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LESSON 1 2. Through either creating or buying It.

Because you spend blood and sweat on a project,

for example, you tend to give it more important
 The connection of the self to one’s than having a good grade for it affects you
possessions has been an interest of the social emotionally more than a project you just
sciences, particularly anthropology and haphazardly made.
Spending a lot of money on something would also
 Particularly in cultural anthropology, the way
make you care for it more, like when someone
culture and groups has given meaning to
wants to borrow your custom-made bike or car and
things has been of interest.
you keep an eye on them in case they scratch it.
 There were also studies on how one object
gains status as a “prestige good’ or something However, recent culture and economy have shifted
that give a perception that the owner has our focus from production to consumption (Hurson
more prestige. 2013).
 Another case would be how an object
becomes part of a family’s history, like a  From a sociological perspective, society
necklace passed down to the eldest child of affects our concept of self and this shift of
each generation. focus to production had us consuming
more and producing less for ourselves.
 Ex. buying cabinets and not make one buying
3-in-1 coffees instead of mixing it on our

WILLIAM JAMES 3. Knowing about something.

 One of the first to describe the self as the Creates a connection between you and that object
totality of everything that one calls his or of your interest (Belk 1998).
hers, which included what he called the A simple example is investing your time to study or
“material self”. even master something about engineering, biology,
 This material self focuses more on the art, music, or history, and in time, you might be
body, our clothes and belongings, our called an engineer, a biologist, an artist, a musician,
immediate family, as well as the place we
or a historian, which will be part of your identity.
call home.
Another one is knowing about a person
RUSSELL BELK romantically and in a more intimate level that
 Working from this work and the ideas of he/she becomes a part of you.
French philosopher, Jean-Paul Sartre, Russell MATERIAL VALUES SCALE
Belk further researched the material self and
theorized on how objects become extensions  In 1992, Richins and Dawson developed
of ourselves or our identities. the Material Values Scale (MVS) to
 These objects extend ourselves in space measure materialism in consumers. In
and time. recent years, a number of studies have used
the MVS to examine materialism as a facet
of consumer behavior.
He noted three ways in which we connect with

1. Through controlling an object

like learning to ride a bike or finally teaching your

dog a trick that you want him/her to do.

We also connect through using objects to control

others, like giving gifts or using bribes

 belief of a person in the importance of
material objects to the achievement of  These objects were seen as “transitional
happiness or success. objects” which aims to develop the skills of a
 Several psychological studies support that child toward more independence.
materialism is inversely related to self-  Studies show that the more parents are
esteem. engaged in parenting, the less the child to
 Furthermore, a study by Richins (1994) become attached or dependent on these
found that highly materialistic people put a things
value on their belongings for their use,
especially as a boost for social status, while 3. POSSESSIONS HELP ADOLESCENTS
 In adolescents, the attachment to objects
less materialistic people value their AND ADULTS MANAGE THEIR
increasingly depends on who people are, or
possession for the joy and comfort that they IDENTITIES.
how they want to be perceived, especially by
get from these things (Christopher and their peers.
Schenker 2004).  Various studies state that the lower the self-
 We can therefore argue that a person who uses esteem, the more a person seems to acquire
objects to gain acceptance and privilege is and/or get attached to more objects, and
also more likely to ride current trends. vice versa.
 Our perspective and connection with  Also, teens give more importance to
objects develop through time. having similar items with their peers as a
SELF AND OBJECTS THROUGH LIFE sense of shared identity as well as an
STAGES attempt to be different from their parents.

 The connection of self to the material world

develops and changes over time. YOUNG PEOPLE SEEM TO VALUE
 Studies showed that, even with cultural POSSESSIONS BASED ON THE
differences, there seems to be a similar FOLLOWING:
experience in the development of the
material self throughout the life of a person.


DEVELOPMENT: 1. “Emotional Attachment”, like the happiness
that you get from it.
1. The infant distinguishes self from 2. “Social Meaning” especially the ability of the
the Environment. object to attract people or make you feel that
2. The infant distinguishes self from others. you belong.
3. Possessions help adolescents and 3. “Personal Association” or how an object is
adults manage their identities. related to our concept of self, like buying an
4. Possessions help the old persons have a eight-note necklace because you think you
sense of continuity and preparation for death. are a musician.
 The adult self continues to extend to more
1. THE INFANT DISTINGUISHES SELF objects as the needs as well as the means
FROM THE ENVIRONMENT. to acquire changes.
 Further explained by Jarrett (2013), our Ex. a teenager who was interested in drag race
relationship with the material world starts with cars before, but now has become a father
the idea that whoever gets something first is would rather go for a more utilitarian type.
its owner. “finders keepers”, so to speak.  The material self also gets on a more specific
 It is when a child finds a toy and does not want interest. You may find that later in life that
to let go of it, or another baby takes the toy you will become more interested in power
and the first one throws a tantrum because it tools or kitchenware or appliances as you get
was taken from him or her. older, for example.
 It must be noted that the acquisition and
attachment to objects still depend on whom
we think we are or how we want to be
perceived by others (Jarrett 2013)
4. POSSESSIONS HELP THE OLD PERSONS Do not just think of something to buy, but also
HAVE A SENSE OF CONTINUITY AND about something to improve your financial status.
Then, keep that goal in mind instead of comparing
 Old age brings another aspect to the yourself with others as we all have different
relationship between the owner and the object. experiences including backgrounds.

The object now becomes a vessel of memory, like Do not chase after others, build your own.
a camera you used to bring in your travels, a
4. Budget, budget, budget.
source of comfort as well as an achievement, like a
trophy or diploma, and it becomes a sort of legacy A lot of people do not like the word “budget”
for the future, like your house and lot that you will because it sounds restrictive, but it is not.
pass on to your children.
When you have a budget, you have:
a) realistic idea of what you can spend on
Our current economic system is based on monetary whatever you want.
exchanges and being a consumer necessitates
b) a peace of mind that you have at least taken care
having cash. Having some money then became a
of the important needs that you have to pay for.
part of our “self” as we engage in economic
activities. c) Start by making a list of your common expense
for a month and the estimated money you spend on
However, how finances are handled can make
or break a person, an organization, a company,
and even a family. d) Include how much money you are willing
to save or invest. Then, make the necessary
5. Save in order to be safe.
Having savings in the bank provides you security
1. Keep your perspective in check.
in case of emergencies. Others may have or opt for
The love of money, not the money itself, causes a separate emergency and savings as the savings
the problem. account can be reserved for a long-term project,
like a house.
Money is important but it should be perceived as a
means to a better end. You should not sacrifice You must not use your savings until the emergency
short-term satisfaction and happiness for long-term comes or until you can finally use it to purchase a
fulfillment and joy. long-term goal.

2. Have money, do not just pretend. 6. Keep your spending habits in check.

Or as others say, “The goal is to be rich, not to look Make a list when going to the grocery/mall and
rich.” In a lot of instances, it is the appearance that prioritize buying those things on your list before
we perceived first. you buy anything else when you have spare money.

But, pretension can only go so much. Having your Pay in cash. Minimize the use of your credit or
own money actually lets you buy what you want debit card. As a lot of financial experts usually
and what you need. advise, if you cannot pay it in cash, it is not yet
within your budget or financial capacity. At least
You will have a higher probability of not loaning wait until you can afford it.
in case of emergency and you will not be in a bad
debt trying to please other people.

3. Have your own goal, take your own time.

Have your goal for both short-term (3 months to 1

year) or long- term (more than a year).

7. Increase income flow. Thus, you need to have insurance for your health in
Sometimes the budget can be too tight or the case you have an accident or a sickness – a life-
money in the bank is not growing enough. insurance, so that your family can receive a large
Therefore, you must find legal ways to increase financial aid in case you leave them in this life
your income. Any good means to add to your unexpectedly, and insurance or plan for your assets
allowance or current income. or belongings.

Just also be sure that you still have time for Again, research is necessary to avoid falling for
yourself, your studies, and your family. fake insurance.

8. Good debt vs. bad debt. Remember that you are doing this mainly for your
family, so that they will not be financially burdened
Ideally, we must get out of debt first before we can in case something happens you.
continue to make our money grow. It is about
having a good record and personal integrity. 11. Your greatest investment is still yourself.
However, there are also things that we can call The steps are all about keeping you safe and
good debts. helping you grow financially. The mastermind
 Bad debts – those we acquired but do not behind all of these is you.
necessarily need and/or do not increase Therefore, you must never stop learning and
our financial capabilities improving yourself, your skills, and your passions
 Good debts – those we acquire and among others.
will increase our financial capabilities.
The more you know, the more opportunities you
9. Make your money grow. can see as well as traps to avoid. Health is also one
Increasing your financial capabilities takes time of the greatest wealth one can have, so have time to
and honest work. But, there are means of eat right and exercise.
increasing your income wherein, after putting the 12. Enjoy life no matter what.
necessary initial work, the money will grow on its
own and will yield profit higher than just being in Enjoy your profits, keep a good relationship with
a bank. your family, have a healthy and romantic
relationship, serve the community, take a hobby,
This is through passive income sources or engage in arts or sports, plant a tree, or adopt a
investments like stock exchange, mutual funds, stray pet.
bonds, royalties, and real estate.
People lived meaningful lives prior to this cash-
 Engage only in a business that you understand. oriented economy and we still can as long as we
 Do not engage in quick-money keep a healthy perspective on how we relate
pyramid schemes. ourselves to the material world.
 Diversify, do not invest all your money in
one place or one type of business, but do not
also scatter them too thinly. Invest in around
three for a start.

10. Protect the future.

Following the plan of action, you will reach a time

when you have a steady flow of income, both
from your work and your investments.

You know how to budget things, so you can

address your needs and enjoy some luxury.

You also have savings or an emergency account,

just in case something really bad happens, but your
developing family or lifestyle might render that
emergency account incapable of covering them all.


THE SPIRITUAL SELF defined personal religion as the “feelings, acts, and
experiences of individual men in their solitude, so
 The body is the physical being that responds far as they apprehend themselves to stand in
to stimuli and communicates with the relation to whatever they may consider divine.”
 The soul comprises the emotions and Religiousness – the degree by which one is
thoughts of a person; while affiliated with an organized religion in terms of the
 The spirit is the intangible aspect that person’s participation in the prescribed rituals and
communicates with deities in the practices, connection with its beliefs, and
spiritual realm. involvement with its community of believers

Human beings are incomplete without the spirit.  THEORIES

There have beenOF THE ORIGIN
numerous attempts OF
at explaining the origins of religion.
Religion teaches us the value of a higher being
who develops in us our morality and One of the earliest was Tylor’s view that people
conscience. needed to explain the differences between the
It is vital that we explore how to nourish the living and the dead and from this came the idea of
spiritual self through our religious beliefs and a soul.
practices.  He named this approach animism, a belief that
a soul or spirit inhabits all living objects,
ALBERT EINSTEIN including plants, animals and even minerals.
“When you examine the lives of the most Tyler believes that eventually, the idea of a soul
influential people who have ever walked among became polytheism, or a belief in many deities,
us, you discover one thread that winds through which eventually shifted to monotheism or a belief
them all. They have been aligned first with their in one deity. There are still cultures that practice
spiritual nature and only then with their physical each of these types of religions. (Ang, 2018)
 Religion, etymologically a Latin word
1. Stability and Cohesion – shared religion binds
“religare” meaning to bind together.
people closely together.
The binding together depends on how people
 Shared Religion as a Moral Community
interpret religion.
 Protection from Anomie and Alienation
 Religion is the beliefs and behaviors related  Maximizing Individual Happiness
to supernatural beings and powers.  Shared Religious Experiences

Notice that this definition does not specify a belief 2. Social identity – shared religion gives people
in God, because not all religions have that belief. an identity and social membership.

Religion is narrower than a worldview, or  Special Naming Ceremonies

cosmology, which is a culture’s understanding of  Group Solidarity
how the universe came into being, why it is the  Social Group Power over the Individual
way it is, and the place of people in it.  Integration into Society

It also differs from spirituality, which is concerned 3. Collective conscience – religion unites people
with the sacred in an individual manner. in moral ways:

All cultures have religion, spirituality, worldview,  Commitment to the Religious System
and magic.  Society as a Moral Community
 Unending Process of Integration
Adherents are people who practice a religion.  Embedding Society in the Individual

4. Socialization and social control – religion Meditation practices increase positive emotions,
represents the value system of the society: which may yield positive consequences for life
a) It is a conservative force that satisfaction.
contributes to moral and wider social Research has also shown that when facing trials,
order and stability. greater religiosity predicts greater subjective well-
b) Many cultural norms are given being mediated by greater social support and
sacred legitimacy by religious meaning in life.
c) Appropriate modes of thinking and  Individuals with faith in a higher being are
behaving are controlled in ways that able to face life challenges with greater
will promote a good, orderly society. confidence and hope. The impossible becomes
possible and the difficult becomes
5. Meaning and purpose– religion gives manageable, because of divine intervention
meaning and purpose to people’s lives: and guidance.
a) In the face of death, disease, and the  Christians, for example, gain a new sense of
hazards of everyday living, people are direction and strength after devoting some
vulnerable to all kinds of disasters time in prayer and meditation of the Bible or
beyond their control. Religious beliefs the word of God. The faith in a higher being
offer people comfort in times of crisis. gives them a sense of purpose one that is
b) It is the institution that gives people greater than the physical self. This purpose
the strength to continue and promotes drives their other affairs, such as family and
the long-term maintenance of society career.
as a result.
“Everything can be taken from a man but one
Spirituality – It involves experiencing something thing; the last of the human freedoms- to choose
beyond oneself in a transcendent manner and living one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances,
in a way that benefits others and society. It could to choose one’s own way.”
also be related to a search for the sacred.
 He is an Austrian psychiatrist and Holocaust
 The term ‘sacred’ may signify a person, an survivor.
object, a principle, or a concept that  Viktor Frankl (March 26, 1905–September 2,
transcends the self. It can include a divine 1997) remains best known for his
being or a divine object that is ‘set apart’ and indispensable 1946 psychological memoir
considered as holy or beyond the ordinary. Man’s Search for Meaning (public library) —
a meditation on what the gruesome experience
Spiritual identity – the persistent sense of self that of Auschwitz taught him about the primary
addresses ultimate questions about the nature, purpose of life: the quest for meaning, which
purpose, and meaning of life. sustained those who survived.
 It results in behaviors that are consonant  It tells the story of how he survived the
with the individual’s core values. Holocaust by finding personal meaning in
 The definition of a sense of spiritual the experience, which gave him the will to
identity focuses on the individual’s live through it.
construction of a relationship to the sacred  He went on to later establish a new school of
and ultimate meaning. existential therapy called logotherapy, based
in the premise that man’s underlying motivator
The spiritual self is considered the higher self, in life is a “will to meaning,” even in the most
the inner self, and a person’s true being that is difficult of circumstances.
greatly influenced by a spiritual deity.

Spiritual deities that people believed varied from

one religious group to another. Throughout history,
people’s lives have been shaped by their religious
traditions and practices.


 From the Greek word ‘logos’ (reason or

 Developed by neurologist and psychiatrist
VIKTOR FRANKL (1950s) and considered
the “Third Viennese School of
Psychotherapy” after Freud’s
psychoanalysis and Adler’s Individual
 It is based on an Existential Analysis.
 Rather than power or pleasure, logotherapy is
founded on belief – that is striving to find a
meaning in one’s life (that is the primary,
most powerful motivating and driving force
in humans)


1. Meaning in life.

In logotherapy, man should see existence as The human spirit is referred to in several of the
assumptions of Logotherapy:
experiencing life’s ups and downs. Finding
meaning in life does not mean that people should 1. The term spirit is not “spiritual” or “religious”
strive to become perfect. in Frankl’s view, the spirit is the will of the human
This principle emphasizes that in spite of the
person’s wealth, status or gender, he should 2. The emphasis, is on the search for meaning,
discover meaning in life events and circumstances. which is not necessarily the search for God or
any other supernatural being.
2. Will to meaning.
3. Noted the barriers to humanity’s quest for
The meaning that one attaches to experience is not
meaning in life. He warns against affluence,
obvious. Since the meaning varies from person to
hedonism, materialism in the search for meaning.
person and from situation to situation, it is quite
challenging to discover what the experience means EXISTENTIAL VACUUM
to be fulfilled.
The psychological condition in which a person
The meaning given to one’s life may also vary at
doubts, whether life has any meaning. This new
any given moment.
neurosis is characterized by a loss of interest and a
3. Freedom to will. lack of initiative.

People are given the freedom to make life choices  Thus the individual relies mainly upon the
which includes how they respond to life events. actions of others and neglects the meaning of
People can discover meaning through the values his own personal life.
that they attach to things connected with their lives.  Hence he sees his own life as meaningless and
Values can be creative, experiential, and attitudinal. falls into the “existential vacuum” feeling the
inner void.
ACCORDING TO FRANKL, PEOPLE CAN  Progressive automation cause increasing
DISCOVER THIS MEANING IN LIFE IN alcoholism, juvenile delinquency, and suicide.

1. by creating a work or doing a deed

2. by experiencing something or
encountering someone.

3. by the attitude people take toward

unavoidable suffering

THE SPIRITUAL SELF AND COPING WITH group, people find connections in troubling
STRESS times.
 The connection group helps ease their stress
According to Dr. Seppala of Stanford University’s and their depressive symptoms, and increase
Center for Compassion and Altruism research, their immune response.
spiritual people engage in practices that can help 
reduce levels of stress (Miller, K. 2020). With these benefits, it is just essential for us to
It has been observed that spiritual people are more start embarking on spiritual transcendence.
likely to help the poor through donations or
volunteer work.
They are also involved in community services. OUR SPIRITUAL JOURNEY.
 Spiritually active people cope with stress 1. Start small and make new habits easy.
through meditation rather than overeating or
engaging in unhealthy coping behaviors.  We are not required to strictly follow a set of
 Meditations provide benefits, such as focus beliefs overnight. The spiritual journey is a
to decrease pain and depression together with process and it is progressive. Becoming
improved health and happiness. spiritual can be as simple as staying silent for 5
 Religious people choose to spend quality to 10 minutes a day in a peaceful environment.
time with family, and they feel a strong sense
2. Commit.
of belonging to a community of like-minded
people.  It is a matter of perspective. Decide to start and
 Lastly, spiritual people have a very high continue with your spiritual journey. Begin
regard for prayer. with self-love. With growing measures of love,
 Prayer helps people find comfort by assisting joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, and
them in dealing with difficult emotions, gratitude, one can start being more spiritual
encouraging forgiveness, and leading right away.
healthier relationships.
 Furthermore, positive emotions, increasing
levels of psychological resilience, and 3. Practice.
improved immune response have all been  Just keep on doing and progressing. Human
associated with spirituality (Miller, K. beings must continually practice mindful
2020). attention to their thoughts, emotions, and
 Spirituality is not a simple subject for behaviors to find experiences in
experiential study. It is actually a complex spirituality.
system that requires serious and dedicated
effort. 4. Study.
 Nevertheless, considering the positive
 Explore and relate with others’ experiences of
correlation between spiritual, physical, and
spirituality, whether through religion or
psychological well-being, health experts and
personal journeys. Seek advice and guidance
practitioners can undeniably include
from people who have been through the same
spirituality in practice in order to help patients
recover from their illnesses and have a
happier and longer life. 5. Choose love and respect.
STARTING YOUR OWN SPIRITUAL  Commit to loving and respecting yourself
JOURNEY above all else, then do it with others. If you
truly accept your own strengths and
People worldwide have diverse religious views and weaknesses, you can easily and
practices. unconditionally offer love and respect to
The decision to seek spiritual enlightenment is others.
driven by the innate need for meaning.  Even in awkward, conflicting situations,
choose to remain calm and interact with
 Joining a spiritual group helps people find compassion and grace.
meaning in their lives. Through the

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