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1) I hereby affirm that I have read and understood the “Guidance & Compliance by students”, on Regulations on Attendance,
Scheme of Evaluation, Passing Criteria, and Discipline among students in Examination and its amendments, and I will abide
by them.

2) My examination result as on date is as under :

Semester SGPA CGPA No. of Back Papers Semester SGPA CGPA No. of Back Papers

I 7.13 0 VI

II 5.43 6.28 0 VII

III 5.48 5.99 0 VIII

IV 5.08 5.75 1 IX


3) I affirm that I will clear all my back papers of previous semesters if any alongwith my current year examinations to make
myself eligible for promotion in the next year of my programme as per promotion criteria given in AUK Regulations.

4) I will register myself for Guided Self Study Course for all my back papers by paying prescribed fees. I also affirm that I will
attend Guided Self Study Courses when scheduled.

5) I also affirm that if I am unable to clear back papers, if any and score minimum passing criteria of SGPA/CGPA in previous
year(s) and Promotion criteria of SGPA/CGPA in current year as laid down in Regulations, I will have the option to either
repeat the year or Withdraw from the program for which I will apply to HoI.

(Signature of Student)


Enrolment No. A90904621011

Programme: _BCOM(H)

Date: 22/08/2023 Institution: ACCFK

Undertaking by the Parent

I hereby affirm that I have read and understood the above Undertaking given by my son/daughter and will ensure that he/she abides
by the same.

(Signature of Parent)

Date: 22/08/2023 Name PAPIA CHAKRABORTY

Recommendation of HoI ___________________________________________________________________________________

Date: ________________ Signature of HoI

Remarks of DCoE__________________________________________________________________________________________

Date: ________________ Signature of DCoE

Remarks of Dean , Academics


Date: ________________ Signature of Dean , Academics

Approval of Pro Vice Chancellor Approved /Not Approved

Date ________________ Signature of Pro Vice Chancellor

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