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Home & materials
1.What are some common building materials used for construction?
In the construction industry, building material is a factor that receives top attention. In
particular, the factor that is put on top is reinforced concrete. They are considered the
“backbone” to help support and withstand high pressure. Also there are common
building materials such as brick, wood and stone.

2. Is wood or concrete more environmentally friendly? Why?

I think wood is more environmentally than concrete. Because Wood grows naturally, is
renewable and has advantages from a carbon footprint perspective. It is also durable,
adaptable and can have positive impacts on a building’s occupants.

1. Do you recycle at home? Give examples of things you have recycled?
Yes. Recycling is good for environment so I have turn old plastic bottles into vase or
lovely potted plant to decorate the house. And I have used old newspaper to make
unique and fun gift wrap. Using pages from comics section to make wrap that will be
loved by kids and adults alike!

2. How can recycling help the environment?

More and more people recycle every day. This helps to reduce the need for lanfill and
more costly forms of disposal. So this save energy, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and
help to tackle climate change.

3. What are some ways to encourage others to recycle?

We can set up a recycling club. You’re definitely not the only one in your neighborhood
that wants to improve recycling efforts in their community. Getting together with people
who share your same enthusiasm for recycling and repurposing can be a fun way to
make new friends. In addition, you can educate or share your community about
recycling and its benefit in the Internet. I think that can encourage othersto recycle.

4. What materials can be recycled?

Nowadays, there are many materials can be recycled such as newspapers, metal can,
carboard or aluminium can.Ex: "Tin" cans are actually steel cans coated in a thin layer
of tin. The tin and steel are separated during the recycling process. All steel contains
recycled steel. Much of the steel is used on the east coast of the U.S. and in Canada.

5. What can happen if we don’t recycle?

If we don't recycle is more waste would be incinerated or sent to landfills, increasing air
and water pollution all over the world.This then leading to melting ice, climate change,
ecosystem imbalances and serious impacts on human life. So we should recycle to protect
the human life.
1. Are there any environmental problems in your country?
I think environmental problems such as air polution, water polution are serious
impacting quality of life in Vietnam. In Hanoi, fine dust covers the city makes the
polution lever in the top 1 in the world

2. Do you and your family take steps to help the environment?

Every day, I and my family move on foot or by bus to reduce emissions into the air. My
family have habit that turn old newspaper, plastic bottle in lovely decorations or recycle
tin can to turn into new tin basin.

3. How often do you read news about the environment? Is it always bad news?
I often read news about the environment. I see that it always is bad news. Because
there are more and more dangers, natural disaters and climate change. The most recent
is winter climate change in our country or the nationwide earthquake in Japan.

4. Do you have any good news about the environment in your country?

No. I think human actions have serious affected the invironment and now we are

paying the price for our actions. I hope that people will be more conscious of protecting

the environment for the survival of humanity.

Changing behavior
1. Have you ever done anything to protect the environment?
Yes, I used to join a club to protect the environment: plant green trees, clean up trash in
the river, raise people’s awareness. I think that is a meaningful action and I will do it
more in the future

2. Do you think people are becoming more or less concerned about the environment
these days? Why?
I think people are becoming more concerned about the environment these days because
people are paying the price for what they have done. Climate change, melting ice, global
warming have affected people’lives, and health

3. What can be done to encourage people to protect the environment?

Shopping online
1. What kinds of things do people in your country often buy from online shops?
Online shopping has both become a fashion and a real thing in my country. In fact,
people in my country these days visit online shops first before thinking about going
outside to buy anything, as they can pretty much buy anything from the online shops.
Anyway, to be a bit more specific, things like clothing items, perfume, cosmetics,
footwear, grocery items, sunglasses, electronic appliances, home appliances, TV, mobile
phone, smartphones, and fashionable items, among many other things, are usually bought
from the online shops by the people in my country.

2. Why has online shopping become so popular in many countries?

Online shopping has become so popular in many countries because of several reasons. The
main reason, of course, is being the convenience. After all, buying something, which you
really like, from the comfort of your home is almost always preferable to going outside
and wasting valuable time on the road. Besides, shopping online has become popular also
because it can help people save a significant amount of money as many websites
constantly offer and sell their products at a discounted price.

3. What are some possible disadvantages of buying things from online shops?
Just as there are advantages to buying things from online shops, there are some
disadvantages too. For example, when we are buying something from online shops, the
chances are that we are not actually getting all the right information about the quality of
the products. In fact, in my opinion, without touching and feeling the products, by
remaining physically present in a shop, is an experience we will always miss when
shopping online. Besides, when shopping online, there always is a chance that the
products on online shops are over-priced and do not look like the images that we see to
decide to buy an item.

1. What do most people in your country use email for?
Well, it depends. Most people use email for daily work such as sending a cover latter,
answering a customer’s demand or whatsoever. Meanwhile, many people find it a useful tool to
keep in touch with their fresh and blood.

2. When would you send emails to others?

Well, in study, I send emails to my teachers when I don’t understand the problem or
provide information. Like I said earlier, I do that at least two or three times a month.
Anyway, I sometimes send my travel videos to family because I can’t send them through
messaging applications because of the file size limit.

3. Do you think it is better to send an email or a text message?

Well, I personally prefer texting because what’s quicker than sending a text right? Texting
doesn’t require formal greeting. Besides, texting comes pre-built on mobile phones and,
unlike email, is available even without a wifi connection, which makes texting a
more accessible medium.

4. Is sending emails popular among teenagers in your country? Why/ Why not?
No. I think teenagers in my country seldom send emails beacause send a text message
faster than emails, message applications have many beautiful and convenient effects. They
just send emails to serve some work and study needs.

Solar panels
1. Do you think buying solar panels for your home is a good investment?
Yes, many people think solar panels are expensive but in the future it is a good
investment because electricity prices are increasing and we will save energy and protect

2. Why aren’t all houses in hot countries fitted with solar panels?

3. What are the pros and cons of solar energy?

Life stages
1. At what age do people in your country usually get married/ start a career?
In my country, female can get married at 18 years old, male can get maried at 20
years old. But nowaday, people usually get married lately about 25-30 because they
want to have financial stability to have the future better.

2. Do you think there is a correct time in your life to do this?

No, I think the future is an unknown, I will start a carrer when I have enough
knownlege and confidence and I will get maried when I have financial stability. So
there isn’t a correct time in my life to do this.

3. Are there certain activities that are more popular among people of a specific age
group in your country?
Overseas Travel
1. Which countries and continents do you plan to visit?
I plan to visit Japan, France and Europe because I want to see the snow and cherry
blossoms. They’re beautiful but now I must study well, ake a lot of money and
make dreams come true.

2. Why do you want to visit these places?

Because they are beautiful and I love to experience, loving going to new lands. I
think we are young, we should do that we like to for a billiant youth.

3. What type of transport will you use to travel there?

I think it’s so far away so I have to go to by plane. Also in the process of moving
between tourist sides, I will use streetcar and bus because it is popular and
1. When do you have parties?
Well, I am a student so I spend my time studying, go to work part-time, help my
parents. So I rarely have parties, mostly birthday parties of friends and relatives. I
realy like go to parties because I can meet other people and expand relationships.

2. Which events do people celebrate in your country?

In Vietnam, there are many events such as: Lunar New Year, International
Woman’s Day, Labor Day, Mid-Autumn Festival, National Independence Day,
….that help people reunite their families or show gratitude.

3. What do people usually do at a festival or during national celebration in your

For example, Tết is the Vietnam New Year, take place in late January or early
February. During Tết, people usualy clean house, decore street and house, prepare
traditional dishes as bánh chưng, nem and xôi. Additionally, people make visits to
their relatives' and friends' homes, and give lucky money to children. So, I
absolutely love Tết! It's my favorite time of the year.

Adulthood Celebrations
1. At what age can people in your country legally drive a car?
You must be 18 years old to obtain a driving license and drive your car. However,
as per Vietnam's Traffic Law, it is legal to drive motorbikes under 50cc when you
are 16 years old.
2. At what age do you think teenagers become adults?
I think teenagers at 20 years old become adults because at 18 years old they are
immature, toddler entering life and unable to make mature decisions.
It takes at least 2years for them to become more mature adults and make their own

3. Are there any special celebrations in your country for young people as they
become adults?
No, I have only heard about graduation, there aren’t any special celebrations in my
country for young people as they become adults.

4. What responsibilities do you think come with being an adult?

When I am an adult, I have to be independent, earn money to take care of the future
of myself and my family, make dream come true and do something useseful to

5. Why is 18th birthday party so important?

It is big day. As the transition from childhood to adulthood, the 18th birthday
marks an extraordinary milestone in one's life. Depends where you live, but it
usually means you can drive, vote, make your own contacts and financial decisions.
After 18 years old, people must learn to be independent, collite with life.

6. How do people in your country celebrate their 18th birthday party?

What I've found is that, in the past, Vietnamese people used to stay at home and
host indoor parties. However, they now take vacations for a variety of reasons,
including birthdays. For example,We can a celebrate our 18th birthday by visiting
Nha Trang city, a popular tourist site, this weekend.
1. Do you enjoy receiving invitations to events or parties?
To be frank, I am a party animal, so I rarely miss any party invited by my friends.
Normally, we usually throw a party on our birthdays or even on some special
occasions like Christmas or Halloween. To me, these are the times for us to enjoy
ourselves and tighten our relationships.

2. What types of events or occasions do you typically receive invitations for?

To be frank, I am a party animal, so I rarely miss any party invited by my friends.
Normally, we usually throw a party on our birthdays or even on some special
occasions like Christmas or Halloween. To me, these are the times for us to enjoy
ourselves and tighten our relationships
3. In your culture, are there specific customs related to sending or receiving
Of course. in my culture, the wedding parties related to sending or receiving
invitations. We can send invitations directly or text or email with necessary content
including time and location.

4. Have you ever received an invitation to a formal event, like a wedding or

graduation ceremony?
Of course. I received wedding invitations twice and I was surprised to see that
nowadays wedding invitations are designed in an extremely diverse and unique
way. This proves that life is increasingly developing and people are increasingly
interested in beauty

5. Do you prefer receiving invitations through traditional methods (e.g., mail) or

digital methods (e.g., email or social media)?
Tell to the trult, I prefer receiving invitations through hand. Because it shows
affection and heart from others, so I feel more respected than passing messages.

6. How do you feel when you have to decline an invitation?

Before, I feel very shy when i have to decline an invitation but now I feel that's
normal because we have the right to refuse, we shouldn't try to please others and do
what we want.
1. Have you ever been to a marriage ceremony?
Of course, People only get married once in their lives, so I always arrange time to
witness important moments of friends and relatives.

2. Where do people in your country usually hold their wedding ceremony?

In rural areas, because the yard is large, people often hold wedding parties at home
to save money and travel time. In cities, weddings are often held at convention
centers. However, if the Catholic party is usually held at church

3. Do you prefer traditional or modern weddings? Why?

I prefer traditional weddings than mordern. Traditional celebrations are still
important in modern society as they help people connect to their culture, history
and community. They bring people closer together to celebrate common values,
beliefs, traditions. Traditional celebrations also play a vital role in
preserving cultural heritage and passing it on to future generations.

4. In your culture, what kinds of gifts are typically given at weddings?

1. What kind of musical instrument can you play?
2. How important is music in your country?
3. Does your country have a traditional type of music and musical instrument?

Volunteer work
1. What kind of volunteer work do you know?
Nowaday, volunteer work is very popular. There are many kinds of volunteer such as
environmental volunteering, volunteering in schools, community development,… As
a community development volunteer, you'll usually join a charity and give your time to
disadvantaged communities to help distribute food, money,…As volunteering in schools,
you’ll teach children in mountainous and remote areas for free

2. Why do people prefer volunteer work?

People volunteer for different reasons, but primarily it's the desire to help others and
make a difference in their lives. It's also about personal growth, gaining new skills, and
forming meaningful connections within the community.

3. What can people learn from volunteer work?

When you volunteer, you will have to work with people from different backgrounds,
cultures, and personalities. You will have to be accommodating and ready to help.
These are all the skills you need to become a great leader. In addition, we can learn
from volunteer work many amazing skill such as proper time management, teamwork,
empathy,…I think that is so good for the future.
Part-time job
1. Do you want to find a part-time job when you are a student? Why/Why not?
No, when I am a student I want to concentrate on studying and don’t find a part-time
job. Because I don’t want to be ditracted, tempted by money and lose my future.

2. Does part-time job affect students’ study? Why / Why not?

3. How can students balance part-time job and study?

4. What can students learn from part-time job?

5. Is it necessary to have part-time job during your university time? Why / Why not?

1. When do you often take photos?
2. Do you prefer to take photos of people or of scenery?
3. Which do you like taking photos on, your mobile phone or a digital camera?
4. What are the secrets of taking good photos?

Job hopping
1. Why do people change from one job to another?
2. What are the disadvantages of changing jobs?
3. Do you think job satisfaction is more important than money? Why / Why not?

Job interview
1. What skills do people need to have an effective interview?
2. How should people dress for a job interview?
3. What are the things people should prepare before a job interview?

Applying for a job
1. What information is needed in a CV?
2. What kind of job would you like to apply for after graduating from university?

1. What is the most important factor when you choose a job?
2. Do you prefer working alone or in a group?
3. Do you prefer a boring, repetitive but simple job or a challenging job?

1. Do you like robots to work at your home? Why?/ Why not?
Yes, I love that idea. As I’m fully occupied with my work and study all day, having a
robot can help me free from domestic chores. So, I can have more time to pursue other
interests and to be immersed in some real page-turners in the evening.

2. Should we let a robot drive us for long journey? Why?/ Why not?
3. How does AI (artificial intelligence) affect our lives?
4. Will robots replace human beings in the workplace completely?

The Internet
1. How did you learn how to use the Internet?
Using the internet is very useful and interesting for me as a womam, a wife, a mother, and
as ateacher. it makes the whole world as one small village. .I use the internet for searching
for new cooking recepes , get information in the world, …

2. What do you usually do on the Internet?

Using the internet is very useful and interesting for me a mother, a friend, a teacher. I use
the Internet for seaching for new cooking recippes, get information in the world, play the
games, listening to music,..So I need to manage proper time when I use the Internet

3. How often do you use the Internet?

Using the internet is very useful and interesting for me a mother, a friend, a teacher. I use
the Internet for seaching for new cooking recippes, get information in the world, play the
games, listening to music,..So I use the internet every day about 6 hours one day.

4. Do you think the Internet is safe for children to use unsupervised?

5. What negative impacts may the Internet have on school children?

1. Do all inventions bring benefits to the world?
2. Do you think only scientists can invent new things?
3. Which invention do you think is the most useful at home?
4. What invention would you like to see in the future?

1.Where do designers get design ideas and inspirations from?
2. What challenges do designers face during the production process?

1. Do you use any gadgets on a daily basis?
Yes, surely I do… Although I don’t consider myself a geek, I quite enjoy using all the
new items like laptops and smartphones… All in all, we’re living in the computer age and
it’s impossible to ignore cutting-edge technology.
2. What is your favorite technological gadget? What for?

3. How much time do you spend using your favorite technological gadget?
4. What modern technological devices are most common in your country?

1.How does technology help us in our daily lives?
No one can escape the absolute necessity of technology in our daily lives. Technology has
helped doctors answer all patient queries faster. There are various technological
innovations in the health sector, such as the invention of certain drugs, the development of
information technology, biotechnology, and development processes. In addition,
Technology is of great importance in terms of facilitating communication between people,
as it has contributed effectively to making the big world look like a small village.

2. Why does technology sometimes make mistakes?

Some bugs are a fault of developers who are too quick to release their technology, and
thus don’t check that all the possible errors are fixed. Others are a result of users using
technology in an unexpected way, which the program doesn’t know how to read, and thus
performs a different action.

3. Do you believe that people today rely too much on technology?

Honestly, I have to admit that technology gives us numerous benefits. But in fact, people
nowadays do rely on technological devices a lot. In some cases, it can damage our
relationships and mental health. For example, students are wired to use smartphones all
day and neglect their studies, which can lead to bad academic performance.

4. What is the most impactful piece of technology in our time?

As I mentioned before, I think that social media is the most powerful invention of humans
so far. Maybe I’m a little biased because I work in the digital marketing field.

Social media plays a pivotal role in communications between businesses and consumers or
between organizations and residents. In the past, people could acknowledge information
from official publishers or websites, but now social media users can easily access the news
immediately through user-generated content from fan pages.

Ancient languages
1. Do you think all ancient minority languages will disappear?
2. Why is it important to preserve ancient languages?
3. What should governments do to preserve minority languages?

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