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Sheridan Yvonne P.

Student # 2022-31390

EDS 111 Principles of Teaching

Assignment 2

Being an educator is an extremely fulfilling profession, yet being one summons you to be a professional all the
time, especially that you are dealing with growing children every time. The reading material talked about the
critical elements for developing a strong sense of professionalism. They are attitude, behavior, and communication.
I strongly agree that these attributes are necessary to becoming the best educators that we can be.

First, I will talk about the element of attitude. It is important that we have an attitude that prioritizes children’s
welfare before our personal issues. Once children feel that they are safe and thriving in an environment conducive
for learning, they become more passionate towards learning. They open more and get motivated in completing tasks
assigned to them. Additionally, we as educators too must embody our love for the profession and view it as means
to support children holistically and whole heartedly. I noticed that when I give an effort to show children that they
are my priority, they tend to trust me more and enjoy each lesson that we have. When they see me trying to relate to
them even outside the classroom, they feel extremely delighted and in turn they exude excellence in every output
that I ask them to comply. Moreover, we as educators also must be confident in the lessons that we impart to our
students we need to show them that we are knowledgeable in the field that we are teaching so they can be assured
of our abilities. In my case, I always make sure that I have read and studied a particular lesson that I will teach
beforehand to guarantee that I am prepared. Doing this gives children the opportunity to see us as specialists that
will aid them to become proficient in the subject. Also, as educators we need to be risk takers, we must not be
afraid to change the norm and go beyond what is usual. We must strive to continually improve and change for the
better. I admit that my risk-taking abilities are quite lacking, and I tend to shy away from untraditional assessments,
but the reading prompted me to get out of my comfort zone and be open to other methods that would eventually be
beneficial for both me and the students.

Next is the element of behavior. We must act as how a respectable educator should. We should not dress
inappropriately. The children see us as role models and along with that we must be prim and proper. If the children
catch us in untidy clothes, then their respect for us might also dwindle. Additionally, we also must respect time and
be always punctual. Children are being taught at schools as preparation for them to become excellent individuals
when they grow up thus, we as their role models must show them the proper etiquette. When I proceed with our
classes, I see to it that I arrive at least five minutes prior to our lesson schedule. Having this habit guarantees that
we also finish on time and as much as possible lessen the instances when we must extend because of unfinished
activities. Because of this, students in my class become satisfied and happier too as this means that their free time
would not be cut short. Also, as educators we must remain composed and respectful. Every year we encounter
different children with unique characteristics and distinct parents. We must be flexible enough to maintain authority
and healthy boundaries while simultaneously being respectful. We must know how to deal with students and their
parents. Radiating this kind of approach helps us gain the favor of both the students and their parents so it would be
easier for us to manage our own classrooms.

Last is the element of communication. We need to be a model to our students in all aspects even in the proper usage
of language. I personally make it a habit to widen my vocabulary and familiarize myself with the technicalities of
the English grammar just because the universal language in the world is English. I want to be an educator that can
easily collaborate and share insights with other colleagues regardless of their nationality. I work in an international
school thus we have a variety of teachers with different nationalities being adept with English helped me exchange
ideas with them easily. Moreover, it is necessary that we participate in conferences or seminars for us to acquire
new skills. These new skills make us more knowledgeable and imparts with us innovative methods of classroom
management. Also, there are times when we as educators struggle with the right kind of assessments especially
when dealing with complex topics thus having a network does not only ease our burden but also encourage us to be
better each time. Our organization facilitates at least two seminars for us every school year and I believe that it has
done wonders in terms of molding us to be the best educators that we can be.

(2003). The ABC’s of Professionalism. Kappa Delta Pi Record, 23–25.

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