)
(comfortable) than a hotel. thief of all.
Place for notes
1. Watch the video and answer the questions. 2. Watch the video, fill in the gaps and tick which
Comparing people statements are TRUE.
Who is older? ________ Tokyo is the _____________ city in Japan.
Who looks older? ________ Bangkok is the most _____________ city in Thailand.
Who is more active? ________ The Nile is the _____________ river in the world.
Who is more talkative? ________ Antarctica is the _____________ place in the world.
Comparing places Saudi Arabia is one of the _____________ countries in
Which city is colder? _____________ the world.
Which city is smaller? _____________ The _____________ person in the world is a man.
Which city is more expensive? _____________ The most _____________ city in the world is Hong
Which city is a better place to live? _____________ Kong.
Comparing films The _____________ people in the world live in
Which movies make her happier? _____________ Finland.
Which movies are more difficult to follow? The most _____________ fish is the Great White
_____________ Shark.
In which movies the characters are more The _____________ country in the world is Japan.
interesting? _____________ The _____________ person in the world was born just
Comparing food now.
Which food is fresher? _____________ The _____________ land animal in the world is the
Which food is healthier? _____________ elephant.
Which food tastes better to her? _____________ Summer is the _____________ season of the year.
Which food is more international? _____________ Winter is the _____________ season of the year.
3. Read the text and fill in the gaps with a, b or c. São Paulo
Sao Paulo is 1)___ city in South America. 2)___ 10 million residents
live here. It is the economical capital of Brazil and a very 3)___ place.
Sao Paulo is also a 4)___ Brazilian city in culture, parks and museums.
The underground is 5)___ but it doesn’t cover all the areas of the city.
6)___ local neighbourhoods and places to visit are Jardins, Itaim and
the Ibirapuera Park. Also there are Italian, Japanese or Arabic areas,
where you can walk, visit 7)___ restaurants and have a drink. Food in
Sao Paulo is 8)___ in the country. People in this city love parties 9)___
So you can get stuck in a traffic jam even at night! There is a very
10)___ traffic in the city and it gets 11)___ at rush hours. 4. Look at the photos and compare
1. a) large b) larger c) the largest them using the words below.
2. a) Much than b) More than c) The most than Compare Hungarian and Indian food (fatty /
3. a) busy b) busier c) the busiest salty / healthy / spicy / lean / cheap /
4. a) rich b) richer c) the richest expensive / international)
5. a) cheap b) cheaper c) the cheapest
6. a) Interesting b) More interesting c) The most interesting
7. a) small b) smaller c) the smallest
8. a) good b) better c) the best
9. a) very much b) very more c) very the most
10. a) fast b) faster c) the fastest
11. a) bad b) worse c) the worst
Place for notes
cLASS 9.
What you think will happen in your life next
What you think won’t happen in the world
in 50 years?
What are you going to do this week? _____________________________________
____________________________________ _____________________________________
____________________________________ _____________________________________
____________________________________ _______________________
Are you going to move house this year?
1. Complete the sentences with future simple or be going 2. Find one mistake in the sentences and
to. Think about negative forms, too. correct it. One sentence is correct.
1. What would you like to drink? – I 1. We will going to watch a movie tonight.
________________________ have an apple juice, please. ______________________________________
2. I want to buy some tomatoes because I ______________________________________
________________________ cook pasta for dinner. 2. What will she to do after collage?
3. She is so lazy. I think, she ________________________ ______________________________________
pass her exam. ______________________________________
4. ________________________ you help me with the 3. I don’t know but hope they will happy
washing, please? – Of course. together.
5. Where are my glasses? I ________________________ to ______________________________________
read a little. ______________________________________
6. Don’t worry! Everything ________________________ be 4. How about a dessert? – Thanks, I’ll have a
OK! cupcake.
7. It’s windy but the sky is blue, it ______________________________________
________________________ rain today. ______________________________________
8. I promise I ________________________ do my homework 5. Where is Lily going have her birthday party?
for Friday. ______________________________________
9. I hope next winter ________________________ be snowy. ______________________________________
10. Sorry, I can’t talk now. I ________________________ call
you back.
cLASS 10.
Place for notes
1. Complete the sentences with future simple, present continuous or be going to. Choose a, b or c.
6. We ____ to a party today. Would you like to come? 1. Maybe, it ____ in_____________________________
Prague at the weekend.
a) are going a) is raining _____________________________
b) are going to go b) is doing to rain
c) will go c) will rain ___________
7. I ____ lunch with my business partners on Friday. 2. Wait, please, I ____ with you!
a) am having a) am going
b) am going to have b) am going to go
c) will have c) will go
8. We are going out. ____ you come with us? 3. In 2050 robots ____ a lot of things for people.
a) Are a) are doing
b) Will b) are going to do
c) Do c) will do
9. I hope the train from London ____ on time. 4. ____ you drive me to the gym, please?
a) is coming a) Are
b) is going to come b) Will
c) will come c) Do
10. Jane ____ to Paris soon. 5. Watch out! You ____!
a) is flying a) are falling
b) is going to fly b) are going to fall
c) will fly c) will fall
2. Read the advertisements for rent. Then answer the questions.
7, Silver Street, Stuttgart. Near this house there
are many parks and green areas. You can visit a
beautiful lake and see the mountains. The flat
has some cool things, a TV, a nice bathroom, a big
kitchen and a sunny balcony. There is a great
view from the windows. The kitchen is good.
There are lots of cupboards and a washing
machine. There isn’t a microwave but the cooker
is very good. The problem is, the neighbours are
in a rock band and they are very noisy. Rent: £220
a month
• What are the advantages of the flat? _______________________________________________________
• What disadvantages of the flat will be in the future? __________________________________________
• Are you going to rent this flat? Give reasons. ________________________________________________
3. Role-play. Ask and answer the questions.
cLASS 11.

Article “a/an” Article “the” “Zero” article

• A/ AN походить від слова • THE походить від • Із абревіатурами • Артикль не
ONE, тому позначає злічувані слова THAT/ THIS, держав. використовують, коли
іменники в однині, які описані тому позначає The UK, the USA, the говорять про
нечітко або взагалі не злічувані іменники в UAE, (the Netherlands) абстрактний іменник, що
описані. однині, які описані • Із періодами дня. не злічується. Тут порожнє
There is an apple on the table. чітко і співрозмовник in the місце можна замінити на
• Коли називають якийсь точно знає, про що morning/evening/aftern some, any, much, a lot of,
іменник вперше, і йде мова. oon enough.
співрозмовник або читач не Give me please the thick • Із порядковим I don’t have time for this.
знає точні характеристики book from the shelf. числівником. He lost money.
цього предмета. • Коли іменник the first, the second, the • Зі словами next, last, every,
I have got a dress. вживають повторно, third, the fifth коли мають на увазі час
• Коли мають на увазі тобто співрозмовник • Із найвищим ступенем виконання якоїсь дії.
приналежність якогось знає, про що саме йде прикметника. I have holidays every winter,
іменника до групи подібних мова. She is the best friend of but last winter I didn’t have,
слів. I have a new car. The car mine. so next year I will have my
Jim is a student. He is a doctor. is big and comfortable. • Із музичними holidays in winter.
• ПРИКМЕТНИК НЕДОСТАТНЬО • Коли іменник інструментами. • З іменами, назвами міст,
ОПИСУЄ ІМЕННИК. Коли є унікальний та існує I can play the piano, but країн, континентів.
пара “прикметник + лише в одному my sister plays the Jane/London/Italy/Europe
іменник”, тому що кожен екземплярі. guitar. • Артикль не
слухач по різному сприймає The sun is very bright • Коли описують точне використовують з днями
цей прикметник. today. місцезнаходження тижня, місяцями, порами
It is an old man. I want a long, • Із річками, групами предмета у просторі, року і святами.
red dress. островів, гірськими а також зі сторонами Today is Sunday.
хребтами, світу. Easter is in spring, either in
прізвищами родини. There are some sweets in April or in May.
The Dnieper, the the fridge. • З видами спорту.
Caribbean, the Ukraine is in the East of My brother loves playing
Carpathians, the Smiths Europe. tennis.

1. Complete the sentences with 'a', 'an' or 'the', or '-' if no article is needed. Place for notes
1. I like listening to ____ music. It helps me relax. ____________________________
2. He doesn't like ____ dogs. ____________________________
3. Can you see ____ sun when it’s cloudy and rainy? ____________________________
4. Could you please pass me ____ salt? ____________________________
5. Do you want ____ apple? I've got two in my bag. ____________________________
6. What is ____ correct answer, twenty or twenty-five? ____________________________
7. I can take ____ children to school today. ____________________________
8. This is my uncle Phil. He's ____ teacher and he lives in London. ____________________________
9. My birthday is on ____ first of June. ____________________________
10. Is there ____ university where you live? ____________________________
11. Do you want ____ sandwich? I've got cheese and bread in the shopping ____________________________
bag. ____________________________
12. She wants to be ____ ambulance driver when she finishes school. ____________________________
13. You’re the best person I know. ____________________________
14. I really hate ____ mosquitos. They always bite me. ____________________________
15. If you need to contact me over the weekend, please send me ____ email. ____________________________
16. I'm a fun-loving person. I love ____ parties and dancing! ____________________________
17. I have a new car. ____ car is coal-black. ____________________________
18. I'll be there in ____ hour. ____________________________
19. ____ teachers at my son's school are great. ____________________________
20. Who is ____ man in a yellow T-shirt? ____________________________

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