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My Perspective of the Pandemic


Dr. Rishika Khare

Ranjin Pallav Tripathy


Alan John Abraham (2019/B.A. LL.B./016)

My Perspective of the Pandemic

He went back to kerala in march, It’s been 8 months since He left college, He has never
really missed the college during the pandemic, though He often longed for his friends and
he wishes to visit them, though He had no means of visiting them. He went outside only
for buying necessities, My parents were Doctors so He was often afraid they would
contract the virus, but they were careful and wore a mask or used clothing to protect them
from the virus. He has often wondered what He would do if the pandemic never happened,
Though due to the pandemic He has learned a lot of valuable lessons, and why
relationships are important.

He managed to read a lot of books. Though books were a form of escapism for me. He
used to music to combat his depression and anxiety during the pandemic , music
especially jazz was very relaxing for me. And his parents were supportive of me during
the pandemic, whenever He felt depressed He felt that his family was there for me. He
went to the dentist during the pandemic to fix his braces. He rarely went to saloons during
the COVID-19 pandemic. He never felt haircuts were a necessity, He often felt loneliness,
and He longed for his friends but He had to adjust with the current situation.

The pandemic is a reminder that we must not ignore science . He has felt that India fared
worse than other countries in combating the pandemic, South Korea, Taiwan, and some of
the Scandinavian countries has managed to contain the virus through social distancing and
other similar measures, Though in India, He feel that basic rights were often violated,
Social Distancing was not ensured, some of them were not ready to wash their hands or at
least wear masks, and often police officers used force and punitive measures to ensure that
the lock down was in place.

Though due to the lock down the economic growth rate of India slowed, and IMF
forecasts that India's GDP will plunge 10.3 per cent this fiscal year ending on March 31,
2021, the biggest contraction since independence. He feel that the lock down was
unnecessary and instead people themselves should has avoided physical contact with
others, in the long term social distancing and masks would has saved many lives. Though,
He acknowledges the fact that due to unskilled workers in India being more than skilled
workers, There would be increased competition for jobs, food unlike per pandemic times.

He believes the pandemic has left the country in a far worse state than it was before the
pandemic. He read an article about the current youth being ignorant, and wasting their
time on internet due to carriers like JIO providing data at a cheap price, And they were
focusing on issues like the suicide of Sushant Rajput and Bollywood instead of focusing
on issues like the economic decline of India during the pandemic.

He believes That India is unfairly compared to US, though there are more COVID 19
cases in US , He believes that India is in a far worse condition than US and India’s growth
rate and GDP shouldn’t be compared to US, the media has spread disinformation about
India faring better than America, People are often susceptible to fake news and they are
often not able to tell the difference between fake and real news, Especially during the
pandemic along with the virus fake news was spreading across the world, In his opinion
people should rely on reliable sources for information on COVID-19 Pandemic, Instead of
relying on sources like Instagram and whats app, social media often breeds fake news and
naive people are susceptible to this.

We should has avoided physical contact and ensured that hand sanitizes were available to
everyone including people living in the rural areas, where there are more chances of the
virus spreading and they don’t has enough resources to combat the virus. He was appalled
by the migrant crisis during the initial days of the pandemic, He believes they faced a lot
of discrimination during the pandemic, especially in his state (Lateral) Migrants from
other states are often treated with contempt and are not treated on par with an average

Though some of them were lucky enough to stay at homes and avoid physical contact
some of their fellow countrymen were not so lucky, often migrants were stuck between
states, and they too wished to see their families and go back to their home states, due to
lack of resources and money It took them days for them to travel from one part of India to
another, Unlike some of them, who had ample resources and money to afford online
classes etc some kids in Kerala were unable to afford Internet and online classes, due to
classes being in online mode, a girl committed suicide because she was unable to afford
internet and online classes, this shows the income inequality in India, often a small section
of the society in India enjoys more privileges than others.

He wishes India would have made laws to protect the rights of migrants, Though the
government is trying to portray a rosy picture of the economic condition of India, He
believes India has a lot to do before it can achieve a higher growth rate, If India want’s to
survive the Pandemic It must focus on it’s lesser privileged population, It’s no surprise that
India is among the countries with the highest COVID-19 Cases, due to lack of knowledge
about the virus among people they weren’t prepared for the pandemic unlike European
and American, The government often gave an illusion that they had contained the virus
and everything was alright, this is often the case in India. He Hopes India has learned
something from this pandemic.

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