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So, Whiplash is a story

about a college student who

aspires to be the best
drummer there is and for
that he wants Terence
Fletcher to be his mentor.
Where, Terence Fletcher is
someone with a bit
disturbing way of teaching
which according to him will
bring the best out of them
because he don’t want his
students to be ordinary.
Well his ideology as per me
is quite subjective cause of
instances in the movie
which keeps on forcing our
minds to change our
perspective and at the end
there will be conflict in our
way of thinking.

Although, both our

protagonist and antagonist
were contented of what they
achieved at the end but to
some that could be
absolute tragedy.
Now let’s talk about how
this movie was as per me to
start with that I have to say
that we all have a movie
which is recommended by a
lot but us for some reasons
prevent watching it but
after watching it we
instantly regret postponing
it well whiplash is that for
me. I was completely
hooked and booked till the
very end and which is
further complemented by
its quick cuts and close up
shots. I really liked the way
this film is able to make us
feel the tension between the
two obsessed characters.

And if you’re a person who

like a bit mature movie than
as per me this movie is
highly recommended to

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