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Seminar assignment

While we were introducing this training, we have said seminar presentation is a part of our training. So,
every trainee should prepare and present his/her seminar. The content of the seminar should be inclusive
or consider trainees across every field. If the content of the seminar is up-to-date and pull every
participant’s interest, your presentation will be smart. The seminar will be prepared and presented in
pairs. Note :-

 Each pair should assigned roles as paper presenter of the seminar and chairperson of the
technical session.
 Every presenter has got 10 minutes for presentation, and 20 more minutes for discussion.
 The Chairperson of technical session must manage the time effectively.
 Every necessary material for the seminar like overhead projector will be supplied by the ELIC office.

Role of the Speaker/ paper presenter of seminar:

The speaker or paper presenter is the person who prepares an article or paper about the theme or sub-
theme of the seminar to read and discuss in the seminar concerned. S/he should prepare his/her paper with
right and updated information with sufficient knowledge about the paper or subject s/he dealt. Also, s/he
may issue the copies of his paper to the participants. This makes the observers and participants for warm
participation with good discussion forum. S/he has to reply to the group or questioner without ambiguity.

Role of Chairperson of the Technical Session of seminar:

S/he is the only person to hold the complete responsibility of the whole technical session. S/he should
have the adequate knowledge about the subject or theme dealt in the seminar. S/he must be cooperative
and clarifies the speaker’s presentation. S/he has to control the whole session with lively instructions and
information. If necessary, s/he may involve in the discussion, but it must encourage the group and speaker
into direct directions. At the end of each session, s/he has to brief the discussions held by the speakers;
moreover, s/he has to provide the vote of thanks to the participants and the members of seminar
committee for their cooperation and participation.

Role of the participants of seminar:

Participant may express his/her own experience and knowledge to interrogate speakers’ view. But it must
be relevant to the discussion held in the seminar. S/he should not be negative in attitude. The interaction
with the speaker must be carried out with the permission of the chairperson of technical session of

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