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Investigation is a means to acquire a new knowledge or findings. This enables a man to

know himself and his surroundings. Magic is a branch of knowledge and should be studied
its relation with various subjects. A scientific study is inevitable to magic. Magic is a type of
treatment. It cures disease especially mental and physical problems. Magic cannot stand
without herbal medicines. "Medicine plays a role in the success of magic"262. Because with
the practice of herbal medicines cures the clients at various level. From the primitive stage
man interacted with natural phenomena with superstition and fear. The fear of the natural
phenomena made him restless. The belief and practice of black magic purely depend upon
human mind. So first of all, human mind should be analyzed. Though old people used to
say that black magic is very powerful and these black magic’s can even kill some people.
But in my experience I think this is just blind belief and I have not seen any real time
practices regarding this. There are tantric who are advertising in larger cities like Kochi and
Trivandrum and Kozhikode, claiming to be black magicians and who can do wonders.
These claims are not supported by any evidence.

From the earliest days the branch of magic has grown up. Being an intelligent animal man
is always seeking to fulfill his needs. His superstition, fear, and suspicion compelled him to
find a new solution for his problem, thus magic derived from his limited knowledge. The
activities of primitive man, doing these things had a biological and sociological value within
certain limits, than modern people.

It is wonderful that even the scientist is doing magic in the modern age. In the business field
black magic is common against other business entrepreneurs. But in some areas people
take some measures against black magic. It is proved that "263the natives killed 407
magicians in Orissa". In literacy rate Kerala is more developed than other states. But there

Vishnu Namboodiri MV, Folk lore dictionary, Kerala Bhasha Institute, Trivandrum, 1989,p;505.
M R Rajesh Manthravadavum Durmantravadavum,, Mathrubhumi Books,2005,p;9.

is no change in the despicable activities of Keralites. There are different sources to study
black magic in internet. One such website, starts with a question that
"how to become a good black magician?", and relates 30 lessons on black magic. Another
site, is a black magical site. It proves that black magic has now reached
into cyber age. "In 1999 there was an act passed in Bihar legislature against black magic,
but in 2003 in Bihar a sub minister venerated black magicians in a public function"264.

As far as black magic is concerned, that is living only in the minds of believers. At first in
early times, the minds of the people need protection from natural calamities. The main aim
of man has been to control the nature and also his protection and survival. The activities of
the struggle for survival are called magic. This survival here means his smooth passing to
overcome struggles. Sometimes these practices may eliminate his fear and reduce
tensions, so his belief in magical activities has gained strength.

With the passage of time he has tried to modulate his magical beliefs and worships which have
helped him to find and achieve new things. Gradually these practices have become inevitable
part of human mind. With the success of his practices he has developed spells, charms, and
cabalistic figures. At the same time the rites and forms of his worships often exhibit his
elaborate and complex consciousness. He has created devil, demons, and spirits. He has
attributed supernatural power to his creations. He has made many stories of wonderful things,
the stories of incarnation, re-incarnation, and anthropomorphism and so on. He may think that
he cannot do any miraculous things without the help of supernatural elements that he has
created. So he seeks the help of supernatural elements like devil, demon, and so on.

Magic is a branch of knowledge. It is related to psychology and herbal treatment Its main
aim is to satisfy the psychic needs. Magic is also a treatment of psyche and human
disease. When medicine fail in science magic play a vital role in treatment. According to M
N Karassery "magic is basically a treatment but treatment by the herbal medicine is the part

Rajesh M, Mantravaadavum durmantravadavum, mathrubhumi books,2005,p;19.

of magic"265. People believe in magic as a tool of achieve everything. Magic is older than
religion. It is believed that both of them have supernatural power. But people believe that
magician has the power to achieve everything than god. Magic has a deep root. The base
of Vedic religion includes magic. Adharvaveda is said to have famous for black magic. Most
of the black magical performance needs rare materials and herbal medicines. He practiced
magic to get things which he could not get by another means. It means that one couldn`t
achieve the rare materials so the people cannot practice it. That is why the people have
always curiosity and about it.

The magical and religious beliefs and practices of savages and civilized man have a
common source of imagination. Psychological condition of the brain in all savage activities
is associated with the neurons and its byproduct is the activities of hallucination or false
intimations. The black magical practices and performances are mysterious, willfully making
the appearance of a superior intelligence in front of the common people. This mystery is
one of the reasons of its existence and prevalence. Of course the existence of magical
practices varies to the needs of the people.

In ancient times worship has been done by all individual, in course of time these worship
has given way to performance. Black magic has been approved in the earlier societies and
has been done by the support of some members of the society. The emergence of priests
proves this in ancient times. Gradually people think that he should be the master of all
things of the external world. So they have begun to find some crooked ways to control all
things. This crooked ways have given them the feeling of protection and security.

Kerala has a tropical climate low land intersected with rivers and backwaters. In addition to
propitious climate, and a favourable locality, many of the tribes are held in veneration by the
Hindus, which render them to great extent, protection from hostile attacks. Kavu or sacred
groves are protected for the same purpose. The practice of odividya is not widespread now.
The practices were done at night. Because electricity is widespread in Kerala, the odiyan
Interview wit M N Karassery, Department of Malayalam, University of Calicut.2005,January 5

couldn't act in sufficient dark now. "The prevalence of science and rationalism lost the
importance of odi"266.

In course of time the practice of magic has changed in different times in different phases.
The daily newspaper proves that black magic is getting powerful even now. The practice of
black magic has great secrecy. Those members of the society who practice black magic
now in Kerala have kept it with great secrecy. So the 99% of the practices is unknown to
the world, because the practices are done in the hands of some secret members. Some
rare cases come into light. As it is against the social norms the clients are the propagators
of its merits. The believers never say the demerits of black magic. The black magical
believers say that they have no faith in god than black magician, because there is no
empirical evidence of god providing, but there is evidence in black magic. They emphasize
that here black magician's activity is seen as believable and it acts as its own proof. This is
another cause to its prevalence. The Medias prove that black magic is not died out now.
Mostly it lives through the practices of burning and sacrifices. The numbers of death and
human sacrifice through magic have increased now.

Another misunderstanding through black magic is that the black magician has the ability to
deprive others influence and income, destroying someone's career, causing to separate
others, controlling some one's mind, making them sick, not allowing the victim to sleep,
depression, blocking women's monthly periods, blocking women's ability to conceive, rape
of women in dreams by the spirits, where the orgasm is real, causing accidents, making
people sick, making the victim committing suicide, and so on. Paranormal activity is
experienced by the victims of black magic. All these activities are done to terrorize weak
minded humans. For availing these things people approach to black magicians not a doctor
or counselor, because their faith rest in the hands of black magician.

Arjunanan Vellayani, Malayalam Encyclopaedia, Vol.5, State Institute of Encyclopaedia Publication,

Black magic is not eradicated in the minds of the modern people of Kerala. It proves that
different magical centers give their services through Medias. At first magic has been
practiced as a shield against enemies (natural phenomena). But later the household magic
has become exploitative. But now it seems that people are approaching black magician for
the needs like the success in PSC exams, share market benefits, removing the difficulties
for a career abroad, and soon.

At earlier times magic has been practiced by the whole society. But later in pre-colonial
times the magical practices further concentrated into peculiar places such as Kavu and the
like. Then the practices have remained within the houses only. It means that the house
hold magic has been approved by the society. And now it proves that the approved house
hold magic has not been against the rules and regulations of the society. In earlier times priests
have occupied high positions in the society through black magic by dint of the well-wisher of
the society. But in modern times astrologer has occupied the position of the priest.

People have the tendency to know the future for the security of their life in the living world. In
order to achieve the security of life they turn to the practice of black magic. Sometimes the
ideas of black magic derive from the strong desires of secure life and the secure living of life
after death or the desires of long life. Gradually black magic came in to the hands of private
persons in the society. The real motive of the black magical performance is now not mere
exploitative but other needs also. When a client approaches to a magician, in the initial stage
the magician showed some miracles to strengthen the beliefs of the clients. These
techniques may help to the spread the believers in the society. Cheating by black art is
common in all level especially medias. Now a lot of people became scapegoat of black magic.

Another reason is that, most of the time the client never reveals the deceit he has faced.
The credulity of black magic gives courage to any heinous activity of the clients. For
example, we know the news of a number of human sacrifices has appeared in the
newspapers in Kerala in recent times. Human sacrifice is one of the cruelest practices in
black magic. Sometimes human sacrifice is done out of fear and strong desires of long life.

In Kerala, human sacrifice is mainly done for finding the treasure. The secrecy and
miracles in magic helps the growth and spread of magic. The bad observations and the
excited imagination is another cause of the growth of magic. The sensitive people are
always the supporters of black magic. Most of the time the weak believers are the victims of
black magic and also they are the means of the spread of black magic.

Socially and economically the believers are satisfied in the activities of magicians without
knowing the results whatever it may be. The faith in black magic also gives power to the
clients in all their matters. Sometimes black magic may cause to maintain the balance of
mind of the believers, when they seek dependency of a black magician. But now most of
the black magician misuses this practice to their selfish motives and economic prosperity.

The sadistic and cruel activities of the black magician sometimes use this practice as
destructive. About every imperative need, such as ill will with its desires and anxieties,
ceremonies has grown up to gratify and relieve the anxieties. Now people practice black
magic to satisfy their ill will and jealousy than their protection. Religion is not a hindrance to
this activity now, because the aims of magician and clients not merely depend on religion
than its exploitation. Religion is not a hindrance to the widespread and acceptance of magic
and worships in the society because religion does not stand as a remedy of all good and
bad problems of the people, according to their wishes.

Modernity has given new knowledge and racial thinking and hindered the social approval of
magicians. But though many individuals have denied any irrational practice in public they
practiced it privately. As the cast system is very rigid in Kerala the lower sections of the
society have no other way to escape from the cruelties of higher sections. So the lower
classes have propagated the belief that they have the supernatural power. This supposed
power has been a threat to the higher castes. Actually lower section of the society has no
supernatural power. They act as if they possess supernatural power to threaten the higher
classes of people.

Snake worship is prevalent in Kerala now. Snake worship is derived out of fear. May be as
a small reptile, snake can kill a man by an unfortunate bite. People has created many
snake deities and attributed supernatural elements to each deity. The black magicians
believe that if they propitiate, giving milk and egg to the snake deities, they will give boon to
the worshippers and will give whatever the believers need.

The black magician always intends to favour the approach of the believers. He always likes
to stand in a comfortable or protected zone. Because of the racial thinking, scientific and
modern ideas may be hindered from entering their consciousness. People have become
unaware of the racial thinking. Their needs depend upon solving their problems, not in a
scientific way, but in crooked way.

Human sacrifice and animal slaughter have been socially approved in earlier times. But in
course of time people have started believing that human sacrifice is more powerful than
animal slaughter, so the believers and magicians have changed their attitude towards
human sacrifice. We know in British period, in Kerala the dam and bridge constructers have
practiced human sacrifices for the power of material works. In Kerala the sacrifices of
spinster against natural calamities have been commonly implemented by the oracles or
Velichappadu. It seems that the practice of human sacrifice is liberal in time onwards. This
has helped the black magic to become more powerful. This is another great mark on the
growth of magic in history.

Devil dance is the performance of black magical activities prevailed in Kerala. If a person
falls sick he calls an exorcist the exorcist tries to expel the demon or demons which have
possessed the sick man. If the demon does not yield to come out the sick person the exorcist
appoint a certain day to devil dance. The pictures of the demon depict on the ground in a
frightful form with cooked and coloured rice. The sick men are seated near the head of the

figure. Amidst the beating of drums the exorcist enters upon with devil dance and the “midst
of his paroxysm, may even bite live cocks, and suck with ferocity the hot blood”267.

The house hold practices shows that each house has their own obligation to save
themselves and their families from the cruelties of the society at large. These practices
mainly intend to satisfy the selfish motives against other houses. People have the belief in
malevolent deities. People have believed that their unsolved problems can be solved by
the help of malevolent deities. Actually the malevolent and beneficent deities are the
creation of mankind.

The underlying ideology upon black magic states that the practitioner and his pursuit of
knowledge and his physical well being is more important than the ethical values. So he
thinks that his activities are holy. He never thinks his work is illegal or immoral. He always
justifies his work. Most of the magicians always take their security while practicing black
magic. Because most of the time the magician create a mediator (deity) in between clients
and his activities. Precaution is against the consequences of his practices only for their
fallibility. Because he says that all the ill effects of his activities are obstructed by the deities
and protect him. So he consoles himself that he is always free whatever the after effect may
be. But the ridiculous thing is that, as far as the deities and spirits are concerned, it is not at
all self evident how they know the language of the human being or the meaning of charms.

Religiously and rationally black magic is much worse. In the initial stages magicians used to
wonder around misinterpreting the scriptures and misleading the devotees. These notions
show that their techniques have been the strong factor in the attainment of the faith in the
clients. The magician always needs popularity, economic benefit, or self satisfaction. At
first the magicians uses some techniques to wonder the devotees to achieve the faith of the
clients. The economic background of most of the clients in Kerala is very poor. Their
situations may lead them to fall victims to these traps.

Edgar Thurston, Ethnographic notes on southern India, Asian Educational services, New Delhi, 18, P:334

Supporting exorcism is the tendency of the weak minded people. It seems mainly children
and females. Which may be derive from fear and uncomfortable surroundings. Belief of
black magic denotes the attitude of mind in which perceptions are regarded as real. The
clients always believe that all the actions of the magicians have certain results. The clients
find a justification of every activities of a magician. The clients describes that when he
approach a magician he feel having a certain emotions of vivacity, solidity, firmness, and
steadiness. The influence of a magician depends upon his approach, power and the
governing actions of his activities. The emotional attitude of the client is depending on the
faith of his consciousness. Sometimes the degrees of the beliefs of the client vary; of
course the level varies based on the results.

If evidence of any action is incomplete or uncontradicted, it is not creating a disbelief of the

clients. The client has no hesitation to afford the magicians activities. When the positive
attitude and belief of a magician give place to a clients mind, he is never like to change his
emotional appeal to the magician. Most of the irrational beliefs and superstitions are the
persuasions of human mind. The strength of the magicians approach never varies because
of it depend upon his influence. The imaginational belief of the clients is sometimes
depending upon excitement. Belief is an attitude of mind in which we may find ourselves s
for good reasons, or for bad reasons, or for none at all. Sometimes situation may be real or
unreal. The result of the activities is most of the times involuntarily. But whatever it may be
the attitude is not changing one's passes of lives.

The coincidences create mistaken for causation, illusions, ghost stories such type of
blunder emotions fostered the irrational belief of the believers. Because people say that
they saw ghost in nights. But it establishes the ownership of always one person only. Never
its claim shows a group now. From this we can conclude that it is merely an illusion. The
role of the family is the inevitable criteria in the growth of black magic. Most of the black
magicians and the clients have the traditional support and character, and hand over to all
magical practices to well support. The notion of violent and tyrannous power of
superstitious belief is hand over to one society to another society.

For all, people there are structural conditions of the free flow of energy through all organs of
the brain corresponding with associability and comparability of all ideas. Here the free flow
may obstruct in any way it may cause to inorganic efficiency. If once cannot maintain the
balance of mind it may cause to hysteria, hypnosis and some forms of insanity. As a
solution of the problem of greedy and savage people, turn to black magic, and this way they
full fill their mental satisfaction. It is believed that many blind imagination and superstition
are the outcome of from wrong inferences.

The black magician in Kerala emphasis that he can successfully complete any task
whatever the needs of a client. For example put a lock of a man's hair in the fire injures and
may destroy him: how comes he think so. It is not clearly rest upon his hand. Here seem
that a sense of personal power produced by him only. How a magical power cause to death
of a human being. It is illusory. Magic never control events. False parallels and analogies
mislead the untutored mind and give to imagination beliefs such as they ever attain.

The belief of black magic is generally supported by intense emotional excitement during the
incantations and ceremonies that express them. Emotions and feelings are artificially
stimulated and, probably, is felt to be necessary in order to sustain illusion. The black
magical practices and ceremonies, it needs no other explanation than crime, fanaticism,
and insanity, which also are diseases of imagination. Jealousy, hatred, and greed also are
the disease of imagination. The development of the ferocious mind and of evil society has
been too recent for us reasonably to expert anything better.

Magical practice is a connection of events depending on some supernatural force that has
no real existence. The notion of magical force may derive from natural forces. It is
superimposed upon the older and wider presumption of causation. The ghost or spirit is a
man made force from the visible body. But the fear of it endowed with super human power.
This is an unreal condition and meaningless and an object of cheating. These powers
always have been enemy of scientific and rational thinking. The belief in the existence of
spirit is as old as the belief in the supernatural which is one of the inherited notions of the

human race. The power of magic never is traceable, there for it becomes mysterious. Its
mysterious character creates it a wonder. The curiosity may derive from this wonder. It is
merely an imagined action. The misunderstanding of the power formed by a practitioner
belief encourages the clients without any scientific law. The character of magic is
mysterious, the more mysterious it the more powerful it may be.

Modern magic is more dreadful than ancient magic. There is a lot of trap which include sex
abuse hide in it. The mode of ancient magic lost it social importance. In modern sense we can
see that black magic is dynamic. It grabbed modern changes easily. Not static, creatively new
fashioned to suit new situations. The superstitions destroy trust and hope in god. The natural
result of the superstition and practice of black magic is the abasement and degradation of
the human mind by superstitious terror and fear. It created a faint-hearted people.

Most of the time the believers avoid to getting a medical practitioner to cure a disease.
Their choice of treatment mainly depends upon magician because their faiths depend upon
the hands of magician. People ready to resort any hardships or techniques available from
the magician. But people not always explain what curative power inhibits on a magician.
Remedies whatever it may be blindly followed the people with positive mind. The
magician’s treatment targets the body by using drugs as in hypnotic method or external
influence mainly such as evil spirits or other magical healing techniques. These people
believe that all disease was caused by evil spirits and the only remedial method is to
consult a magician. In addition to prevent bad luck the people who use magical objects like
germs, certain yantram depicted on palm leaves. Sometimes the healthy people also use
these objects as a means of protection. The treatment by the magician may also depend
upon the credulity of the believers.

Mental health and diseases are Interconnected based on the transcended power of the
believers. These beliefs affect their balance in their body. Their belief about black magic
maintains their balance in the body as well as prevents or cures disease. The measures
used to restore the balance were numerous mainly physical methods. Certain types of

treatment can cure the disease of the believers because this survival based on the views of
the clients. Our body contains certain chemical system. Now the scientists investigated
genes and say the causes of the mental disease depends the character of the gene and it
can develop the method of gene therapy. The blind notion of the power of magician hinders
the advancement of medical treatment and technological possibilities. Development of new
types of magic opened up a new form of exploitation. People never think of the exploitation
has the power of poisonous effect. Motivated by the success of the vaccination a large scale
of people undergone such types of exploitation. Basically practices relatively harmful to the
clients. Eventually these treatments led to the decay of the mind and body of the clients.

The practitioners use certain types of drugs for treatment. Today varieties of drugs are
available on market. People wishing to treat their depressed mind through these drugs given
by the magician. Now a day’s magician chooses pharmaceutical drugs than herbal medicines.
For these purpose the magician developed new treatments and variety of drugs to
achieving the goal.

Passing from the history of human life we can see the role of mind power in all sides’
human action. These powers use them as the manifestation of various purposes. The mind
power forces to being thought and action and it employed for worthy and unworthy
purposes. But here the ignorance of people uses their mind power for negative thoughts
and fulfillment of depressed feelings. The mind power also exerted to negative mental
states in the manifestation of negative mental condition in the case of inclining magical
activities. In a manner the clients are the witness of various types of mind power
exploitation. Comparing to the positive mentality of the other person’s the negative power
weaken the will and positive mentality of the persons. The negative power never last long. It
could achieve momentous victory. Negative power is a natural force, it may used against
the nature or it also hurt the nature. The influence of one mind over another by charms
enchants or any other types of attracts is merely a fascination. A person able to exercising
their power on affections, emotions, passing of thoughts or exercise power over thoughts
by unseen powers is an absurd state of mental fascination. Here the people need mental

treatment on scientific circles. The numbers of cult have been built for the purpose of for the
purpose of mental influence. In short the totality of these cult and mental influence is
known as black magic. The white or black or grey the good or bad, people chooses it as
according to their morality and justifies their operation as the principle of nature.

Certain magician is impressed by something about them that he could ability to influence
over other people, with a greater or lesser extent his will power will bends the capture of the
weak people. Some magician seems to have the power of influencing the minds of others,
so that these others will constitute the magician as their preceptor. These magnetic powers
lead the people to exert credulity over the magical men. From this credulity give way to
exploitation. People have followed this magician as slaves and always they seek protection
by them. This is one of the underlying principles of the existence of magician. Ss there are
so many investigating factors hide on it. The lack of the new knowledge possessed by the
weak minded people and the jealousy and superstition marginalize the people from the
mainstream of Kerala society.

A few people sometimes arrived at the margins of new scientific knowledge but the majority
never lay down their comfortable zone or keeping the ignorant manner, extravagant
ceremonies, and absurd ideas with them. Most of them know their activities were against
the fundamental law of nature. But people need the advantage of benefits protect
themselves and so on. Another noticeable factor is that how the magician hack the brain of
the people and what cognitive tricks and strategies using them. At first the attention and
awareness of the mind of the client was hackable by the magician. Secondly capture the
neural basis of consciousness with some cognitive tricks. Thirdly, the magician is applying
some basic techniques of miracles to acquire the attention of the clients.

The modern science is closer to the areas of spiritual science. Mind is the magnificent
reservoir of mental power. The prejudices of the intrinsically stories of the result of the
magical practices is beyond imagination. Manifestations of the intense desires and the
credulity of the supernatural powers creatively diverted from the right direction.

Parapsychologists consider the strong minded men of mysterious as examples of the
supernatural potentials of human brain. Some scientists argue that the energy emits from a
powerful man collides with the energy of ordinary man. Most of the time the waker minded
brain receives a special vibration from the strong imperative brain. The human body is also
surrounded by the energy of aura. A powerful man like a magician can influence the
domains of aura. Psychic healing are performed through this medium. The human mind is a
small but special component of a power house. It is endowed with all the powers of the
Supreme consciousness. The general characteristics and certain activities of the life of
some magician is not similar to that of ordinary people. Their supernormal activities show
some extraordinary things. Which manifest the esoteric domains of internal powers. What
genetically features, brain functions, or crude activities of the conscious and unconscious
mind work behind the supernormal potentials is still a study to research.

The people who faces bad times and hardships, he would accept the apparently favorable
conditional circumstances with magic. . Most of people were born with hardships and utterly
adverse circumstances of life. In spite of reaching remarkable heights in magical activities,
the altruist and egoist magical practitioners preferred to continue nefarious activities in their
personal lives. The complicating situations make the people find the solutions more
relevant and appropriate in the new situations. New endeavors, new courage, and skill are
required to meet the challenges and demands of the clients to whatever the future aspects.
But practicing magical activities and creating troublesome situations lead to complications
in people lives. The terrible times, and challenges posed by its unsteady circumstances at
psychological levels of human life are seeing as the role of supernatural powers.

Psychological diseases are also not cared properly even now because of the lack of public
awareness so magic is flourishing in the present society. The number of eccentrics,
whimsical, mentally disturbed, and unbalanced and psychologically disharmonious
individuals is arising today that that is the cause for the existence of magic. Crimes are also
consequences of mental excitations motivated by guldens’ of the magical malpractices.
Most of the magical crimes are carried out in almost insane or intoxicated state of the mind

of the black magicians. Somehow the peoples mind gets trapped in magical and unusual
excitations. Whatever it may be the committing crimes and mistaken practices repeating
again. Analysis of the mental state of the client indicates some kind of abnormality and
disorder and imbalance create to find the fulfillment of the mental happiness. . Mental and
emotional imbalance, instability, and weakness of the minds of the clients are signs of
another reason for the existence of magic

The followers of the magical believers are practically lives in an imaginary world. People
suffering from disorder of mind and thoughts often become lie in daydreamers find the
solutions of magic without any basis. Imagination and reality have no difference for the
believer’s bewildered mind. Their imaginations and flow of thoughts is oriented by negative
direction of capturing the desired goal. In the day to day life despair and the lose
confidence of people gave way to acquire negative powers without any logical support.
The abnormal and disorderly thinking sometimes diminishes the sense of ethics, morality
and social etiquette and always they thinks and talks so awkwardly that practicing magic is
the right way of life. This kind of immature thinking often proves to be futile and disastrous
for the innocent and the society. Sometimes the people get false impressions of some
people that would conspire to kill them or attempt maligning their entity or seriously harm
them by things like black magic etc.

This type of psychological disorder is called paranoia or megalomania. These superstitious

people live with false inferences and blind imaginations about every steps of their life. The
negative thoughts induce them to a depressive eccentric stage. Mostly the wrong direction
and ignorance maintaining psychological and physiological unfitness of the people, and it
may lead to practices like black magic. The believing of crude art is the inherent
tendencies and conscious mind. The practice of black magic also causes different kinds of
damages to the brain and the mental system. Because it creates Negative powers in mind
and body and flourish malice like jealous, hatred, fear, wrath, ego etc. The negative thinking
creates wrong attitude towards oneself and the practices also hinders one’s discerning
intellect and ability to positively face and adjust with favorable circumstances. Modern man

has made vigorous with the development and science and technology but fail to understand
sustainable attempts to make use of his conscious mind positively. Now the sense of the
people move their attentions to the extrasensory powers of inner layers of mind and not
realize that arousing these imaginations would give rise to abnormal effects, utter confusion
and bad consequences.

Manifestations of the desires of extra sensory perceptions, the ability of supernatural

powers and evidences of past success of magical stories give more attention and
inspiration to the clients. Now it have to be specific attention to be given research
compared to the earlier times and should be gained more attention now as compared to the
earlier time in modern history. The strong beliefs in supernatural forces are gradually made
specific place in the mind and sentimental weakness of human life. Man is born with
creative and destructive powers. The increasing interest of people towards the crude arts
and their inner thoughts of mind indicate the influence hide in their mind. The stable
peace and security not provided logic thoughts and scientific developments. The
contemporary studies show that all the root cause of the black magical beliefs and psychic
disorders lies in the root of mental complexities and imbalance of human mind. Here we
can see a kind of insecurity and a type of insanity shows in the character of the people.
Wrong thinking, corwardness, short temper, criminal attitude, excessive worry, skepsis,
fear, jealous, impatience, etc, which shows the character of the mental disorder.

Sentimental problems, immoral thoughts, and character shake the behavioural of the
mental system. Inner inspirations and evil tendencies did not bother to the mal-effects of
magical practices. Most of the diseases of the modern age came to the categories of the
categories mental disorders. Mental and emotional weaknesses and pressures of situations
cause to the negative thoughts and ambitions of the mind of the people. The attainment of
supernatural power came to the intrinsic interest of the people.

Another reason for the existence of black magic is the attainment of mental and psychic
pleasures through negative activities such as fame and power, sensual pleasures, greed for

wealth, physical enjoyments, luxuries, and certain criminal attitude arose from ego,
fulfillment of sadist mentality, destructive character, and attainment of selfish thoughts and
predominant fascination of human mind. These fascinating imaginations keep planning of
ones to fulfillment of the vitiating desires. Human thoughts always flicker the negative
inherent instincts without understanding the harmful effects or creative and logical thinking.
Most of the time the logical and progressive thinking are not ready to accept the mind.
Human mind always keep a comfortable and wandering desires. These desires and
imaginary creations give him a reckless manner. These manners should be treated by
psychic therapies. The practice of magic cannot be done without the subordination of the
clients. The high potentials and intellectual mind of the magician capture the brains of
mentally weaker ones. The long term use of negative materials creates harmful side
effects of the nervous system.

Certain activities of the intellectual functions of this human brain are in primitive state as
compared to that of the other activities. Thoughts, emotional and mental tendencies of the
client show in a primitive stage. Their thoughts continuously emit impulses of
consciousness. The powerful and mentally strong magician can easily caught or influence
the depressive mind personalities. The magician can transform the mentality of the weaker
people and make them follow wrong orientation. The application of blind assumptions can
change the attitude of one’s specific orientation of thoughts and sentiments. Most of the
time the weaker section of the people fly with wrong imagination and hastily resolve to do
their ambitions in a state of emotional excitation by the way of doing black magic without
taking note of reality.

Extreme inactivity or dullness or oppressive thinking which creates a psychological

deficiency which lead to negative thinking and it makes to mental complication and at last
these characteristic features lead the people to doing black magical practices. Positive
thoughts could lead to creative outcomes while negative or immoral thoughts could invite
decline and fall of one’s character and even mislead in the society as a whole. Atrocious
personalities, crude active people, and criminals, those afflicted to evil addictions and

emotions usually fall in to malice of activities. The effects of immediate success and the the
immoral tendencies of people and their suppressive emotions creasts loss of authenticity
came to hinder reasoning and the logic ability of the people, this may cause to the closing
of the doors bright future of the people. Disorder or superstition of thoughts leads to
destructive or criminal behaviors. Change of attitude to black magic is to changes the
impressions of mind and its perception. This state of mind is led to awkward thinking and
illusions. In such condition of the superstitious mind and the flow the thoughts and
sentiments is inspired by ecstatic activities of the inner cores of the minds of the
consciousness of the black magicians. Jealousy, criminal mentality, oppressive thinking
eroticism, anxiety, worries, negative attitudes, selfish mentality, etc, can focus its unlimited
strength on the innermost center of the consciousness of magical people.

Attainment of this state does not purify the thoughts and sentiments and also brings
sublime transformation of the overall personality. It changes the inner self of the magical
people and hindered into a source of divine inspirations and it culminates the individuals to
their negative consciousness of thoughts and activities. The mental situations and the
negative sentiments of black magician captured the client’s weakness which is associated
with anxiety, despair, tension anger, envy, concupiscence and this features cause stress
and excitation of varying degrees in the brain of the clients and disrupt the mental and
physiological health. Sentiments and weakness of the clients has invited varieties of
sufferings including psychosomatic disorders and diseases. Which creates imbalance and
depression of mind and it results the lack of positive thinking and maintaining of balanced
mental status and spiritual developments. Because the clients always seek to the spiritual
healing the external or internal activity of the minds of the black magician can be always
directed against morality of the society. Which means that these type of activities is always
against the positive thinking of the people

Diseases of the clients are manifestations of instability and deformation on the

psychological disorders. The crisis of faith, feeling of insecurity and increasing bitterness
among people has compelled the people to find a shelter by doing black magical practices

in present circumstances. Selfishness and egotist tendencies actually lead to acquire
more and more pleasure and power without caring for moral values ;an unfair means. In a
similar manner, the ‘attracting power’ of supernatural and related activities of the peoples
attracts specific imaginary thoughts which are not compatible with its nature. The tendency
to fulfill the internal power of consciousness which naturally exists in the human mind is
always absorbing the spiritual power attracted from the cosmic domains. Desires and
ambitions derive from the inner domains of mind and the process of these power
destructing the harmonious flow and natural use of the positive power.

The psychosomatic activities of the black magician aiming to different achievements

elucidate the fear of tendency in one way or other. Esoteric practices of the black magician,
based on some blind assumption. Especially the case of followers of blind faith diminishes
the criminal mentality in one way and reduces the sentiments and emotions on other way.
The sudden variation in the minds of temperaments of the believers often vibrates the
deeper layers of their mental consciousness and disturbs the harmony of the moral
consciousness. Emotionally the black magicians is always highly sensitive and to do over
emotionally weaker ones. Emotionally the black magicians perform his exploitation
efficiently and live a happy and peaceful life because of his excellent control over his clients
and their emotions, when sensitive system of the clients would get shaken or disturbed.
The Unprecedented challenges, unexpected loss etc affect mentally unstable people so
these types of people never go back to these types of crude activities. Believing of crude art
and it success may eventually convert him into a cruel man, an audacious, acrimonious
giant, a living ghost. The negative thinking people is being too continuously runs behind
materialistic means and wanders through blind activities, because of the hope of acquiring
more and more happiness.

The mode of rationality focuses on understanding the principles and spiritual forces that lie
behind the mental consciousness. The point of black arts by magicians and sorceress in
Kerala is to show the illusory quality of magical reality in order to draw attention to the

universal, timeless, and cosmic. However these practices are came in the zone of peoples
inferiority depends upon one’s point of view.

Some people view magic and religion are alternative stages in the evolutionary
development of mankind. This notion, however, was a based on his erroneous assumption.
It is true that primitive people, believed in magic but not in religion. So this magical
phenomena form a closed logical system, each part of which shows crude arts the other
and provides a rational system of causation. as a normal part of nature and society.
“Sigmund Freud’s influential view of magic as the earliest phase in the development of
religious thought (Totem and Taboo, 1918)”268. The anthropological and sociological
approaches focused on magic as a social phenomenon, and an institutions process.
Sensitive treatments should be given to magical practices in all societies. . In Kerala magic
the principles are related to conceptual systems of their own which are still not very well
understood by Westerners. So the western people wrote magical practices which exist in
Kerala without deeper understanding. Some insight into the actual practices of magic, of
Kerala can be gained without intimate knowledge and its conceptual systems. Although
special attempts to some concepts, entities is necessary.

In Modern Kerala all are busy. If any problem comes, at first people approach an
astrologer, or magician. The magicians and astrologers help them in accordance with
their economic stability. These people need psychic treatment. Black magic is more
powerful in film fields against directors and their new ventures. Here the magician
justifies himself that:-

Magic, The power of mind,


Here the black magician always justified their activities. They seem their practices are
good and creative. In their view practices of black magic is not crude. Which is mainly
depend upon one's belief, and a magician never responsible for its consequence. The
benefits of black magician are as follows.

One important thing to understand the magician, he uses whatever his works against the
morality and turn it round to favour his wishes against morality and the best result is to
satisfy his strong desire.

A black magician possesses a centre place of power in a society.

He stands equal to God.

The practice of magic is a way of earning.

He achieves popularity. The new method of black magic is based on the needs of
the believers, whatever it may be.
He could get the support of some people.

He never needs a capital investment for the business.

. In his opinion, God never keeps the word but magician shows his results with evidence.

He believes, his mediator (murthy) will always keep him from the evil consequences.
He is never searching for a job, because the client always approaches him.

. The practice gave him mental self-satisfaction, occult energy, mental training,
concentration and satisfaction in all level.
. Black magician believes that magic encompass many things, science,
philosophy, Metaphysics psychology and comparative religion.

Use of magic helps him to raise consciousness .

The primary practices help him to maintain excellent health.

It maintains psychic and spiritual healing.

The probability of healing the mental situation of the clients with various methods is
Unlimited incomes through magic and. exert influence over people and phenomena.

Terrorize the weak minded human.

The black magician dedicated his life to serve his clients which gave him

He gets the power of influence in all level.

It is an easier way of acquire everything.

He gets popularity.

It is a crude method of science .

He is always safe in the hands of his believers.

He makes the ugly and scary situations favourable to his clients.

Inherently the client believes that moral can serve as a means of condition, but the
assistance of magic can serve as good than approachable to god.

The client believes that the service of god is invisible but the service of the magician is visible.

A magical attack happen whenever one person’s will, or aura, inclined by the powers either
deliberately or unconsciously.

A black magician argues he emits the negative energy to the body’ of another person.

The magician argues the proper solution given by him, but exactly the same principles that
are at work in the simpler level of magic still apply.

He has trained himself to be a “hypnotic personality”, a “magnetic personality”.

By developing his own energetic force and concentrated will, the magician is now in a much
stronger position than the ordinary person to affect the aura of others.

The magician also argues that he may affect the aura of another person for good or bad ill,
just by concentrating on them. This seems to be the basis of practices such as ‘blessing’
and ‘cursing’.

He may even use ‘astral travelling’ abilities to carry out magical attacks at a distance.

The black magician claims that the aim of the magician is now to come into contact with
powerful energies of various kinds in the universe. The kinds of energies contacted,

The black magician says it not pure imagination, the force associated with it is both real and

He says the success of magical practices includes as fortune puts it.

The adept, client or believer focuses an emotionally charged believes on magician, perhaps
aided by ritual, ceremony, prayer, chant, mantra, spell, etc., and thereby seeks to evoke
through will the presence of the magical force which the thought-form represents.

Always the magician claim to act as in some ways superior to the mystic:-


A client is a well wisher of black magic. A client sees it as more helpful than any other
activities. He says that there is no other way to get satisfaction by fulfilling needs by
doing black magic.

A client sees the position of a magician, higher than God.

Ready to give anything and everything to the magician

The believers find a shelter under a black magician.

The clients believe that with magic life runs smoothly.

It helps to improve personality through mental satisfaction, and develop new motivation.
Doing these practices, one can help to control violence.
Doing these practices it create a powerful potentiality of all one possess.
Side effects are no problem for the clients.
Doing these practices the clients enjoys safety and a feeling of protection.
He can maintain his mental balance.
Always the client is like to justifying the activities of magician.
Activities cause to peace and happy.
Satisfying when psychological needs achieved.

He has no unsolved problems.
Use as a weapon against enemies.
People think of when they are getting traumatic experience and everything will solve the
When people getting the major disaster or destruction they recognizes the peace and
support from a magician.
Eventually the people realize that a magician is better than god.

When we analyses the magic and its process in the society we can understand that magic
is an instituted process from early stages onwards. There is no stumbling block in the black
magical growth in between ancient and modern times. The magician seeks a way of
livelihood by exploitation without a physical strength. Not only Kerala But in all worlds,
magical institution increased in wider level. From ancient times by priestly hood, magic was
practiced in institutions. The religion like Buddhism, Jainism and so on conducted classes on
black magic. Likewise in recent times black magical classes, studying materials and lessons
available in internet. The way of doing practical methods, ceremonies and needs of the clients
changed, now it is practicing only in the eyes of mere exploitation. But the interesting thing
is that the number of believers not decreased.

When we see the history of black magic, we can understand that the black magic was
indirectly approved by the society. These approval traces a strong stand point in the minds
of some people in our society. This notion develops strength as well as social belief which
included in it. In earlier times, even some kings were supported black magic. It has some
changeless basic characteristic features. The basic notion of black magic likes threatening,
fear and so on, that is not changing. It is a time accumulated process. These processes keep
new strategies. Its growth and its changing attitudes towards the clients, its existence and
processes within the individual, all these factors, a time accumulated being process done in
society. So the black magical beliefs and practices is an institutionalized process. Black
magic is indirectly institutionalized in the minds of the people.

Black magician is always stood as a man of healing and problem solver. He cures the
illness of clients with herbal medicines. He reduces tensions of the people. He helps to
maintain the peace and balance of the mind of him and his clients. He helps to solve the
psychological problems of the people through his activities. By doing this black art the
magician maintains a tactics of safe in the minds of the people. He acts as a protector,
implementer, problem solver, and path finder.

From ancient time the magician keeps a social status. The priestly enjoys status like a
social protector. With the support of a group of believers he enjoys his power. Nobody dare
to question him. All people viewed him with fear and sometime with honour. The
unquestioned support gave him more power. Black magician performs whatever he likes
without any ban. In accordance with the increasing believers in the society, he enjoys his
power which is given by his clients. Now politicians, businessmen, Government employers,
the persons who possess different careers and people in all level, gave him support and
help. These support and help lead him more and more ridiculous activities.

Now many agents supporting black magician, like astrologers and so on. The magician tells
us that it control the thoughts of one's mind. It is an application of psychic forces. It uses
mental training, concentration, and a system of symbols to program the mind. The purpose
of magic is to alter the self and the environment according to the will. Magic has helped the
clients to raise consciousness without drugs. It can gain new experience. According to the
magician, magic can help them to keep excellent health. As far as concerned the clients,
based on the black magical practices, their life runs without problems. It can develop new
motivation and satisfaction. Black magic is the application of psychic forces. It is the system
of symbolic programme to use the mind. Psychic phenomena can be fun and helpful. The
purpose of magic is to alter the self and one’s environment, according to the will. According
to Sailesh Kaandi madam, black magic has strong and powerful "never underestimate the
tremendous power of it”269.

Sailesh, Kaanadi Madam, Peringottukara, Thrissur.


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