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Such observation made him conclude that all

FUNCTIONS living cells come from preexisting cells.
CELL THEORY Eventually, unifying all the discoveries and other
advanced studies conducted, the cell theory was
formulated stating that:
1. All living things are structurally made up of cells.
2. The cell is the fundamental unit of life.
3. Cells come from the division of preexisting cells.
The study of cell which started from the invention of
simple microscope until the development of cell
theory was conducted for about 300 years by several
scientists. From then on, further developments and
many technologies were made that had helped
All cells have three main parts
Hans and Zacharias Jansen, Dutch inventors, made the
first simple microscope in 1590. CELL MEMBRANE

ROBERT HOOKE Cell membrane separates the internal contents of the

cell from its environment. It is a phospholipid bilayer
Robert Hooke, an Englishman, gave the term “cell” for with proteins embedded in it. As a selectively
the box-like structures observed in a cork tissue under permeable membrane, some substances can readily
the microscope in 1667. pass through it while others cannot.
Hooke is the one that gives the name cell because The three major functions performed by the cell
when he looked at the cork under a microscope each membrane are as follows:
compartment looks like a rectangular shape and he
remembered a monk living in a cell and that is where  (1) Separates the contents of the cell from its
he get the name CELL environment,

ANTON VAN LEEUWENHOEK  (2) regulates the passage of materials in and

out of the cell, and
Around 1675, Anton van Leeuwenhoek, a Dutch
naturalist, observed sperm cells, red blood cells,  (3) permits communication with other cells.
bacteria, and other microscopic organisms in CYTOPLASM
rainwater after his invention of a more powerful
microscope. A nucleus was observed within some of The whole region within the cell membrane is the
the red blood cells. cytoplasm.
MATTHIAS SCHLEIDEN  Organelles are found and perform their
functions in the jelly-like substance called
Matthias Schleiden, a German botanist, studied plant cytosol.
structures under the microscope. In 1838, he stated
that all plants are composed of cells.  Various metabolic reactions like protein
synthesis and breakdown of sugar into ATP
THEODORE SCHWANN take place in the cytoplasm.
In 1839, it was concluded that all animals are  Other organic materials are found inthe
composed of cells by Theodore Schwann, a German cytoplasm such as glucose and other simple
zoologist. He studied on animal tissues. sugars, polysaccharides,
Jointly, Schleiden and Schwann proposed that all
living things are made up of cells.
Roughly, 20 years later, in 1855, Rudolf Virchow, a
German biologist, observed dividing cells during his
 IT IS WHERE CHROMOSOMES ARE FOUND carbohydrates, proteins, and fats within the cell. Thus,
they are known as “digestive sacs.” Destruction or
Nucleus is the third main part of the cell. It is generally repair of defective parts of the cell is another function
oval in shape,covered with a nuclear membrane or of lysosomes.
6. Peroxisomes
 It is the control center ofthe cell that
regulates and coordinates all activities of the Another membrane-bound vesicle that contain
cell. oxidative enzymes are the peroxisomes. Enzymes
responsible for oxidizing certain molecules to form
 Chromosomes are found in the nucleus. hydrogen peroxide are found in peroxisomes. They
Within the chromosomes are DNAthat make are abundantly found in liver cells, where fats and
up the gene that bears the hereditary traits. lipids are metabolized. In plants, they convert fatty
DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, is the hereditary acids into sugars needed by growing seedlings during
material in humans and almost all other organisms seed germination.

The following are the basic organelles found in the Organic reductions or organic oxidations or organic
cytoplasm. redox reactions are redox reactions that take place
with organic compounds. In organic chemistry
1. Mitochondria oxidations and reductions are different from ordinary
Mitochondria are the sites for the breakdown of redox reactions, because many reactions carry the
sugar molecules into adenosine triphosphate or ATP, name but do not actually involve electron transfer
which is the main source of energy in the body.  peroxidases, which use hydrogen peroxide,
2. Ribosomes and oxidases, which use molecular oxygen.

Ribosomes are the sites of protein synthesis. The 7. Vacuoles

coded message from DNA as to what kind of protein is Vacuoles are large storage sacs in cells. The smaller
to be synthesized is carried by the mRNA from the ones are called vesicles. In animals, some vacuoles
nucleus to the ribosome. function for storage of water or food, while others are
Messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines teach our cells how for excretion of waste materials. Vacuoles in plants
to make a protein that will trigger an immune occupy up to 95% of the cell volume.
response inside our bodies. Intracellular digestion, space filling, and control of cell
3. Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) turgor are some of the functions of vacuoles in plants.
They contain water, sugar, salts, and anthocyanin
Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) consists of flattened pigment. Toxic molecules are present that protect
sheets, sacs, and tubes of membranes that extend plants from herbivorous animals.
throughout the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells. It is
structurally continuous with the nuclear membrane,  Anthocyanins are blue, red, or purple
and it specializes in the transport of lipids and pigments found in plants, especially flowers,
membrane proteins. fruits, and tubers. In acidic condition,
anthocyanin appears as red pigment while
4. Golgi apparatus blue pigment anthocyanin exists in alkaline
A system of flattened, membrane-bound sacs that
looks like stack of pancakes is the Golgi apparatus. Its
function is to modify, sort, and pack macromolecules 8. Centrioles
for secretion or for transport to other organelles.
Outside the nucleus of animal cells is found the
Rounded vesicles are associated to the Golgi
centrosome. It consists of two rod-shaped centrioles
apparatus that pinched off
which are at right angle to each other. They replicate
from its flattened sacs and carry the materials to before cell division resulting into two pairs of
other parts of the cell. centrioles that later move apart becoming part of the
newly formed cells. They are believed to function in
5. Lysosome the formation of spindle fibers.
Lysosome is also produced by the Golgi apparatus. It  Spindle fibers form a protein structure that
is a membrane- bound organelle that comes in various divides the genetic material in a cell.
sizes and shapes. Lysosomes contain numerous
hydrolytic or digestive enzymes for the breakdown of 9. Cytoskeleton
A network of interconnected protein filaments that
extends throughout the cytoplasm is the cytoskeleton
that provides the cell’s structural support. It is
responsible for cell shape and motility.
Plastids are large membrane-bound organelle found
in plant cells. They have three classifications.
 The first is the chloroplast, the green-colored
plastid which is caused by the green pigment
called chlorophyll and is the site for
 The second are chromoplasts, colored plastids
other than green. These are specialized to
synthesize and store carotenoid pigments
such as red, orange, and yellow.
 The third are leucoplasts, the colorless plastid
that contain stored food.
Another organelle found in plant cells only is the
cell wall. It protects and supports the cells of the Cell cycle is divided in two
plants. INTERPHASE- preparing for cell division
MITOTIC- It is the cell division proper
Cytokenesis- mismong pagdidivide ng cytoplasm
G1-it is observed that the cell has no activity, but it is
doing something.


- it double it size so that it has enough size in cell

-they need energy in division of cell
 Synthesis of DNA

- serve as a check point to ensure order progression in

cell division.  They replenish the energy because they
already used up the energy in s phase.
-if there is something wrong /damage in the cell they
will stop the cell division  Tubulin dimers is a substance to hold or
destroy the microtubules.
-if there is no problem they will signal to continue the
cell division

 Prophase –the Dna that are produced in S

phase will condense to produce
-stimulating protein signals to continue the cell cycle chromosomes. At the same time the nuclear
while the inhibiting proteins signals to stop the cell envelop will disintegrate in preparation for
division if there is damages ,it is called regulators of cell division. Nababaklas ang cytoskeleton so
the cell cycle we can produce spindle fiber

-the cyclin and cyclin dependent kinases ( regulate cell  Metaphase –the condense chromosome will
cycle) will combine so that they can function to add be align at the middle which we call
phosphate in protein to continue cell cycle equatorial plate so that the spindle fiber will
be attached properly
 P53 protein use to check DNA. If there is
damage the inhibiting protein will signal to  Anaphase- ana means separate. The
stop the cell division, and if the damage is chromosome will separate at anaphase
beyond repair, they will ask the cell to self  Telophase – at the last phase mabubuo ulit
destruct in the process of Apoptosis is the ang nuclear envelop
process of programmed cell death.
 Cytokinesis- cytoplasm will be divide so that
 Retinoblastoma protein if there is low we can produce two daughter cell
nutrient it will signal to stop the cell cycle
 APC/C signal the protein in kinetochores to Chromosome abnormalities often happen due to
disintegrate so that the sister chromatid will one or more of these:
be separated in anaphase
➢ Errors during dividing of sex cells (meiosis)
 MAD signals to stop mitosis
➢ Errors during dividing of other cells (mitosis)

➢ Exposure to substances that can cause birth

defects (teratogens)

 Some cells will go back to G1 and some will go

to resting nondividing cell. Ex: neuron in brain
 cell cycle has different phases and each part
has its own checkpoint in order to monitor
the activities of the cell.
 Failure to regulate cell activities may result
to various disease and disorder.


 Karyotyping is the process by which
photographs of chromosomes are taken in
order to determine the chromosome
complement of an individual, including the
number of chromosomes and any
 Cancer refers to a group of diseases
characterized by uncontrolled and abnormal
cell division. Aneuploidy
 It occurs when there is a disruption in the cell Numerical abnormality also called aneuploidy, a
cycle. I condition which occurs when an individual has a
missing chromosome from a pair (monosomy) or has
 Instead of stopping and starting at
more than two chromosomes of a pair (trisomy,
appropriate points, cancerous cells divide
tetrasomy, etc.).
continuously until a disorganized solid mass
of cells called tumor is formed. Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21)
 Tumors can be categorized as benign or
A change in the number or structure of
chromosomes can dramatically change the traits of
an organism and can cause serious problems.
Abnormal chromosomes most often happen as a
result of an error during cell division.
 The most common disorder of trisomy is
Down syndrome, wherein the 21st
chromosome has three instead of two

 ✓ Most cases of Down syndrome are not due

to inheritance but on random mistakes
during formation of reproductive cells of the

 ✓ Physical manifestations: Short neck, with

excess skin at back of the neck. Flattened
facial profile and nose. Small head, ears, and
mouth. Upward slanting eyes.

✓ A condition resulting from two or more X

Turner Syndrome (45, XO) chromosomes in males

✓ Manifestations are typically more severe if three

or more X chromosomes are present as in (48, XXXY)
or (49, XXXXY).
 Physical manifestations: Primary features are
infertility and small poorly functioning
testicles. Sometimes includes weaker
muscle, greater height, poor coordination,
less body hair, breast growth and less
interest in sex.
Trisomy X Syndrome (47, XXX)

✓ A condition that affects only female as a result of

one of the X chromosomes (sex chromosome) is
missing or partially missing. Trisomy X Syndrome (47, XXX)

✓ Physical manifestations: Webbed neck, short ✓ Characterized by the presence of extra X

stature, swollen hands and feet. Some have skeletal chromosome in each cell of a female
abnormalities, kidney problems, and/or congenital
✓ Physical manifestations: Often taller than normal,
heart defect.
affected individuals have usually mild symptoms to
none at all. Occasionally there are learning
Klinefelter Syndrome (47, XXY) difficulties, delayed speech, decreased muscle tone,
seizures, or kidney problems.
Patau Syndrome (Trisomy 13)
 Duplication – segment of a chromosome is
repeated twice;
 Translocation – transfer of a section of one
chromosome to non-homologous
 Inversion – a section of the chromosome
becomes changed by rotation at 180 degrees
Cri-du-chat Syndrome (5p minus syndrome)
Cri-du-chat Syndrome (5p minus syndrome)

✓ A genetic condition caused by the deletion of

genetic material on the small arm (p arm) of
chromosome 5

✓ Physical manifestations: mentally retarded, has

✓ Caused by having an additional copy of abnormal development of glottis and larynx resulting
chromosome 13 in some or all of the body’s cells. from a crying sounds that sound like the meowing of
a cat.
✓ Physical manifestations: Clenched hands, cleft lip
or palate, extra fingers or toes (polydactyly), hernias, MEIOSIS- CELL DIVISION
kidney, wrist or scalp problems, low-set ears, small There are two types of cell division,
head, undescended testis.
Edward Syndrome (Trisomy 18)  2. MEIOSIS
 Mitosis allows organisms to reproduce
asexually, grow and repair of worn-out or
damaged tissues
 Meiosis on the other hand, is important in
sexual reproduction and genetic diversity
among sexually reproducing organism.
 Many of the steps of meiosis closely
resemble corresponding steps in mitosis.
Meiosis, like mitosis, is preceded by the
duplication of chromosomes.
 However, this single duplication is followed
by not one but two consecutive cell divisions
called meiosis I and meiosis II. These two
✓ Caused by having additional copy of chromosome divisions result in four daughter cells (rather
18 than the two daughter cells of mitosis), each
with only half as many chromosomes as the
✓ Physical manifestations: Cleft palate, Clenched parent cell—one set, rather than two.
fists, defects of lungs, kidneys and stomach, Meiosis reduces the amount of genetic
deformed feet, heart defects, low-set ears, severe information resulting to its importance in
developmental delays, chest deformity, slowed sexual reproduction and genetic diversity
growth, small head, small jaw. among sexually reproducing

Structural abnormalities occur when the

chromosome’s structure is altered, which can take
several forms such as:
 Deletion – a portion of a chromosome is
missing or deleted;
 The overview of meiosis shows for a single  PROPHASE II Meiosis II is initiated
pair of homologous chromosomes in a diploid immediately after cytokinesis, usually before
cell, that both members of the pair are the chromosomes have fully elongated. In
duplicated and the copies sorted into four contrast to meiosis I, meiosis II resembles a
haploid daughter cells. normal mitosis. The nuclear membrane
 Recall that sister chromatids are two copies of disappears by the end of prophase II. The
one chromosome, closely associated all along chromosomes again become compact
their lengths; this association is called sister  METAPHASE II At this stage the chromosomes
chromatid. Together, the sister chromatids align at the equator and the microtubules
make up one duplicated chromosome. In from opposite poles of the spindle get
contrast, the two chromosomes of a attached to the kinetochores of sister
homologous pair are individual chromosomes  ANAPHASE II It begins with the simultaneous
that were inherited from different parents. splitting of the centromere of each
chromosome (which was holding the sister
chromatids together), allowing them to move
toward opposite poles of the cell.
 TELOPHASE II Meiosis ends with telophase II
in which the two groups of chromosomes
once again get enclosed by a nuclear
envelope; cytokinesis follows resulting in the
formation of haploid daughter cells.

 PROPHASE I Prophase of the first meiotic

division is typically longer and more complex
when compared to prophase of mitosis. It has
been further subdivided into the following
five phases based on chromosomal behaviour:
1. Leptotene 2. Zygotene 3. Pachytene 4.
Diplotene and 5. Diakinesis
align on the equatorial plate. The
microtubules from the opposite poles of the CELL MEMBRANE
spindle attach to the pair of homologous.
 The cell membrane (also known as the plasma
 ANAPHASE I The homologous chromosomes
membrane) is a biological membrane that
separate, while sister chromatids remain
separates the interior of all cells from the
associated at their centromeres.
outside environment (the extracellular space)
 TELOPHASE I The nuclear membrane and
which protects the cell from its environment.
nucleolus reappear, cytokinesis follows and
this is called as diad of cells. Although in many  The cell membrane is composed of a
cases the chromosomes do undergo some phospholipid bilayer embedded with proteins
dispersion, they do not reach the extremely and carbohydrates. It is semipermeable,
extended state of the interphase nucleus. which means that not everything can enter or
pass through it. The cell membrane can easily
be observed when you look at an animal cell fluidity. Phospholipids and cholesterol are
using a compound microscope important in maintaining the fluidity of the
cell membrane. Failure of these two to
 In the cell membrane there are several function may have detrimental effects to the
specialized fingerlike fold called microvilli. cell.
Which mainly increase the surface of the cell.
These part enable the cell to perform several PROTEIN
functions depending on the type and location

Function of the cell membrane  embed in the lipid bilayer

 One is to transport nutrients into the cell and  Most integral proteins are transmembrane
also to transport toxic substances out of the proteins, which span the membrane
cell. Another is that the membrane of the cell,  Some integral membrane proteins form a
which would be the plasma membrane, will channel that allows ions or other small
have proteins on it which interact with other molecules to pass
 The cell membrane also provides some
structural support for a cell.  They are not embedded in the lipid bilayer at
Fluid mosaic model
 they are loosely bound to the surface of the
 The fluid mosaic model was first proposed by membrane.
Seymour Jonathan Singer and Garth L.
Nicolson in 1972 to describe the structure of The functions of membrane proteins include
cell membranes. 1. Transport
 The model is “fluid” because the various 2. enzymatic activity,
functional macromolecules embedded in the
phospholipid matrix of the cell membrane can 3. signal transduction,
move about the surface of the cell. Also, the
4. cell-cell recognition,
membrane, according to this model, is made
up of various parts (i.e., proteins, 5. intercellular joining, and
carbohydrates, and cholesterol) that pave the
surface of the matrix just like individual tiles, 6. attachment to the cytoskeleton and
hence the “mosaic” appearance 7. extracellular matrix.
PHOSPHOLIPID Among the most sophisticated functions of the
 A phospholipid is amphipathic, which means it plasma membrane is its ability to transmit signals via
has hydrophilic and hydrophobic ends. The complex proteins. These proteins can be receptors,
hydrophilic head, made up of a phosphate which work as receivers of extracellular inputs and as
group, has affinity with water, whereas the activators of intracellular processes, or markers,
hydrophobic tail, made up of fatty acids, does which allow cells to recognize each other. Membrane
not. On the tail of the phospholipid is a kink. receptors provide extracellular attachment sites for
The kink is due to a double bond in the hormones and growth factors, which then trigger
unsaturated fatty acid. The kink prevents the intracellular responses. Some viruses, such as the
tight packing of the phospholipid, hence its human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), can hijack these
fluid movement. receptors to enter the cells, causing infections.

CHOLESTEROL Short chains of carbohydrates or sugars (may consist

of 2–60 monosaccharide units and may be either
 Cholesterol is found in between the straight or branched) can be found attached to
phospholipids. The cholesterol acts as a proteins (forming glycoproteins) and lipids (forming
fluidity buffer. During warm temperature, it glycolipids) on the outside of a cell membrane.
makes the movement of phospholipids
limited, making them less fluid. During low Together, these carbohydrates form the glycocalyx.
temperature, it prevents the close packing of The glycocalyx cushions and protects the plasma
the phospholipids, thus increasing their membrane, and it is also important in cell recognition.
Functions of the plasma membrane: certain molecules or ions as tunnels through
the membrane (Figure 3).
 . It encloses every cell and maintains cellular
integrity, thus keeping all contents of the cell Transport across the Cell Membrane
from spilling out.
 Transport across the cell membrane can be
 It is a selective barrier that separates the classified as passive or active
external from the internal environment of the
cell (compartmentalization).  Substances moving across the selectively
permeable plasma membrane can be either
 It provides many of the unique functional ―passive‖—i.e., occurring without the input
properties of specialized cells. of cellular energy —or ―active‖—i.e., its
transport requires the cell to expend energy.
 The plasma membrane’s lipid bilayer has a Plasma membranes must allow certain
hydrophobic region which creates a barrier substances to enter and leave a cell, while
for some polar molecules. This hinders the preventing harmful materials or wastes from
movement of certain materials through the entering and essential material from leaving.
membrane. In other words, not all substances If plasma membranes were to lose this
can pass through the cell membrane. selectivity, the cell would no longer be
However, some substances can pass through functioning well, and it would be
it with ease, like gases, water, and other fatty
substances, while others, particularly larger PASSIVE TRANSPORT
molecules (i.e., glucose, fatty acids, amino
acids, and glycerol), have difficulty in passing  Passive transport does not require energy,
through the cell membrane. This property whereas active transport and bulk transport
makes the cell membrane semi-permeable or require energy in the form of adenosine
selectively permeable. The membrane triphosphate (ATP) to transport substances
functions more like a bag of tightly woven across the cell.
cotton fabric than like a concrete wall.  Proteins can function as enzymes to speed up
chemical reactions, act as receptors for
specific molecules, or transport materials
across the cell membrane.
 Carbohydrates form the glycocalyx.
 Glycocalyx provides cushioning and protection
for the Cell membrane.
 Phospholipids and proteins provide a barrier
between the external environment and the
cell, regulate the transportation of molecules
Nonpolar molecules, such as hydrocarbons, carbon across the membrane, and communicate with
dioxide, and oxygen, are hydrophobic and can dissolve other cells via protein receptors.
in the lipid bilayer of the membrane and cross it
rapidly. Remember that phospholipids are lipid in
nature, thus the concept ―like dissolves like‖ applies.  In passive transport, focus will be given to
Polar molecules on the other hand such as glucose simple diffusion, facilitated diffusion, and
and other sugars pass only slowly through a lipid osmosis.
bilayer, and even water, a very small polar molecule,
does not cross very rapidly. DIFFUSION

 Ions such as sodium and potassium must have  In diffusion, molecules follow down the
a special means of penetrating plasma concentration gradient. This means that
membranes. molecules move from an area of greater
concentration to an area of lesser
 Cell membranes allow these ions and a variety concentration. This process does not require
of polar molecules while avoiding meeting the ATP.
lipid bilayer.
 Diffusion is the natural tendency for
 This can be done by passing through transport molecules to move constantly. Their
proteins called channel proteins used by
movement is random and is due to the energy
found in the individual molecules. Net
diffusion occurs when the materials on one
side of the membrane have a different
concentration than the materials on the other
 In active transport, molecules move from an
area of low concentration to an area of high
concentration. This kind of transport requires
energy in the process. Active transport allows
the uptake of nutrients from the external
environment even if there are higher amounts
of these inside the cell. Also, it allows
secretions and wastes to exit the cell even if
the concentration outside is higher than the
concentration inside the cell.
 in bulk transport, large substances can be
taken in by the cell through a process called
 There are three basic types of endocytosis,
namely, phagocytosis, pinocytosis, and
receptor-mediated endocytosis.
 The release of substances from the cell is
called exocytosis. Exocytosis can be described
as the opposite of endocytosis. In this
process, products to be excreted from the cell
are first encased in a vesicle, which then move
toward the cell membrane. The vesicle then
fuses with the cell membrane, releasing its
content out of the cell and into the
environment. The vesicle finally becomes part
of the cell membrane. The inner surface of
the vesicle membrane is oriented outward.
Hormones are released by the endocrine
glands using exocytosis.

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