Thermally Sprayed Abradable Coating Technology For Sealing in Gas Turbines

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Thermally sprayed abradable

coating technology for sealing

in gas turbines
The use of thermal spray technology has revolutionised turbomachinery sealing tech-
nology by being able to "tailor design" abradable thermal spray powders and spray
them to a designated hardness range, using thermal spray technology to high
levels of microstructural control. In this way a wide range of turbomachinery sealing ap-
plication design criteria can be met together with the judicious use of incursion test
blade wear mapping techniques and dedicated environmental and cyclic tests which
assist greatly with formulating a coating specification.
By Scott Wilson, Oerlikon Metco AG, Wohlen, Switzerland
Originally presented at The Future of Gas Turbine Technology, 6th International Conference, 17 – 18 October 2012, Brussels, Belgium, Paper ID Number 51

Introduction few decades. Lattime & Steinetz (2004) cite Maintaining tight seals in aero engine com-
A rub event between dynamic and station- a 25µm reduction in tip clearance in a high pressors can pay large dividends in terms
ary components in most turbomachinery pressure turbine (HPT) that can lead to a of reducing the number of compressor
initiates a number of dynamic effects which 0.1% reduction in Specific Fuel Consump- stages and hence engine weight, required
disturb the turbine steady-state running tion rate (SFC) which translates to some to maintain a desired pressure ratio. By
condition and initiate an overall reduction in 0.02 billion gallons of fuel saving annually keeping the stage efficiencies as high as
performance, either momentarily or perma- for US airlines. In another cited example possible by maintaining low tip clearances
nently. These effects have been elegantly (Chupp et al 2002), huge fuel savings asso- and the design pressure ratio, undesired
summarised by Muszynska et al (1989) ciated can be achieved with 0.3 - 1% im- weight additions to the engine are
(Fig.1), of which the "friction effect", result- provements in fuel consumption by refur- avoided.
ant wear and clearance opening is a per- bishing large land based gas turbine
manent, non- reversible side effect. In order compressor sealing systems. In an indus- There are also added hidden costs from
to provide for a safety margin to prevent trial application example concerning gas loss of design clearances that results in a
rub events and subsequent damage it is compressors used in an ethylene produc- loss in engine power or thrust. This usually
therefore necessary to leave clearances tion plant (Whalen, Alvarez & Palliser, 2004), means requiring an increased engine fuel
beyond the free ends of the blades and gas leakage across labyrinth, shaft and bal- burn rate or throttle setting in an aero
vanes. Changes in rotor vs. stator clear- ance piston seals
ance arise from a number of causes of were estimated as
which the most common are from differen- approx. 4% of total
tial thermal expansion effects between ro- efficiency losses.
tor and stator components, rapid changes Assuming a linear
in engine condition or loading such as a relationship be-
hard aircraft landing or surge, "over tem- tween leakage effi-
perature" running conditions, or rapid shut- ciency and clear-
downs arising from a sudden fuel starve for ance, a 50%
example in a power gas turbine. Other dis- reduction in seal
tortion related factors are normal casing clearances would
out-of- roundness, clearances in bearings lead to a 2% in-
and rotor vibrations arising from changes in crease in efficiency.
gas flow dynamics and instabilities. This would trans-
late into some $700
There are distinct economic advantages 000 annual savings
associated with having very tight sealing for a 200 billion lb / Fig. 1: Dynamic effects of rub events arising between rotor and stationary
clearances in turbomachines as docu- annum ethylene parts in a gas turbine (Muszynska et al 1989)
mented by numerous studies over the past facility.

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engine to achieve the same engine perfor- balance drum (or piston) seals used for ex-
mance. The increased heat generation also ample in steam turbines. These seals are
increases the exhaust gas temperature typically exposed to temperature cycles to
(EGT) of the engine and thus reduces the a maximum of approximately 500°C.
life of the hot turbine components. In the (Fig. 2a).
case of aero engines, when the EGT ex-
ceeds a Federal Aviation Administration In addition to shaft labyrinth seals, another
(FAA) certified limit, a full engine overhaul is major type of sealing system are shrouded
required, costing typically over $1 million blade labyrinth seals where the blade is de-
(Steinetz & Hendricks, 1998). signed with a T-shaped tip (Fig. 2b). These
tips touch each other to form a ring around
Other unforeseen major costs can arise the whole stage to support the blades. On
when extreme operating conditions pro- the outer face of each shrouded tip are one Fig. 2b: Shrouded blade labyrinth seals with
duce damage to the rotor arising from se- or more knife fins that cut into the outer typical applications and service temperatures.
vere rubs. One example was a root cause seal on rub contact. Shrouded blade laby-
failure investigation of a 3700kW 8 stage rinth seals are common in high and low
compressor based on a North sea gas pressure turbine applications. Abradable coating design criteria
platform (Nissler 1988), rotor severe rubs Key performance design criteria for abrada-
were observed during start up after routine The third main type of sealing system are ble seal coating systems used in turboma-
shutdowns. The start up produced a high un-shrouded (or open tip) blade seals chinery sealing are the following:
momentary vibration arising from liquid (Fig. 2c) where a blade tip cuts directly into
slugs entering the compressor and hitting a softer abradable material counterpart Rub compatibility against either blades, knife
the impellers. The resulting vibrations in- that is attached to a fan, compressor or fins or labyrinth seals under various incursion
duced severe rubs at the labyrinth fin seals turbine casing. Un- shrouded blades have conditions.
with the main shaft and generation of ex- less weight and are subjected to lower cen- n Coating cohesive strength.
tensive friction heat on the shaft. The fric- trifugal stresses as a result so there are sig- n Oxidation resistance at elevated
tion heating in turn induced a slight bow of nificant savings in terms of engine efficien- temperatures.
the shaft producing yet further vibration cy and maintenance. n Corrosion resistance in aqueous or
and severe rubbing resulting in complete chemical fluids and gases.
destruction of the seals. The problem was n High temperature corrosive attack e.g.,
solved by retrofitting the compressor with silicates
abradable coating seals into which the lab- n (CMAS), chlorides, sulphides.
yrinth fins could cut efficiently without pro- n Sintering resistance at elevated
ducing unwanted friction heating. The re- temperatures.
sultant retro-fit with abradable coatings n Thermal shock / cycle resistance
produced an overall reduction in power n Resistance to solid particle erosion.
loss by 60kW.
The relevance of one or more of these de-
There are major economic benefits associ- sign criteria is dependent on the type of ap-
ated with reducing turbine tip clearances, plication, the level of temperature and chem-
however to realise these benefits, there ical exposure to which the abradable coating
need to be realistic sealing solutions in is exposed and the number of engine start-
place to reduce risks associated with wear stop cycles i.e. cyclic start-stop frequency.
and catastrophic damage of sealing com-
ponents. As the latter example illustrated, Fig. 2a: Shaft labyrinth seals with typical appli- A generic overview of the common types of
the use of "softer" abradable sealing mate- cations and service temperature regimes. degradation (Fig. 3) shows the dominance of
rials and coatings can play a major role in these according to the typical number of
achieving these aims. temperature cycles experienced by the tur-
bomachinery device per annum. In very
Efforts to improve sealing in turbo-ma- large stationary gas turbines where start/
chines have existed since the early 1900's. stop cycles typically average one every 3-5
These evolved into active clearance control years (Fig. 4), the dominant degradation
using mechanical actuators, labyrinth seal- mechanisms are predominantly long term
ing techniques and use of fluid cooling to corrosion (aqueous or other fluid medium),
control expansion and contraction in the oxidation and sintering, all of which depend
seal region. Of these the use of labyrinth fin on the level of heat exposure. In smaller sta-
seals have become, and are still today, the tionary gas turbines (e.g., marine, small
workhorse sealing system of most tur- power plant, chemical processing), start/
bomachinery (Scharrer & Pelletti (1995), stop cycle frequencies may range from daily
Dobek (1973). Shaft labyrinth seals are Fig. 2b: Shrouded blade labyrinth seals with to less than once or twice a year, subjecting
commonly used in the following locations: typical applications and service temperatures. the abradable coating system to increasing
shaft end seals, interstage seals and levels of thermo-mechanical cyclic stress in

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addition to corrosion, oxidation and sinter- Polymeric materials such as resins, elasto-
ing. Aero engines experience even higher mers, polyesters and PTFEs are typical ex-
start/stop cycle frequencies averaging 1500 amples (Whalen 1994). In addition, low
cycles/year for both narrow and wide body shear strength metals such as aluminium,
commercial aircraft (Markou et al 2011). silver, cadmium, indium, zinc, bronze and
Here the coatings are subjected to signifi- copper alloys fulfill the softness criteria to
cant levels of thermo-mechanical cyclic fa- some degree (Burhans (1956), Curtis & Nix-
tigue in-service (Fig. 5) and during start and on (1962)). Temperature limitations keep the
stop cycles i.e. take-off and landing. In addi- use of these materials usually below 200-
tion, aero engines tend to use more cooling 250°C or less so they really only find applica-
on shroud segments, particularly in the high tion in the fan inlet or low pressure compres-
pressure turbine (HPT) with resultant higher sor applications of turbomachinery (Figs. 4 &
temperature gradients between the exposed 5). Low shear strength metals and alloys
abradable surface and the bondcoat used to Fig. 4: Overview of typical abradable service have a tendency to adhere to harder coun-
temperature exposure regimes (minimum,
adhere it to the shroud segment (Fig. 5). maximum, steady state) for stationary gas tur- terpart surfaces e.g., steel blades, produc-
Even higher temperature cycle frequencies bines (LP & HP compressor, HP Turbine). ing a phenomenon known as adhesive
are experienced for example military aero transfer or "galling". Here material transfers
applications, helicopter engines, and turbo- to the blade or knife/fin surface (Fig. 6), in-
chargers e.g., automotive. creasing its height and can, when excessive,
produce pronounced grooving on the
Because of their increased mobility, Aero shroud surface and friction heating.
and other transport related turbomachinery
are exposed to a wider variation of environ- Innovative approaches that combine desired
ments compared to stationary gas turbines properties of polymeric materials such as
in their service lives. These are typically salt soft shearable and heat resistant polyesters
laden sea air, erosive sand, dust, volcanic with higher strength lightweight or dedicated
ash, and wide variations in humidity and at- corrosion resistant alloys have produced well
mospheric pollution. While stationary gas established robust abradable sealing coat-
turbines also experience such varied envi- ings such as Al-Si + 40 wt.% polyester coat-
ronmental conditions, they are specific to ings (e.g., Metco 601NS™) or Al-bronze +
the turbine location and this tends to make Fig. 5: Overview of typical abradable service polyester (Metco 610NS™) (Oerlikon Metco
temperature exposure regimes (minimum,
coating selection more predictable. maximum, steady state) for Aero Engine tur- 2012). The polyester phase is supported in a
bines (LP & HP compressor, HP Turbine). stronger more temperature resistant matrix
Meeting design criteria for specific sealing and acts to reduce the overall hardness of
applications using abradable coatings needs the coating and to effectively inhibit the adhe-
to be systematic and based on as detailed Rub compatibility of abradable sive transfer of the supporting shearable ma-
overview of the designated service condi- materials trix alloy to the dynamic rubbing surface.
tions as possible. A wide variety of abrada- The main function of abradable coatings are
ble coating solutions is available and which their rub compatibility against either unshroud- Key to the development of these composite
have evolved over the last few decades to ed turbine, compressor or fan blades, the coating systems was the advent of thermal
accommodate specific needs in the aero shrouded versions thereof, or labyrinth seals. spray technology and thermal spray powder
and industrial turbomachinery sectors. An manufacturing techniques.
overview of the key abradable coating sys- A general rule in this respect is that the
tems is given below based on dominant abradable counterpart coating should be To achieve higher temperature compatibility,
function and key design criteria. softer than the dynamic rubbing compo- abradable coating materials need to be
nent material to
prevent abrasive
wear (Fig. 6) and/or
friction induced
overheating of the
dynamic compo-
nent as much as
possible. A wide
variety of materials
are available that
are softer than the
traditional steel, ti-
tanium alloy or nick-
el alloy blades or
Fig. 3: Generic overview of the common types
of abradable coating degradation in turboma- knife/fin seal mate-
chinery under varying service conditions. rials used in Fig.6: Overview of typical blade wear / damage mechanisms.

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manufactured using stronger and more oxi- composite powders (e.g., Durabrade™ 2313
dation resistant materials. The added alloy- and Durabrade™ 2311) comprised of a core
ing increases the hardness of the coating of Bentonite clay with a thin layer of alloyed
overall which can only be mitigated by hav- NiCrAl. The powder has been specified for
ing secondary softer phases or macro-po- over 30 years in the aerospace industry (Fig.
rosity in the coating. Two families of coating 8) and can be sprayed to different hardness
type have evolved for use at higher temper- levels by spray parameter adjustment (Dorf-
ature, these being, man et al 2007). These coatings are suited
for rub incursions against steel and nickel
Flame (combustion) sprayed alloy blades, knives or labyrinth seal strips
abradables: such as those used in steam turbine balance
Here the abradable feed powder is heated piston applications (Sporer et al 2010). They
and deposited using an oxygen-acetylene are considered too abrasive for titanium
mixture using flame spray gun technology blade applications.
(e.g., current Metco 6P-II gun hardware) that
evolved from early designs in the pre-sec- NiCrFeAl - boron nitride powders
ond world war period (Davis 2004). The tem- These are cermet composites, comprised of
peratures reached are sufficient to melt or a nickel- chrome alloy with boron nitride, and
partially melt nickel and some of the lower aluminium, and are manufactured using me-
alloy content nickel alloys. The addition of chanical cladding techniques. The alumini- Fig. 8: Typical coating microstructures for a
materials that combust exothermically to um undergoes an exothermic reaction with NiCrAl - bentonite (Durabrade™ 2313)
abradable flame sprayed to achieve two
provide extra energy during deposition is the nickel alloy component on spraying and different levels of hardness (Top: soft,
fairly common for this family of powders. assists the melting process. The boron ni- Bottom: hard).
Typical examples here are graphite or the tride component boosts oxidation resistance
use of reactive flame spray powders such as and is also a solid lubricant that assists cut-
aluminium clad together with nickel alloys ting processes during blade incursion. Pow- as hydrogen or helium to adjust both the
which produce an exothermic reaction on ders can also be sprayed to different hard- temperature and speed of the plasma. The
heating (Dittrich & Shepard 1967). The dep- ness levels for steel, nickel alloy or titanium plasma gun developments have been well
osition velocities and temperatures for flame blade compatibility, using either acetylene or documented elsewhere (Davis 2004) suffice
spray are lower than those seen for high en- hydrogen as fuel. to say, they catalysed new abradables tech-
ergy plasma deposition (Fig. 7) and are ad- nology by introducing two major
justed using the oxygen-fuel ratios and pres- advantages:
sures so to produce porous coatings. Here
powder size ranges are kept typically coarse i) high energy heat input to powder particles
resulting in less heat transfer to the particles. — enabling melt deposition of a wide range
The resultant effect is partial melting, re- of particle sizes and high melting point alloys
duced contact areas between particles with and ceramics.
deposition of relatively spherical particles in-
stead of typical lamellar microstructures. ii) Spraying of composite blends of different
This helps to maintain a controllable coarse materials — to high degrees of microstruc-
macro-porous coating architecture. Three Fig. 7: Overview of typical powder deposition tural control e.g., polyesters as fillers or po-
classic examples of flame spray abradables velocities and temperatures for flame spray, rosity generators sprayed together with alu-
atmospheric plasma spray (including
are: TriplexPro-210™ technology), HVOF and wire minium alloy, MCrAlY alloy or ceramic
spray. powder components.
Nickel - graphite (Ni-Gr) powders:
These are composite powders, manufac- Established examples of plasma sprayed
tured using a hydrometallurgy autoclave pro- Atmospheric Plasma Sprayed (APS) abradables are:
cess that encapsulates the graphite core in- abradables:
side a nickel shell to form a continuous The development of plasma spray technolo- Aluminium-polymer, Aluminium boron nitride
cladding. A wide range of coating hardness- gies arose in the mid-sixties whereupon sig- and Al-bronze-polymer powders.
es can be obtained by different nickel to nificantly higher powder particle deposition These coating concepts combine desired
graphite ratios and by adjusting spray pa- temperatures and velocities (Fig. 7) were at- properties of polymeric materials such as
rameters. These coatings are suited for rub tainable. This led to developments in deposi- soft shearable and heat resistant polyesters
incursions against steel and nickel alloy tion of alloys and ceramics having higher with higher strength shearable alloys as dis-
blades, knives or labyrinth seal strips. They melting points and associated high temper- cussed previously e.g., Al-Si + 40wt.% poly-
are also suited for incursion against titanium ature strength and oxidation resistances. ester (e.g., Metco 601NS) or Al-bronze +
blades provided they have been sprayed to Oxidation resistant MCrAlYs e.g., NiCrAlY polyester (Metco 610NS). (Fig. 9). Another
the correct hardness designation. and CoNiCrAlY alloys and ceramics, could coating concept combines Al- Si with hBN
now be deposited through the additional en- where the ceramic phase acts to boost lu-
NiCrAl - bentonite powders ergy afforded by an electrically generated bricity and temperature resistance (Metco
Similar in morphology to the Ni-Gr powders, plasma using primary gases such as Argon 320NS). These coatings are suited for rub
these too are hydrometallurgical clad or nitrogen and secondary "fuel" gases such incursions against either steel, nickel alloy or

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titanium alloy blades, knives or labyrinth seal solid lubricant, mostly hexagonal boron ni- Because zirconia ceramics used in abrada-
strips, provided they have been sprayed to tride, hBN, acts as a release agent to induce bles are considerably harder than common
the correct hardness designation. friability in the ceramic microstructure. Typi- turbomachinery blade and knife/fin materi-
cal commercially available zirconia based als, efficient cutting is achievable only
MCrAlY - boron nitride - polymer powders. abradable powder materials are shown through he use of hard tipping on the blades
A distinct feature of MCrAlY alloys such as summarised in Table 1. Zirconia abradable or knives such as cubic boron nitride (cBN).
CoNiCrAlY (cobalt-nickel-chromium-alumi- technology is essentially derived from the However, it has been demonstrated that ce-
num yttrium) matrix within coatings is their extensive thermal barrier coating technology ramic abradables with porosity levels above
improved oxidation and corrosion resistance base, where stabilised zirconias are well 30-33% can cut relatively well by untipped,
compared to other nickel-chromium-based known for their excellent thermal shock re- bare blades in applications suitable mostly
abradable materials up to temperatures of sistance, toughness, and sintering resist- for large stationary gas turbines.
650°C and in some cases higher to approx. ance (Vassen & Stöver 2007). The combina-
750°C, depending on coating porosity lev- tion of low elastic modulus of zirconias Testing of Abradable coatings:
els. Unlike soft shearable aluminium alloys, compared to other high temperature materi- For most if not all intended abradable appli-
coatings with stronger and harder MCrAlY als, their high melting and sintering resist- cations, a series of testing procedures are
alloys as abradables is controlled directly by ance and ability to be sprayed relatively thick adopted primarily as a risk mitigation and
presence of macro-porosity since they are (e.g., 2.0 mm) with suitable but controllable benchmarking process and assisting to-
generally harder than any of the rubbing defect and macroporosity concentrations wards the setting up of a coating specifica-
blade or knife/fin materials. The boron nitride e.g., pores and splat boundaries, all contrib- tion and qualification process. Key testing
component provides solid lubrication, there- ute to compliant (low stiffness) coating struc- procedures are given below:
by improving abradability by making the mi- tures (Fig. 10) that greatly assist in design
crostructure cuttable by a friable mecha- against thermal shock damage. Abradable Incursion Testing:
nism. Coating porosity can vary from 35 to Of the commercially available testing facilites
60 volume percent; which is controlled Ceramic Solid the Oerlikon abradable incursion test facility
through the amount of entrapped polyester Material Matrix Organics Lubricant (Fig. 11) based in Winterthur, Switzerland,
in the coating. It is this controlled, web-like Metco 94.0 % YSZ 3.5 % PE ---
provides a vital tool for Oerlikon Metco and
metallic structure that allows for excellent fri- 2460 its OEM Aero & IGT partners in their joint
ability against titanium alloy, steel or superal- Metco 94.5 % YSZ 4.7 % PE 0.8 % hBN
abradable development programs (Wilson
loy blades. The coating requires a post dep- 2395 2007). The facility is the largest and most so-
osition polymer removal heat treatment to Durabrade 94.5 % DySZ 4.7 % PE 0.8 % hBN
phisticated of its kind with capability for test-
create the desired porosity. 2192 ing up to shroud temperatures of 1200°C,
using a variety of blade, knife seal or laby-
Table 1: Overview of Oerlikon Metco commercial
ceramic abradable powder compositions (PE = rinth seal strip configurations. The flexibility
polyester, hBN= hexagonal boron nitride). of the rig allows for testing over a wide range
of tip speeds and incursion rates, with capa-
bility for radial and axial incursion into differ-
24% Porosity ent abradable shrouds. The rig uses a high
velocity gas stream to heat the abradable
specimen to the required temperature. Test
blades are mounted on a turbine disc that
can produce blade tip speeds of up to 500
m/s. A stepper motor allows the controlled
moving of the abradable test specimen to-
wards and into the bladed rotor. Incursion
rates, the speed at which the specimen is
moved into the rotor, can be adjusted from 1
to 2000 μm/s. Real turbine blades or blade
30% Porosity
Fig. 9: Atmospheric plasma sprayed Al-Si + 40 dummies can be tested. While the use of
wt.% polyester (e.g., Metco 601NS). original blades provides the advantage of
closely simulating a specific stage design,
the use of dummies with well defined geom-
Ceramic Zirconia based abradables etry is the preferred set-up for systematic
Like the CoNiCrAlY abradables described investigations as discussed here.
above, modern ceramic abradable powders
are nominally comprised of three phases: a As the true incursion conditions, in particular
ceramic matrix phase, typically Yttria or Dys- X50 the rub incursion rates are not readily availa-
prosia stabilized zirconia (YSZ, DSZ), a poly- Fig. 10. YSZ based abradables with two differ- ble for all possible compressor and turbine
mer and a solid lubricant (Dorfman, Wilson & ent porosity levels: the low elastic modulus, sin- operating conditions, an array of tip speed /
Sporer (2008), Schmid (1997), Oerlikon Met- tering resistance, controllable defect and macro- incursion rate settings is typically used to
porosity contribute to compliant (low stiffness)
co (2009)). The polymer entrapped in the coating structures that greatly assist in design qualify an abradable coating. Typical incur-
as-deposited coating can be burned off to against thermal shock damage sion test outcomes for flame sprayed
produce coating porosity while the added NiCrAl-bentonite, and an APS sprayed

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YSZ-polyester abradable coatings sprayed
to optimum hardness levels are given in Figs.
12 & 13. The results are shown in the form of
"wear maps" showing shroud incursion wear
mechanisms and percentage blade wear
(blade height loss (or gain) as % fraction of
total incursion depth into shroud) as a func-
tion of blade tip incursion velocity and incur-
sion rate. Such a standard wear map with
blade tip speeds varies from 250 to 410 m/s
and incursion rates ranging from 5 to 500

An overview of typical incursion test blade

wear measurements at different incursion Fig.11: Oerlikon abradable incursion test facility based in
conditions, blade material compatibility, and Winterthur, Switzerland.
coating hardness ranges is given in Fig.14
for the major abradable coating systems as
a function of their maximum service

Ageing, Corrosion, Thermal Cycle and Ther-

mal Shock testing:
Apart from good abradability, coating resist-
ance to thermal shock and thermal cycle
durability is another major requirement for
compressor and turbine seal coatings (Dorf-
man et al 2008, Groh 1969, Kennedy & Bill
1979). For compressor abradables, coatings
can be subjected to a severe thermal cycle
test where the coatings are water quench
tested from elevated temperatures matching
the application temperature e.g., 470°C.
Coating thermal stability under these condi-
tions is generally determined by using the
Fig.12: Typical "wear map" incursion test outcomes for flame sprayed
change in coating strength (ASTM C 633 NiCrAl-bentonite against IN718 blades.
bond strength test for thermal spray coat-
ings) as the yardstick.

For ceramic turbine abradables typically the

coating system is cycled using a dedicated
furnace cycle test facility on a one hour cycle
frequency e.g., 1150°C with forced air cool-
ing to 50°C. As the test has a high tempera-
ture dwell time at the test set temperature,
this thermal shock test does also serve as a
sintering test and a bondcoat endurance
test. Test temperatures and cycle dwell peri-
od can be varied according to the desired
end application conditions e.g., stationary
large gas turbine vs. aero turbine applica-
tion. Coating thermal stability can also be
Fig.13: Typical "wear map" incursion test outcomes for APS sprayed
determined by the change in coating YSZ-polyester abradable coatings sprayed to optimum hardness levels
strength using ASTM C633 test, but the and tested against cBN abrasive tipped IN718 blades.
most common approach is visual character-
isation of failure mechanisms i.e. cracking or
debonding of the coating from the substrate.
In order to investigate their long term durabil-
ity and thermal stability, coatings are also
subjected to elevated temperature ageing
treatments in air and salt spray tests in ac-
cordance with ASTM B117. Here again,

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coating stability by ASTM C 633 change in needed to optimise according to the end- Acknowledgements
strength is recommended. As the coating use. In this respect, coating hardness (or A very big thank you to all my colleagues at
strength correlates well with hardness and tensile strength) is a useful general indicator Oerlikon Metco and Sulzer Innotec who's
erosion resistance, the determined change of erosion resistance as shown in Fig. 15 for valuable knowledge, hard work and dedica-
in UTS is also indicative of changes in other the major compressor abradable systems. In tion over the years has made it a great privi-
coating mechanical properties. very aggressive erosive environments, often lege for me to work with them.
the best solution is to spray the coating to a
Erosion Resistance high hardness while having to protect blade
The erosion resistance of abradable coat- tips from excessive wear using abrasive tip-
ings is commonly determined according to ping such as cubic boron nitride or a hard
GE E50TF121CL-A specification. The GE coating.
number is expressed in s/mil and represents
the time in seconds necessary to erode 25.4 Summary
µm of the coating thickness. A higher GE By being able to tailor design abradable
erosion number means better erosion resist- thermal spray powders and spray them us-
ance. The need for solid particle erosion re- ing APS or flame spray technology to high
sistance is highly dependent on the service degrees of microstructural control, a wide
environment in which the turbomachinery is range of turbomachinery sealing application
used. An abradable coating can last years in design criteria can be met. Use of incursion
an industrial gas turbine for a chemical pro- test blade wear mapping techniques togeth-
cess plant where there is virtually no erosive er with dedicated environmental and cyclic Fig.15 Overview of typical erosion resistance
data for the major compressor abradable coat-
particle contamination, or a few days in a tests are judicious risk mitigation tools and ing systems, as a function of coating HR15Y
sandy desert environment e.g., military heli- assist greatly with setting up of a coating hardness.
copter. Here judicious coating selection is specification.

Fig.14: Overview of typical incursion test blade wear measurements at different incursion conditions, blade material compatibility, and coating hardness ranges
for the major abradable coating systems, as a function of their maximum service temperatures.

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ASTM B117 Standard Practice for Operating Salt Spray (Fog) Apparatus, ASTM International, West
Conshohocken, PA, USA.

ASTM C633 Standard Test Method for Adhesion or Cohesion Strength of Thermal Spray Coatings, ASTM
International, West Conshohocken, PA, USA.

Burhans, F.M., "Compressor Casing Lining", US Patent no. 2 742 224, 1956.

Chupp, R.E., Ghasripoor, F., Moore, G.D., Kalv, L.S., and Johnston, J.R., “Applying Abradable Seals to
Industrial Gas Turbines,” AIAA Paper 2002–3795, July 2002.

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About Oerlikon Surface Solutions Division

Oerlikon is a leading global provider of surface and additive manufacturing solutions and services. The division
offers an extensive portfolio of market-leading thin-film, thermal spray and additive manufacturing technolo-
gies, equipment, components and materials. Emission reduction in transportation, maximized longevity and
performance of tools and components, increased efficiency and intelligent materials are hallmarks of its lead-
ership. Pioneering technology for decades, the division serves customers with standardized and customized
solutions across a worldwide network of more than 170 sites in 37 countries. With its technology brands –
Oerlikon Balzers, Oerlikon Metco and Oerlikon AM – Oerlikon’s Surface Solutions division focuses on technol-
ogies and services that improve and maximize performance, function, design, reliability and sustainability,
which are innovative, game-changing advantages for customers in the automotive, aviation, tooling, general
industries, luxury, medical, semiconductors, power generation and oil & gas markets. The division is part of
the publicly listed Oerlikon Group, headquartered in Switzerland, which has 12 000 employees and generated
CHF 2.65 billion in revenue in 2021.
Information is subject to change without prior notice.

TP-0003.4 – Thermally Sprayed Abradable Coatings – 2012.10

© 2022 Oerlikon Metco info.metco@oerlikon.com9

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