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Module 4:
Sexual Polarity


Welcome to Module 4, Sexual


Module description

Learn about the concept of

sexual polarity and how it
underpins squirting. Discover the
sexual dynamic you should be
aiming for in your relationship
and the importance of being a
'leader' in the bedroom. Learn
how to improve the sexual
polarity in your relationship with
a 5-level plan for introducing
dominance into the bedroom.

Key points from this module

Sexual polarity

The basic concept of sexual

polarity is that guys are more
masculine, dominant, and
‘positive’, whereas girls are
more feminine, submissive,
and ‘negative’.
The further apart a man and
woman are from each other on
this scale, the greater the
‘spark’ – of sexual attraction
between them.
It’s good to maintain a nice,
healthy sexual polarity where
you have some nice, masculine
energy and your woman has
more feminine energy.
When the sexual polarity is
messed up in a relationship,
it’s almost impossible to have
a fulfilling sex life.

Leader versus Follower

If your woman calls the shots

in your relationship, she’s the
leader. This means that she
won’t be able to relax enough
to just let go and squirt.
You must position yourself as
the leader in your relationship.
This helps your woman relax
and let go.

How to re-balance your


If you’re stuck in a relationship

with bad sexual polarity, there
are three ways to improve and
re-balance the dynamic.

Introduce healthy
Introduce healthy boundaries in
your life. Set ground rules about
what you will and won’t do.

Practice being selfish

Learn how to be selfish in the
bedroom. Figure out what you
want and be vocal about
requesting it.

Start asking for what you

Ask your woman to do something
for you; like licking your balls or
sucking your nipples.

These three tips will help get

your sexual polarity to the place
where you can start to introduce

How to introduce dominance in

the bedroom
There’s a progression of five
different levels of dominance in
the bedroom, from hair pulling at
the bottom to squirting at the

These levels should be

introduced in order – like a
taxonomy – you can’t just skip
right to the top.

The levels are:

1. Hair pulling

2. Slapping

3. Pinning

4. Choking

5. Squirting
Once your woman is in the
'follower' headspace, you can
introduce the fifth level -

Start introducing these different

levels of dominance in bed and
you’ll improve your sexual

Developing a healthier sexual

polarity will make your woman
love it when you make her squirt!


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