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European Federaiion of Corrosion Publications


Amine unit
corrosion in
J . D. Harston and E Ropital

Puiilihhed far the Eurupean Federatiun of Cori'osion

hy Woodhcnd PubEshing and Mancy Publishing
on behnlf of
Tha Inslitute of Materia&, Minwcls & ivfining
Amine unit carrosion in refineries
R'cviKlhciid Piililidiin: Liiiiiird liid h4ilaiary Pi~htisliiit$i i ~ i i i i i don I>ciinlio l
Thc Iiisiiuiis: iif hl;tien;il~. iliillenk <* Miniiip
Piihiishcii Isy \\i(l~dilehlPUhli~hiti$1,irniiCd. h l i i ~ g i l l lHilll.
l Bixnta Frirk.
G~eatAbii~gftin.C.!inhl.iJpc CH2I &AH. Ea$land Contents

Piihli~hcdiir Norlh Atwriea by CRC P~ursI.LC. IiIIIU) I31.tikr.nSiiuiirl Rirkwiiy. NW.

Suiii ?IiO.r)rait Itiirin. b% >3JK7. USA
Piixst ~~ulilirlied?i1117 l- Wqxidlirad l'tihiisltiii$ Linliircl i n i l C'IPC l',,.%v LL<'
RomIntid ZIiiX',
O 21x17. liiitiiiitr $>l~ l ~ ~ l & r iMiiienl*
nlr. B Minio?
Thr :~iiihbr$havc nssorlcd Ihcir ei<iial iipliis.
This h<ii,k ciiniiiiiir itt~<rrnwtli,ii ohlaiia<lliriiii ;iciillcnrir uiiil biglily rc~~i.di.ilriumwcs.
Keprinied i8 yitoi+d iviili pi.niiie$ioii. sild wiourccs ore iiiiiliuitcd. Ilcasf~iiohlc
iifl<~.ts h81vc hecn mi;>& io puhilsh rcli:il>lc dalii ;iiid iiihrmnrioii. hii il~r ituihurr ;nid
Il>+ ,>iihlishcrs cnnnril iinauiiii? rcspii~tsihililyfin' ibr validily al'nll ~ ~ l i ~ i ~ Neilhcriills.
li?<: auilii~rscnirr Ihi: ptihlirheis. i i < w noyiinr cbe i ~ ~ s i w b iwiih
i t l ilris piihliciiiiri$. sli;ill i+,lu,riu.r iri (/i< GFf .rortei
hs lhhic Cr,r m y losi. dfti>iqctbr li;rhilily <lihrib; or iiirlircrily eaurcd i>,;tll$gcd 10k
~auscdhy tbis holik.
N~4ilbrrliir houk inor any liari niay h. mpvlxkiccii or IiiiiiiinilrLd lri atiy Ihrin ix hy
utry nrmiis. r.lrz.lriinie iir rner.h&~iic~l. i!>cfiidin$ phaii?ct!yyino. micnii'ilrnici- and
rwordiitp. or by riiy iiil<irm;iIicm s<~>ru$i> or rciricvril syslcni. wiilioul pcrii>ir%i;iiili iii 2 Teclinica1 baekground
r r i h g )ioni Ilic \U>oJhctd Puhlishing 1.imilul.
The cr>irsenlo i Wiiirdlrc~JVlllihli5hinp Limilcù Jocr ~ x icxlcnd i i k i clipying (#>i-
I.I Pr»ccss i$suei diririhiiliab. li, pii?m<>rcrealici$ iii:ui <i.oi-k~iir iilr ms;tla Spci,iiir 3.1.1 Pr&lwattncnl
prfmissiim I>IUSI Ix: ~ ~hlilitltd
in w!iliii$ i n ~ nWtmlhcatl
i Puhlishins Li~iiiwJliir r u d i 2. I.?- Absurbcr
c,',pyine, 2.1.3 Rogei~cwlo r
Ti-adeniaiQtiiiiicd: Prir~lui.1or c.i>qii>nltriiiimos Iiiay Ihe 1rudi;nrorL.a <ai. mgii;lcrr.d 2.2 I m l x i r l ; i ~ ~issues
wdniiririis. ilnd air irwd nlily Iilr idckiiiile:iiii,i; itiid iiipliiiiiiliiiti. w.irhn"l ii,icd li, 2.3 Cornisioil irsues
infringe. 1.3.1 Oeneial f:3ci«rs
Bdtiah Lihroiy CakliO$ui&l~ i t i Pilhliciii<iii mti;t
2.3.2 Mecl1:inisms
A~~ialtrgticacrirrt liir ihiu hiitik i r avililehle lilini ilr iilitirli Lihnu-g. 2.3.3 Rich amine
2.3.4 Lcaii ainiiit'
Lihritry i,I Ci>ngierrCwuli>&i$ in Wthlimtikin I).di~
A ciii.~lc>$rar>iil li,, ~ l i i shiiiik is ~ i v ~ i l u bfmm
k ihc Lihmry iiiCtxiisrr.*r. 2.3.5 Acid Eas audck
2.3.6 Wcal-sr~~hlc aniiilc salls
Wtlrnlhcatd Puhlirliin~ISBN U78-1-Xt569-231.7 lho«kl
2.3.7 blnke-up wwtei qvalitl'
W@>mlhci%l Puhlishing ISBN 4%-I-NSh9-123-7 It-hiicbkl
CRC Prce ISBN Y78-I-??IUI-S4YS-8
2.3.8 Erosion cn.rc>sion
CHC Prcs urdcr iii~ml>er:WiJSJ<)S 2.39 Prtiprioiary c l ~ e m i c acidditirins
ISSN i?%-51 l 6 2.3.10 Corn>sion in regencraiirr O V C ~ ~ I S U ~ S

The ]ruhlisiu.n' poli- ir io i w pcrni.lncni p:<par hi~ii

ri~illsihiit irlmalr. a
2.3.1 1 Hydr«gcn-mlpW4 c c n c k i ~ii i i~wei H'S syxtrms
ainainahl~.Cli>rcstl.ypiilicy, aiiii whicli has ho11 ina<i~ilirciuir.rii v i i i ~ vitili
2.3.12 Alkalinc stress cofrosioil c r a ~ k f i l ~
which iiprocessd uiing neid-iwe iuid rletiicnwy cbliiriiir-trcc p>iciicer. 2.4 hluteriols
hiiihwiri*ire. ihc ~pi~hlirlii-n ilu. irri Ipaycr an<l i.ovcr hoi;ilrl awd
ciisiim il~iii
Ihwr tu< n~c~plllhll: civironiiientiil itriwlilulii>niiit>d:iitir. 3 Expefiences of ieri p l a n t s using methyldiethanolamine
PmileJ m thc U n i m cd~lngdomh? Lighriiins Souwc LIR L R ~ 3.1 Gas compiisiiioil
3.2 Maicrials af c o n 6 t ~ ~ l i 0 n
vi contenls

3.2.1 Cirbqiri riccls Y 4.5 C<irr<>sioii

3.2.1 Spcciill carhriii sic~l.: 10 5 . Findinys lot ~ c plAn1
3.2.3 Spcci-iiilriainlcss sicclb IO 4.3.2 I,L~caiioniil prohlcms p iiem VT ~ u i F n i ~ n L
3.2.1 Oucrliiys. cliidding iind cutiline 111
3.2..i Stress-mlicving pitlicy II 5 ~ ~of four plants
~ using monoethanolamine
~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~
3.3 0per:btiiig purtrmcierr. lI 5.1 Gas ~ ~ i n i p u ~ i l i o i l
3.:.l Amine paniiiialew ii»d li>liininy! II 9.2 Msterisls (>l cunsiructi~n
3.33 Acid gnscs. h-,(-si;lhlc ilmine siills. \2sli9ciiies 5.2.1 Carhon steek
stid rchoilw icmperalwn-s 12 5.2.2 Special wrrlioli stels
1.3.3 Muke-iip \v&icr 13 5.2.3 Special stninlr6s sied3
3.3.4 Srilids p u m i aird filtruiirrii 13 &.IS
. Overlnys* cliidding and c t l ~ i i ~
3.3.5 lelkdgc. 1.: 5.2.5 Stress-~elieulngpolic~
à.3.6 liilci a :s ki)i>ck-i,iil \'L.*scI 13 5 3 Ol~eralingpaT&illC?Ifr~
3.3.7 Dcsizn IBclors I4 5.3.1 Amine p,arameieis and r»illnl~f$
1.4 Crrrrc>sionc<iiiiml 14 5.3.7 ~ ~ gt,rer.
i , j heal+taltlc aniitxc sdis. veli>cilics~ f i d
3.4.1 Treii~ments 1'1 rchuiier teinperaiurris
3.4.2 Mirni1o1-in$ I4 4.3.3 Diloke-up wster
7 . 3 CT,nir<~l paraincicn 14 5.3.4 S,>li&s prcscni iirid Filiraiii~i~
3.5 C<irrnsii,ti ~mhlemsexpericli~%d 15 5.3.5 0: leakaac.
3.6 Suinmary (il:sclecled dava 17 5.3.6 Inlet gas kn~rk-irU1 VCSS~~
5.3.7 Design faciars
4 Experiences of wenfy-one plants using dietlianolamine 16 4 Cr>rri~sioii
4.1 Gus cr,rny<aiiii>~i 19 5.7.1 Ti'euiincntn
4.2 Maicrials <il'u<inlrt&ctii~ir ?Il 5.1.2 Mmirofiilg
4.2.1 Cdrli<riislcels 1 5.4.3 Ci>nlrriI
4.2.7 Sp~~iibL CU~~CIII S \ W ~ S ?O 5 .j Cnn~aioiiprohlm* eipcrienc~d
4.2.3 Speci~dlsliiinlc+s sfccls 10
4.2.9 Ovcrlsya~claddirig aiid c~>iiiitig ?I 6 E ~ ~f one piani
~ using diisopropanolanline
~ ~ ; ~ ~ ~ ~
4.2.5 Siiess-rclievirig polic)' 22 6.1 @s ccofnp«siiion
4.3 Opcmiing parnmelers 3 6.2 Maieiilils r>F consrntciion
4.5. I Amiire piirurneiers imd l i i ~ i ~ i i i n g ?Z 6.2.1 C a r h n steeis
4.3.2 Acid g&%ei.heni-atuhlc nmiiie siilin. velcxciliei .;riid 6.2.2 Spxilil carbiin steek
rehi3ile.r ternpsmtnmr 2.5 6 . 2 2 Spccial sraiiiless steels
4.3.3 Makc-il{>woter ?:I 6.7.4 Overhys. clartdiiig und conling
4.4 Snlids preL.sititnnti liltroii<iii 11. 6.3.5 Sttzss.retieving p l i c y
4.3.5 O? 1e;ikage 25 6.3 Opemting garaiiiBtC?rs
4.3.6 liilci gas kiliisli-nui resse1 25 6.3.1 Aminc purnmeterew and fiUlnin!4
4.7 Dcsign firc'ti~ri 26 6.3.7 kiid giises. hmi-stah~ramiiie saiis. vcl<lcily R I * ~
4.4 C<irrt>sioiicrbnirnl Ih rcimilcr ieniperulUl\:
4.4. I Trwinreois 36 6.3.3 Mnkc-iip waler
4.9.3 Moriiioriiig 36 6.3.4 $(>lids preseni und f i t i ~ l i ~ n
4.9.3 Crrnin>tparnniclcrs 27 6.3.5 Oileiikase
European Federa.tion of Corrosion (EFC)
publications: Series introduction

The EFC. i>icorporaiedin Belgiuhl; was fi>und&!in I955 with Lhe purptise of
pwmoiii]g Eiir(q>eunco-iipemtiiin i11tlie fields of rescarcb inlo c~lr1'0~loilmild
Memhersliip<iI'rheEFCi s hiised upon parlriicipatioii I>ycomision aiicieties
and c«miiiittees in IL'Liinical Woi.l<in&Pdriies. Mernlwr socielics aplmirii
delegotes I« Wclrkirig Parties, whose mllkrghip i$ expdndcll by persnnnl
Tho ;+ciiviiies"l' ihe W<>rkingkirtili~:cover ccin'esion iopics asuuciuted
wilh iiihihition, etluciitian. reinlbrccmciil in c»iicrcte, microhial &i'kcls. 1\01
31sss 2nd co~nhusiii>npruduers. cnvlroiinn;nl-reiisilivc fr~t.1ui.e~ marine
eiiviionmenis. rcl'inerie$. surf~ccscience, physic<i-cheniicnl meihods ol'
minsurctiionl, ~ h iluclmr
c iiidustry. Ilio ~ul<iiiiiitivc
industry. coiiipi~tc~-l~~tsc.d
in~orinaliurifiystems. coaiiii&s~tribe-co>rrasionand Ihc oil md sas iiiidustry.
Wmltins Pwiic* siid Task Pwces oli other tupici am esrahlishcd as tquired.
The Wiirking Pnnics Iiiiiclitn in variouu wxys. e.g. hy prclioriing mp<wlS.
orguiiaing syniposia. mnductin@intensive coursos and producing ìn.urucri~imil
nxiierial. iii@liidingiilms. Thc aclivities ofWorking P;trti<^ian' co-~irdinaled.
ihrougb u Science 2nd T~!hi~>k>gy AdviS«sy Cominiuoc. by lhe Scientitic
Secreisfy. The iidniiitistrt~tionof the EF-C is, h d l e d hy Lhrce Secretariat8:
DECHEh4A e.V. i n Germsny, Lhc S«ci&i€<leCbimie Inilustdelle in Frailce.
an,l 'lhc Inrliiiilr .,M:iicri3ls.
i h.linrrd.$ ani1 Minili:: i n th; UK. Thcse ihiw
Secwi;iii iis ni:a di ilie B,>.irJ , t i Adrnini,lraloi3 o1 ilie EFC. TIicrc is nii
unnwd Gciiernli\sseml>ly;li which delegales fknlm al1 meiiiher soeieiies ntesl
lo detemiine ai14 a]~prnveEFC policy. News 01: E X ttctivitleu, fortlicoming
confci~enccs.coui$Cs. ew.. is ptihlislied in a Iiingc iif uccr~ditedcovrtsion
niid cenain .jriurii;lls tlirou@hiliirEumpe. More dctgilcd dcscdpIinir~r>f;i~ivi&ih~
arr pven in s Newslermr prepared hy the Scieiitiric Secreru>,.
The outpui <irihr EEC takes vaiious roriiis. Papers 011 ~>iirticulai' wpics,
e g . rkviews iir resulls iif experimeiiriil work. niuy k:published in scientitic
and rcchnical jiiumls in oiic or tucire rountries in Eurups. Cimierencii
pn>mediiigs are orieu puhlished hy the <~r;anisniian reslmnsible br lrihe
i Volurnes iii tlie EFC sei.ies Volwies i13 the EFL senes Mir

12 ModiBcntiuns or passive filn~s 25 corrosion "P peinforcement iit eonciete moniturin& preventiori 2nd
Pmp<irrdb? tire Iyil?kirr~~
PUIR' ,>l?Sil?h(~!
Si:i+tfllcl' Ufld iLl#<.h«~rix~~~.s
C~ii.nsiniiond P r o r ~ ~ r i r r i
13 Predittiil,- CO, cormsinn in Ihe uil 'and gas industry 26 Aclvai~m~
in corrosion contrul nnd rnaterials in oil i~ndgas
bi; rlir Wrlrkirrq Purtr riri Ciinrisirrir iir Oil rijid Crrs Pnidti<:t;r,ir
(Oi11r>f pdiir!
I 4 Guidelines fortnethods of testing<rnù r w c h in high temperature
P i r . p a ~ 4!t? t h Mrkirzg
~ POI-T 01,>riori
I>\. G<LSC.Y
rritd 3 Elec~rodlei~iicaJ a p p m c h to selected mi.rosion and corr~sion
Ci>rrrbrm.rri~+~r Produc~~s
eontrol s t ~ ~ d i o s
15 Miwubial sorrf>sion Piipci, /rnri~50th ISE MPRF<I+&
Posii<l. IY9Y
Prr,juwcI by rhe Wnrkiirg P«17(, (111 ~Wicro/>;d
~y ~ i c r d > i aCorposion
l (Praceediw mf the 4th Interniitional EFC
16 GnitlPlitirs on materials rcquirciiieiits for carbon nnd low dloy \Vorkshop)
stecls for Hficontninisg environmenrs in oil riiid gas p d u c t i o n p,el>rrrrd br thc 1*1i.krrf# Pnrly o~iMrcinbidCorri~slnii
//ti r11c Itixkiny Pir1'1: ora G>rn>sioirNi Oil ct,irl Grr* Prodr~rioir
30 r>urvey of literature on erevice uorrosiaii (lY7+19<%k meehanisms.
17 Corraciun msistant nlloys Fflr. oil 2nd gav piaduetinrr: suidmce oh test mrUt<dsn»d results, pructical experiencu, yrotectjve rntrJsures
genera) rr<luirrn~cnts
and tess nleth<dhibr H3Sservice und monitoring
P1'ep<rrc<ll?:, 1/11! W~rkiiigPc~rr?OII Crhrn>,sir>t~
i11 011
' urtd Gu,s P r o d ~ ~ : t i , . ; ~ ~ P i r p ~ r m ~ l F P. IJS.<PIC~I~
urrd the Winkidt* Pur- <>ti bfarllic C»l?*rro*t
i % Stainless sieel in coiicretc: state nl the art repnrt
Prenclred I')>~ize
Wor$i,r~PIO? m! C~rrw.,-ir>ri <$HL>ir!li>ir:cniwiti
I 9 Seni water corrosi~>n
of stainlesi steek - rneehanisnta: a d
experienees 32 Gnidolines fnr thr. compilafion of eorrosion cost data a d for the
of tiic lite cycle east ofcorrosion- a working P;trtY
hy Ihe ~?,,h~rry
plepcirn<ilnl P<WI:>M, C<irir,~iuii,;iOr1 < i i JCiir; Pro~linti»il
33 Marine eorrosion of ~(riinlesssteels: tevting, ~~%(?clioB.
2 I Currosion-deformatiou internctions: CDI '96in tonjunetien rrith pcotection and nionitnling
Edired & D. Fé+orz btiwrlf if Worliiig Por rv 9 urr Mliriiro Cunr>hrori
12 Aspech Un ~iiicrohohiiillyiqduad eurrosion 3.4 Lifetime modelling of higli t e n ~ p e r d w corrnsion proWS8eS
Papers fiwnr EUROCORR 96 i11it1rlir EFC M'r~rl;trt,vPdi.1~o r i P i o c c a D i ~ gqf~riii EFC IVorAsI~o~i 22»01.Edrre<tbr. M. S c i i i ~ i ~ c , .I
Cfin<rsrriii ~X,rirlnl;k~.r~ :\od J. R N i ~ l i o l l ~

13 CO, uisroiion control in oil atid gas pt,oductio~t-design 3s Corirrsioii inliilrilors ior stcrl in c<lnrrete
coesiderations P,TI>I,,w/ In- ,I 'f?.vh G,riiili ,>i (V'
\Vvvi<iiir Piirl, I l uli C,l<.ri~.siol~
bi tlic kVbrkins P<i*
Ptelx~ie<I giii Ci,rir,arm~s1 Ori oirid GIZX
24 Electn>die~tiicalrehahilitatioa iiiethudu f t ~rciiiforc~d
. coiisrete 36 Prediction nf long tenti c o m i o n hehaviaur in nuchrr ?vaste
structums: a state of thc art reporl systems
Picpornl hi rlrr W~>ikiit#
Puiti OII C<inosroii ofRern$nirczlCirrr<-r~ir Edtrml Bv D Fiirin u r ~ dDrgbv D. Ma~~~l~~tru161
un behlf uf Wr~rkliry
Pam, 4 ori Nwclrnr Lrrrn~rfo~fz
Volunies in tlie EFC series xv
xiv Voluniea iit tlie EFC series

37 Tat melhutis for uastwing tlie suscrptihility nf prextmssing streis to in light rvater reactors: referenw tleStpodes,
.I.') ElectEQ~hemist.ry
hydrogen indueed rnejsuremciit. eurrctsiun and tribucuriosioo issues
E<li$edli? R. /secke o?,! J><*lruy'of W C 1.i'P I l I*! Oii'ivrirr,~(?t' &d;cr1ll,? R -W RO,-C/I,D. F6niir aid 3.-P Celu en Iwlidf oi l%rk,iis
NI C(Iticmt(~ Parli 4 ori Nia.lcer Cfii~asioii

38 Co~rnsi<m nF reinforcernent in concrete: niechanisiiis, monitaring. 50 ~ ~bchayivmr~and prutectiou

~ uf c~o y ~ ennd' iduminium ~ al[*ys , ~
inhihifors aM1 rehal>ilitaSon techniqurs in scawuter
E~litetlL,? M. R~&q~arc~Ii, .J. bfirr: OLI I)ei1u/t'6f
B. El.rci~ei;R. Pralilcr CIILCI b1 D. F J ~ rtli
F,l~r,~/ » ~brhulfqf
~ Wn~kiiigPoi 11' 4 WII N u ( ~ @CI Io~r m i o n
Wo~kiii!:Prriiy I l oii Corrt~,si,in<$"Sreeliii Coril:irrc.
39 TIie iise «e currusinn inhibitws in oil und gw produdion
Ef1;t~fIl+ J. kK P<~/iirei:N! He<l,sc.~ ~ dL.
f ~ r J.
#i Control ol'corr~sioni11euoling ivaters
Erlired ly J. D. Hwsriiu iiird E Ri>pNol
41 Metal dusting, eacurhuriSation a d iiitridntinn
Edifcd 12% Srlrfim <<odH Ginl>kks
42 Corrosiso in rckineries
d .I. D. /+<u-s~~,I
M i ~ /I?
13 Tlre eledmcl~eiiiistryand characlei.istim of enrheddahle rrference
elwtrodes fnr concrete
l'repru.edl>i. R. Afl'rd<il mi bcitu@'qfN+ii.kirigPort? I l d<inrisio,r of
Sreel iii C r ~ ~ : ~ ~ i . < : t t
14 The nf elwtrnche~uiwìscumuiig tunnelling mict~scnpy
(EC-STMI in c a m i o n anrlysk refcrence niatcrial and prucpdurnl
Pl.ciuiw<l& H. LirrZ~rrii,ii.I?bl<iur7cu.L X-Ick UJII/ i? I W L ~ ~ LI>cli~il/'
qf CVorkfrr~I'<r~,i?6 i>nS i i ~ ; j i i c,Ts:irrir.c
45 Lucal pwhe teehniques iirr eorrouiun rcsramh
Friirtil ly R. Oltre. t< Muirriice. R. Akid on<f I.! d@omt,roii h~krvlfqf
i*ir;iirig PCI- C<: »il P1tr:rico-clir.iiriinl blcr6riiiis o/'Lurmsirrr f i n i r r ~
46 Anriiie uidt cormsion in mtiiirriw
Prepnwi b? .l. D. Hui:vrr,rr ~ L IEI ~R c ~ p i roit
~ ~Ixit~r/fc~fIl'orki,i~
l Poi-: I 5
in rhe re fin ci;^ Iriu-r<.wii.
riir Corrf~,~N)i~

17 Nuvel ripyruachm iu thc inlprnvement ui'liigh terril>cra<urc

corrosiirn resistance
E<1ired i+ M. Srht~rzriirrii !I' Qlr<?tlrilLer~rjti hku~tdCW>ikirr,g
Pr'ni .q
rirr Corrfisinr nr H<?/G a w ur~dC n l i ~ h i t i l lfr<tIII~~f.r
18 Corwsion dmetallie lieritage artefacb: invertigaLion. ronoervatiori
and predietion of long terni helirviour
E<rirr<lhi P D~llniorrri.G @6i<rii~e,i?Piriardo rrtirlH. jz.I~.~irbir>ri~,i
h<.k«lfoj Wc?rktrr(!P<i,ri il<AI, Nur,le<ir Crii ~o.rroir

The European Federation of Corrosion (EFC) Retinery Corrosim Working

Pariy 15 has discussed a wide vanety oflopics since its firslmeetingin 1996.
At one meeting a presentatron was made on mii.osion associated with amine
units and ~hissuhject received much interest from the members. As a result
of this it wm decided that it would be beiieficìal io caiiy out a survey of
corrosion on the amine units witb which the men~herswere associaied.
This wns seen as a good iopic for invesiigation fora number of reasonr
Many sites had experienced various corrosion and craeking prohlems
associated with this type oi' plant and some oF these Iiad been shared with
the g w p .
Some sites wcre in the process of changing froin one type of amine to
nnother; so it was of inteiest lo see whether any ditferences exist between
corrosion-related probiems with the different rypes oF amine.
Conosion on amino uniis 1s fairly complex since it invoives v m u s wrroslon,
erosion and cmcking mechanisms and is affectedsignificmtly hy process
panmeters and the materials of consmuctioli.
The sribjecl was also tboright to be non-pmpnetary and therefore paiticipanu
did ilot have rcsenrations abbui sharing their data Anonymity of the data
supplied was, however, preserved by pariicipants sending in their data to
the group via the EFC Scientilic Secretary.
The amine unii corrosionsurvey wvered the following amine typw:
Melhyldiethniiolamine (MDEA).

Diahanolamine (DEA).
D i i s o p r ~ n ~ l a m i i(DIPA).
Thc tindiiigs 01' ihc siirvcy rmphasisc ihe impow&iice01' carellil pnicesa
coniml nnd thc hcneiicial effcci or upgrading io ausieniiic si3inlcss sieel in
n number of areas.

Technical background

There is already a significnni amount o l infomiition in the iiterature on

coriosion in amine unils T k following is anoveruiew of the issues involved.

2.1 Process issues

2.1 .l Pretreatment
Units often usea knwk-out pot hefore the absorberwhere liquid hydmarbon
and water are rernoved.

2.1.2 Absorber
In ihe ahsorber, the amine removes H2S, COz and niercaptans by forming
a salt. MEA, DEA, MDEA, DIPA and diglycolamine (DGA) are the
main amiiies tliat are used. Lean amine llows down the absorber in
counterflow io the Iluid tiiat is being treated, which exits al the top with
the impurities suhshntialiy removed. The amine that has ahsorbed the
impunties in then referred to as nch amiiie and exits from the botiom of the
abs& and flows io a regenerator. Several absorhers may feed a common
Tliearnine will also remove stronger acids iit ihe absorkr such as formio
acid (arnungsi uilicrs) and Lhe reaciion wiih rhcsc acids is diilicult io reversr.
cuusinp n Duild-up o i heni-sijhlc amine ralls (HSAS) 111 ihe uoiinc.

2.1.3 Regenerator
Rieh amine goes to the lean-rich exchanger nnd 1he.n on ra the regenerator.
Rich amine passes on the tube side to avoid pressure chaiiges and Hashing.
In the regenerator, acid gmes are stripped by reduction in pressure and
increase i n temperatura. Heat is provided by o reboiler, the temperature of
which needs to he core[ully conimlled in wdcr lo reduce degradation af the
4 Amrne unrt corrosron in reftaries Technical background !

amine The iimiiie salt Iiherates tlie acid gas, wliicli exiis to thc overhcnd, and 2.3.3 R~chamine
lean amine, which exits Imm the hoiioin ond is Rliercd.
Corrosion i11 rich amiiie solunons is increased by high acid gas loading. and
ihe loacjing ofteii has to be limited lo minimise corrosion. Acid gas f'laahing
2.2 Importaht issues drsturhs thc FeS proeective films. Acid gasa break sut of solulion to give
Imporlanl issues to k coiisidertPd are: nctd attuck when Lhere 1s a high velocity md high temperature and wben the
piessure is too low to suppress vapwisation.
Ainine type and sirength.
Acid g a loading
Tempemiure. 2.3.4 Lean amrne
HSAS. It is importani to avoid tw low a leve1 of HsS i n the la11amiie. as a small
Solids aiid iilmtion. aniount ol. H2S is helpful in producing a protective sulphide film. Primary
Wei H,S crackiiig. amines aie more corrosive than secondary and tertiary amrnes
Amine eracking.
Species fouiid in regeneraror ouerheade
2.3.5 Ac~dgas attack
2.3 Corrosion issues H2S forms protective sulphide filma on carbon steel in many a w s but there
m pmhleiiis inarens where films cm be removed. Insuch locarions, upgrading
2.3.1 General factors of maierials is required, ofren to an aus~enittcstainless steel helonging to the
The nmine itseltis notmrrosive. bul corrosion is prouoted hy ihe followiiig: 300 series.
htmined acld gases.
Higher conceiiimti«n of corrosive specics. 2.3.6 Heat-stable amine salts
H i ~ h e temperatums

Heal-stahle amine salts (HSAS) fwm from stronger acids cban H# and C%
Corioslon on heat transter surljccs. and they do not therniaily breakdown al regenerntion temperarures Pioblems
Higher velocrties. orise from formic. oxalic, acetie and thiosulphumus acids and from chlorides.
HSAS sulphales. thiosulphates and thiocyanates which can come i n tmm the feed
system. Oxygen is also n source of problems and this can come in from the
2.3.2 Mechanisms Feed. amine s t m g e and make-up water. Blanketing tanks with N* and
maintaining a tight system are halpful in wder ta exclude oxygen.
Wet W2Scorrosicw, High temperatures are alsoaproblem and temperaturesshonldbe mlnimisd
Fe + HIS = PeS + H? tluough contro1 of ihe reboiler temperature.
HSAS can also beproduced from C0 and HCN.Therefore, soma operamrs
FeS 1s more priwective ihan FeCO?. treat Xas from tluid cetalyiic cracking units (FCCUs) wirh polysulphide t0
remove HCN.
Wer C02 corrosion The presence of HSAS reduces acid gas removal capacity, lowers @H.
increases conduciivily and dissolves protective films; so HSAS should be
Fe + H,CO, = FeCO, + H? minimised as much as possible.
Wer C02 corrosion can result in Iiigh corrosiori ratcs, hul a carhonnte iilm
gives some protection and is more pmte~tiveai Iiigher tempeiatures. The 2.3.7 Make-up water quaiity
C 9 content 1s oiten no1 very hieh in rctìncry sirams, except in hydrogen
reformer phni systems. Make-up wnter shwld ideal?y have low total dissalved solids and low total
hardness owing lo calcium. low cblondes, sodium. potassium and dissolved
imn and should exclude oxygen.
6 Amine unit corrosion in refinerres Technical background

2.3.8 Erosion corrosion MEA: PWHT far service at al1 temperatuffis.

DIPA: PWHT tor al1 temperatures.
Erosion corrosion is caused by dirty amine solulions containing solid
pnrticulares: ttlierctore lean amhie is filtered l o minimise salids. . DEA: PWHT For temperatures of M] "C (140 %) and above.
: For service at temperatuffis o f 82 'C (180?l' and @hove

. Protecr~veFeS fllms can be damaged nnd removed under condiiions of

- . -
velocity, turhulence or impineement. Benefit can iheffifore. be obtained
by desigiiing 10 rninimise impingemenl and turbulenec. e.:. hy using large
I t is also necessa i o take care of stoam-out conditions.

rudius hends. The velacity i n piping is usrtally kepl below 1 ni s-'. and 3M)
2.4 Materials
ser~esstainless sccel is requiffid nt pressure let-d«wn valires.
Carbon steel cali be used wiih suceess formany areas but matcnal upgrading
i$nececsary i n highly corrosive nreos. Use hns been made ot matenals such
2.3.9 Proprietary chemical additions as the austeniLic stainless steels 304L and 316L. 2a05 duplex stainless steel
Sonie operstors utilise proprietary cliemicnl addilions from their siie cliemicol and othw high-iilloy mslerinls sttch as Alloy C or Sfeltite lòr valve fom.
supplier, although many prefer noi to use these.

2.3.10 Corrosion in regenerator overheads

Corrosion in the overhsnds of the regenentor takos n diiferent form froin
that wcumng elsewhete i n ihe aminc. unit. H2S, NH?and HCN are inipartant
spectes ihai nre involved, whtch can B v e corrosion. Condiiions are m«re
aggmssive when tmaiing srieams from cd<ors. visbreakers. FCCUs and
hydropmessoi s
m H S can be pnrliculsrly aggressive. nnd close atlention needs lo be
paid to ~oncenuationnnd veiocity wiih lhis species.
HCN is detrimental as i t removessulphidescules, which tncreases cnrrosion
and promotes hydrogen pick-up and daninge:
FeS + 6CN- = Fe(CN)f + S2-
Spccial atiention isneededi n order to avnid excessive accun~ulalionof NH4HS
and HCN i n the regenerator overhead retlux system.

2.3.1 1 Hydrogen-related cracking in wet H2S systems

Sulphide siresr crnckiiig i$prcvcnied hy niiiiiniisiiig ihc iiitrdncss and ptrcngih
oiihe alloys used i i ~wci -
r H2Ssysicnis. This i s accoinolisliul throucli maicrial
seleciion. and ihe contro1 o1 weld procedtiies aiid post-weld heni treament
Hydrogen-(pressure-)induced cracking (HIC), including stress-orientated
hydrogwi-induced cracking (SOHIC). is mitigated hy Ihe use of improucd-
quality steel plaie and PWHTor the use ofcorrosion-reasiani alloy claddiiis.

2 3.1 2 Alkaline strecc c o r r o s i o n cracking

API 945 recommends PWHT n%followr.
Experiences of ten plants using

The pia111tiiinikrs ore given rnparenthescs

3.1 Gas eomposition

Recycle gas: H2S, 1 148 kg m01 h-': C4,0.816 kg mol h-'
Cold rlch gas: H2S, 36 170 ka mol h-': COz, 2.176 kg mol ha' (1)
H2S, COz, NH3 (2)
H2S, CO2, NH*, HCN (3)
H*S. C02 (4)
90% H&, 6% COI (5)
Not available (NIA) (7). (8)
1.5%HzS, 3.3% CO? (9)
0.1% H2S, 13-14% C02 (10)

3.2 Materials of construetion

3.2.1 Carbon steels
Typical: <D. 16% C. 4.0'25% S, 4 . 0 3 % P, killed CS
<0.2% C. ~ 0 . 0 3 %S. ~0.035%P
A516 Or. 70
A516 Gr. 60
10 Amine unit conosion in refinenes Experiencas of ten plants using methyldiethanolamine 11

3.2.2 Special carbon steels Regsnerator hoitoms: Belzonu 1391

None Regeiierator refiux drum. clad with 316L stainless steel
NIA Regenetator reI'lux drum: Saknphen coating
235 Feed hottoms tube shm: clnd with Ti
0.001-0.005% S. 0.01En.O2R% P; Dillinger Reflux drum: clad with 316L stainless st-l
One AS16-65(Z35) reflux druin
3.2.5 Stress-relieving policy
3.2.3 Spectal stainless steels Not known
None Systematic stress reliel'
NIA Old, no: new. ycs at any twnperature
Regeneraior rich amine iiilei: 304 siainless steel Yes, al1 including sour sas pipins
Top section uf the tower: 3WL stainless sieel
Regenerator rchniler tuhes: 1 8 8 Cr, 1% Mo and mhe sheei 3.3 Operating parameters
Croniler 2205LCN 3.3.1 Amine parameters and foaming
Rehoilers, shells. iubes. bnffles: 304 stainlcsl sleel
Rebailers. 1uhe.s. 1818 steel
Rehoilers, tuhes: 316L stuinloss sieel
Ahsorher intemcils: 3WL stniiiless siecl
ucemol HS roi
Feed-efflueniexchnnger iukr: Ti giade 2 35-45 47. 12 and 12
i n m l h-l
Feed-effluenl exchaiiger tuhes. typ<:321
Packing rings in regenerator. starnless steol
Pump hodies 2nd impellers: now stainless steel
OoQwal HS i16
Soim nch aiiiine pipewwk 304L sieinless sleel 60-45 50 t h-' 12 NO (5)
46 zoo m3h-' 50 140% inventoty) No l51
Lean amine pipcwork: 3il4L ns~nlesssieel 35 200 mJh-' $60(110%inventory) Serious 17)
? 40 m5h" Na information NO lnfomation (8)
45 100 m3 h-' 20 (30% inventoryl No (9)
3.2.4 Overlays, cladding and coating 50 7 Sometimes l101
Reboikr shell: 1.4571 clad with 316L siarnleis sieel
Regeneratnr bottoms: clnd with 316L siainle$$steel
12 Amine unii corrosion in refinenes Expertences of ten plants usrng methyldiethanolarnine 13

3.3.2 Acid gases. heat-stable amine salts, velocities and 3.3.3 Make-up water
reboiler temperature3
Acid s a s s (m01 mal-') HSAS* Velocitv Reboiler Plant
1%) (m <'l bmperature Boiler Feed water
In rtch amine In isan amine 1"CI
0.523 and 0.33 0.077 and 0 . 0 n '0.1 OK 120 11)
0.175 O 01-0.02 0.7 OK 121 42)
0.245 0.01 0.2 OK 148 131 3.3.4 Solids present and filtration
0.17E-0.44 O 0175-0.03 Noi OK 118 14)
identrfied Candlc tlltcr in the regcnerator aminc circlc
0.3 0.005 0.8-1 5 1.7 140 15)
O 45-0.50 0.002-0 O015 O 5-25 NIA 133 (6)
IO% circulated amine on the mechanical filter: 3% on the
0.25-0 40 0.010-0 035 05-30 NIA 133 17) charcoal nhsorher
0.05-0 017 4.01 O 5-1 5 N/A 133 (91 10% ciiculated amine on (Iie meehanical filter (3)
0.45-0.50 0.005-0 O9 0.25 1.9-2.0 130-140 (T01 (5)
i7 ne*, No solids; precoat filter
Solids, up to 20 mg per 100 mi-'; Vxco filters on thc slipsucam
IO prn (5-1096 cirwlation); followed hy aii activated C filrer
*The HSAS eniries can he Iurtl>crdcscrihed ;rs follows: for hydrocarhons (6)

*.l'& Solids. up to 15 ni_e per la0 mi: Vacco filters on the slipsweam,
10 vm (5-1096 cireulauon); followed by an activated C filtcr
0.7% acetates, formates, sulphams. thiosulphates (7)
0.28: acctatcs. fc>rmntes,sulphaies. iliiosulphatcs
NlA (8)
Noi identiticd
No S O I I ~ S(maximum, 0.01 mg per 100 mi-'): Vaceo filters on the
0.8-1.5%: ncutralise with K2C@ slipstream, 10 prn (10% circulation); followed hy an aetivaled
C iilter tor hydrocarbons (9)
0.5-2.5%. rota1 45000 ppnl acetate, iormatc. glycolatc. laciate.
oxalate. pmprionate, sulphate. thiocynnate Full stream pariiculate: 10% slipstream iiclivated C
0.5-3.0% total 40000 ppm iicotatc, foiiiiale. glywlste. lacnte,
oxalaie. propnonate. sulphate. lhiosulpliate, thiocyanute 3.3.5 OQ leakage
0.5-1.5, toial 5800 ppm acciate, lorniate, glycolate, oxalaie. Not known
propriooate. sulphate. tfiiocynnate. thiosulpliiite
No, and pcissivation stcp aftcr opning the vessols to the
0.25% aceiaie. thiosulphate. oxalate. sulphate. Cormnte atmosphere (6). (7). (9)
2-3% 4 in blankeling Nz on the make-up tank (IO)

3.3.6 Inlet gas knock-out vessel

Not known
14 Arnine unit cotrocion in refineries

Yes H2S in sweei gas. 100 ppm maximum

No Corrosiai ioupons. HSAS, 398 maximum, 1% target: Amine
NIA, oiie with a water wash rowcr iii Roiii loading, H2S, lean 0.01 mul mal-' niaximum i c h
0.40 mol mal-' maximum, suspcnded matecial. I mg per
KO + Filter. two siages, 5 Nrn and I pm 100 ml maximum; K, 300W ppm maximum; saluble Fe,
10 ppm maximum, soiuble Mn, 2 ppm maximum; record
3.3.7 Design factors soluhle Ni, CT, C;I Na. Ca

There ;ire st>mepmhlems Fe, Cr, amines, HSAS, CI-, corrosivity: wall thickness
measurements on Che stnppc': efectric8l resrsrance (ER) prohe
Control valve close io ihe re, "eneralor and coupons oii the bottorn of the outlet of the oontactor;
1.5 D elhows BR probe and cuupons on the wnpour-liquid feed into the
stripper (10)
3.4.3 Control parameters
3.4 Corrosion contro1
3.4.1 Treatments
None (l), (21, (4). (10) (5)
Overhesds: 1 ppm Fe;4.7% NfhHS (no <training)
No inhihitor: neutralise HSASs wiih K,C03 (5) PH 8 maximum; tutal salts and conductivtty; hleed of the
Comsion inhibilor in the overheads and K2C01 rur HSAS (6). (7) relliix wnter adjustd accordingly (61, (9)
CN scaveiiger in thc wash waier «n the FCCU CN-scavenger in che wash water trom rhe FCCU (8)
NIA (9)
3.5 Corrosion problems experienced
3.4.2 Monitoring Desorbers reflux Iine and pumps (1)
WaII thickness measuremenis NIA (21, (3)
Fe, amine. HSAS Regenerator rehoiler: coriosiun of tu& on the shell dde (4)
Fe. H2S. HSAS Repenemior rebuiler: corrosion o f the vapuur section, naw clnd
Fe, H$ with stainless stffil (5)

Corrosion cuupons in tlie reboiler vapout. Iiiie, HSAS, Regenerntor rehoiler: stress corrosion cracking (SCC) of 316
stainless sicel tuhes (10)
2% maximum
Rich amine fecd preheaier. SCC. now stress relieved (5)
Corrosion coupona, HSAS, 2% maximuiii. 1% rarget; aininc
Loading. H& lean 0.01 mol moi" maximum dnd rich Rich amine line. from lhe valve to the column corroded, mOVe
0.40 mol mal-' inaximum: suspended maienal, I mg per tlie valve closer to the column
100 ml maxunuin: K. 30000 ppm maximum, soliihle Fc,
10 ppm moximum; soluhle Mn. 2 ppm maximum: record Lean amine genenl: H2S lean loading tuo low, increase from
soluhle Ni, Cr, CI-, Na. Cii 100 ppm to >600 ppm
(6). ( 7 )
16 Amine unir corrosion in refineries

High pressure (HP) ahsorher: unifolm wrrosioii ot tlie w s e l

wall from the nofnlal amine level lo the top ot packing at the
stde o£ the gas inlet nozzle far 180' ol'circumference (note ton
low amine ciiculation rales with ioo high H2S Ioading of 1ihc
amine solution). i61
Ti t u k fallure (6). (7)
Regenerator: c»rrnsion n( che leve1 of the rehoila vapour relulii
line, now extend Lhe stainless sieel clad into tliis zone (71, ( 9 )
Regenerator. corrnsion n1 tlie leve1 o? the rehoiler vapour returii
Iine corrosion of the inrernal Iaddcrs Eio)
Vapour reiurn line: cnrhan stcel. severe corrosion and eroston,
now repldced hy siainless sieel piping (7), (9)
Noiie (8)
Pumps: erosion of pump bodies
Fin-fan b m exchanger: erosion of caihciri sleel tuhes. Lo bc
replaced by stainless steel (10)
Piping: corrosim near knds: corrosion new che inlet snd uuUct
of the puinps (diameter reduciion): replace wiih stninless siecl:
vihraiion on rich amine line cnused Fra«ing-type iallure al tlie
pipe supporis (10)

A sumniuy of selecied daia is preseohed in Seciion 3.6.

-- .-5 9 0 2
7 m *

-É -5 $ 4 - 3 O 0 O 0

- C 8000
P s
g .Z
LC 9,,%&
0 0 , -


Experiences of twenty-one plants using

4.1 Gas composition

Nat known
90% H2S. 8.6% COz, 0.3% H?, 0.3% Ci, 0.4% C2, 0.4% CJ
2% H2S, 2.6% COz. 4.8%Hz
Liquefied ptroleum gas: (LPG) 35% C?, 61% Cq. 4 8 H2S
Visbmaker. 2-14 mal% H2S (average 7 mol% H2S), 1% C%.
1% CC2 FCCU, 4-5% H2S
4000 ppm HzS
26.4% H2S. 1.5%C 0 + Nz
Ex-hydrocarbon trcntinent unil and hydrodesulphunsati~n,H 8
D F gas
~ ex-FCCU, HtS + C02, Cs fual gas
Several feeds H2S + C 4
20 Amine unit corrosion in refinertes Expenences of iwenty-one plsnts using dielhanolamrne 21

4.2 Materials of eonstruction Rich arnine inlei pipe lo lhe rcgenerator: 304 stuinless
Steel (21, [3), (4). f7)
4.2.1 Carbon steels
Overhead regenernlor's dmin reklux pump (5)
A42 (IL (2),(3), (4X 15). (6%(7). (8). (16)
Regeneraror overheads tubes: SAF 2205
- NlA (9). (18).(121. (21)
Lean-nch arnine heal exchniiger tuhes: shetl and piping: 304L
AlO6B (11)
Regeneraior owrhead condensei: SAF2205 (8)
0.15% C, 1.35% Mn, 0.02% S. 0.018% P. 0.33% Si, 0.027% Ni.
0.015% Cr, 0.002%. Mo, 0.007% Cu, 0.018% Al (13) N/A (9j. (IO), (21)

Absortxr A516 Cr 70: regenet~torA285C (14) Rcgenerntor reboiler t&' aiid retum lines, also iiozzlis in the
reboiler and lower part of the rower sleeved in stainless steel;
No intormation 115) later, rehoiler shell replnced with solid stainless steel (11)
~ 0 . 3 %C. <0.025% S and P, O 1% Si rninirniim. 0.3-1.0% Mn (17). (18) Feed-hottom exchanger: 3 16L
Plain cwhon steel. ~0.23%C. 4.45% CC,, Vtckers haidness Piping: 316L in hot lean amine, reboiler
(load, 20 kg1). c248 HV 20 (1%
Reg@neratoroverheads condenser, 321 stainless steel
Normd carbon steel, ~0.43%C-: Vicken Iiardness (load.
20 kgfl. 4 4 5 HV 20 iypically: A42C1, A42C3. A285C. Rerum line From the reboiler to the regenmator tower: 304L
A37C3SR. A3TCS3, A106A. A42AP. A515Gr60, A 106B. stainless steel
AS 16Gr60. ~ 1 7 9 (21)) Reboilei hundlec 304 starnless steel
Vessel, internai: 304 stainlass steel
4.2.2 Special carbon steels
Regenerotor: new oolumn. 1990,2205 duplex
None (1)~(41,(5),(6),(7).(lI).(l41, (I5L (17).(lX). (19)
Ahsorber deniister pad: 304 slainless steel
215 ahsorhcrs. 235 regenerators and overhead dmins (2)
Paiking suppons: 410 stainless steel
235 (31
Heat eicchanper tuba at the batiom of the regonerator
7.35 absorheis, gm aeparator, rcgenerator and O-H drum (8)
Preheei and rehoiler fu&: 3 16L sninless sk%l
N/A (9).(10)
Fe 42.2: regeneraror rchoiler huili to API 5LB L 12) 4.2.4 Overlays, cladding and coating
Z grade used where free sour gas absorhcr (13) None (1). (21. (3). (4)-(51, (6), (T), (8), (14). (15), (16). (I7h (19). (20)
H1C-resirwnt regenerator overheads Lower druin i161 Not available (91%( W r (21)
No, hut new equipmeni will bc in Z qualriy (20) Reboiler shingle lined wiih 304 slainlas steet (il)
No1 known (21) Regeneralor overhead condenser replaced with 316L staittless
steel cladding (12)
4.2.3 Special stainless steels Regcnetator lower rop 3.5 m elad witb 304 st8inle.s~steel (13)
None Nozz1e.s nre solid 304 stainless steel
22 Amine unit corrosion in refineries Experiences of twenty-one plants using diethanolamine 23

Reboiler ahsorher tower hott»m clad wiih 304 stainless ylcel aiid Amine Loss Foaming Plant
solid 304 stainless steel nozzles (13)
Concentrafion Circulation
Other absorkr unwers noi clad lwt%l

Belzona una mota1 spraycd coatings ussd i n reg~neneralorfor 16-23 45-65 t h" 52 t a' No 171
repairs 22-27 1 5 3 0 t h-' 26 t a-' Rare 181
20-24 64 t h-' 14 t 8.' Y~s 191
29 170 m' h-' 60 t 8 ' Yes (101
J 7 7 ? Il11
4.2.5 Stress-relieving policy 120 "1'8' Yes 1121
25 130 kg h '
Systematic stress relief of 27 7OQ-900 kl day-' 40 t C' No 1131
20-25 25 m3 h-' NIA Frequent i141
welds (1 ). (21, (3). (4), ( 5 ) . (Wa (T), (81. (9). ( 1 0) 20-25 50-20 m3 h-' NIA No 1151
Oiiginal stress rclief on loaii itminc nturn i'roni regeneraror to 25-32 NIA 105 t a-' Nat aftsn (l61
20 30 t h-' No No 1173
the last o! t11e tliree leed-eiRiieni excha~igers;fdlowtng 20 300 t h ' 0.25 kg t" Rate ur no i181
iracking in some other lines, replaced with stress-rcliered 26.5 220 t h-' 10 t a' lnfrequent H91
IlneS (11) 16.8 900 t h-' 1.5 t a' 1-2 per rnonth 1201
30 1500 t h-' 60 5 t a-' Occ~slonal i211
Regenentar piping stress relicved (12) I n x invenfowl

Al1 vessels aress relieved

All nmine .eNice pipework 4.3.2 Acid gases, heat-stable arnine salts, velocities and
reboiler temperatures
Always stress relrevcd
Actd gases HSAS Veiocrty* Rebailer Plam
No1 applied noi mentioncd Iwt%l (m *-'l tempera-
in rich amine In lean amine ture 1°C)
Some pnits are PWHT (absorber and resenerntor): al1 new
equipinent (20) cO 45 m01 mal-' 0.01 mol mol-' 142 No 129 111
0.45 m01 moi-' o O5 m01 m o r ' N No 124 121
Not known 0.25-0.47 m01 mol-' O 05 m01 mal-' NlA No 130 i31
O 15-0 52 mai mol-' 0.03-0.1 mol mol-' N No 125 (41
0 77 mal mol-' 0.0044 4 m01 mal"? NIA No 120 l51
4.3 Operating parameters 0.1-0 26 mol mol-' 0.0054 02 mol mol-' 2.0 No 123 161
0.0174 3 mol mol-' 0.008-0 016 m01 moC' 2.4 No 126 171
4.3.1 Amine parameters and foaming 0.12-0.62 m01 mal-' 0.05 m01 mal-' NIA No 128 181
O 20-0.35 mol mol" 0.01-0.02 mol mol' 06 No 123 191
Amine Loss Foarning Plant
Concantration Ctroutat<On 0.35 m01 moV1 0.05 mal mal-' 1-5 Not N i101
iW%t known
7 , 7 Not NIA i111
4 1 O00 ~ p m e800 P D ~ Identified Not 126 i121
0.41 m01 mai-' 0.01 m01 moi-' <2 11.6) No? 127 i131
K,C03 known
24 Arnine unir corrosion in reflneries Experfences of twenty-one plants using diethanolarnine 25

Asld gas* HSAS Veloctly' Reiwilsr Plant

(M%) (ms') tempra-
k rich amine In lean amrne ture ( S I
NIA 0.05-0.35 mol mal-' 1-3 No 125 1141
Two candle tilters (Pall) For particulates filtering on n loop From
(contrai the amine s u r p tank 112)
bv fresh
feed) Solid levels unknown; bag filters (5-10 &m); precoat filters:
NIA 0.05-0 36 m01 rnolL' b3 No 125 115) C filiers (13)
N/A 0.01 mol rnol-'laiml NIA Not NIA 116)
0.003 m01 mai-' known I Low solids Ievel. excess aRer upset; 10% lem amine through
lactuall 1 che mechmicai filtex and charcoal W: 100% lean nmine
IO 9 I-' HSS 2 r2H ~ S NO I 120 1171 through 10 pni eartridge iilters (14X (15)
M g l-' HZS bgr'ys NO 1.13 140 1181
0.116 rnd mol-' 0.019 m01 mor' 007 Not N 1191 l Solids level, 215 mg l-'
known l
I FeS p r e s e n ~no tiltrdtion
1.51 Coke dust, prccoat Itlter
NIA Up to 4.5 Not N 1201
(neutra- known 45 wtppm; IO PII>Ni8gra; no C Filter
11561 Idesisn Probably high; 10 #m Cunot carrndge + Niagra
1.51 Not knowri; 10 pmNiagrn: no C filter
NIA NIA NIA Not N/A 1211
knawn l
(design I 4.3.5 O2 l e a k a g e
valve. No (l), (4). (5), (6). (7). (8). (9), (IO)*
( 1 3 , (141, (15). (17). (18). (19)
'The velooity i6 le= rhan 0.91 m s-' for carbon steel and less than 2.4 m 6' h r
stainless sfeel I Not known (2). (31, (1 1)
Two amine knks open lo the atmasphere
4.3.3 M a k e - u p water N, blanket slorage
Boiler feed wntei (12) I
Yes, t h m g h fluid canlyiic cmckrng of dry gas and storage (20). (21)
Demineralised O ) >(Z), (3). (h), (5). (6). (7L (Ws(16). (171%(18)
Condensate (pH 8.8: conductivity, 8 &S cm-') (13) 4.3.6 Inlet gas knock-out vessel
Noi known (IO). (lI).(i4).(15>
No1 known, typically condensate (19). (201, (21)
4.3.4 Solids present and flltration Not known
10% circulated nmine on tha Not large enough
meclranical liller; 3% on the Not applicable un LPCi
charcoal absnrber (1). (2). (3L t4), 15). (6). (71, (8). (9)
26 Amine unit corroston in refrneries Experiences of twenty-one plants using drethanolarnine 27

4.3.7 Design factors Coupons m tehoiler; monibly monitoring of amines by

andysis, sulphides, HSAS
Contro1 valve as close as pu%sible
io repen (11, (21, (3,(4), (5). (61, (7). (8). (9) Fe conteni

Yes (l6), (171, (18) None

NO (13)
4.4.3 Control parameters
Not known (IO), (11). (12). (151, (IY). 00).(2l)
Not known
4.4 Corrosion contro1
None (IQ, (l3L (l?). (18)
4.4.1 Treatments
Corrosioii rdies Iinked io rcgencrution iciiiperdiures, nuw
None (2). (31%(4h (5)* (6). (7). (8). (12). (17). (18). (1%. (21) 126 'C mnximum. and corrosinn rares have droppcd (12)
Anirfoain. 3 i a-' (1) Regenerator overheads, NH3 m d f,S in reflux. 2 wt%
Antifoam, 50 kg 8'; inliihitor. 2.6 t aii maximum

4,5 Cortosion problems experienced
Not known
Betz Pehomeen W5-58 in regeneraior ~verheuds:20 1 day-'
4.5.1 Findings f o r each plant
in an amme sysiem oT240T nnd K2C03slug dosed: Regenerntor iebailer ~iubeson the shell sido of tubes; cracking in
250-500 kg in 3-6 inonths (13) the piping for lenn amine. outlel of the regeneram p u r e of
the regeneraror overheads drum (1)
Overheads corroamn inhihiior (14). (15)
Overhead line o l lhe regenerator between the condenser and
Nalco inhibitorrepluccù ti? August '98 hy 7% %)da inicction (20)
separator dmm (2)
Rrch amine-lenn amine heat exchanger tubes on the nch amine side (3)
4.4.2 Monitoring
Blistering in the regenerator overheads condenser: hlistering in tlie
Fe content; H2S loading l 1). (2). (3). (4). (61, (71. (8) regeneratar overheads separator (41
Fe contenl; HzS luading. puQe 2 iimes per week ot iegenemtor
Corrosion of lhe regeneraor overheads circuit (5)
overlieads druin
Corrosion hy lean amine on the rich-lean exchanger; corrosion by
Fe conient; H-S loading; HSAS. hydrocarhons
rich amine on the tube side o f che rich-lwn exehanger (6)
Fe conients and HSAS
Ciacking o£ welds on the regenerator lean amine oullet; corrosion
Not known of the nch-leun exchanger on the tubes i n the nch amine; pitting
Rwirne non-destrructive cualuelion
of the regenerator rehailer (7)
Pilcing o f the shell iuhcs oi che regenerator reboiler: pitring of
ER probos in regenerator overhcads, reboiter inlel and ouileis; lenn
amtne in leon-rich exchangers; weekly samples irf Fe, Cu, Mn. rcgeneraior trays (8)
conductiviiy, pH. Na. umines, HSAS. total acid gas aud w i d gas Fouling of ihe rich-lean amine exchanger in U z rich amine (9)
lopding; periodic sainpjes or Rlterahle stilids, hydrowrbon
No1known (10)
content to measure iilter and octivaied C performance 113)
28 Amine unit cormsion in refineries Experiences of twenty-one plants using diethsnolamine 29

Cormsion of che rehoiler shell; corrosion ol tlie regenerator opponite Corrosion in the regenerator, reboiler and preheat; cracking in Lhe
the r e h l e r return; cracking in non-slress-relieved lines in che head of the preheat aiid in the ahsorber (18)
leali amtne at 60 *C: c o m ~ i o non the Ican arnrne side of the No signilicant ~orrosionproblems: regenerator overheads air
lean-rich exchangei (11) (19)
. Severe cormsioii behind the regeneralor senl pan downcumer.
hlistering of the regeaemlor overheads druin [replnced): parlilion
cooler carban steel life, 8 yean (0.2 mm C')
Regenerator rehoiler lubes (oow neutralise ecids in tbe solvent
vapour return Iine from the reboiler and use line insulafion to
plate distortion oF the amine cooler; regenemtor overhead nonle prevent condensation); neutrdisation of acids in lean and fa1
and tubo mrrnsion (upgiadeù to 304 stainlew steel): rcgeiierauir solvent line work; reduction in solvent velocity by inereasing
rehoiter shell carroded; regenerator feed-hotloms exchanwr shell the line size, also reducing the tempciature and incrc~singthe
und tubs connded niid changed io 3 1hL 8lalnleSs steel; DEA strength (20)
pipework corroded ( 12)
No conosion (21)
Re~neratorreboilershell in top adlncent to tho outlet noale; shell
nozzles now weld overlaid with 309L stzinless steel and shell
coated with Belzona 1321 S metal; also i t i the hundle. corrosion 4.5.2 Location of problems per item of equipment
oFCS baflles oli the shell side. now replnced with staiiiles~steel
Regenerators (7),(8), (Il), (12h (13). (l@. (!7), (18)
(tuhes are 304 stainless steel); anolher shell weld repaired and
meial sprayed with euteetic Castolin Proxon 21032S (45% NI, Regeneator overheads dmm
20% Pe. 20% Mo, 5% W, 10% Ti); two regenerator towers
Regenerator overheads condenser
severely corroded on the side wall opposite the reboiler retum
inler nozzle (aitrihuied io high HSAS cuntent (57%)).one iower Regenerntor overheads piping
coated with Belzona 1321 whicli reduced cormsroii hut stdrffid
Regenerato?reboiler (l), (77, (1 1). (12). (13). (141%(W, (17)-
to hieak down hul was iioi repaired as HSAS wete hrought
( 18). (20)
under iontrol. severe conosion ol'necond iower ( l 4 min dowii
io 3 miil): che vessel inetal aprayed wilh 1804 wire (75% Ni. Rich-lean exchanger
8% C .I 5% Fe, 5% Mo, 7% Al); surfnce huill up with Belzona
Lean amine
13 11 (R metd) m d eoeted with two coal, of Belzona 132 1 S
metal, subseqlieiitly replaced with a 304 stninless steel clad
secti~in 113)
Rcgcneruiur rchoiler c<iritii~ually
wrrtrlcd wiih;ng 2nd
<vaince. reol~cedin 1990 wiih SAF2205 iuhes niid clad iubc
sheet:ieanl~ch exchanger hundle retuhcd i n 1988 and 1996.
erosion at hundle haftle-shell interfnce. shell repairs anlicipated
SODR (14)
Continua1 tube piiting of iegenemtor rehoiler, the bundle replaced
in 1990 and 1946. shell vnnour sodce surfaces corroded io
50% af allowance: Iwn-rich exehanger Iiad minor pilling, no
seriws prohleins 415)
Blistering of che regeneration tower top dome, nlso clogging d
relief mlves and some emsian i16)
Crackingnt che regenerator columri nnd gniiding: retuhe ot Che
rehoiler (17)
Experiences of four plants using

The plaial riiin~bersape grveli in parerirheses.

5.1 Gas composition

i 1.04% H2S
16.24% H2S
20.00% HIS

5.2 Materials of construction

5.2.1 Carbon steels
~ 0 . 3 %C, ~0.025%S and P, 0.1 % Si minimum,
0.3-1.0% Mn
0.13% C, 0.007% S. 0.010% P, 0.29% SI, 0.68% Mn;
0.18% C, 0.012% S, 0.019% P, 0.26% SI, 0.79% Mn

5.2.2 Special carbon steels


5 2,3 Special stainless steels

Preheni and reboiler tubes: 304L stainless steel (1)
Prehent and reboiler nnd reclnimer tubes: 3ML stainless steel (2), (3)
Filter shells: 304 stninless steel (4)
32 Amioe unit corrosion in refineries Experiancec of four plants using monoethanolamine 33

5.2.4 Overlays, cladding and coating 5.3.5 O2 leakage

None No

5.2.5 Stress-relieving policy 5.3.6 Inlet gas knock-out vecsel

Yes Yes
No policy
5.3.7 Design factors
5.3 Operating parameters Yes
5.3 1 Amine parameters and foaming
5.4 Corrosion contro1
Amine L W Foaming Plm 5.4.1 Treatrnents
20 50 0.075 kg t*' Rare or no 111
20-24 40 0.042 kg t-' Rare or no (21 5.4.2 Monitoring
20-24 70 0.042 kg t-' Rere or no 131
7 20 5 I a-? No 141 None
Monitoring of corrosion rales
5.3.2 Acid gases, heat-stable amine salts, velocities and
reboiler ternperatures 5.4.3 Control pararneters
Aiid g a s a HSAS Velacitv Reboiler Plant
brX?l (il <'l temperature No! known
In rich amane In Ican amlna ISCl

40 g IF'HZS 3 g I-'H& Not knom 2.6 130 I11 5.5 Corrosion problems experiencecl
39 g T'HS S g l-'HS Not known 4.6 125 121
39 g r1H2S 5 g i'tt,S Nar known 3.8 125 131 Regeneratof. corrosion (2). (3)
Not olear Not clear No racords No reeards 107 (41
Regenerator overheads: thinning of walls in top air cooler (4)

5.3.3 Make-up water Regeneraior reboiler: cotrosion of shell (3)

Lenn-rich cxchanger: coriosion of channels (3)
Deminenlised wnier
Condensate No cotmsion (1)

5.3.4 Solids present and filtration

Coke dusi snd preconi filler
Mecbanicnl fifter o i lean MEA
Experiences of one plant using

6.1 Gas composition

92 vol% H*. 3 VOI%CO2, 4.5 v d % H20, 0.3 VOI%HC

6.2 Materials of construction

6.2.1 Carbon steels
0.17% C maximum. 0.01% S maximum. 0.02% P maximum. 1.3% Mn
maxiinuni, 0.41% C,, maximum

6.2.2 Special carbon steels

Nomnlised steel + inclusion shape contro1
UT BS5996LC4 for plate
Maximum Vickers hardness, 235 HV (Brine11 hardness, 225 HB) for base
metal, heat-affected wne snd weld for environments where H damage
such as SCC, HIC or SOHIC might occur
Temperature, <l50 'C
s50 ppm HZS i n the nqueous phase and pH <5
>l000 ppm H,S and pH >5
Presence of cyanides. >20 ppm
1.e. sour gas service piping, absorbers, rich aniine solution plping, regenerntor
nnd regenerator overhend system
36 Amine unit corrosion in refineries Experiences of one plant using ditsopropanolarn~ne 37

6.2.3 Special stacnless steels 6.3.5 O2 leakage

Some equipment interna1 structures such as column tnys and AISI 410 No

6.2.4 Overlays, cladding and coating 6.3.6 Inlet gas knock-out vessel
None Yes

6.3.7 Design factors

Aecording lo inspections and laborntory iiivea1igeLions. br carimn siecl Yes
suscei>lihle l o intmxranular SCC i n lean DIPA eiid to H Jemage . i n nch
Susss relief tor Ican amine scrvice piping iiicluding ahsorheili aiid hgeneralors
6.4 Corrosion contro1
(leen + rich) 6.4.1 Treatments
6.3 Operating parameters
6.3.1 Amine parameters and foaming 6.4.2 Monitoring
Amine LOSS Faaming
(t a-')
Concentretion €irculetion
1% OIPAI ims h-'! 6.4.3 Control parameters
23-27 300 150OW-160000 Not normallv Conductivity <l0000 mS m-'

6.3.2 Acid gases, heat-stable amine salts, velocity and 6.5 Corrosion problems experienced
reboiler temperature A t ihe heginning o f the 1980s. leaks discovered in the piping, leading to an
eztensive inspectioii, i n which intergranular SCC was discovered i n lean
Acid g a s s lwtppm HrSJ HSAS Veloilty Rebailer and rich amine; also HIC and hydmgen ernbrildement occurred; now
IWWOI (m C') temperature PWHT used in leaii amine service and special cerboii sreels i n sour or ricli
In nch amine In iean amine ('CI amiiie scrvice
=ZO (IW 800 0.69-0.81 Normally = l 122 rnaiimum

6.3.3 Make-up water

Condensate: Fe concentration. 20-50 h:: I-';conducliviiy, <O 01 mmol ti:
oil, <0.5 mg I-';pH = 9

6.3.4 Solids present and filtration

> l 0 kni hased on a Dahliiian self-clemiiig Rliration sysrem

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