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1.What do you do if you have a bad day?

If I have a bad day, I relax with activities I enjoy.

2. What do you do if your friends cancels your plans?

If friends cancel plans, I find only activities to do.

3. What do you do if you wake up feelind unwell?

If I wake up unwell, I focus on self-care

4 If you are late; how do you feel?

If late, I feel stressed and aim to manage time better.


1. If you have a day off tomorrow, what will you do?

If I have a day off tomorrow, I'll relax or hang out with friends.

2. If you miss the bus, how will you get to your destination?

If I miss the bus, I'll take a taxi or find another way to get there.

3. How will you manage your time if you have exams to study for?

If I have exams, I'll manage my time by creating a study schedule.

4. If you pass the course, how will you celebrate?

If I pass the course, I'll celebrate with friends or treat myself to something special


1. What would you do if you won the lottery?

if you I the lottery, I would buy a brabus car and a mansion in miami

2. What would you say if you met your favourite celebrity?

if you met your favourite celebrit, I would take a foto

3. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?

If I could travel anywhere; I would go to Morroco

4. If you didn´t have to work or study, what would your daily life look like?

If you didn´t have to work or study; I WOULD GO TO THE GYM

5. If you were an animal, which animal would you be (and why)?

If I were an animal; I WOULD BE A MONKEY

6. If you don´t live in Granada, where would you live?

If I don´t live in Granada; I WOULD LIVE IN OSLO

What would you do if you were lost in an unknown place, with no phone or map?

if I were lost in an unknown place; I would ask to the people

If you could have any job in the world, which would you choose?

If i could have any job in the world, I would be

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