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My Personal Stress Management Plan

Complete the following for your own personal plan for managing stress.

I know that everyone has stress. Some ways that I try to manage my stress now are:

I know that strong, healthy bodies help people better deal with stress. The kinds of things I like to do for
exercise include:

Doing things that I enjoy will help me to relax. Some of my favorite things to do for fun and relaxation are:

When I’m feeling like I can’t do something, it’s important to remember all the things I am good at doing. Some
things that I know I’m good at (or people tell me I’m good at) are:

Everyone needs to be able to escape their problems, even just temporarily. They can take an instant vacation.
Some things I can do are:
Read a book or re-read my favorite book, which is:

Take a mini vacation to a local park or city center, or imagine I am someplace peaceful and relaxing. The place I
could imagine myself relaxing is:

Watch a few episodes of my favorite series or a movie like:

Listen to my favorite music, like:

It’s important to remember all of the things that I like best about myself. My 3 top qualities are:
 I am
 I am
 I am

It’s important to know who I can reach out to when I need help or advice. The people I can count on most are:

I know that people who realize they are needed tend to feel better about themselves because they can make
a difference in other people’s lives. I know that I can help others too.
I can help a member of my family by

I can help my school, neighborhood, or community by

I can help the environment (or animals) by

I have learned about several ways I can manage my stress in a healthy way. Three new strategies I will try are:

Remembering happy times is a great reminder that you can manage your stress. Upload a photo of yourself
here when you felt truly happy.

Optional: Describe the context of this photo. What was happening? Why were you so happy?

You did it! You have some great ideas here about things you can do to help you manage your stress. After this
assignment has been returned to you, keep it in a safe place, where you can reference it whenever you need a
reminder about healthy ways to cope with stress.

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