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The axolotl is a medium-sized amphibian that is only found

of lakes, that are close to Mexico City. Related to the tiger
salamander, however, axolotls can be easily distinguished
from salamanders as the axolotl retains it\'s tadpole-like
appearance for it\'s whole life, therefore axolotls and young
tiger salamanders are easily confused.
The axolotl has a flat-shaped broad head, also has feathery
gills allo wing the axolotl to breath under water and are
able to regenerate limbs that become damaged or
The axolotl is most commonly found in albino form,
although axolotls are generally white or pink in colour ,
black, grey and brown. Is a carnivorous animal, eats worms
and insect larvae and crustaceans and some small species of
The axolotl it has surprisingly few natural predators. Birds
and large fish are the most common predators along with
humans who catch to keep as pets in artificial environments.
Can live for up to 25 years. Female axolotls can lay
anywhere from 100 to 1,000 eggs, after about a month of
development, tiny axolotl babies emerge into the open
Today, the axolotl is considered to be a critically endangered
species meaning that there are very few axolotl individuals
left in the wild. Increasing levels of pollution is the most
destructive factor in the survival.

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