Revision 3 English F3

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Subject : ENGLISH Level : F3 Revision No : 3

Read and understand the passage below.

An innovative way of playing video games that gets

you off that sofa and into action is 'exergaming’. It
is said to have positive fitness benefits that could
span the generations.

'Exergaming' is an emerging fitness trend where physical activity is incorporated

in video gaming, thus creating an interactive experience that encourages fitness and
development of cognitive and motor skills. Exergaming relies on technology that tracks
body movement or reaction.

A review in 2014, found a strong correlation between exergaming and increased

energy expenditure. It can be a way to introduce sedentary kids to exercise and even
keep seniors fit and because it engages the mind, it may also lead to better cognitive
function in your later years.

Playing games with your kids helps instil a love for exercise from an early age. As
the saying goes, the apple does not fall far from the tree. Research indicates that
exergaming can help kids fight obesity.

[Adapted from:


1. Find a word in the passage that means:

(a ) extend across

(b ) become prominent or apparent

(c) little physical exercise/inactive

2. Answer the questions below.

(a) Explain the phrase ‘a strong correlation between exergaming and increased energy


(b) Find an idiom in the passage and state its meaning.

Idiom: ________________________________________________________________________

Meaning: ______________________________________________________________________

(C) In your opinion, is exergaming a good way to use spare time wisely? Give your reasons.


Read the text below and answer the questions that follow.

A hobby plays a vital role in many of the aspects of day to day life. Check out
the points below which describes its importance.

Sports or other athletic activities: If the teen is

competing in a team or individually, it builds confidence,
develops teamwork and the physical activity required
per day is achieved as it prevents diseases in future.

Technology: Majority of the teens are used to texting,

watching TV, social networking and playing video games.
Using technology can prepare your teen for a lifetime in
a society that relies on technology for major communication,
jobs and life in general. Though they are ideal hobbies but too
much technology spoils your teen.

Creative Activities: Some of the creative activities like

art, dance, drama and music help your teen express
himself/herself, which can be extremely fulfilling. In
today's era, there are plenty of outlets that exist for
creative activities which can turn your teen into a super

Work: According to the statistics, some teens earn from

$2,000 to $4,000 per year with part-time work. This
develops a sense of pride and accomplishment, along with
the independence that comes with having spending money.
If your teen loves work, he/she can be able to manage
money while instilling a solid work ethic for future jobs.

[Extract taken from:


1. Tick () for statements which are True.

(a) Hobbies are an integral part of every day life.

(b) Athletic activities prevents confidence building and teamwork.

(c) Teens should be allowed to use as much technology as possible.

(d) An outlet for teens to express themselves is through creative


2. List the advantages teens get from working.

a) __________________________________________________________________________

b) __________________________________________________________________________

c) __________________________________________________________________________

3. Would you work part-time if you could? Give a reason for your answer.


4. Which of the category in the text describes you the best? Why?


Find the meanings of the phrasal verbs. You may look up the Internet or dictionary for the

Phrasal Verbs / Expressions Meanings

1. Hang out

2. Chill out

3. Stay in

4. Shoot some hoops

5. A cuppa joe

6. Check out

7. Take a rain check

8. Take up

9. Catch a flick

10. Catch some rays

Tick () if the phrasal verb is used correctly. Correct the statements where the phrasal verbs
are used incorrectly.

1. Now that summer's here, let's go to the beach and have a cuppa joe.

2. We can hang out at my place and play some video games.


3. Have you any thought of taking up a new language?


4. My friends and I are going to take a rain check at the court.

5. It's pouring. Let's just check in and play some board games.

6. Why don't we shoot some hoops at Starlight Cinema?


7. I'm just going to chill out at home with a good book.


Underline the correct modal or semi-modal verbs.

1. We ( could, must ) donate our clothes to the orphanage.

2. ( Shall, Must ) we go for ice cream if we have time after the museum visit?

3. I ( ought to, can ) call my parents to tell them I've arrived.

4. Chris ( can, must ) be running late. He (need to, should) be home by now.

5. You ( might, had better ) apologise to Aileen for the mistake.

6. Maggie really ( had better, must not ) be late again.

7. I ( used, dared ) to read books in that old library when I was a kid.

8. ( May, Must ) I take photos in the museum?

9. ( Can, Could ) Uma speak English well?

10. You ( couldn't, needn't ) take off your shoes . Come in as you are.

Complete these sentences with need or must in the positive or negative form.

1. It's still early. We ________________________ rush.

2. I've got a meeting at 1p.m. I ________________________ hurry or I'll miss it.

3. We will ________________________ your help. Thanks for offering to help out today.

4. You ________________________ be mistaken. The play is tomorrow not today.

5. The gash isn't too bad. You ________________________ go to the hospital.


Listen to the phone conversation between two friends.

Tick () the correct statements.

1. The call was made by Lydia.

2. Wanda and her friends are gathering together during the weekend.

3. Lydia declined the invitation.

4. Andrea will be having her finals the coming Monday.

5. Lydia asked if she should bring anything.

6. Lydia hasn't seen Wanda and gang for 6 months.

7. Wanda says to meet at her place at about 5 p.m.

8. Lydia doesn’t remember Wanda’s place.

Listen to the conversation again and fill in the blank with the correct details.

The boys: 1. ________________________________

2. ________________________________

3. ________________________________

Those meeting up:

The girls: 4. ________________________________

5. ________________________________

6. ________________________________

7. ________________________________

Name: 8. ________________________________
The person still sitting on the
Reason: 9. ________________________________

First: 10. _______________________________

The plan:
Then: 11. _______________________________

Finally: 12. _______________________________

1. After listening to the dialogue, what is the main purpose of Wanda calling Lydia ?


Fill in the blanks with a suitable link word.

on the contrary finally unlike

by due to despite

1. ________________________ frigid conditions, we still played outside in the snow.

2. Tom is getting quite good at chess. _______________________ the end of the year, he will
become even better than me.

3. It doesn’t seem that the team is ready for the match, _______________________ they are
still expected to bring home the trophy.

4. No, I’m not sleepy. __________________________, I’m geared up and raring to go!

5. _____________________________, put the jelly in the refrigerator and let it set overnight.

6. Jessica likes performing, ______________________________ Susie who hates it.

7. _______________________________ the stormy weather, the kayaking expedition was

called off.

Underline the link words in the passage and write them down in the boxes below.

Most people think that siblings share similar interests and hobbies. However, my twin

brother and I are very different despite looking identical. Even though we look like two peas in

a pod, our friends can always tell us apart as our personalities are completely the opposite. He

is rambunctious but I am calm and quiet. He likes outdoorsy things like camping and hiking. I,

on the other hand prefer the comforts of being indoors.

1. 2. 3.

4. 5.


Subject : ENGLISH Level : F3 Revision No : 3

Read and understand the passage below.

An innovative way of playing video games that gets

you off that sofa and into action is 'exergaming’. It
is said to have positive fitness benefits that could
span the generations.

'Exergaming' is an emerging fitness trend where physical activity is incorporated

in video gaming, thus creating an interactive experience that encourages fitness and
development of cognitive and motor skills. Exergaming relies on technology that tracks
body movement or reaction.

A review in 2014, found a strong correlation between exergaming and increased

energy expenditure. It can be a way to introduce sedentary kids to exercise and even
keep seniors fit and because it engages the mind, it may also lead to better cognitive
function in your later years.

Playing games with your kids helps instil a love for exercise from an early age. As
the saying goes, the apple does not fall far from the tree. Research indicates that
exergaming can help kids fight obesity.

[Adapted from:


1. Find a word in the passage that means:

(d ) extend across span

(e ) become prominent or apparent emerging

(f ) little physical exercise/inactive sedentary

2. Answer the questions below.

(a) Explain the phrase ‘a strong correlation between exergaming and increased energy

It means that exergaming encourages the players to be active, hence using up lots of

(b) Find an idiom in the passage and state its meaning.

Idiom: The apple does not fall far from the tree.

Meaning: A child and parents have similar characters or traits.

(C) In your opinion, is exergaming a good way to use spare time wisely? Give your reasons.

Yes, I believe it is a way to spend spare time wisely. Video gaming or exergaming has
its benefits. However, there must be a balance and we should only spend a certain
amount of time on the game screen.

Read the text below and answer the questions that follow.

A hobby plays a vital role in many of the aspects of day to day life. Check out
the points below which describes its importance.

Sports or other athletic activities: If the teen is

competing in a team or individually, it builds confidence,
develops teamwork and the physical activity required
per day is achieved as it prevents diseases in future.

Technology: Majority of the teens are used to texting,

watching TV, social networking and playing video games.
Using technology can prepare your teen for a lifetime in
a society that relies on technology for major communication,
jobs and life in general. Though they are ideal hobbies but too
much technology spoils your teen.

Creative Activities: Some of the creative activities like

art, dance, drama and music help your teen express
himself/herself, which can be extremely fulfilling. In
today's era, there are plenty of outlets that exist for
creative activities which can turn your teen into a super

Work: According to the statistics, some teens earn from

$2,000 to $4,000 per year with part-time work. This
develops a sense of pride and accomplishment, along with
the independence that comes with having spending money.
If your teen loves work, he/she can be able to manage
money while instilling a solid work ethic for future jobs.

[Extract taken from:


1. Tick () for statements which are True.

(a) Hobbies are an integral part of every day life. 

(b) Athletic activities prevents confidence building and teamwork.

(c) Teens should be allowed to use as much technology as possible.

(d) An outlet for teens to express themselves is through creative 


2. List the advantages teens get from working.

(a) earn money

(b) develop a sense of pride, accomplishment and independence

(c) instill a solid work ethic for future jobs OR learn to manage money

3. Would you work part-time if you could? Give a reason for your answer.

Yes, I would. I could earn money for my future or save up for a rainy day and gain working
experience. ( Any suitable answers )

4. Which of the category in the text describes you the best? Why?

Sports and athletics. I love playing sports and I am a member of my school tennis team. It’s
great to do something I like and also be able to keep myself healthy and strong at the same
time. ( Any suitable answers )

Find the meanings of the phrasal verbs. You may look up the Internet or dictionary for the

Phrasal Verbs / Expressions Meanings

1. Hang out spend time with

2. Chill out relax

3. Stay in to spend time at home

4. Shoot some hoops play a game of basketball

5. A cuppa joe enjoy a cup of coffee at a cafe

6. Check out to look at something that is interesting

7. Take a rain check to decline an invitation but with the hopes to make it up at
a later date

8. Take up to become interested in something and pursue it

9. Catch a flick watch a movie at the cinema

10. Catch some rays to enjoy the sunshine

Tick () if the phrasal verb is used correctly. Correct the statements where the phrasal verbs
are used incorrectly.

1. Now that summer's here, let's go to the beach and have a cuppa joe.
Now that summer’s here, let’s go to the beach and catch some rays.

2. We can hang out at my place and play some video games.

_________________________________________________________ 

3. Have you any thought of taking up a new language?

_________________________________________________________ 

4. My friends and I are going to take a rain check at the court.

My friends and I are going to shoot some hoops at the court.

5. It's pouring. Let's just check in and play some board games.

It’s pouring. Let’s just stay in and play some board games.

6. Why don't we shoot some hoops at Starlight Cinema?

Why don’t we catch a flick at Starlight Cinema?

7. I'm just going to chill out at home with a good book.

_________________________________________________________ 

Underline the correct modal or semi-modal verbs.

1. We ( could, must ) donate our clothes to the orphanage.

2. ( Shall, Must ) we go for ice cream if we have time after the museum visit?

3. I ( ought to, can ) call my parents to tell them I've arrived.

4. Chris ( can, must ) be running late. He ( need to, should ) be home by now.

5. You ( might, had better ) apologise to Aileen for the mistake.

6. Maggie really ( had better, must not ) be late again.

7. I ( used, dared ) to read books in that old library when I was a kid.

8. ( May, Must ) I take photos in the museum?

9. ( Can, Could ) Uma speak English well?

10. You ( couldn't, needn't ) take off your shoes . Come in as you are.

Complete these sentences with need or must in the positive or negative form.

1. It's still early. We needn’t rush.

2. I've got a meeting at 1p.m. I must hurry or I'll miss it.

3. We will need your help. Thanks for offering to help out today.

4. You must be mistaken. The play is tomorrow not today.

5. The gash isn't too bad. You needn’t go to the hospital.


Listen to the phone conversation between two friends.

Tick () the correct statements.

1. The call was made by Lydia.

2. Wanda and her friends are gathering together during the weekend. 

3. Lydia declined the invitation.

4. Andrea will be having her finals the coming Monday.

5. Lydia asked if she should bring anything. 

6. Lydia hasn't seen Wanda and gang for 6 months. 

7. Wanda says to meet at her place at about 5 p.m. 

8. Lydia doesn’t remember Wanda’s place.

Listen to the conversation again and fill in the blank with the correct details.

The boys: 1. Vivek

2. Peter

3. Brandon

Those meeting up:

The girls: 4. Andrea

5. Li Leng

6. Wanda

7. Lydia

Name: 8. Fiona
The person still sitting on the
Reason: 9. Finals on Monday

First: 10. Chill out at Wanda’s

The plan:
Then: 11. Have dinner out

Finally: 12. Catch a late night movie

1. After listening to the dialogue, what is the main purpose of Wanda calling Lydia ?

Wanda called Lydia to invite her for the weekend gathering.

Fill in the blanks with a suitable link word.

on the contrary finally unlike

by due to despite

1. Despite frigid conditions, we still played outside in the snow.

2. Tom is getting quite good at chess. By the end of the year, he will become even better than

3. It doesn’t seem that the team is ready for the match, nevertheless they are still expected to
bring home the trophy.

4. No, I’m not sleepy. On the contrary, I’m geared up and raring to go!

5. Finally, put the jelly in the refrigerator and let it set overnight.

6. Jessica likes performing, unlike Susie who hates it.

7. Due to the stormy weather, the kayaking expedition was called off.

Underline the link words in the passage and write them down in the boxes below.

Most people think that siblings share similar interests and hobbies. However, my twin

brother and I are very different despite looking identical. Even though we look like two peas in

a pod, our friends can always tell us apart as our personalities are completely the opposite. He

is rambunctious but I am calm and quiet. He likes outdoorsy things like camping and hiking. I,

on the other hand prefer the comforts of being indoors.

1. However 2. despite 3. Even though

4. but 5. on the other hand


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