Review Essay 2

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Review Essay 2

Ho May Man Maple

Accessibility & Gaming: On the Way to Inclusivity

The rapid advancement of technology has transformed the gaming industry, making it
more immersive and engaging than ever before. However, this progress has also
raised concerns about the inclusivity and accessibility of games for individuals with
disabilities. In this review essay, the writer will delve into an article titled "Growing
Up and Gaming with a Disability" by Stoner (2023), which explores the author's
personal experiences as a disabled gamer and the importance of accessibility in video
games. This essay aims to explore accessibility and gaming from the perspective of
disabled gamers’ and discuss how far we have come on the way to inclusivity and
how we can go further.

The author has been facing challenges in fully utilizing the controller of the Xbox 360
due to his neuromuscular disability. He mentions that the shape and size of the Xbox
360 controller prevented him from reaching crucial buttons like triggers, and the
actuation force for certain buttons was stronger than what he could manage (Stoner,
2023). In light of this, his elder brother helped him modify the Xbox 360 controller by
adding a popsicle stick to the back, allowing him to effectively use both triggers
(Stoner, 2023). This modification served as a lifeline for him during a time when
extensive accessibility options and design practices were still in their early stages. In
2020, "The Last of Us Part II" by PlayStation made significant strides in inclusivity
and has been dubbed “the most accessible game." It offered a wide range of
accessibility options, allowing players with various disabilities to customize their
gameplay experience. Despite the unprecedented improvements in accessibility in the
game, it is still impossible for the author to play due to the absence of accessible
control (Stoner, 2023). Overall, the author expresses his appreciation for every
advancement in accessibility, even when he cannot benefit from them (Stoner, 2023).
It is lamentable that even though the game industry has taken big strides in developing
accessible features, there are still people like the author who are being left out by the
big picture. It prompts me to rethink the effectiveness of accessibility functions so far.

PlayStation has been putting much effort into making gaming more accessible to
everyone. The new Access Controller for PlayStation 5, designed by Sony Interactive
Entertainment, aims to provide accessibility for gamers with mobility limitations who
may have difficulty reaching or pressing buttons (Figure. 1). The Access Controller
allows users to easily swap out buttons and stick caps to customize the controller
according to their preferences and needs, which enables players with limited mobility
to find the most comfortable and accessible button configurations (Schindler, 2023).
Besides, the controller includes a control stick with an adjustable length, which allows
players to extend or shorten the stick to accommodate their range of motion, making it
easier for those with mobility limitations to control their gameplay (Schindler, 2023).
Moreover, it offers expandable inputs that allow users to connect two controllers
together, which is particularly beneficial for individuals with weak hand strength as it
provides them with the option to control the game using two hands instead of relying
on one hand alone (Schindler, 2023). Unlike standard controllers, the Access
controller does not require the player to hold it. It can be laid flat on a table, a
wheelchair tray, or mounted on a tripod for easier access. This feature is particularly
beneficial for players with limited dexterity or those who use wheelchairs (Ortutay,
2023). The success of accessibility function development can be attributed to the
disabled consultants involved in this project. Cesar Flores, a gamer who uses a
wheelchair due to a car accident, was one of the accessibility consultants who
provided input to Sony during the controller's development (Ortutay, 2023). When
Sony takes his needs and ideas into account together, it could make access control
more sophisticated access control for the disabled. By truly looking into the needs of
the disabled, it is evident that Sony has leveled the playing field for gamers with
mobility limitations, making gaming more accessible and inclusive for all players
(Figure 2).

The article also triggers my thoughts about those participants who are cognitively
disabled. As mentioned in the article, even “the most accessible game” does not have
functions to cater to cognitively disabled gamers (Stoner, 2023). As cognitive
disability is intangible, it seems easier to get neglected in society. I would like to
figure out ways to help them. Cognitive disabilities include dyslexia and learning
difficulties (Bunting, 2022). Firstly, executive dysfunction refers to difficulties in
executive functioning, which encompasses skills such as planning, organization,
problem-solving, and time management (Jenkins, 2020). Individuals with executive
dysfunction may struggle to initiate and complete tasks, make decisions, and manage
their time effectively. In light of this, simplified information can be conducive to
letting gamers know exactly what to do next (Jenkins, 2020). For example, in
“Assassin’s Creed Mirage," gamers can read easy instructions on the top left corner
with highlighted words (Figure 3). Besides, the characters in the game will also give a
preview of the next objective in a cutscene to allow gamers to prepare for that.
Navigation assistance can also be useful to help cognitively disabled gamers by
having waypoints, objective markers, or arrows on the screen to navigate them in the
game world (Jenkins, 2020). This ensures that players do not get lost or frustrated,
reducing cognitive load and enabling smoother gameplay (Jenkins, 2020). For
instance, “Mario Odyssey Assist Mode” provides gamers with blue arrows to show
their next destination (Figure 4). Tutorials and replay functions allow gamers to get
familiar with the game and review it whenever they feel it is difficult (Jenkins, 2020).
In “Assassin’s Creed Mirage," the tutorial teaches the foundation of combating in a
clear and simple way (Figure 5). Gamers can always replay the tutorial to revise the
skills and techniques. Having a pause menu and function ensures that players can take
a break and revise the objectives (Jenkins, 2020). This helps players play at their own
pace and get clarifications whenever they need them. In “Dishonored 2," the pause
screen contains comprehensive information about the objectives and background of
the venue to allow users to refresh their memory (Figure 6). Moreover, difficulty
mode is essential to letting players adjust the game's challenge level to their abilities,
tailor their gameplay experience, and remove barriers that may hinder their progress
(Jenkins, 2020). In “Assassin's Creed Mirage," players can choose whether they
would like an easier and less-tensed experience or a faster and more thrilling
experience by choosing different types of difficulty (Figure 7). Gamers can always
change the difficulty mode after they start the game to personalize their gaming
experience. Hence, it is encouraging to see that even intangible disabled people can be
included in the gaming industry with rehabilitation.

In conclusion, the improvements in accessibility in the gaming industry are

significant, and it has been noticed that game developers are more aware of the needs
of disabled people and willing to make a difference. As shown by the recent
developments in mobility and cognitive accessibility functions, I am confident that the
gaming industry is getting more inclusive than ever. Despite the fact that some
disabled people are not being taken care of by now, it is foreseeable that they could
benefit from future developments. However, the focal point lies in collecting feedback
and advice from the disabled community, just like Sony does, to ensure the functions
are genuinely beneficial to them.
Figure 1

Access Controller developed by Sony which has all its buttons and stick caps are
swappable to meet users’ preference and needs

Figure 2

One of the mobility disabled gamer, Martin Shane, is using a Sony Access controller
to play video games

Figure 3

Assassin’s Creed Mirage’s gaming scene, showing the instructions clearly with
highlighted words

Figure 4

Mario Odyssey Assist Mode with blue arrows pointing to the next destination
Figure 5
Assassin’s Creed Mirage’s tutorial with clear instructions and replay function

Figure 6

Dishonored 2 provides useful information for gamers to review the objective in pause
Figure 7

Assassin's Creed Mirage’s choices of difficulty mode


Bunting, G. (2022, December 12). Why don’t we talk more about cognitive



Jenkins, S. (2020, October 20). Cognitive Accessibility in Gaming 101 with Stacey

Rebecca. Can I Play That?


Ortutay, B. (2023, October 12). PlayStation Access controller by Sony: Here’s what

to know | AP News. AP News.


Schindler, E. S. (2023, December 3). Accessibility in gaming expands with Sony’s

new Access Controller for PS5. CNN Underscored.


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