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Sir Hazeeq
Doesn’t Matter How Many Times You Fail,
You Only Have To Be Success Once And For All
Bab 2
Chapter 2

Term, Symbol Formula Unit

Sesaran Displacement, s s = �+� � m

s = �� + � ���
Halaju Velocity, v v=s/t ms-1
v2=u2 + 2as

Pecutan Acceleration, a a = �
Momentum, p � = �� kgms-1
•Momentum kenyal Elastic Momentum �1u1 + m2u2 = m1v1 + m2v2
•Momentum tak kenyal Inelastic Momentum �1u1 + m2u2 = (m1 + m2) v
•Letupan Explosion 0 = m1v1 + m2v2
Impuls Impulse, Ft �� = �� – �� Nm
Daya Force, F �net = �a N
�net = F1 + F2
Berat Weight, W W = m g
�� – ��
Daya Impuls Impulsive Force, F �=

Komponen Menegak Vertical Component, Fy �� = � ��� �
�� = �� ��� �
Komponen Mengufuk Horizontal Component, Fx �� = � ��� �
�� = �� ��� �
Daya Spring Spring Force F = kx
Kerja = Tenaga Work Done = Energy, E � = �s J
� = �s cos θ (inclined plane)

Tenaga Kinetik Kinetic Energy, Ek �k =

Tenaga Keupayaan Kegravitian Gravitational Potential Ep = ���
Energy, Ep

Tenaga Keupayaan Kekenyalan Elastic Potential Energy, Eep Eep =

Kuasa Power, P � W

Kecekapan Efficiency ������ ����� ������
× ���% %
����� �����

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2.1 Gerakan Linear / Linear Motion

Jarak & Laju / Distance & Speed Sesaran & Halaju / Displacement & Velocity

Jarak= Jumlah laluan yang dilalui Sesaran= Jarak terdekat antara titik _____ dan ______berpandukan arah tertentu.
Distance = Total path taken Displacement = Shortest distance between _________ and ________ point based on
a specific direction.
Laju = Kadar perubahan _________
Speed = Rate of change of __________ Halaju = Kadar perubahan _________. Velocity = Rate of change of __________.

Sesaran / Displacement Halaju / Velocity, v Pecutan/ acceleration, a

s v a
m ms-1 ms-2

Jarak / Distance =

Jarak / Distance =
Sesaran / Displacement =

Sesaran / Displacement = Laju / Speed=

Laju / Speed= Halaju / Velocity =

Halaju / Velocity = Pecutan / Acceleration =

Jarak / Distance =
Sesaran / Displacement =

Laju / Speed=
Halaju / Velocity =

Pecutan / Acceleration =

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3. Muthu bergerak dari O ke B melalui lintasan OAB seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam Rajah 1. Masa yang diambil ialah 15 s.

Muthu moves from O to B through the OAB trajectory as shown in Figure 1. The time taken was 15 s. Determine:

Jarak / Distance =

Sesaran / Displacement =

Laju / Speed=

Halaju / Velocity =

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1. Setiap hari Rizal berjalan ke sekolah. Rajah menunjukkan laluan yang diambil oleh Rizal untuk ke sekolah. Berapakah jarak dan sesaran Rizal
ke sekolah?
Rizal walks to school everyday. The diagram shows the path taken by Rizal to the school. What is the distance and displacement of Rizal to
the school?

2. Sebuah lori bergerak dengan halaju 20 m s-1 ke arah timur dan kelajuan meningkat secara seragam menjadi 45 m s-1 dalam masa 5 saat.
Hitung pecutan lori tersebut.
A lorry moves with velocity 20 m s–1 to the east and speeds up uniformly to velocity of 45 m s–1 in 5 seconds. Calculate the acceleration of
the lorry.

3. Sebuah superbike bergerak dengan halaju 15 m s–1 memecut dengan seragam pada kadar
4.2 m s-2 dalam masa 30 saat. Kira sesaran superbike itu ketika memecut.
A superbike travelling with velocity of 15 m s-1 accelerates uniformly at a rate of 4.2 ms-2 in 30 seconds. Calculate the displacement of the
superbike while it is accelerating.

4. Sebuah kereta dengan jisim 1500 kg bergerak dengan halaju malar 36 m s-1. Pemandu kereta itu ternampak sekumpulan lembu di hadapan dan
dia terus menekan brek dan dapat memberhentikan kereta dalam masa 6 saat. Jarak lembu dan kereta semasa pemandu itu ternampak
lembu-lembu itu ialah 160 m. Berapakah jauh lembu-lembu itu dari kereta apabila kereta itu berhenti?
A car with mass 1 500 kg moves with constant velocity of 36 m s-1. The driver sees a group of cows in front and he immediately steps on the
brake pedal and manages to stop the car in 6 seconds. The distance of the cows from the car when the driver spotted them was 160 m. How
far are the cows from the car when the car stops.

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You Only Have To Be Success Once And For All


Laju A dan B adalah malar; laju A > B Both have constant speed; speed A > B

2 1

5. Rajah menunjukkan pita detik bagi gerakan sebuah troli. Frekuensi bagi pita detik yang digunakan ialah 50 Hz. Hitungkan pecutan bagi troli
The diagram shows a ticker tape of the motion of a trolley. The frequency of the ticker timer used is 50 Hz. Calculate the acceleration of
the trolley.

6. Rajah menunjukkan carta pita yang terhasil dari pergerakan sebuah troli. Setiap jalur mempunyai 10 detik dan frekuensi bagi jangka masa
detik ialah 50 Hz.
The diagram shows the tape chart produced by the motion of a trolley. Each strip consists of 10 ticks and the frequency used by the ticker
timer is 50 Hz.

a) Nyatakan jenis gerakan troli. State the type of motion of the trolley.
b) Hitung / Calculate:
(i) pecutan troli / the acceleration of the trolley
(ii) sesaran troli / the displacement of the trolle
(iii) halaju purata /

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2.2 Graf Gerakan Linear / Liner Motion Graph You Only Have To Be Success Once And For All

7. Selesaikan yang berikut / Solve the following:
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(i) Jenis gerakan / Type of motion:

(ii) Pecutan / Acceleration:

(iii) Sesaran / Displacement:

8. Selesaikan yang berikut / Solve the following:

(i) Jenis gerakan / Type of motion:

(ii) Pecutan / Acceleration:

(iii) Sesaran / Displacement:

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Doesn’t Matter How Many Times You Fail,
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10. Rajah menunjukkan graf halaju-masa bagi pergerakan sebuah kereta dalam masa 6 saat.
The diagram shows the velocity-time graph of a car movement in 6 seconds.

(a) Terangkan pergerakan kereta itu dalam masa 4 saat yang pertama.
Describe the motion of the car in first 4 seconds.

(b) Hitungkan pecutan pada / Calculate the acceleration at:

i) AB ii) CD

(c) Hitungkan jumlah jarak kereta selepas 6 saat. / Calculate the total distance of the car after 6 seconds.

(d) Hitungkan jumlah sesaran kereta selepas 6 saat. / Calculate the total displacement of the car after 6 seconds.

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2.3 Gerak Jatuh Bebas / Free Fall Motion

Gerakan Jatuh Bebas Free Fall Motion Doesn’t Matter How Many Times You Fail,
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Pergerakan objek yang dipengaruhi graviti sahaja (g = 9.81 ms )
Object falling only due to gravity, without external force

11. Suatu objek dijatuhkan dari ketinggian 35 m. Kira masa yang diambil untuk sampai ke tanah. [g = 9.81 m s-2]
An object is dropped from a height of 35 m. Calculate the time taken to reach the ground. [g = 9.81 m s-2]

12. Suatu objek dilontar ke atas dari tanah dengan halaju awal 30 m s-1. Berapakah ketinggian maksimum dicapai oleh objek itu? [g = 9.81 m s–2]
An object is thrown vertically up from the ground with an initial velocity 30 m s-1. What is the maximum height reached by the object? [g =
9.81 m s–2]

2.4 Inersia / Inertia

(Hukum Gerakan Newton Pertama)

Kecenderungan suatu objek untuk kekal dalam keadaan asal, sama ada pegun atau bergerak dalam garisan lurus dengan halaju malar.
jisim ↑ inersia ↑;
jisim ↓ inersia ↓
(Newton’s First Law of Motion)

Tendency of an object to remain at rest or, if moving, to continue its motion in a straight line at uniform velocity.

Mass↑ inertia↑;Mass↓ inertia↓

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2.5 Momentum

Momentum, kgms-1 •Momentum Kenyal: dua objek bergerak asing selepas hentaman..

•Elastic Momentum: two objects move apart after a collision.

hasil darab jisim dan halaju �1u1 + m2u2 = m1v1 + m2v2

product of mass and velocity Sebelum / Before: Selepas / After:

•Momentum Tidak Kenyal: dua objek bergerak sekali selepas hentaman.

•Inelastic Momentum: two objects move together after a collision.

�1u1 + m2u2 = (m1 + m2) v

Sebelum / Before: Selepas / After:

-Letupan: dua objek bergerak sama sebelum hentaman dan bergerak asing selepas hentaman.

•Explosion: two objects are together before a collision and move apart after a collision.

0 = m1v1 + m2v2

Sebelum / Before: Selepas / After:

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2.6 Daya / Force
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2.7 Impuls dan Daya Impuls / Impulse and Impulsive Force

2.8 Berat / Weight

D a y a, N/F o r c e ( N )
Fp = ma
Tolak atau Tarik push or pull Fp= F1 + F2
Mengubah bentuk atau gerakan (laju/arah) sesuatu objek Changes shape or motion (speed/direction) on an object

Impuls / Impulse, Ns atau kgms-2 Daya Impuls / Impulsive Force, N

Hasil darab daya dan masa ATAU perubahan momentum (Nm) Kadar perubahan momentum terhadap masa.

change in momentum Rate of change of momentum

�� – ��
�� = �� – �� �= t ↑ F↓ | t↓ F↑

13. Sebuah kereta A berjisim 500 kg dipandu dengan kelajuan 72 km h-1. Kereta tersebut mengalami kemalangan kerana terlanggar sebatang
pokok. Kereta tersebut remuk selama 3 saat sebelum terhenti akibat hentakan yang kuat. Sebuah kereta B berjisim sama dengan kereta A
dipandu dengan kelajuan yang sama dengan kereta A. Kereta tersebut turut melanggar sebatang pokok dan kurang remuk. Kereta tersebut
memakan masa 0.03 saat untuk berhenti akibat hentakan. Hitungkan:
Car A with a mass of 500 kg is driven at a speed of 72 km h-1. The car had an accident because it collided with a tree. The car was crumpled
for 3 seconds before stopping due to a strong impact. Car B of the same mass as car A is driven at the same speed as car A. The car also
hit a tree and was less crumpled. The car took 0.03 seconds to stop due to the impact. Calculate:
a) Daya impuls kereta A dan B / Impulsive force for car A and B.
b) Impuls kereta A dan B / Impuls for car A and B.

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NOTES : You Only Have To Be Success Once And For All

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