Crj322 Course Guide

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Preview: CRJ322 : The Criminal Mind

Course Guide



Course Description

This course provides a broad range of topics relevant to criminal behavior and the development of
the personality. Biological, psychological, and social structural factors which influence the possible
origin of criminal behavior, as well as criminal justice and societal approaches for preventing crime
are addressed.

Instructional Materials

Required Resources
Anthony Walsh. 2020. Criminology: The Essentials. CRJ322 Sage Publications Inc 4th
edition textbook available at
Euan Kerr. December 12, 2018. Departed Strib Film Critic Disputed Plagiarism Charge.
Sean Sullivan. October 10, 2014. Army War College Revokes Sen John Walsh's Degree
Over Plagiarism.
Jamie Ducharme. 2019. Does ZIP Code Equal Life Expectancy?

Ⓒ 2020 Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University Confidential and Proprietary
information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed in whole or in part, without the expressed
written permission of Strayer University.
Killary Hoffower. January 2020. A Woman Who Studied 600 Millionaires Discovered Where
You Choose to Live Has 2 Effects on Your Ability to Build Wealth. https://advance-lexis-

Supplemental Resources
Federal Bureau of Investigation. No date. Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR).
Eurostat. No date. Crime and Criminal Justice - Overview.
Bureau of Justice Statistics. No date. Data Collection: National Crime Victimization Survey
Federal Bureau of Investigation. No date. National Incident-Based Reporting System
Law Library - American Law and Legal Information. No date. Causes of Crime.

Professional Associations and Organizations

Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. No date. ACJS | Academy of Criminal Justice

ASC. No date. ASC | American Society of Criminology.
International Association of Chiefs of Police. No date. IACP | International Association of
Chiefs of Police.
International Association of Crime Analysts. No date.
JRSA. No date. JRSA | Justice Research and Statistics Association.
National Crime Prevention Council. No date.

Course Learning Outcomes

1 Review the fundamental concepts and theories of criminology.

2 Examine categories of crimes and their causes.

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information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed in whole or in part, without the expressed
written permission of Strayer University.
Analyze the correlation between crime patterns and demographics, such as
gender, age, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status.

Weekly Course Schedule

Week 1 - To Do List

Learn: Read Chapter 1 in your Criminology: The Essentials textbook.

Learn: Review the Chapter 1 PowerPoint presentation.

Discuss: Introduce yourself and participate in the discussion, Plagiarism As a Deviant Behavior.

Week 2 - To Do List

Learn: Read Chapters 4 and 5 in your Criminology: The Essentials textbook.

Learn: Review the Chapters 4 and 5 PowerPoint presentations.

Discuss: Participate in the discussion, The Pleasure vs. Pain Principle.

Week 3 - To Do List

Learn: Read Chapters 6, 7, and 8 (pp. 144–152 only) in your Criminology: The Essentials

Learn: Review the Chapters 6, 7, and 8 (pp. 144–152 only) PowerPoint presentations.

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information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed in whole or in part, without the expressed
written permission of Strayer University.
Week 3 - To Do List

Learn: Watch videos on designing and creating effective presentations.

Discuss: Participate in the discussion, Criminology Theory Applied to Police Work.

Quiz: Complete the quiz covering Chapters 1, 4–7, and 8 (pp. 144–152 only).

Prepare: Familiarize yourself with the Criminology Theory Presentation assignment, due in Week

Week 4 - To Do List

Learn: Read Chapter 9 in your Criminology: The Essentials textbook.

Learn: Review the Chapter 9 PowerPoint presentation.

Discuss: Participate in the discussion, What Should the Legal Drinking Age Be?

Assignment: Complete and submit the Criminology Theory Presentation assignment.

Week 5 - To Do List

Learn: Read Chapter 8 (pp. 152–159 only) and Chapter 10 in your Criminology: The Essentials

Learn: Review the Chapter 8 (pp.152–159 only) and Chapter 10 PowerPoint presentations.

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information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed in whole or in part, without the expressed
written permission of Strayer University.
Week 5 - To Do List

Discuss: Participate in the discussion, ZIP Code As a Determinant of Health, Wealth, and
Criminal Behavior.

Week 6 - To Do List

Learn: Read Chapter 11 of your Criminology: The Essentials textbook.

Learn: Review the Chapter 11 PowerPoint presentation.

Discuss: Participate in the discussion, What Would You Do?

Quiz: Complete the quiz covering Chapters 8 (pp. 152–159 only) and 9–11.

Prepare: Familiarize yourself with the Criminology Theory Application assignment, due in Week

Week 7 - To Do List

Learn: Read Chapters 12 and 13 in your Criminology: The Essentials textbook.

Learn: Review the Chapters 12 and 13 PowerPoint presentations.

Discuss: Participate in the discussion, Hate Crimes.

Assignment: Complete and submit the Criminology Theory Application assignment.

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information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed in whole or in part, without the expressed
written permission of Strayer University.
Week 8 - To Do List

Learn: Read Chapters 14 and 15 in your Criminology: The Essentials textbook.

Learn: Review the Chapters 14 and 15 PowerPoint presentations.

Discuss: Participate in the discussion, Quality of Life Crimes.

Quiz: Complete the quiz covering Chapters 12–15.

Week 9 - To Do List

Learn: Read Chapters 16 and 17 in your Criminology: The Essentials textbook.

Learn: Review the Chapters 16 and 17 PowerPoint presentations.

Discuss: Participate in the discussion, Greater Threat: Gang Member or White-Collar Criminal?

Prepare: Familiarize yourself with the Crime Trend Analysis assignment, due in Week 10.

Week 10 - To Do List

Learn: Read Chapters 2 and 3 in your Criminology: The Essentials textbook.

Learn: Review the Chapters 2 and 3 PowerPoint presentations.

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information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed in whole or in part, without the expressed
written permission of Strayer University.
Week 10 - To Do List

Discuss: Participate in the discussion, Hot Spots Policing.

Assignment: Complete and submit the Crime Trend Analysis assignment.

Week 11 - To Do List

Discuss: Participate in the discussion, Reflection.

Quiz: Complete the quiz covering Chapters 2–3 and 16–17.

Grading Scale

Participation Total Points % of Grade

Discussion Participation 220 22%

Assignment Total Points % of Grade

Week 3 Quiz - Chapters 1, 4–7, and 8 (pp. 144–152 only) 85 8.5%

Week 4 Assignment - Criminology Theory Presentation 150 15%

Week 6 Quiz - Chapters 8 (pp. 152–159 only) and 9–11 80 8%

Week 7 Assignment - Criminology Theory Application 150 15%

Week 8 Quiz - Chapters 12–15 85 8.5%

Week 10 Assignment - Crime Trend Analysis 150 15%

Week 11 Quiz - Chapters 2–3 and 16–17 80 8%

Totals 1000 100%

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information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed in whole or in part, without the expressed
written permission of Strayer University.
Final Course Grade

Points Percentage Grade

900 - 1000 90% - 100% A

800 - 899 80% - 89% B

700 - 799 70% - 79% C

600 - 699 60% - 69% D

0 - 599 59% and below F

Unique Course Features

Grading Scale Notation

Please consult the University Catalog and your academic advisor to determine the final grade
needed in this class to satisfy your specific degree conferral requirements.


Week 4 Assignment - Criminology Theory Presentation


Click the linked activity title to view Criminology Theory Presentation assignment.


As an initiative to improve police and community relations and to assist police officers in seeing
offenders more as human beings and less as simply the sum total of their offenses, your police
chief wants to implement empathy training. Empathy allows officers to better understand the
"why" behind behavior and can help officers improve their interactions with people during police

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information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed in whole or in part, without the expressed
written permission of Strayer University.
As a part of this initiative, you are responsible for selecting a criminology theory covered in your
textbook and preparing a PowerPoint presentation (10–12 content slides) to help educate your
colleagues about different causes of crime.

Exception: You may select any criminology theory covered in your textbook with one exception:
You may not select conflict theory as this theory is provided to you as an example.

Create a PowerPoint presentation (10–12 content slides) in which you:

1. Explain your selected criminology theory, including its strengths and criticisms.
Do not select conflict theory, as this theory is covered in the sample presentation

2. Identify the major theorists responsible for developing this theory.

3. Finish the development of your scenario that you began in the Week 3 discussion, and which, in
this presentation, must demonstrate how your chosen theory may influence a police officer's
response to criminal/deviant behaviors.
4. Describe de-escalation techniques and community policing strategies consistent with your
chosen theory and empathy training.
5. Develop a succinct, engaging, and informative presentation on your selected criminology
Consider including images, graphics, or short video snippets in your presentation to
increase audience engagement.
Provide additional detail in the notes pages in PowerPoint about what you would say
if you actually had to deliver your presentation.

6. Use three sources to support your writing.

Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate.
Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your
Access the library or review library guides for help with research, writing, and

Consult these support resources to help guide you in developing your presentation:

Criminology Theory Presentation Template [PPTX]: This resource is provided for you as a
guide only. Your presentation may vary from the template as long as you address the
assignment requirements.

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information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed in whole or in part, without the expressed
written permission of Strayer University.
Sample Criminology Theory Presentation [PPTX]: This resource is provided to give you an
idea of what an effective presentation looks like. Once again, your presentation does not
have to look exactly like the sample. This is provided only to stimulate your thinking as you
get started on developing your presentation.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please
refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your
professor for any additional instructions. Note the following:

Use a readable size font (24 points or above) on your slides. For your slide notes, the
preferred method is to use Times New Roman font (size 12), single-spaced, with one-inch
margins on all sides.
Include a title slide containing the assignment title, your name, your professor's name, the
course title, and the date. The title slide is not included in the required number of slides.
Include a source list slide. Citations and references must follow SWS format. The source list
slide is not included in the required number of slides.

Learning Outcomes
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

Review the fundamental concepts and theories of criminology.

Scoring Guide

Explain your selected criminology theory,

including its strengths and criticisms. 25 %

Unacceptable Needs Satisfactory Competent Exemplary

Did not submit or Partially Satisfactorily Thoroughly
incompletely Insufficiently explained your explained your explained your
explained your explained your selected selected selected
selected selected criminology criminology criminology
criminology criminology theory, including theory, including theory, including
theory, including theory, including its strengths and its strengths and its strengths and
its strengths and its strengths and criticisms. criticisms. criticisms.
criticisms.. criticisms.

Ⓒ 2020 Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University Confidential and Proprietary
information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed in whole or in part, without the expressed
written permission of Strayer University.
Identify the major theorists behind this theory
and their role in its development. 10 %

Unacceptable Needs Satisfactory Competent Exemplary

Did not submit or Partially Satisfactorily Thoroughly
incompletely Insufficiently identified the identified the identified the
identified the identified the major theorists major theorists major theorists
major theorists major theorists behind this behind this behind this
behind this behind this theory and their theory and their theory and their
theory and their theory and their role in its role in its role in its
role in its role in its development. development. development.
development. development.

Finish development of your scenario, begun in

the Week 3 discussion, that demonstrates how
this theory may influence a police officer’s
response to criminal/deviant behaviors. 20 %

Unacceptable Needs Satisfactory Competent Exemplary

Did not submit or Partially finished Satisfactorily Thoroughly
incompletely Insufficiently development of finished finished
finished finished your scenario, development of development of
development of development of begun in the your scenario, your scenario,
your scenario, your scenario, Week 3 begun in the begun in the
begun in the begun in the discussion, that Week 3 Week 3
Week 3 Week 3 demonstrates discussion, that discussion, that
discussion, that discussion, that how this theory demonstrates demonstrates
demonstrates demonstrates may influence a how this theory how this theory
how this theory how this theory police officer’s may influence a may influence a
may influence a may influence a response to police officer’s police officer’s
police officer’s police officer’s criminal/deviant response to response to
response to response to behaviors. criminal/deviant criminal/deviant
criminal/deviant criminal/deviant behaviors. behaviors.
behaviors. behaviors.

Describe de-escalation techniques and

community policing strategies consistent with
your chosen theory and empathy training. 20 %

Ⓒ 2020 Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University Confidential and Proprietary
information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed in whole or in part, without the expressed
written permission of Strayer University.
Unacceptable Needs Satisfactory Competent Exemplary
Did not submit or Partially Satisfactorily Thoroughly
incompletely Insufficiently described de- described de- described de-
described de- described de- escalation escalation escalation
escalation escalation techniques and techniques and techniques and
techniques and techniques and community community community
community community policing policing policing
policing policing strategies strategies strategies
strategies strategies consistent with consistent with consistent with
consistent with consistent with your chosen your chosen your chosen
your chosen your chosen theory and theory and theory and
theory and theory and empathy empathy empathy
empathy empathy training. training. training.
training. training.

Develop a succinct, engaging, and informative

presentation on your selected criminology
theory. 10 %

Unacceptable Needs Satisfactory Competent Exemplary

Did not submit or Partially Satisfactorily Thoroughly
incompletely Insufficiently developed a developed a developed a
developed a developed a succinct, succinct, succinct,
succinct, succinct, engaging, and engaging, and engaging, and
engaging, and engaging, and informative informative informative
informative informative presentation on presentation on presentation on
presentation on presentation on your selected your selected your selected
your selected your selected criminology criminology criminology
criminology criminology theory. theory. theory.
theory. theory.

Use three sources to support your writing. 5 %

Ⓒ 2020 Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University Confidential and Proprietary
information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed in whole or in part, without the expressed
written permission of Strayer University.
Unacceptable Needs Satisfactory Competent Exemplary
No references Meets the Meets the Meets or
provided. Does not meet required number number of exceeds the
the required of references; required number of
number of some references references; most required
references; all are poor-quality references are references; all
references are choices. high-quality references are
poor-quality choices. high-quality
choices. choices.

Clarity, organization, writing mechanics, and

formatting requirements. 10 %

Unacceptable Needs Satisfactory Competent Exemplary

Serious and Partially free of Mostly free of Error-free or
persistent errors Persistent errors errors in clarity, errors in clarity, almost error-free
in clarity, in clarity, organization, organization, in terms of
organization, organization, writing writing clarity,
writing writing mechanics, and mechanics, and organization,
mechanics, and mechanics, and formatting formatting writing
formatting formatting requirements. requirements. mechanics, and
requirements. requirements. formatting

Week 7 Assignment - Criminology Theory Application


Click the linked activity title to view the Criminology Theory Application assignment.


In this assignment, you are continuing on in your role as a police officer. The Chief wants to
continue her emphasis on empathy training. Now that she's comfortable that officers have a
grounding in criminology theory, she wants to see how effectively they are able to apply what
they've learned about criminology theory and empathy to their daily police work. As part of their
prework for an upcoming departmental training session, the chief wants all officers to complete a
chart that requires them to specify for 10 given scenarios:

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information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed in whole or in part, without the expressed
written permission of Strayer University.
The crime committed and the underlying cause of the behavior, based on criminology
A police response to the scenario that addresses the behavior and provides a solution to the

Complete the Criminology Theory Application Chart [DOCX], which identifies 10 scenarios of
criminal or deviant acts that officers are likely to encounter in performance of their duties.

The first scenario is completed for you as an example to guide your responses for the remaining
scenarios. For each scenario:

1. Identify the crime(s) or deviance committed.

2. Determine the behavior's underlying cause, based on criminology theories.
3. Outline a responding officer's response to the scenario that addresses the behavior and
provides a solution to the incident.
4. Use three sources to support your writing.
Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate.
Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your
Access the library or review library guides for help with research, writing, and

Submit the completed Criminology Theory Application Chart to the assignment area.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please
refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your
professor for any additional instructions. Note the following:

The preferred method is for your Criminology Theory Application Chart to be typed, single-
spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.
Include a cover page containing the assignment title, your name, your professor's name, the
course title, and the date.
Include a separate source list page. Citations and references must follow SWS format.

Learning Outcomes

Ⓒ 2020 Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University Confidential and Proprietary
information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed in whole or in part, without the expressed
written permission of Strayer University.
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

Examine categories of crimes and their causes.

Scoring Guide

Identify the crime(s) or deviance committed. 15


Unacceptable Needs Satisfactory Competent Exemplary

Did not submit or Partially Satisfactorily Thoroughly
incompletely Insufficiently identified the identified the identified the
identified the identified the crime(s) or crime(s) or crime(s) or
crime(s) or crime(s) or deviance deviance deviance
deviance deviance committed. committed. committed.
committed. committed.

Determine the behavior’s underlying cause

based on criminology theories. 35 %

Unacceptable Needs Satisfactory Competent Exemplary

Did not submit or Partially Satisfactorily Thoroughly
incompletely Insufficiently determined the determined the determined the
determined the determined the behavior’s behavior’s behavior’s
behavior’s behavior’s underlying underlying underlying
underlying underlying cause based on cause based on cause based on
cause based on cause based on criminology criminology criminology
criminology criminology theories. theories. theories.
theories. theories.

Outline a responding officer’s response to the

scenario that addresses the behavior and
provides a solution to the incident. 35 %

Ⓒ 2020 Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University Confidential and Proprietary
information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed in whole or in part, without the expressed
written permission of Strayer University.
Unacceptable Needs Satisfactory Competent Exemplary
Did not submit or Partially outlined Satisfactorily Thoroughly
incompletely Insufficiently a responding outlined a outlined a
outlined a outlined a officer’s responding responding
responding responding response to the officer’s officer’s
officer’s officer’s scenario that response to the response to the
response to the response to the addresses the scenario that scenario that
scenario that scenario that behavior and addresses the addresses the
addresses the addresses the provides a behavior and behavior and
behavior and behavior and solution to the provides a provides a
provides a provides a incident. solution to the solution to the
solution to the solution to the incident. incident.
incident. incident.

Use three sources to support your writing. 5 %

Unacceptable Needs Satisfactory Competent Exemplary

No references Does not meet Meets number of Meets or
provided. Does not meet the required required exceeds number
the required number of references; most of required
number of references; references are references; all
references; all some references high-quality references are
references are are poor-quality choices. high-quality
poor-quality choices. choices.

Clarity, writing mechanics, and formatting

requirements 10 %

Unacceptable Needs Satisfactory Competent Exemplary

Serious and Partially free of Mostly free of Error-free or
persistent errors Persistent errors errors in clarity, errors in clarity, almost error-free
in clarity, writing in clarity, writing writing writing in terms of
mechanics, and mechanics, and mechanics, and mechanics, and clarity, writing
formatting formatting formatting formatting mechanics, and
requirements. requirements. requirements. requirements. formatting

Week 10 Assignment - Crime Trend Analysis

Ⓒ 2020 Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University Confidential and Proprietary
information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed in whole or in part, without the expressed
written permission of Strayer University.

Click the linked activity title to view the Crime Trend Analysis assignment.


In this assignment you are assuming the role of a state crime analyst. Your task is twofold:

Compile demographic and crime trend data for two cities (one U.S. city, one non-U.S. city).
Write a report for the mayors, police chiefs, and city councils of your selected cities in which
Compare/contrast the data you've collected for the two cities.
Draw three to four major conclusions for each city based on your analysis.

Your first step is to choose the two cities you want to analyze. Select one U.S. city and one non-
U.S. city from the lists below.

1. U.S. Cities:
New York, NY.
Los Angeles, CA.
St. Louis, MO.
Philadelphia, PA.
Chicago, IL.
Houston, TX.
Phoenix, AZ.

2. Non-U.S. Cities:
Tokyo, Japan.
Mexico City, Mexico.
London, England.
Beijing, China.
Moscow, Russia.
Paris, France.
Madrid, Spain.

For Part 1 of this assignment you are expected to fill out the City Demographic and Crime Trend
Analysis [DOCX] chart provided. Use the Sample City Demographic and Crime Trend Analysis

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information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed in whole or in part, without the expressed
written permission of Strayer University.
Chart [DOCX] as an example. Note: This sample only provides data for one U.S. city. Remember
that you are responsible for completing the chart for one U.S. city and one non-U.S. city.

Fill out the chart by compiling the following demographic and crime trend data for one selected
U.S. city and one selected non-U.S. city:

1. Geographic location.
2. Total population.
3. Population by age.
4. Population by race.
5. Population by gender.
6. Population by socioeconomic status.
7. Number of sworn police officers.
8. Three types of violent crime for the past five years:
Total occurrences.
Rate per 100,000 people.

9. Three types of property crime for the past five years:

Total occurrences.
Rate per 100,000 people.

In Part 2 of this assignment you are expected to write a three- to four-page report in which you:

1. Compare/contrast the demographic and crime trend data you've collected for your two selected
2. Draw three to four conclusions, based on your analysis of each of your selected cities, to share
with the cities' mayors, police chiefs, and city councils.
3. Use three sources to support your writing.
Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate.
Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your
Access the library or review library guides for help with research, writing, and

Note: Good places to start your research include:

The FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting.

This short video (5:45) on navigating within the FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting
database shows you step-by-step how to locate some of the information you need for
this assignment.

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information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed in whole or in part, without the expressed
written permission of Strayer University.
The European Commission’s Eurostat.
The Bureau of Justice Statistics’ National Crime Victimization Survey.
The Strayer University Library.

Reminder: Be sure to submit your completed City Demographic and Crime Trend Analysis Chart
and your written report to the assignment submission area in Blackboard.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please
refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your
professor for any additional instructions. Note the following:

The preferred method is for both parts of your assignment to be typed using Times New
Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.
Use single spaced for the City Demographic and Crime Trend Analysis Chart.
Use double spaced for your 3–4-page written report.

Include a cover page containing the assignment title, your name, your professor's name, the
course title, and the date.
Include a separate source list page. Citations and references must follow SWS format.

Learning Outcomes
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

Analyze the correlation between crime patterns and demographics, such as gender, age,
ethnicity, and socioeconomic status.

Scoring Guide

Compile demographic and crime trend data for

one selected U.S. city and one selected non-U.S.
city. 30 %

Ⓒ 2020 Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University Confidential and Proprietary
information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed in whole or in part, without the expressed
written permission of Strayer University.
Unacceptable Needs Satisfactory Competent Exemplary
Did not submit or Partially Satisfactorily Thoroughly
incompletely Insufficiently compiled compiled compiled
compiled compiled demographic demographic demographic
demographic demographic and crime trend and crime trend and crime trend
and crime trend and crime trend data for one data for one data for one
data for one data for one selected U.S. selected U.S. selected U.S.
selected U.S. selected U.S. city and one city and one city and one
city and one city and one selected non- selected non- selected non-
selected non- selected non- U.S. city. U.S. city. U.S. city.
U.S. city U.S. city.

Compare/contrast the demographic and crime

trend data you’ve collected for your two
selected cities. 25 %

Unacceptable Needs Satisfactory Competent Exemplary

Did not submit or Partially Satisfactorily Thoroughly
incompletely Insufficiently compared/contr compared/contr compared/contr
compared/contr compared/contr asted the asted the asted the
asted the asted the demographic demographic demographic
demographic demographic and crime trend and crime trend and crime trend
and crime trend and crime trend data you’ve data you’ve data you’ve
data you’ve data you’ve collected for collected for collected for
collected for collected for your two your two your two
your two your two selected cities. selected cities. selected cities.
selected cities. selected cities.

Draw three to four conclusions, based on your

analysis for each of your selected cities, to
share with the cities’ mayors, police chiefs, and
city councils. 30 %

Ⓒ 2020 Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University Confidential and Proprietary
information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed in whole or in part, without the expressed
written permission of Strayer University.
Unacceptable Needs Satisfactory Competent Exemplary
Did not submit or Partially drew Satisfactorily Thoroughly drew
incompletely Insufficiently three to four drew three to three to four
drew three to drew three to conclusions, four conclusions, conclusions,
four conclusions, four conclusions, based on your based on your based on your
based on your based on your analysis of each analysis of each analysis of each
analysis of each analysis of each of your selected of your selected of your selected
of your selected of your selected cities, to share cities, to share cities, to share
cities, to share cities, to share with the cities’ with the cities’ with the cities’
with the cities’ with the cities’ mayors, police mayors, police mayors, police
mayors, police mayors, police chiefs, and city chiefs, and city chiefs, and city
chiefs, and city chiefs, and city councils. councils. councils.
councils. councils.

Use three sources to support your writing. 5 %

Unacceptable Needs Satisfactory Competent Exemplary

No references Does not meet Meets number of Meets or
provided. Does not meet the required required exceeds number
the required number of references; most of required
number of references; references are references; all
references; all some references high-quality references are
references are are poor-quality choices. high-quality
poor-quality choices. choices.

Clarity, organization, writing mechanics, and

formatting requirements. 10 %

Unacceptable Needs Satisfactory Competent Exemplary

Serious and Partially free of Mostly free of Mostly free of
persistent errors Persistent errors errors in clarity, errors in clarity, errors in clarity,
in clarity, in clarity, organization, organization, organization,
organization, organization, writing writing writing
writing writing mechanics, and mechanics, and mechanics, and
mechanics, and mechanics, and formatting formatting formatting
formatting formatting requirements. requirements. requirements.
requirements. requirements.

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