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Прочитайте розповідь маленького хлопчика про свою сім’ю.

My family.

This is me. My name is Mark. I am nearly five. I am not a pupil.

I can draw, but I can’t read and write.

This is my sister. My sister’s name is Olha.

She is nine. She is a pupil. She can read and
write. She is a good pupil.

My brother’s name
is Boris. He is twenty- one
and he is a student.
Boris is a good brother.
This is a picture of my father. I’m his son.
Olha is his daughter. He is a teacher.
My father is forty- six.

This is my mother. My mother is a teacher.

She is forty- five. My mother and my father
are my parents. My brother, my sister and I
are their children.

In this picture you can see my father’s sister.

She is my aunt. She lives in Poltava.

These are my grandfather and my grand-

mother. They are my mother’s parents.
They are pensioners. My grandfather

and grandmother are very nice.

Щоб дізнатись про сім’ю Марка вам необхідно виконати завдання.
Open the brackets and choose the correct form.
1. Mark ( is / are ) _______ from Ukraine .
2. Mark’s mother and father ( are/ is )_______ teachers.
3. They ( work/ works )__________ at school.
4. They ( start / starts )________ their work at 9 am.
5. They ( stop/ stops ) ________ work at 5 pm.
6. Mark’s father ( like / likes ) ________ cars.
7. So, he ( is / are ) _______ a driver .
8. Mark ( like / likes ) _________ English lessons .
9. Mark’s grandparents ( live / lives ) ___________ in the village .
10. They ( work / works )_____________ in the kitchen – garden .
11. They ( don’t / doesn’t ) ____________ work at school.
12. They ( are / is ) ____________ pensioners .
Mark likes his family very much.

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