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City Campus

Spring 2023

Corporate & Business Law Assignment

Instructor: Sir Muhammad Shahbaz

Negotiable Instruments

Submitted By:
Name: Tahseen Mukhtar
Reg. No: 65237
Negotiable instruments play a vital role in commercial transactions within the framework of
Pakistan's corporate and business law. This assignment provides an in-depth analysis of
negotiable instruments in Pakistan, covering their definition, types, characteristics, legal
framework, and practical implications. Understanding the context of the legal system is crucial
for businesses and individuals engaging in commercial activities in the country.

Definition and Significance of Negotiable Instruments

Negotiable instruments are defined under the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881. They are legally
recognized documents that represent a promise to pay a specific sum of money or order the
payment of money to a particular person or bearer. Negotiable instruments are of great
significance in commercial transactions as they provide a secure and reliable means of payment,
facilitating trade and commerce within the country.

Types of Negotiable Instruments

Promissory Notes: A promissory note is a written instrument where one party (the maker)
promises to pay a specific sum of money to another party (the payee) at a future date or on-
demand. Promissory notes are commonly used in various business transactions, including loans,
credit arrangements, and trade credits.
Bills of Exchange: A bill of exchange is an instrument that involves an order from one party (the
drawer) to another party (the drawee) to pay a specific sum of money to a third party (the payee).
Bills of exchange facilitate commercial transactions and trade by allowing parties to transfer and
settle debts.
Cheques: Cheques are widely used negotiable instruments. They are issued by account holders
and drawn on banks, instructing the bank to pay a specified amount of money to the person or
entity named on the check. Cheques provide a convenient and secure method for making
payments in various commercial transactions.

Characteristics and Legal Framework

Transferability: Negotiable instruments are subject to the principle of transferability. They can
be transferred from one party to another by delivery or endorsement, enabling the easy
circulation of funds.
Holder in Due Course: The concept of a holder in due course is crucial in the legal framework
for negotiable instruments. A holder in due course is a person who acquires the instrument in
good faith and for value, without notice of any defects or defenses. Holders in due course enjoy
certain rights and protection under the law, including immunity from certain defenses raised by
prior parties.
Negotiation and Endorsement: Negotiation of negotiable instruments involves the transfer of
rights and obligations from one party to another. The law recognizes endorsement as a means of
negotiation, where the holder endorses the instrument, making it payable to another party.
Dishonor and Liability: In case of dishonor of a negotiable instrument, the law provides
remedies for the holder, including the right to recover the amount due from the parties liable for
payment. Parties involved in negotiable instruments can be held liable for non-payment, and the
law sets out the procedures and consequences of dishonor.

Practical Implications and Practices

Negotiable instruments are widely used in commercial transactions. Businesses and individuals
rely on promissory notes, bills of exchange, and cheques for various purposes such as financing,
trade credits, and payment settlements. The legal framework provides certainty and predictability
in the negotiation, transfer, and enforcement of negotiable instruments, enhancing trust and
reliability in commercial transactions.
However, it is important for businesses and individuals to adhere to legal requirements and
practices when dealing with negotiable instruments. This includes ensuring the validity and
legality of instruments, proper endorsement and negotiation procedures, and timely payment
obligations. Failure to comply with legal requirements may result in legal disputes and liabilities.

Negotiable instruments form a crucial aspect of corporate and business law, facilitating smooth
and reliable commercial transactions. Understanding the legal framework, types, characteristics,
and practical implications of negotiable instruments is essential for businesses and individuals
operating in Pakistan. Adherence to legal requirements and practices related to negotiable
instruments ensures the efficient flow of funds and fosters a secure business environment.


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