Tugas Bahasa Inggris Bsi

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My name is Galih Alzier Abibayu, Born in Pontianak June 13, 2003, I am the first

of 2 children, handsome children who come from the couple Syamsul bahar
and Sri rahayu tri utami. Aal is my daily calling, I was born into a very simple
environment and family.
My father was a civil servant in the education office, while my mother worked
as a civil servant in the Madrasah Tsanawiyah school. Since childhood, I have
always been given advice from my beloved father so that Aal is always diligent
in worship, trustful and kind to everyone.
When I was 5 years old, I started my education at Sekolah Dasar Negeri 1
Bunguran Timur, then after graduating I continued my education at Sekolah
menengah Junior Negeri 1 Segedong in 2014. After graduating from Junior High
School in 2014, I followed my father to live in the city of Tanjungpinang and
continued his education at Sekolah Menengan Atas Negeri 1 Tanjungpinang.
When I stepped on grade X of high school, while participating in extracurricular
paskibra, and allhamdullilah, I was selected to be PASKIBRAKA RIAU Islands
Province in 2018 after taking the test.
In addition, I am also active in various extracurricular activities at school, such
as joining Scout organizations, and balls. and I was a member of my high school
student council,
Now I am studying at Pontianak Informatics Facilities Building University with a
computer Science study program, after graduating I really want to work as a
computer programmer in a company, so the content of my self-introduction, if
there is a wrong word sorry, thank you

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