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Shaping the Future of insurance:

Delivering Resilience Within the

Insurance Community
Thursday, 28 September

Shaping the future of insurance: delivering resilience within the insurance community Chartered Insurance Institute
Developing Your Inner Resilience

Melissa Kidd
Motem Ltd

Shaping the future of insurance: delivering resilience within the insurance community Chartered Insurance Institute
Learning objectives
By the end of the session you will be able to:

• Use a tool to help you change your perspective

• Recognise what neuroscience can teach us about self-regulation
and resilience
• Develop healthy habits to strengthen your inner coach not your critic

Shaping the future of insurance: delivering resilience within the insurance community Chartered Insurance Institute
Resilience is the strength and speed of our
response to adversity.

…to what extent can we overcome or

persevere in the face of it?

Shaping the future of insurance: delivering resilience within the insurance community Chartered Insurance Institute
Ask yourself…

How do you reset and recharge

after a tough day?

When you have faced uncertainty,

stress and challenge – what have
you relied on/used to keep you

Shaping the future of insurance: delivering resilience within the insurance community Chartered Insurance Institute
Shaping the future of insurance: delivering resilience within the insurance community Chartered Insurance Institute
Thinking traps which erode resilience
• Personal
This is all my fault

• Permanence
It’s always going to be/feel this way

• Pervasive
This affects everything
Ref: Martin Seligman

Shaping the future of insurance: delivering resilience within the insurance community Chartered Insurance Institute
Thinking to cultivate resilience
• Interdependence
Focus on what you can control

• Impermanence
This too will pass

• Isolated/specific
Your identity is like a house: make sure you have many rooms

Shaping the future of insurance: delivering resilience within the insurance community Chartered Insurance Institute
The purpose of the book is to
explore the source of his will to

Frankl observed that those

prisoners, who found a way to
endure, always had a greater
purpose that carried them
onward through difficult

Shaping the future of insurance: delivering resilience within the insurance community Chartered Insurance Institute
“He who has a why to live for
can bear almost any how.”

Shaping the future of insurance: delivering resilience within the insurance community Chartered Insurance Institute
“We, who lived in concentration
camps, can remember the men the last of the human
who walked through the huts, freedoms – to choose
comforting others, giving away one’s attitude in any
their last piece of bread. given set of
circumstances, to choose
They may have been few in one’s own way.“
number but they offer sufficient
proof that everything can be Victor Frankl
taken from a man but one thing:
“Between the stimulus and response, there is a space.
And in that space lies our freedom and power to choose our responses.
In our response lies our growth and our freedom”

(Frankl, 1946)

Shaping the future of insurance: delivering resilience within the insurance community Chartered Insurance Institute
Navy Seal
Training –
inner resilience
“When you’re going through hell,
just keep going.”

Winston Churchill


Shaping the future of insurance: delivering resilience within the insurance community Chartered Insurance Institute
Learning objectives
By the end of the session you will be able to:

• Use a tool to help you change your perspective

• Recognise what neuroscience can teach us about self-regulation
and resilience
• Develop healthy habits to strengthen your inner coach not your critic

Shaping the future of insurance: delivering resilience within the insurance community Chartered Insurance Institute
The importance
of milestones
and inner/self
rewards for
reaching them

“Well done, you

made it & you’re on
the right path.”
Noradrenaline Too much
makes us quit
Self reward:

limits levels of
The key to perseverance

The more often we can self reward some aspect of the process,
the more energy we will have.
This is how we limit the quit response (too much noradrenaline).

Shaping the future of insurance: delivering resilience within the insurance community Chartered Insurance Institute
Micro recoveries

How to charge
your internal
battery in
5 ways to charge our internal battery
• 1. Double inbreath, then out (physiological sigh)
• 2. Long outbreath
• 3. Widen our gaze/look at a horizon (peripheral vision)
• 4. Visualise an experience where you felt calm or joyful
• 5. Bring to mind something for which you’re grateful

All of these tip us from the sympathetic nervous system (action, flight, fight)
into the parasympathetic (rest, digest). When we can toggle between them, we
build our resilience and focus.

Shaping the future of insurance: delivering resilience within the insurance community Chartered Insurance Institute
Quick recap…
Our ability to bounce back and persevere is affected by:

• MEANING we make
• MILESTONES we set & self rewards
• MICRO RECOVERIES (5 deliberate decompression

Shaping the future of insurance: delivering resilience within the insurance community Chartered Insurance Institute
Learning objectives
By the end of the session you will be able to:

• Use a tool to help you change your perspective

• Recognise what neuroscience can teach us about self-regulation
and resilience
• Develop healthy habits to strengthen your inner coach not your critic

Shaping the future of insurance: delivering resilience within the insurance community Chartered Insurance Institute
Ask yourself…
Choose 1 of your no’s.
What’s one small thing you do to help you turn it into a yes?
What can you commit to?

Shaping the future of insurance: delivering resilience within the insurance community Chartered Insurance Institute
We know what to
do, so why aren’t
we doing them?

And what’s going

to make it more
likely that we

Shaping the future of insurance: delivering resilience within the insurance community Chartered Insurance Institute
It boils down to
the conversation
you have with

Shaping the future of insurance: delivering resilience within the insurance community Chartered Insurance Institute
One of the most important habits we can
develop (which can affect all the others) is
to be kind to ourselves rather than critical.

Shaping the future of insurance: delivering resilience within the insurance community Chartered Insurance Institute
If you’re not sure what to do, ask yourself
these 3 questions…

• What’s the choice you’ll be glad you made tomorrow?

• What’s the choice you’d advise someone you love to make?
• What’s the choice you’d make if the person you respected most in the
world was watching?

Shaping the future of insurance: delivering resilience within the insurance community Chartered Insurance Institute
Learning objectives
By the end of the session you will be able to:

• Use a tool to help you change your perspective (meaning: iii, purpose,
• Recognise what neuroscience can teach us about self-regulation
and resilience (milestones, self rewards, micro recoveries)
• Develop healthy habits to strengthen your inner coach not your critic
(be kind not critical)

Shaping the future of insurance: delivering resilience within the insurance community Chartered Insurance Institute
Ask yourself…

Knowing what you now know

about resilience what are you
going to do differently?

Shaping the future of insurance: delivering resilience within the insurance community Chartered Insurance Institute
“I can be changed by
what happens to me. But I
refuse to be reduced by
― Maya Angelou

Shaping the future of insurance: delivering resilience within the insurance community Chartered Insurance Institute
Melissa Kidd
Newsletter: The Kinder

Shaping the future of insurance: delivering resilience within the insurance community Chartered Insurance Institute

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