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To measure speed:

*motion sensor
*light gates

distance- the distance moved in a particular direction

velocity- speed in a particular direction

Displacement-Time graph

gradient- velocity

accereleration- rate of change in velocity

Velocity- time graph

gradient- acceleration
area- displacement

falling object's velocity increases as it falls

object thrown upwards , moves more slowly, decelerates

In the absence of air resistance, an object has constant velocity

horizontally and constant acceleration vertically.

Newton's First Law

Unless and Until a external force is applied, an onject will at rest or move with a constant speed in a
straight line

Newton's Second Law

Rate of change of momentum of a body is directly propotional to the product of its mass and acceleration

Newton's Third Law

If body A exerts a force on body B , then body B exerts an equal and opposite force on body A

* They act on different objects

* They are equal in magnitude
* They are opposite in directionl
* They are forces of the same type

mass- the measure of an object's inertia(ability to resist any change in its motion)

centre of gravity- point where the weight seems to act upon

Freefall of skydiver

1. Only weight

2. Acceleration decreases, Air- Resistance increases

Air resistance


3. Maximum velocity <-- Terminal Velocity


Moment = Product of force and perpendicular distance from the pivot

Principle of moments
*sum of the clockwise moemnts at a point is equal to the sum of the anticlockwisse moments about the
same point at equilibrium

*pair of forces:
• equal in magnitude
• parallel, opposite direction
• seperated by distance ,d
couple has a turning effect but do not accelerate

turning effect of couple is torque

Torque= one force x d

for an obeject to be at equilibrium:

* resultant forces should be zero
* resultant moments should be zero
workdone= product of force and the distance moved in the direction of the force

GPE- the amount of energy stored in object due to its position within the gravitational field

KE- the amount of energy stored due to its motion

efficiency = Useful energy output/ total energy input (E=o/i)

Principle of conservation of energy

* Energy can neither be destroyed nor created. It can be only converted from one form to another

Power- rate of workdone per unit time

Momentum- product of velocity and mass

principle of conservation of momentum

* for a closed system where there are no resultant external forces acting upon , the total momentum
before the collision equals to the total momentum after the collision

in a perfectly elastic collision of two bodies, the relative speed of approach is equal to relative speed of

in inelastic collision , total kinetic energy becomes smaller

momentum is always conserved in all collisions

pressure- normal force acting per unit cross-sectional area

pressure acts perpendicularly to any surface

Archimedes' principle
* upthrust acting on a body= the weight of the liquid or gas displaced
upthrust= density*g*volume

when swimming,
deeper the liquid container, larger the pressure, force acting up from the bottom is greater than force down from the top surface,
upthrust forms

density of water>density of man, water weight displaced >man's weight

upthrust>weight of the man .. resultant force upwards= floating

The thicker the wire, the greater the compression and tension forces along its edges

*force is directly propotional to the extension within the limit of propotionality

malleable= hammered to thin shapes; compressive forces

ductile= drawn into wires; tensile forces

strain=extension/original length
stress= force/area

young modulus=stress/strain

elastic potential energy -

conventional current from positive to negative

electron flow is from negative to positive


charge carriers-

current- flow of charge


mean drift velocity-

number density- the number of conduction electrons per unit volume(m-3)


when current increases, drift velocity increases

thinner the wire, higher the drift velocity

lesser the density, greater the mean drift velocity

p.d- the energy transferred per unit charge between two points. eletrical energy--> KE, Thermal energy
emf- the energy transferred per unit charge around the circuit. chemical energy-->electrical energy


greter the pd, greater the current

greater the resistance , smaller the current

ohm- 1 volt per ampere

power- the rate of energy transferred


kirchoff's first law

*sum of the currents entering a point in a circuit is equal to the sum of the cuurents leaving the same point(conservation of


kirchoff's second law

*the sum of the emfs around any loop in a circuit is equal to the sum of the pds around the loop(conservation of energy)


resistors in PARALLEL will increase the current drawn

coulomb- ampere second

ohm's law-

factors affecting resistance

*presence of impurities

*crossectional area
*material the wire is made of

resistance ∞ length
resistance ∞ 1/area

resistivity increases with temperature

progressive wave- transfers energy from one position to another

displacement - the distance of a point on the wave from equilibrium

amplitude- maximum displacement of any point on the wave from equilibrium

wavelength- distance between two adjacent ponts on the wavelength

period- time taken for one oscillation

frquency- no.of oscillations per unit time

longitudinal- the particles of the wave travels parallel to the direction of the wave velocity

transverse- the particles of the wave travels perpendicular to the diresction of the wave travel

intensity- the rate of energy transmitted per unit area at right angles to the wave velocity

intensity ∞ amplitude2

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