Sadhira Van Story

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The story starts with the colonial era of year 1890, where the SADERA Jungle is attacked by the

British, who want to build a railway line through the forest. The leader of the tribe, SARAS ma who
gets possessed by SADERA, fights back with the help of the her weapon battleaxe (with possessed
from their deity SADERA). Britishers kidnapped SARAS ma on the day SARAS ma was delivering a
child and was weak , shot a bullet to her husband and seeing a chance, they attacked the forest . She
is rescued by a freedom fighter man named CHANDRA, and has advanced weapons and skills. He also
helped to fight the battle between British and peoples of Sudhira jungle in absence of SARAS ma. He
also falls in love with a woman of the tribe named SAVITRI, and marries her with the blessing of
SARAS ma. They decided that their first child name will be LALITA if girl and LALIT if boy.

The story then cuts to year 1930 where the protagonist SRAVAN and LALITA were by profession are
Bullock cart owner . They were praying to a fallen tree. And in place of that, they were sowing a new
plant. SRAVAN was saying to his wife that he would make his child a scientist. Then a person named
Raghuvansh told them that their Chief SARAS ma as asked to deliver statue from her home to
temple. That was needed as a core part of PAHWAN. It was ritual so that SARAS ma can transfer
SADERA into her daughter MAASTI devi so that she do not have to do NALSA (a custom in which a
women who don’t have child until the age 28 has to sleep with a men other than her husband on her
anniversary until she gets pregnant) as she was a widow whose husband got dead on the wedding
night itself. There was only 3 days left for her nalsa. So Pahwan has to be completed on next day
(saptami) only. PAHWAN can only be done on the Saptami of each month. But when they were
taking to the destination they were attacked by some persons in horse in order to snatch the
CHAMAK statue of SADERA. But servant and Lalitha fight and saved them saved it from those horse
mans . We see there was a green statue made of CHAMAK element.

Next day on Saptami of the month Raghuvansh who was the chariot driver brought SARAS ma and
her daughter MAASTI Devi . There we see a women named PREMA who has child that was crying too
much because he was too ill and he needs serious medication. Her husband named RAJGURU was in
tensed mood. They were also present our main protagonist Lalitha and her husband. As soon as
SARAS ma went to the statue for transferring SADERA to her daughter they see some attackers came
and they were attacking into the place they were trying to and destroy the statue so that the ritual
should not be completed. Immediately the chariot driver ran toward Masti Devi and her mother and
saved them and have them sit into the chariot. SRAVAN and LALITA they both were fighting with the
attackers to save statue but they got up person who has remote in his hand he threw a bomb to the
statue but Lalitha snatched the remote from his hand. When she did she saw that attackers whole
body was fastened with a bomb inside his shirt. She immediately run to save attacker but attacker
took out a remote bomb and threw to the statue. Attacker told that if he would not do this the
masterplanner will kill him. Now Lalita run toward the statue. Suddenly we saw that statue as well as
that attacker got blasted and all of them were in shock. The ritual was failed and now MASTI have to
do nalsa as per custom in 3 days.

As soon as the ritual was failed PREMA and her husband RAJGURU ran out to somewhere hurridly.
Raghavansh saw them running and ask villagers to follow them. He came out from the driving seat of
chariot and run after the prema and rajguru thinking that rajguru and prema were behind the attack
on statue. Following him all the tribals ran after him.

Then we see a man named ADHEER who was making a food in the kitchen. His wife has cancer over
the face and she cannot see as eyes also affected in the cancer . He helps his wife to eat the food and
do chores of his home himself alone. Her whole body is reddish. Adhir has two twin sons who are
lookalike. ADHEER sold most of his fields just to for the medication of his wife. But his wife is still not
getting better. Arthur’s wife cannot even see her child’s because he’s blind. He took a field spade on
his shoulder and went to his field with 2 oxen to plough. He found that someone has irrigated the
potato plant of his field and he got angry. He found that a person named Vinod who was
encroaching his field because he was in angry mood so Adheer hit with the spade into his ear and
Vinod was blooding and fell down. Vinod already has a ear infection. He was in pain and there was
lots of bloods coming out from his head. After some time of pain Adheer himself took him to the
hospital leaving his oxen and spade on field. When he reached on the hospital he sees that All the
tribals of SADERA jungle are beating hardly to RAJGURU. Rajguru started giving his money toward
Prema and requested his wife she should put the child into hospital but tribals couldn’t let it do.
Instead Raghuvansh took the money and kept it in his pocket and even put his hand into Rajguru’s
pocket and took out all the money. When he took out money from RAJGURU’s pocket, he found the
remote which blasted the statue. .All people became more angry and started beating RAJGURU more
harshly with stick , leg and whatever they got. Prema along with her child was also getting beaten.
Raghuvansh show all the money to PREMA and teared off and threw it. Immediately he left Blooding
VINOD to ground and saved PREMA from getting beaten and her child by fighting with the SADERA
van’s tribal. He immediately run to save RAJGURU. RAJGURU was seriously injured. Now RAJGURU,
VINOD and RAJGURU’s child all are in hospital. Prema was crying too much. PREMA was afraid that
when doctors will ask for money she won’t be having it. When doctors came ask for fee, adheer paid
the PREMA’s amount too. Prema asked him whether he is a rich person but he said that he is not rich
instead he sold half of his field just for his wife’s medication and the money which he gave to doctor
was from it. Prema asked about his background so he told that his father left him when he was small
of age 10 and he helped his small brother Randheer to study but couldn’t write exam as he got lung
cancer and he stopped studying. Suddenly we see that many peoples of ADHEER’s village came as it
seems that they came to beat him because he hit Vinod with spade but they told that Adheer’s wife
is seriously ill. So Adhir went away to his home and finds out that his wife is on the edge of death and
she told to Adheer that he should be careful with those two child and Adheer promised that he will
take care of them and after that his wife was dead. Adheer was doing cremation of his wife. He was
taking both of his child in his lap. PREMA also came to his home and was very sorry after seeing the
condition of Adheer’s life. Immediately PREMA realised the reason behind the diseases going in the
village of ADHEER. She tells him that its because of CHAMAK element which is found in SADERA
jungle. But when adheer asks why SADERA van people don’t have this medical issue. PREMA tell the
backstory why SADERA jungle people are saved of disease.

BACKSTORY PREMA told to Adheer

In 1679 there is a meteor shower over the jungles of SADERA VAN. Their people loves the SADERA
Jungle very much and for them each tree and grass is a glimpse of their diety. There deity’s name is
SADERA. Because of meteor shower they lost their many of the population. Few of them survived the
wrath of Meteor Shower. From that showering they got an element they called it Chamak. It is a
green in colour and gets mixed with greenery of SADERA Jungle. It’s actually radioactive uranium
which they say Chamak. Their population was itself about to end because of meteor shower but
because the radioactivity they were not having child and they were having problem with skin cancer ,
eye disease etc.. and so they thought that is it is wrath from their deity SADERA. The leader of
SADERA van was Malshu. He also has a son named Rajan. Malshu sit down on a tree and did a long
Intense penance to his deity SADERA. After a long and intense penance of around 6 months sitting on
the branch of tree he got very skinny and all hears bones were shown. He didn’t eat he just was busy
doing pennies whole day whole night continuously then after around six months he was dead but as
soon as he was dead, he was changed to a saint with white big beard and white clothes and a
battleaxe in his hand . He gave blessing to the people of Sadhaira jungle that the element which is
giving them radioactivity wont have any effect in the SADERA van. He promised that he will be
possessing the MALSU’s descendant whenever they want and need. The descendant who will be
possessor just has to call him . When he was going away from SADERA van then peoples of Sadhaira
van asked that when he will be coming back so he promised that when they will be in extreme need
and there will be a sacrifice without any greed similar to Malsu then he will be having a Permanent
physical presence in human body and he will do any fulfilment that the descendant of Malsu will be
wanting. Because there were very few population so there was a very weird rule for the jungle
created by RAJAN that if a woman is beyond 28th of age and still she doesn’t have any child she has to
sleep with on other person of her choice and they say it nalsa. A man is can be chosen only one time
in an year and nalsa would be done on the same date as when she was married. Next year a
different man has to be chosen. This was done to maintain a population balance and that at least a
woman should have one child.

Now Adheer pick up his both son and asked PREMA to look after them. He went to his village people
along with his brother Randhir and tried to persuade the villager to go and live in SADERA jungle as it
is safe. He told them that because the radiation is redirected in SADERA jungle , all of it comes
directly to our village. They are the reason why his wife got dead. All villagers lost there family
members. Some lost brothers, sister, their wifes, children et… I have lost my both mothers. If they
will take over the SADERA jungle, there forthcoming generations will be fine. So they got persuaded
to follow Adheer. Also we find out that villagers fear Adhir.

It is the day of MAASTI’s nalsa. Her mother asked to choose the man with whom she would be doing
it. But she run out and jumped into a well because she don’t want to do it. SADERA ma cried loud
and many people came to the house of MAASTI. Immediately we SRAVAN and RAGHUVANSH
jumped into the well to save her. SARAS ma was sobby and fearing very much. When LALITA didn’t
see that her husband is coming out of well, LALITA was going to jump into the well herself. Suddenly
someone said that some person are cutting down trees and snatching homes of other tribals. They
are forcing the SADERA van’s people to run out. And LALITA looked into the well and immediately
run to the place where the trees are being cut. She with her a bow and arrow started fighting with
the Adheer and his villagers who were making home to live there. Lalita requested them that they
should run off but Adheer said that except SAHIRA van there is no safe place so they should let him
and his people live there. SADERA is the only place near which doesn’t have radioactivity because of
blessing. Randhir was on a sitting on tree and cutting a branch . Lalita said that SADERA jungle isn’t
the home of outsiders. They should not have cut down the tree. Adhir started fighting Lalita. In flow
of events, Lalita shot an arrow to stop Randhir but the arrow hit in the stomach of Randhir and he fell
down from the tree. He was dead. After sometime we see lots of villagers of Adheer ran toward to
kill LALITA with weapons.

Few moments later, we see that Raghuvansh got the MAASTI devi and he gave SRAVAN MAASTI devi
inside the well to take her out. He did like that. There was water in her lungs. They were trying so
that water would come out of lungs. SARAS ma was in dilemma whether she should go to help or to
stay with her daughter. SRAVAN requested her to go for LALITA. He said LALITA is pregnant so help

They started killing LALITA. LALITA was severely injured. Adhir was crying beside his brother. Adhir
took out the arrow from his brothers stomach and went to kill LALITA. But SARAS ma (possessed by
SADERA) alone fought with whole villagers and overpowered them with her battleaxe. There were
lots of killing and deaths of the villagers. Adhir was just staring at SARAS ma after he was injured
angrily. After loosing the fight with SARAS ma, they went away to their village mostly injured.
When SARAS ma came to home, she saw that her daughter was still unconscious. Everyone
specifically Raghuvansh and Sravan were trying hard to make her fine. Sravan was blowing air in
MAASTI’s mouth but nothing happened.

When injured Adhir went to the home weeping by taking the dead brother in his hand, PREMA was
shocked. She asked what happened . Because she didn’t knew that What did Adheer did. When
PREMA told that he should not do such things, instead find other place to live. Adheer told that
there is no place to go. We are surrounded by River and Ocean. And even if there was somewhere to
go, he would not have go now, because they killed my brothers and villagers. PREMA told that he
cannot do anything until there is SARAS ma, because SADERA will help them and adheer cannot win
them. Immediately Adheer caught the neck of PREMA and angrily said to PREMA that he will kill
each of the tribals. He told last time there intention was to just on replace the tribals but this time he
will kill each people of jungle. And specially he will teach LALITA a lesson. PREMA was afraid and she
ran out because she still loves the people of SADERA van. She told that she will tell all the people of
SADERA van that Adheer is coming to war.

Its been a day since MAASTI is unconscious. SARAS ma thought that if she will kill herself, SADERA
deity will possess her daughter and she will get fine because PAHWAN was unsuccessful. So she took
out knife from the pocket of Raghuvansh who was beside MAASTI and stabbed herself in stomach.
SARAS ma fell down. Immediately we see that RAJGURU came to the house of SARAS ma. He want to
tell something to SARAS ma but was shocked to see the SARAS was lying down. Everyone thinks that
RAJGURU was reason behind the statue attack so he run toward the RAJGURU tookout the knife from
the SARAS ma and stabbed RAJGURU and killed him. Sravan tried to stop him but was too late.
RAGHUVANSH was crying too much. But we see that SARAS ma wasn’t dead. She was moving her
fingers. After few moments we see that a doctor came there to see them. But when he saw 3 dead
bodies, he ran away. Raghuvansh caught him and on knife point he asked to have medication of both.

When PREMA reached there she saw the dead body of her husband, She cried too much.
Raghuvansh scolded PREMA and threatened that she should run out of tribe otherwise she and and
her child will get killed. PREMA run to the hospital and found out that her child was lying silently on
a bench rather than on a medical bed. She took it. She took her child and put her on shoulder and
with lots of tear she went to Adheer. When SARAS ma woke up and saw he daughter lying again. She
tried to kill herself again but immediately we see that MAASTI devi woke up and SRAVAN was sitting
beside her. MAASTI saw the condition of her mother and felt very sorry for her deeds. MAASTI told
that she will do nalsa but with SRAVAN.

Listening this Lalita was crying and sleeping on the bed. She doesn't want that her
husband so do nalsa and we can see her stomach was out because of the pregnant baby.
And too lalita was injured herself litttle bit.

When nalsa was going to happen Masti Devi gave a milk to drink in glass but after drinking
Shravan also fell down and was foaming with blood from his mouth on bed. Maasti devi
was shocked to see it. She cried and we see that immediately doctor run because he was
there only for treating SARAS MA.

Now because prema's husband was killed so she went to other with his silent baby on
shoulder and told him that this is the moment that he should attack it to SADERA jungle
because now SARAS ma is injured, lalita is not fine very much and SRAVAN is also not fine.
Now we see that whole villagers of Adheers village came to attack on the SADERA jungle
the people of Sudhir Jungle try to retaliate but where over powered by Adheers villagers.
Lalita was fighting alone as much as she can but at the last adir captured her. All people of
SADERA jungle were enforced to be in a group and few person of Adheers village aimed to
shoot down all of them. Suddenly we so that Lalitha ,Shravan and saras ma were foced to
make a triangle. And all of three have a bomb fastened into there body. They all were also
given a button to press. If lalita presses the button her husband will die and if her husband
will press the button saras ma will die and if saras ma will press lalita will die.

Adheer told that he wants to show them how does it Feel when someone dies onto our
hand and we cannot do anything just see it. Adheer told that they have one minute to
decide who will live . 2 of them should have to be dead. If they don't follow it within 1
minute they all will get killed along with all people of SADERA jungle. And if they did it, he
assured that he won't kill any more people rather just force them to flee out of SADERA
jungle. So he asked to do it fast. He started the timer. Adheer was saying that lets see the
justice of your god.

If lalita will kill her husband first, so saras ma will ultimately have to kill lalita , and if sravan
will kill saras ma, lalita will have to kill her husband and if saras ma will kill first sravan has
to kill saras ma.

After few moments of emotional talk to her husband, lalita said that we believe in our god
more than ourselves. So Saras ma should be saved. So lalita presses the button and killed
her husband. Now its time for Saras ma to press the button, she looks down to press the
button and when she looks up we see that saras ma was now possessed with SADERA she
opened her hand and we see her battleaxe came into her hand. She immediately run
towards the LALITA and removed her bomb . She immediately threw the battle axe toward
the man who were aiming to shoot down peoples of SADERA van. Lalita immediately run
toward beside standing Adheer and started to fight for remote of bomb. Remote fell down.
Adheer and Lalita were fighting to save it. Otherside SARAS ma is killing all the adheers
people and saving SADERA jungles people. But at last Adheer was successful in taking the
remote and presses the button. Saras ma was blasted and was dead. Lalita was
completely shocked. Adheer told that now everyone of SADERA jungle should be killed. But
Lalita was fighting was much as she could. Adheer told to shoot down everyone and at last
he will kill Lalita himself. When all of the adheer's people threw bomb and shoot down the
bullet. We see in slow motion of bullet that as it reaches to a child, it got stopped. and then
we see that a saint was appearing with the Battleaxe with white clothing and white beard
from the dust of bombing to SARAS ma. He killed off every man standing with his magic
and weapon. Adheer was completely shocked seeing this. Lalita was murmuring that it
shouldn’t happen. It wasn’t possible. Saint saved everyone of SADERA jungle.

Lalita hold the neck of Adheer and was going to kill. Adheer started laughing. Lalita
stopped. Adheer was looking at the saint. He told to saint that so this is how god should
work. He should take a side of those who pray him. Is it. I thought god would know justice.
But no.. he too takes side. He saved only those part from radiation which was asked and
let us burn into radiation. At least sometimes human do things which benefits only him
and doesn’t give a hurt to others. But you are supposed to be God. Is that how you provide
justice. God SADERA only gave benefit to those who pray to him and will send a wrath
otherwise. Is that how god do work? One person who works hard in field and other just
prays god inside home, who will have better crops… if that would be God like SADERA, the
person sitting inside home will have better crops. Isn’t it. He said God is helping those who
collectively beated a person just because he was just conspired to steal a statue without
knowing the actually culprit. I think his sin is okay just because he is praying you… isn’t it. I
thought you must be knowing who did this, but I am dissapointed.

Saint left the battleaxe and it fell down. LALITA asked how do he know that RAJGURU’s
didn’t stole the statue. In turn Adheer (pointing finger) told how do any of you that he stole.
Just because someone told you. And who told it Raghuvansh. Its actually Raghuvansh who
was doing all those things. LALITA left the neck of Adheer and sat down on the ground and
asked where is Raghuvansh. Adheer said he is being beaten by PREMA in his house. When
LALITA asked why he captured him, he told that because PREMA knew that RAJGURU
wasn’t one who blasted the statue. Instead she was with him whole day and were
considering about there child’s illness.

Lalita asked then how did remote came out from his pocket. He told that while taking out
money, he put the remote into RAJGURU’s pocket. He desperately wants to do NALSA with
MAASTI devi so he was the one who killed MAASTI devi’s husband on wedding night, her
father when he saw her. All those statue attacks were done by him only. He cannot let
SARAS ma to die as otherwise SADERA will possess MAASTI before 28 and he cannot do
it. He was the one who gave poison to SRAVAN. Listening this, Lalita was shocked. She
asked why, then Adheer told that he would kill everyone until MAASTI would select
Raghuvansh for nalsa. He told that you think I am bad. No I will keep on hunting each of
you. But wants to secure the life his 2 sons. He cannot let them die where they live due to
radiation. Lalita got realized that what he is correct. Lalita asked to the saint that he being
a god why did he do that. Saint told that because Lalita herself told it to do when he in the
body of SARAS ma.

When Lalita asked why will saint follow what she will say, then saint told that its because
you are Descendant of MALSU. Saint told that its because he had promised that he will
fulfill everything the descendant of MALSU will ask, so he had to do it. Then Saint revealed
a shocking truth that LALITA is the descendant of MALSU. She asked if saint will follow
everything she will ask for, then she is asking that he should never use a weapon against
any human ever again. Saint accepted that proposal and he went away. Immediately we
see that Adheer started laughing and people of SADERA van got angry with LALITA and
started throwing stones. Adheer said laughing that she should kill him because he will
always come after them. Adheer told to the people of SADERA van that from Now LALITA
is your chief. Do you want her to be chief. Every person of Sadera van denied it. Adheer
said they accept or not, she is your new chief. Adheer asked now he can ask LALITA if his
Adheer’s villagers can live in SADERA or not. LALITA said ‘yes’ he can live with us. We see
every people very angry with LALITA. They started throwing stones to her. Adheer told that
don’t worry. He is not gonna live with peoples of SADERA jungle. Adheer then told that he
has taken promise to eliminate each of you. Then Lalita told that she will try to save until
her last breath. I will show you people that gods are biased. Adheer was going. Peoples
were chanting to kill him but Lalita didn’t kill Adheer.

Adheer went few steps ahead and said to LALITA that her sister MAASTI won’t be alive.
Lalita asks where is she. Adheer said that she is his hostage along with Raghuvansh.
Immediately we see that Adheer run out from the jungle. LALITA tried to follow Adheer but
we see that she sat on ground and her child was coming out. But no people of sadera were
helping her. Instead when she was shouting they were asking to go away from SADERA
jungle. Many of them came to spit on her. People of SADERA Jungle said that she is
responsible if anything happens to the SADERA jungle by Adheer. We see that she is alone
in jungle outside and birds were chirping and the child was born. No one was there to help

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