Digest Compilation 2

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Testimonial Evidence: B.1.

Disqualifications by mental Ruling: Generally, husband and wife cannot testify

incapacity or immaturity B.2. Disqualifications by reason against each other, except: (1) in a civil case of one
of Marriage against the other; (2) in a criminal case for a crime
committed by one against another; (3) when the
7. testimony is only for or against one of the spouse; and
(4) when there is no other evidence available.
Northwest Airlines Inc. v Steven Chiong
Summary: Northwest did not issue Choing a boarding
pass despite him having a ticket. Because of this, he People v. Castaneda
missed his flight and was not able to board M/V Elbia (at Summary: Victoria filed a complaint against Benjamin
the San Diego port) where he was supposed to be an (her husband) charging him of Falsification of Public
Engineer. Chiong sued for breach of contract of carriage, Document for forging her signature in a deed of sale
which the Court granted. involving conjugal property without her consent. During
Ruling: “This Court has repeatedly held that a witness’ trial, the prosecution called Victoria to the witness stand
relationship to the victim does not automatically affect but Benjamin objected invoking the rule on
the veracity of his or her testimony. The legal maxim disqualification to testify by reason of marriage. SC held
“falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus” is not a positive rule that the expection to the rule is present in this case which
of law, and is not strictly applied in this jurisdiction. is when a criminal case was filed for a crime committed
Before this maxim can be applied, it must be shown that by the husband against the other.
the witness willfully falsified the truth on one or more Ruling: The rule that the injury must amount to a
material points. This presupposes the existence of a physical wrong upon the person is too narrow; and the
positive testimony on a material point contrary to rule that any offense remotely or indirectly affecting
subsequent declarations in the testimony. ITCAB, domestic harmony comes within the exception is too
Chiong’s testimony did not contain inconsistencies on broad. The better rule is that when an offense directly
what happened on April 1 attacks, or directly and vitally impairs the conjugal
relation, it comes within the exception to the statute, that
husband or wife shall not be a witness against the other,
Alvarez v. Ramirez except in a criminal prosecution for a crime committed
Summary: Maximo set fire to the house of Susan when (by) one against the other.
he knew his wife was inside. Maximo moved to
disqualify his wife as a witness based on Rule 130 of the
Revised Rules of Court on marital disqualification. People v. Quidato
Ruling: When an offense directly attacks, or directly and Summary: Bernardo Jr. was charged with parricide. His
vitally impairs, the conjugal relation, it comes within the case was tried jointly with the murder case filed against
exception to the statute that one shall not be a witness his co- accused, the Malita brothers. The prosecution
against the other except in a criminal prosecution for a relied the testimony of the wife and the extrajudicial
crime committee (by) one against the other. confession of the Malita brothers. SC held that both are
inadmissible. Jr. timely objected to the wife’s testimony
under the marital disqualification rule while the
Ordoño v. Daquigan affidavits of the Malita brothers are hearsay.
Summary: Ordono, on trial for having raped his Ruling: The disqualification is between husband and
daughter, objected to the presentation of his wife as a wife, the law not precluding the wife from testifying
prosecution witness invoking the marital disqualification when it involves other parties or accused.
rule found in Rule 130 of the Rules of Court. When the
trial court overruled the objection, he filed the instant
petition. AFP-RSBS v. Republic
Ruling: SC held that in the law of evidence, the rape Summary: AFP-RSBS filed an application for
committed by the husband against his daughter is a registration of title. No oppositor appeared, so it was
crime committed by him against his wife within the allowed to present its evidence ex-parte. An officer of
meaning of the exception found in the marital the AFP-RSBS was presented to establish that it owned
disqualification rule. the parcels of land and that there were no liens or
encumbrances over them. The RTC granted the
application. The OSG filed an MR, and the RTC granted
Lezama v. Rodriguez this MR on the ground that because the AFP-RSBS
Summary: Plaintiffs alleged fraudulent conspiracy failed to show that its witness was duly authorized to
against the spouses, and so the wife was called to testify testify on its behalf, AFP-RSBS failed to prosecute its
as adverse witness to prove said fraud. The SC said this case.
is not possible without violating the privilege of husband Ruling: The SC disagreed, because this is not a ground
and wife not testifying against each other. contemplated by the Rules of Court. The specific
enumeration of disqualified witnesses excludes the Icard v. Masigan
operation of causes of disability other than those Summary: Joseph Icard, son of George (deceased by the
mentioned in the Rules. It is a maxim of recognized filing of the case for rescission), settled a case for
utility and merit in the construction of statutes that an rescission of a sale of a mining claims filed by Big
express exception, exemption, or saving clause excludes Wedge Mining co. against him and his father (through a
other exceptions. As a general rule, where there are compromise agreement). Pursuant to the compromise,
express exceptions these comprise the only limitations the court awarded to Joseph (P39k) in settlement of his
on the operation of a statute and no other exception will and his father’s share in the mining claims, which shall
be implied. The Rules should not be interpreted to “be divided as determined by the probate court”. Now
include an exception not embodied therein. Joseph filed a claim and wanted to testify re amount,
which was allowed by the lower courts. The Sp.
Administrator contends that Joseph can no longer testify
B.3. Disqualifications by reason of death or insanity of as to any matter which occurred before the death of
adverse party- Dead Man’s Statute George.
Ruling: The SC agreed in general, The rules are
Sunga-chan v. Chua designed to close the lips of the party plaintiff when
Summary: A complaint was filed against Lilibeth Sunga death has closed the lips of the party defendant, in order
Chan and Cecilia Sunga, daughter and wife, respectively to remove from the surviving party the temptation to
of the deceased Jacinto L. Sunga, for "Winding Up of falsehood and the possibility of fictitious claims against
Partnership Affairs, Accounting, Appraisal and the deceased, but allowed Joseph’s testimony in this
Recovery of Shares and Damages with Writ of case, as the amount he is asking for is just P2k, less than
Preliminary Attachment". The partnership allegedly had 5% of what was awarded the 2 men.
Jacinto as manager, assisted by Josephine Sy, a sister of
the wife of the respondent. Upon Jacinto's death,
petitioners took over the operations of the business Fortis v. Hermanos
without respondent's consent. Despite respondent's Summary: Fortis was an employee of Gutierrez
repeated demands upon petitioners for accounting, Hermanos. He brought this action to recover a balance
inventory, appraisal, winding up and restitution of his owed to him as salary under a contract entered into
net shares in the partnership, petitioners failed to between him and the late Miguel Alonzo Gutierrez,
comply. Petitioners led a Motion to Dismiss on the whereby he was entitled to 5% of the net profits of the
ground of lack of jurisdiction. The trial court eventually business of Gutierrez Hermanos as salary.
rendered a judgment in favor of respondent. Petitioners' Ruling: The Court ruled that Fortis was able to
appeal and motion for reconsideration were dismissed by sufficiently establish that such contract was executed and
the Court of Appeals. Petitioners sought recourse before he was entitled to the amount he sought for. The Court
the Supreme Court. Invoking the "Dead Man's Statute" also ruled that Fortis was correctly allowed to testify
or "Survivorship Rule", petitioners contended that the since parties to an action against an executor or
testimonies of respondent and that of his witness, administrator upon a claim or demand against the estate
Josephine, were inadmissible to prove certain claims of a deceased person cannot testify as to any matter of
against Jacinto, a deceased person. fact occurring before the death of such deceased person.
Ruling: In denying the petition, the Court held that the is inapplicable, this action not being one against the
"Dead Man's Statute" was inapplicable to this case. The administrator of Miguel nor one brought upon a claim
"Dead Man's Statute" provides that if one party to the against Miguel’s estate.
alleged transaction is precluded from testifying by death,
insanity, or other mental disabilities, the surviving party
is not entitled to the undue advantage of giving his own Bordalba v. CA
uncontradicted and unexplained account of the Summary: This is a dispute over a parcel of land.
transaction. But before this rule can be successfully Teresita contends that the testimonies given by the
invoked to bar the introduction of testimonial evidence, respondents’ witnesses was based on an extrajudicial
it is necessary that: "1. The witness is a party or assignor partition allegedly executed prior to the death of her
of a party to a case or persons in whose behalf a case is mother and thus can’t be admitted by the trial court, as
prosecuted. 2. The action is against an executor or the same violated the dead man’s statute.
administrator or other representative of a deceased Ruling: SC ruled that the testimonies may be admissible
person or a person of unsound mind; 3. The subject- since the dead man’s statute does not bar a witness’
matter of the action is a claim or demand against the testimony as to any matter of fact coming to his
estate of such deceased person or against person of knowledge in any other way than through personal
unsound mind; 4. His testimony refers to any matter of dealings with the deceased person, or communication
fact which occurred before the death of such deceased made by the deceased to the witness.
person or before such person became of unsound mind."
Garcia v. Caparas Ruling: Court ruled that her testimony can be admitted
Summary: Petitioners filed a complaint against because, since the means of preserving secrecy of
respondent’s leasehold rights on the strength of the communication are entirely in the client’s hands, and
landowner’s declaration as to the misrepresentation of since the privilege is a derogation from the general
their dead brother in relation to the leasehold agreement testimonial duty and should be strictly construed, it
which the landowner was a party to. would be improper to extend its prohibition to third
Ruling: SC held that such declaration is in violation of person who obtain knowledge of the
the Dead Man’s Statute and thus inadmissible. If one communication. Since the means of preserving secrecy
party to the alleged transaction is precluded from of communication are entirely in the client’s hands, and
testifying by death, insanity, or other mental disabilities, since the privilege is a derogation from the general
the other party is not entitled to the undue advantage of testimonial duty and should be strictly construed, it
giving his own uncontradicted and unexplained account would be improper to extend its prohibition to third
of the transaction. person who obtain knowledge of the communication.

US v. Antipolo Barton v. Leyte Asphalt & Mineral Oil Co.

Summary: The trial court refused to admit the Summary: Barton was an agent of Leyte Asphalt in
testimony of Ezpeleta, wife of the deceased Dinal, charge of promoting and selling their products abroad.
following the disqualification of one spouse’s testimony He claims damages for breach of contract because he
in a case involving his/her spouse, without the latter’s spent a lot of money to do this and Leyte did not deliver
consent. on their obligation to ship products to orders he made. At
Ruling: The Court held that the disqualification is one point in the proceedings, Leyte Asphalt presented a
inapplicable to dying declarations. Disqualification of letter (carbon copy) between Barton and his lawyer
testimonial evidence by reason of marriage does not speaking about potential profits from a transaction (He
apply when the statement of one of the spouses was was technically making the orders himself to make
made as a dying declaration. himself richer). This was excluded by the TC for being
privileged communications.
Ruling: The SC ruled that the law protects the client
Zulueta v. CA from the effect of disclosures made by him to his
Summary: Cecilia ransacked the office of her husband, attorney in the confidence of the legal relation, but when
Dr. Martin and forcibly took documents and papers. such a document, containing admissions of the client,
Cecilia wanted to use the said documents and papers in comes to the hand of a third party, and reaches the
the legal separation and disqualification from the adversary, it is admissible in evidence.
practice of medicine cases she filed against her husband.
Ruling: The Court said that she is disqualified from
doing so. The intimacies between husband and wife do Regala v. Sandiganbayan
not justify any one of them in breaking the drawers and Summary: PCGG filed a case against Eduardo M.
cabinets of the other and in ransacking them for any Cojuangco, Jr. They also impleaded Cojuangco’s
telltale evidence of marital infidelity. A person, by lawyers from ACCRA. The ACCRA Partners helped in
contracting marriage, does not shed his/her integrity or the organization and acquisition of business associations
his right to privacy as an individual and the and/or organizations, with the correlative and incidental
constitutional protection is ever available to him or to services where the partners acted as incorporators, or
her. The law insures absolute freedom of communication simply, as stockholders. Stocks in these organizations
between the spouses by making it privileged. Neither are currently being investigated by the PCGG in
husband nor wife Cojuangco’s case. PCGG excluded Atty Roco as a
may testify for or against the other without the consent defendant alleging that he promised to reveal the identity
of the affected spouse while the marriage subsists. of the client he held stocks for. The ACCRA Partners
Neither may be examined without the consent of the also asked for exclusion but the PCGG gave a condition
other as to any communication received in confidence by that they also had to reveal their clients. ACCRA
one from the other during the marriage, save for Partners objected and was not given the privilege.
specified exceptions. Ruling: The SC ruled that the ACCRA Partners could
be compelled to reveal the identity of their clients so as
Clark v. State to violate the attorney-client privilege and the situation
Summary: Clark was charged with killing his wife. also falls under the exceptions as to when the identity of
Several testimonies were given. One of which is that of a client cannot be revealed. The general rule is that the
Marjorie Bartz (telephone operator) who testified the client’s identity should be known as a matter of public
conversation between Clark and Jimmy Martin (client- policy. This is subject to certain exceptions such as:
attorney privilege). where a strong probability exists that revealing the
client's name would implicate that client in the very
activity for which he sought the lawyer's advice and
where the government's lawyers have no case against an
attorney's client unless, by revealing the client's name,
the said name would furnish the only link that would
form the chain of testimony necessary to convict an
individual of a crime, the client's name is privileged.

Mercado v. Vitriolo
Summary: Rosa Mercado filed an administrative
complaint against Atty. Vitriolo stating that when he
filed a criminal complaint against her, he is guilty of
breaching their privileged and confidential lawyer-client
relationship, and should be disbarred.
Ruling: SC ruled that the atty-client privilege was not
violated since Rosa did not even specify the alleged
communication in confidence disclosed by Atty.
Vitriolo. Factors: (1) There exists an attorney-client
relationship, or a prospective attorney-client relationship,
and it is by reason of this relationship that the client
made the communication; (2) The client made the
communication in confidence; (3) The legal advice must
be sought from the attorney in his professional capacity.

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