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Total pertanyaan: 20
Estimasi pengerjaan: 5jam 0menit
Disusun oleh Mr. Christopher Hennessy


What is the probability of spinning a red if we spin 30 times?

a) 1/30 b) 3/30

c) 1/10 d) 1/5


If you choose from the following M & M colors, what is the probability that you choose blue?
5 green
6 yellow
8 blue
7 brown

a) 8/26 b) 4/13

c) 1/3 d) 8/25

What is the probability of spinning an even number?

a) 16 2/3% b) 50%

c) 75% d) 33 1/3%


Theoretically, what is the probability of rolling a sum of one with a pair of dice?

a) 1/6 b) 0

c) 1/36 d) 1/12

5. The letters that form the word ALGEBRA are placed in a bowl. What is the probability of choosing a
letter other than “A”?

a) 2/7 b) 5/7

c) 10/49 d) 5/49
6. The letters that form the word MATHEMATICS are placed in a bowl. What is the probability of
choosing a "M"?

a) 4/121 b) 8/121

c) 2/11 d) 4/11


a) 100% b) 0%

c) 1/2, 50%` d) 1/4, 25%


P(not A) =
*Remember to simplify.*

a) 6/8 b) 1/4

c) 3/4 d) 2/8

If you roll a die one time, find P(rolling a 2).

a) 1/3 b) 1/6

c) 1/2 d) 2/6


If you roll a die one time, find P(even number).

a) 1/4 b) 2/6, or 1/3

c) 3/4 d) 3/6 or 1/2

11. What is the probability of drawing a black ace when drawing a card at random from a deck of 52
playing cards?

a) 2/39 b) 1/13

c) 1/26 d) 1/50

A coin is tossed and a number cube is rolled. Find the probability, P(heads and 7).

a) 1/2 b) 0

c) 1/7 d) 1/14

13. A jar contains 4 white chips, 5 purple chips, and 1 black chip. Chips are selected randomly one at a
time, and are not replaced. P(purple then black)

a) 2/5 b) 4/9

c) 1/18 d) 3/7

14. Mrs. Cole has to choose two pieces of fruit for her lunch. If she randomly takes two pieces of fruit
from a bowl of 8 oranges and 8 apples, what is the probability she will choose two apples? (Mrs.
Cole does not put back the first piece of fruit before she takes the second piece of fruit)
P(apple, apple)

a) 1/32 b) 1/64

c) 7/30 d) 1/4

15. A box contains 5 purple marbles, 3 green marbles and 2 orange marbles. Draws are made without
replacement. P(1st orange then green)

a) 1/15 b) 2/15

c) 1/5 d) 3/31

16. A box contains 5 purple marbles, 3 green marbles and 2 orange marbles. Draws are made without
replacement.P(both marbles are purple)

a) 1/4 b) 1/3

c) 1/2 d) 2/9

Determine if the events are mutually exclusive or overlapping: Drawing a red or an ace from a deck
of cards

a) Overlapping b) Mutually exclusive


Find the probability of choosing a student at random that plays an instrument OR a sport.

a) 2/5 b) 13/20

c) 11/20 d) 4/5

19. A survey found that 39% of the population owned dogs, 22% owned cats, and 8% of the population
owned both a cat and a dog? Find the probability that a person owns a cat or a dog.

a) 0.08 b) 0.53

c) 0.61 d) 0.36


One card is randomly picked from a regular deck of cards. What is the theoretical probability that
the card picked is a jack?

a) 3/16 b) 1/4

c) 1/13 d) 1/10

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