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Faculty : Lee Kong Chian Faculty of Engineering and Science

Course : Bachelor of Science (Honours) Quantity Surveying

Unit Code : UEBQ 2723
Unit Title : Professional Practice and Procedure I
Lecturer & Tutor : Miss Lay Pei Sin
Email Room No.: FE2(3) (Level 8)
Year/Semester : Y2S1
Session : June 2023

Assignment Group Members

No. Name of Students Student ID

1 Harold Ong Tze Hao 2205504
2 Chua Sheng Yan 2106829
3 Chee Ke Ern 2103235

Table of content

No. Content Page
1. 1.1 Introduction 3 - 18
1.2 Sequence of the project
1.3 Parties involved, roles and respective responsibilities.

2. 2.1 Procurement Strategy of Tuai Timur, and its merits and 19 - 20

3. 3.1 Tendering Process of Tuai Timur 21 - 27
4. 4.1 Standard Form of Contract of Tuar Timur 28 - 29
4.2 Rationale of the choice
5. Reference 30 - 32

Question 1

Good day everyone, im chee ke ern and this is my groupmates, chua sheng yan and
harold. I’ll start first with introduction. The project we studied is Tuai Timur which is a is a
residential project that have 330 units on 6.6 acres. It is also a low-density development with
only 50 units per acre. This project is located at Setia alam next to the Eco Ardence township
approximately 30 minutes from Kuala Lumpur city centre. Suntrack company that had taken
8 years from pre-construction phase until the it is launch into the public view.

The scope of work includes the pre-construction phase, design phase, preparation
Phase, construction phase, post construction phase and additional services if required. This
project had taken 18 months and spend 20 million to construct.

The first step to construct is in pre-construct phase, which the team will be
investigate and study the sites, market research and estimating the budget. Then it comes to
the design phase where architect full commit in this phase and come out with various design
such as Structural Engineering Design, MEP Design, Interior Design and Space Planning,
Landscape Design and the material selection. After that it will move on to pre-construction
phase where the workers prepare the site by excavate and build up temporary utilise.
Moving on it will be construction phase which the process of construction will depend on the
procurement plan. Next is the post-construction phase. In this phase the owner will be
handover the complete residential and there will be document, record, warranty and
maintenance bring out in this phase. There will be additional service by the professional if it
required by the owner.

There are several roles and responsibilities involve throughout the construction
process. It involving owner of the Tuai Timur project is responsible for issuing the Invitation
to Tender (ITT) document, providing a comprehensive project overview. The architect plays a
pivotal role in translating the project's vision and requirements into detailed design plans and
specifications. Civil engineers play a crucial role in the Tuai Timur project, responsible for
designing, planning, and overseeing various civil engineering aspects. In the context of the
Tuai Timur project, the General Contractor plays a pivotal role in overseeing and
coordinating all aspects of the construction process and also the subcontractors and
suppliers play a crucial role in the successful execution of the construction works. The
Construction Manager overseeing the tendering process, participating in the evaluation of
bids, and selecting suitable contractors based on criteria.

That’s all for my part, I will pass to the next presenter.

The tendering process for construction projects, like the Tuai Timur project, typically
follows a structured approach to ensure transparency, fairness, and efficiency. The first stage
is project initiation. This is the stage where the need for a construction project is identified. It

involves defining the project scope, objectives, budget, and timeline. Next is prequalification
of contractors. The prequalification process ensures that only eligible and capable
contractors participate in the tender. The contractors interested in prequalification submit
documents such as financial statements, past project experience, technical capabilities,
safety records, and references. The third step is sending the invitation to tender (ITT). During
this stage, once prequalification is complete, the project owner issues an ITT document to
invite qualified contractors to submit their bids. The fourth steps is the tender documents.
Contractors interested in bidding for the project must obtain the tender documents, which
typically include instructions to tenderers (ITT) .The fifth step is site visits and clarifications.
Contractors visit the project site to assess site conditions, access points, logistical
challenges, and any environmental factors that may impact construction. Contractors assess
safety hazards and risks associated with the site, including steep slopes, unstable soil
conditions, flood-prone areas, seismic zones, and proximity to hazardous materials or
industrial facilities. Then is the Bid Submission stage. Contractors prepare their bids
according to the requirements outlined in the tender documents and submit them before the
specified deadline. Bids typically include the price, proposed schedule, qualifications,
methodology, and any alternative proposals. After the bid submission, the next stage of
tendering process is bid evaluation. The project owner or a designated evaluation committee
reviews the submitted bids based on predetermined criteria such as price, technical
capability, experience, compliance with specifications, and value for money. After evaluating
the bids, the project owner selects the winning bid based on the evaluation criteria and
notifies the successful contractor which is the awarding the contract stage. Last but not least,
once negotiations are complete and both parties agree on the terms, the contract is signed,
and the construction phase can commence.

That’s all for my part, I will pass to the next presenter

Question 4

4.1 Standard Form of Contract of Tuar Timur

In Malaysia, the standard forms of contract used in the construction industry are
primarily provided by the JKR (Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia), CIDB (Construction Industry
Development Board), PAM (Pertubuhan Akitek Malaysia), and IEM (International
Engineering Management). These forms cater to various aspects of construction projects,
including those involving government projects, engineering works, and design-build
contracts. Below is the general overview of the different type of standard forms of contract
and their application.

JKR (Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia), This is the Malaysian government's standard
form contract for public works projects. It's tailored to the Malaysian context and is suitable
for projects funded by the government or other public entities.

CIDB (Construction Industry Development Board), This is a standard form contract

specifically designed for the Malaysian construction industry. It's suitable for projects within
Malaysia and is tailored to the local market.

PAM (Project Agreement Malaysia), This is a standard form contract that is designed
to be used in Malaysia for projects funded by the Malaysian government. It's similar to the
JKR contract but is more focused on the project management aspects.

IEM (International Engineering Management), This is a suite of standard form

contracts designed for engineering services, including consultancy, design, and project
management. It's suitable for projects that require specialized engineering services.

For the Tuai Timur project, considering the project's context and the parties involved,
the most suitable standard form contract would likely be the CIDB or PAM contract. These
contracts are specifically designed for the Malaysian construction industry and are tailored to
the local market, making them the most appropriate choice for projects within Malaysia.
However, I will prefer to recommend using PAM over CIDB. PAM contract is more focus on
project management, which is crucial for complex projects requiring detailed planning,
coordination, and execution. This focus can be particularly beneficial for projects like Tuai
Timur, where project management skills and expertise are essential. Not just that, PAM
contract also offers more flexibility in terms of the agreement and conditions they provide.
This flexibility allows parties to tailor the contract to the specific needs and requirements of
the project, ensuring that the contractual terms are appropriate for the project's scope and

4.2 Rationale of the choice

Choosing the PAM (Project Agreement Malaysia) standard form contract for the Tuai
Timur project in Malaysia can be justified based on several key considerations:

Local Adoption and Recognition: The PAM contract is widely adopted and recognized in
Malaysia, including by the Malaysian Institute of Architects (PAM) itself. This widespread
adoption indicates that the contract is well-regarded within the Malaysian construction
industry, making it a practical choice for projects in the country.

Governance and Legal Framework: The Malaysian construction market is governed by a

comprehensive set of laws and statutes, including the Contracts Act 1950, Construction
Industry Payment & Adjudication Act 2012 (CIPAA), and others. The PAM contract aligns
with these legal frameworks, ensuring that the contractual terms are enforceable and
compliant with local regulations.

Force Majeure Clause: The PAM contract includes a force majeure clause that defines force
majeure as "any circumstances beyond the control of the Contractor caused by, [among
others,] epidemics." This clause is particularly relevant in the context of the COVID-19
pandemic, where the outbreak and related measures have significantly impacted
construction projects worldwide. The inclusion of such a clause in the PAM contract provides
a clear framework for dealing with unforeseen events that could disrupt the project.

Flexibility and Adaptability: The PAM contract offers flexibility in terms of the agreement and
conditions it provides, with options for contracts with and without quantities. This flexibility
allows parties to tailor the contract to the specific needs and requirements of the Tuai Timur
project, ensuring that the contractual terms are appropriate for the project's scope and scale.

Subcontracting Provisions: The PAM contract includes specific provisions for agreements
and conditions between the contractor and subcontractor, ensuring that subcontracting
arrangements are clearly defined and managed. This is crucial for projects of significant
scale, where multiple subcontractors may be involved.

In summary, the PAM contract is suitable for the Tuai Timur project in Malaysia due to its
local recognition, alignment with the Malaysian legal framework, inclusion of a force majeure
clause relevant to the current global situation, flexibility in contract terms, and clear
provisions for subcontracting. These factors make the PAM contract a practical and effective
choice for managing the project's legal and contractual obligations.


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