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Maricar H.

Activity 13
I. Compare and contrast Masters and Johnson model and Kaplan model of the human
sexual response cycle.
Various sex researchers have developed models that attempt to describe women’s sexual
responses. In the 1960s, William Masters and Virginia Vinson observed and measured women
and men engaging in sexual activities in a laboratory setting, and reported their research in the
bevy "Human Sexual Response." The Masters and Johnson model outlined four stages of
physiological arousal: excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution.
It can be helpful to understand the Masters and Johnson model, net because it fits all women vary
is a standard you should try to follow, but because aspects of it may fit your experience and
because so many clinicians still use it. Here's a breakdown of the four stages.

2. Look for three research articles which gives updated information about the Human
Sexual Response cycle in people of different genders. Write down a brief review of these
articles emphasizing similarities and differences in their findings.
The sexual response cycle has four phases: excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution. Both
men and women experience these phases, although the timing usually is different. For example,
it is unlikely that both partners will reach orgasm at the same time. In addition, the intensity of
the response and the time spent in each phase varies from person to person. Understanding these
differences may help partners better understand one another’s bodies and responses, and enhance
the sexual experience.
Maricar H. Ramos

1.Differentiate stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination. Provide five examples of each.
Stereotype’s are non-scientific ever-generalizations about a social group. Stereotype’s can be
positive or negative, conscious and unconscious inferences about a social group.
During Youth
– Girls are better at reading and boys are better at math
– Girls should be well behaved; boys are expected to act out
– Girls and are not as interested as boys in STEM subjects;
– Boys should engage in sports and refrain from more creative pursuits;
– Boys and men are expected to use violence and aggression to prove their manliness;
Prejudice is unjustifiable and negative attitudes toward an individual or group based on
reinforced misinformation about a social group. Prejudice is cultivated by sterevtypes.¹ Prejudice
also reflects ideological theories about race (see Post 5:Race as a Social Construct)
– Gender Identity.
– Sexism.
– Nationalism.
– Classism.
– Sexual discrimination.
Discrimination is negative, destructive, exclusionary behavior and action towards an individual
or group of people based on social identity groups (race, gender, sex, ethnicity, class, etc.)
Discrimination is harmful, and denies individuals or groups access to power.
Discrimination is pervasive on the individual, institutional, and structural levels, and operates in
behaviors, practices, cultures, policies, and laws.
– Equal Pay/Compensation.
– National Origin.
– Pregnancy.
– Race/Color.
– Religion.
2. Look for TV or newspaper advertisements which you think are promoting stereotypes,
prejudice, or discrimination. Print this advertisement on a bond paper. Write down an essay
explaining why you think so and how to make the advertisement more inclusive:

Lucky Me! Pancit Canton Original “Family Time” TV Commercial

If there is a food that makes me feel nostalgic about my childhood, it’s Pancit Canton. I
remember faint details of my mother cooking it, almost the same set-up in the advertisement. It
never occurred to me that there’s something wrong, but now I see that there is. Now let’s see
how this advertisement has something to say with the issue of gender stereotypes in the
The children came home from school along with their father from work while the mother was
waiting for them. The mother sees that her husband and children are busy doing their own thing.
She wants her family to get together so her solution was to cook Pancit Canton. To put this
simply, this advertisement shows a stereotypical view of what women and men are supposed to
be doing. A Filipino tradition is that it is the responsibility of women to stay at home doing
chores and taking care of the family which includes cooking, cleaning, doing dishes, and an
endless list of jobs. While men are responsible for providing food and necessities, doing jobs that
earn actual money. There’s nothing wrong with this kind of set-up. What’s wrong is to think that
these are the only things that both genders are capable of or to think that both genders have no
right to try other things aside from what the advertisement showed. Mothers are given the title of
“ilaw ng tahanan” while fathers are called “haligi ng tahanan”. If it were the other way around,
do you wonder how other people would react? Some people might find it amazing, some would
laugh about it, or it could be nothing. But the last option is only possible if a person firmly
believes that there are no boundaries between genders and that everyone has equal rights in
choosing life decisions regardless of what their sex organ is. But if the media continues to
publish stereotyping commercials, this might prevent our minds from widening our
If the advertisement only showed that the father was busy helping the mother doing house chores
and not from outside work while their kids are studying, it would give a different message.
Watchers (it might not become obvious but) would unconsciously understand that it is not
unusual for men to do household chores. They could also improvise it by showing that the
mother and father both came home from work after fetching their kids from school and they both
decide to cook Pancit Canton for dinner to get together. This would imply a message that both
parents are allowed to find a job and can also show affection to their kids at the same time.
We can take baby steps starting with the media. Given that the media has the power to
disseminate a message and influence people, let’s make use of this as a medium to avoid
stereotypes or any form of discrimination. We’ve already arrived in the century where we adapt
to changes. It would be a shame if the majority wants to clip the wings of a struggling bird before
it even learns how to fly.
Maricar H. Ramos
Activity 15
1. Write a reflection paper on what you think and how you feel about how LGBTQ+ is
portrayed in your favorite TV show or series. Share why you think or feel that way.

Our media is a platform of influence, and throughout the years, there has been a noticeable
development in representations and attention to homosexuality through media's expansion as a
platform of social expression. In today's generation, LGBTQ+ depiction has become more open
and diversified and no longer serves as a source of mockery and ridicule throughout the film.
Looking back, some of the films I've seen only showed LGBT people as amusing characters, and
gay men only want the attractive and hot male characters. whereas lesbians are rarely seen. This
leads me to believe that LGBT people are all comedians who are solely concerned with how to
get attractive men.
Filipino films are now depicting the lives of LGBT people, focusing on their real-life
experiences, problems, viewpoints, feelings, opinions, and values. We grew more receptive to
the possibilities of human progress with which we could relate
I’ve seen a few programs and films that have made me realize and see the broad notion of the life
of an LGBT person. They are human beings with feelings, families, and the same struggles, joys,
and priorities that we do. I was able to Visualize the realities of gay and lesbian life. Which only
increased my admiration For them.
As much as television and social media represent the hardships, challenges, and travels of LGBT
people, the BL series begins to pave its path. In comparison to other films that show the
challenges and journey of LGBT people, my opinion on the BL series is different. I indeed feel
uncomfortable seeing the same genders showing affection towards each other. Maybe we are not
yet open to this concept of love, or it is just time for us to accept the diversity of love and that
love does not only center on males and females. Above everything, the media’s portrayal of the
LGBTQ+ community has changed drastically throughout the years, which made me understand
life in a bigger picture. Even though I am a heterosexual female, I can relate to the characters’
dilemmas and concerns in the film, this only goes to prove that we are all the same.

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