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Junior High School (SMP) is the level of education that falls between elementary and high
school education. In some countries or regions, junior high school is also known by different
names, such as junior secondary level or low intermediate level. Typically, junior high schools
cover grades 7 through 9 or equivalent, and aim to provide further education to students who
have completed primary education. The goal of junior high school is to prepare students with
the knowledge, skills, and understanding necessary for success at higher levels of education as
well as in life in general.

Admission to junior high marks the beginning of a new phase in adolescent education. This
is the time where students begin to explore the more complex and diverse world of high school,
which is also known as junior high school in some places. Here, they not only learn
academically, but also experience transformative personal growth. Junior high school becomes
an important foundation for future success, as students learn to navigate adolescent challenges
while building a foundation for their future. The primary focus of junior high is on inclusivity
and accessibility, allowing students from diverse backgrounds to feel welcome and encouraged
to grow. It is not just about academic education, but also about empowering individuals and
promoting social mobility.

SMP Negeri 2 Sinjai, located in Sinjai Regency, South Sulawesi Province, is an educational
institution that has been stepped since 1965. Located on Jalan Persatuan Raya No. A. 10, South
Sinjai District, this school has become a foundation for many students to achieve their dreams.
SMP Negeri 2 Sinjai uses the SMP 2013 Curriculum, a curriculum designed to provide holistic
and relevant education for students. The school management is led by school operator Muh
Ikbal Yusuf, who is responsible for the smooth operation of the school.

As a public school, SMP Negeri 2 Sinjai provides a variety of extracurriculars such as

Scouting, Basketball, PMR, Rohis (Islamic Spiritual), Soccer, and Paskibraka, which aims to
facilitate students in developing talents and utilizing their free time meaningfully for the future.
The vision and mission of this school are expected to motivate both teachers and students in
the teaching and learning process, while upholding learning innovations that will have a
positive impact on all parties. Marking the quality of education provided by SMP Negeri 2
Sinjai is the A accreditation status it received, with an accreditation value of 91 in 2018 from
the National Accreditation Board for Schools/Madrasah (BAN-S/M). This shows the school's
commitment to providing high-quality education to its students. This high accreditation value
is also reflected in the assessment of content standards, learning processes, graduation, educator
qualifications, infrastructure, management, and financing. SMP Negeri 2 Sinjai has a land area
of 7,252 m2 and is under the auspices of the Sinjai Regency Government. With the National
School Principal Number (NPSN) 40304531, this school has been inaugurated since 1965. Its
operational legality is regulated by an Operational Decree issued on January 1, 1910.
The reason why SMA Negeri 2 Sinjai can be used as an interesting and valuable research
subject. First, a school profile that includes information about school management, including
principals and operators, provides an opportunity to evaluate effective and sustainable school
management practices. Furthermore, the use of the 2013 High School Curriculum opens
opportunities to assess the success of the implementation of the curriculum, effective learning
strategies, and their impact on student learning outcomes.

In addition, A accreditation status and high accreditation scores demonstrate the school's
commitment to a high standard of education, which can be further researched to identify factors
that support the school's success in achieving this standard. Data on school facilities and the
learning environment provide relevant research subjects to evaluate the linkages between
school physical facilities, student academic outcomes, and student satisfaction with the learning

Furthermore, the study of the qualifications, experience, and effectiveness of teaching

personnel, as well as the characteristics and achievements of students, can provide insight into
the factors that influence the quality of education in these schools. Finally, community
engagement programs in support of education in schools, as well as their impact on student
success and the well-being of local communities, provide opportunities for more in-depth
research. Thus, SMA Negeri 2 Sinjai raises the potential as a significant research subject to
understand the factors affecting the quality of education, effective school management
strategies, and the impact of educational interventions on students and communities in the

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