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Tricks to Help Learn Multiplication Facts

Students are encouraged to hook into prior knowledge of addition facts to help them memorize multiplication
facts. This relationship is explained by telling the students that multiplication is repeated addition.

Multiplication Strategies

X 2 - DOUBLES - Students relate these to the doubles learned in addition. (Example: 7 X 2 = 14 is the same
and 7 + 7 = 14)
X 4 - DOUBLE THE DOUBLE - Students are asked to double the double to find the answer. (Example 7 X 4 =
28, Students think 7 X 2 = 14 and 14 + 14 = 28, so 7 X 4 = 28.
X 5 - CLOCK FIVES - When looking at the clock, students think of the 5 minute intervals represented by the
numerals. (Example 6 X 5 = 30. Students think, when the minute hand is on the 6 it is 30 minutes after the
X 3 - COUNT BY 3 - Students memorize counting by 3's and use this knowledge to memorize the facts.
(Example 7 X 3 = 21. Students count by 3's 7 times. 3,6,9,12,15,18,21)
X 9 - NINE HAND JIVE - Students hold both hands in front of them and number the fingers mentally 1 - 10
starting with the left pinky. They bend over the finger that corresponds with the number times nine. The
number of fingers to the left of the bent over finger is the number in the tens place of the answer. The
number of fingers to the right of the bent over finger is the number in the ones place. Example:

The 9 Times Quickie

1. Hold your hands in front of you with your fingers spread out.
2. For 9 X 3 bend your third finger down. (9 X 4 would be the fourth finger etc.)
3. You have 2 fingers in front of the bent finger and 7 after the bent finger
4. Thus the answer must be 27
5. This technique works for the 9 times tables up to 10.

The 4 Times Quickie

1. If you know how to double a number, this one is easy.

2. Simply, double a number and then double it again!

The 11 Times Rule #1

1. Take any number to 10 and multiply it by 11.

2. Multiply 11 by 3 to get 33, multiply 11 by 4 to get 44. Each number to 10 is just duplicated.

The 11 Times Rule #2

1. Use this strategy for two digit numbers only.
2. Multiply 11 by 18. Jot down 1 and 8 with a space between it. 1 --8.
3. Add the 8 and the 1 and put that number in the middle: 198

Deck 'Em! Use a deck of playing cards for a game of Multiplication War.

1. Initially, children may need the grid (below) to become quick at the answers.
2. Flip over the cards as though you are playing Snap.
3. The first one to say the fact based on the cards turned over (a four and a five = Say "20") gets the
4. The person to get all of the cards wins!
5. Children learn their facts much more quickly when playing this game on a regular basis.

*Remember, work on the 2's, 5's and 10's first then the doubles (6x6,7x7, 8x8) then move to
each of the fact families: 3's, 4,s, 6's,7's, 8's and 9's, 11's and 12's. DO NOT move to a
different fact family without first mastering the previous one.

*There are many websites to help students learn math facts. Here are a few that we use in
class. For more sites along with practice worksheets, “google” multiplication facts on the
web. Also, review the list of websites sent home on Orientation Night as well as the day
after Orientation Night for those unable to attend. These sites are good for other math
concepts as well.

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