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Meeting Notes

Title: New Meeting

Location: Kaddu Apartment
Date: 13 January 2024 at 10:15 - 5 January 2024 at 22:15
Attendees: Gita, Gabit
1. Opening prayer
2. Personal Devotional reflections
3. Evaluation 2023
Agenda: 4. Projection of 2024 (Jan - Mar)
5. Action points
6. AOB
7. Closing prayer


1. Each of us took turn to lead in prayer

2. Gita says she has not been consistent in doing devotions priotising other things like sleeping. She felt like being
away from church for sometime made her to start lagging behind.
Gabit says he has well been inconsistent in doing personal devotions, he has tried through doing devotions at
work but has been battling with thoughts about the future etc

3. Jan - mar
Gita participated in missug and emerged as topmodel
Gabit has been doing ministry fully
Gita passed her ALevel exams
Gabit has been able to work throught the year
Gabit was able to support his family with rent throughout the whole year

Apr- jun
Gabit has been doing ministry fully
Gabit did a discipleship class with malton and it was a success
We have not been consistent with bible reading
We have been inconsistent in praying together
We have been reluctant with saving

Jul- sept
Gita started campus
Gabit has been doing ministry fully
Gita participated in kyu elections and emerged as a GRC for her faculty
Gabit celebrated his birthday
Gita got a new phone
Aunty Maria and Mr ssebuwuufu have been consistent in supporting me with school

Oct- Dec
Gabit graduated
Gabit has been doing ministry fully
Gabit did a short course about leadership and was certified

Meeting Notes

Gabit was part of the TOT team

We celebrated 7 years of walking together in love
We were able to go for a vacation in mwanza, Tanzania

4. Projections 2024 (jan - Mar)

2024 Year Resolutions (Gabit)

1.Find a job that can give me a monthly pay check 3x than what i am earning

2.Save at least 150k per month on our HF a/c

3.Pay off all the pending debts of SIT by the mid of the year

4.Go for a holiday vacation with my bae and friends in Zanzibar by the end of the year

5.Identify learning opportunities for graduate studies and apply for them

6.Run a smaller discipleship class of at least 5 young men meeting twice a month. (MK, NK, JB, KMP, MD)

7.Support my Love with at least 100k per month for up keep

8.Continue to support my family with rent

9.Continue to support my brother through his last semester at University

10.File and compile all my academic documents both in soft and hard copy.

11.Build a support team for the worship team ministry and work collectively with them

12.Increase my reading skills by reading at least 2 books each quarter of the year.

13.Cultivate a discipline of personal bible study every day in the week

14.Take the best picture for the wall frame wearing my graduation gown.

15.Do a photo shot my bae under Timo’s photography company.

16.Write and record at least 6 worship songs with Benjie.

17.Develop a gratitude journal for each month of the year.

18.Have constructive quarterly evaluations with my bae

19.Do a book study with my bae

20.Write and stick motivational quotes around my bed walls and work table

21.Buy a new phone with much better functions

Meeting Notes

22.Create a prayer room and individual reflection

23.Design and develop my 2024 vision board and hang it in my room

24.Upgrade my CV

Gitas goals jan - Mar

1. Finish my first year at campus
2. Attend the AUSP students leaders conference in Rwanda
3. Commit to Doing biblestudy weekly
4. Save 40k monthly with the missug sisters
5. Work on the SU cananda internship and submit
6. Commit to thenworship team alone
7. Start up a fellowship with my friends at campus
8. Save or raise funds for my internship 9m by 1st june
9. Apply for a canada visa as soon as i’m comfirmed
10. Dedicate time and pray at the end of the month

6. AOB
- SriLanka opportunity has come back. If it all goes well. Gabit is to travel in March to August
- smile work??
- Gita is going to look for an online job
- visit my in-laws on 18th Feb
- Going for a movie with Norbert on 18th feb at metroplex ( 200k)

7. Closing prayer
Led by Gabit and Gita


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